Erratum to: Annals of Biomedical Engineering DOI: 10.1007/s10439-007-9339-1

Due to a typesetting error, Eq. (6) was displayed incorrectly. It should read:

$$ \hat{Z}_{{\rm L}} {( \omega )} = R + j\omega I + {\left( \int\limits_{H_{{\rm min}}}^{H_{{\rm max}}} {\frac{P(H)\omega ^{\alpha}} {(\eta - j)H}}dH\right)}^{-1} $$

The model fits to the data using Topology C were obtained using the above equation, and none of the results or discussion presented in the article are changed.

In addition, the line descriptors for the graphs in Fig. 4 were mislabeled. The correct legend for Fig. 4 should read:

Simulations of lung resistance (R L), reactance (X L), and elastance (E L) spectra from 0.07 to 8.9 Hz for canine morphometric model under healthy, emphysematous, moderately injured, and severely injured conditions. Data are shown for hyperbolic (solid lines), uniform (dotted lines), and linear (dashed lines) tissue distribution functions.