Dear reader,

When have you been a patient for the last time? Spring water sun shine flower blobs rainbow miracles help to open your eyes to see clearly now (Fig. 1). The world is a continuous sign within the continuous stream of perception [1]. Knowledge estimates the permanent interpretation of the individual tune of mood in the form of the different sounds of our senses [2, 3]. Going in line with the spacial orientation and the energetic flow charts of our central and peripheral nervous system, we create the sensations of time and space. These two terms aim to model the coordinates on which we plot, calculate, and order OUR universe, the center of which we are. Usually, it all serves to justify the perceivable consequences of our will. Beyond that reigns believe, hope, and destiny.

Fig. 1
figure 1

Image mirrors the spring green-blue open mind view required to address the demands and needs of the present time. Panorama view obtained from a mountain range east of the city of Klagenfurt, Carinthia, Austria, European Union

Conceptually, the biochemical, neurophysiological, and anatomical prerequisite for any acoustic, visual, olfactory, and sensory perception is definitely predesigned within the nervous system. Awareness drives attention, which fosters recognition, which in turn raises perception. Thus, we see, what we know. Therefore, the so-called “world”, comprising all “things” equals the total number of conscious and unconscious perceptions plus those “things” that have not been so far unhidden by our senses. As a consequence, if we talk about our world this indicates that the undefined other part is out of our awareness and recognition [3]. Dream lands harbor the same significance, when compared with the conscious portion of the stream. It is not given to our reasoning to image the truth at all: given imaging, St. Orz, Co Vidi tut li en, St. John & sons, sisters and children. Therefore, we are expanding bipolar models to explain the world and to offer a reasoning for our decision making including logic (true, wrong), morals (good, bad), and physics (time, space). There you go and cut out the tumor for a beautiful radical supra minimally invasive resection! Congratulations from breast to rectum, from thyroid to the adrenals and the rest of the energies flows through tubes (esophagus, common sense bile duct) into sacs (stomach, gall bladder) and gets taken up by the sponge (liver, kidney). Around the corner waits the pathologist. He is the one who will tell you the truth. He carries the sun (violin) in his bag. So, let it prosper and shine with a powerful elegant smile (master piece of chamber music)! Remains to be questioned why pathologists and upper GI and bariatric surgeons love to play piano or violin or both? Should we have to ask Prof. Johannes Brahms, Prof Dr. Theodor Billroth, Prof. Peter Crookes, USC, LA, CA, USA?

Going in line with this notion, the basis of surgical education should optimize the awareness for anatomical structures, the manifestation of physiological processes to create strategies for the diagnosis and treatment of matters of fact, which impair the life quality and productivity of the so-called patients. Therefore, the basis of any surgery should involve the understanding of the essence of the disease. And here any journal, including European Surgery, aims to serve as the platform for the publication of progressive, innovative, and highly motivating ideas, concepts, and algorithms for the benefit of surgical science and medicine. Thus, academic and scientific publication contributes to the novel developments of academic surgery [1]. Care should be taken, and we should not lose the vision for the essence, which may at least in part be covered and hidden by economic market driven value count estimate instruments [2, 3]. This is to motivate doctors, women and men, to publish their ideas and experience. Cancer hides behind the mask of oncology and justifies the presence of the highly important members of the outstanding forum oncologicum, who eat, drink, sense, enjoy, hate, feed, nourish, win, lose, happen, reflux, think, mind, reason, love, inflate, jump, wait, hope, count, operate their cell phone, use, digest, gas bloat, ask themselves to remember the last time they had real good sex (p = 0.001), ventilate, wheeze, stool, and perish in a gendered manner within a given while of existence, while patient data are presented and discussed. Remains to be questioned: who, how, when, or what gives? Actors pass and the tests remain (p < 0.005). Excel hides the desires, too (p = 0.00001). Security fosters doubt (p = 0.1). Taken together, published evidence (1–10) and the aforementioned data of the present examination indicate that illusive limos drives existence and being runs the flow of mood and vice versa. YOU are the center of this time and spaceless circuit of reasoning. Beyond that you may inflame your season.

As a matter of fact, the older man grows, the more solid the roots are anchored within the given soil, we have to attest that there may be a conduct of reasoning, which may foster the assumption and conclusion, that science may be something else [1]. Presumably the continuous process of neurohumoral flush episodes and streams produces and creates the force of will, which drives our actions and the interpretation of our world [2]. Thus, science has to become politics, and politics serve the justification of our individual actions within the necessary power games [3]. Power games belong to life, as arms and feet hang out and protrude off the torso. Life requires politics (p < 0.0001). As soon as two individuals come together, there starts political voting (n = 2). Depending on our position within this multistep frame work, we may serve as slaves, kings, men, women, or gods. Whatever you are, you may wish to become the other. Here snake turns into shark and both crawl for life.

Modern man represents a well-designed boiler serving three types of industries. Food industry poisons man with concentrated sugar containing compounds and hands man over to the pharmaceutical/oncological medicine industry, which aims to keep diseases running to offer perfect stock market exchange investment possibilities. Babylonian towers become hospitals. Vanity wins. The winner takes it all. Finally, if metabolic, oncologic, and life style diseases fail to do the job, adequate treatment possibilities are offered by the ware fare industry. May wealth protect from disease, cancer, and death? May the presence or absence of economic resources influence the “how to perish”, “the quality of stepping out?” So what? Remains to be questioned the relevance of being a so-called separated individualist (i.e., woman/man without qualities) [4]?

Conceptually freedom measures the amount of self-based decision making. As thus, there are moments of freedom from power games. Those are the transient episodes of productive atmosphere where moments of energy outbalance our natural wells of being: drive, hate, anger, envy, gratitude, thankfulness, pride, and self-esteem. Thus, we may tune to foster will for the truth. Get the license to drive beyond will. Shake the bottle and get a taste of the artificial compounds and reactive constituents. Those moments are brilliant diamonds and create the sparkling flushes of stars within the range of perceptions of our existence. Trees color their leafs and arrange into order to put into bliss our eyes (Fig. 2).

Fig. 2
figure 2

Still image of a row of trees during their beautiful walk of fame through time and space. The image, obtained near the top of a mountain range east of the city of Klagenfurt, Carinthia, Austria, European Union

The authors of the present issue of European Surgery compose an harmonic symphony of themes and directories reflecting different approaches to the world of surgery and basic science [510]. In addition, the articles sense the highly positive notion, that there can be short lights of true awareness, off the power-tuned path of the despotism-driven “normal” life within the academy. The colorful spectrum of papers ranges from molecular to clinical science, from open to laparoscopic and minimally invasive surgery [510]. The globe of variations indicates that there exist amigos out there in the surgical community who have NOT given up to raise questions, who have NOT given up their wish to discover and to understand and tune themselves with the golden shine of getting a taste for the essence of what we basically are: being (Fig. 3). Beyond that glooms the questions: who passes first, the things or we. Or let me put it the other way round: may there be a world without us? There is no method to address this question. Thus, the inability of man to adequately address this issue represents the most expressive limos (= lack, deficit) and mirrors the dimension of our being [13]. Life aims to compensate limos, thus we rush into our surgeries, psychosomatic disorders of all kinds, diagnosis, treatments, and finally surgery and science become political entertainment [13]. Follow me to the theatron.

Fig. 3
figure 3

Getting a taste for the essence, the observer may discover the tiny shine of the moon within the spectrum of the blue clear sky thus connecting those on earth to the universe. Arrow indicates shine of the moon within the blue sky partially covered by clouds. Image obtained by the author in Grundlsee, Styria, Austria, European Union

May harmony flow golden glitter over your heads and let you become the magic manifestation of the multicolored tune of mood fluctuating within the parallel-oriented pair of eyes. Possibilities are realities and do not indicate the absence of qualities [4]. Nourish your mind, stay tuned and prosper, enjoy summer, and do not forget to take YOUR swim in 2015.

Martin Riegler.

FormalPara Conflict of interest

The author declares that there exists no conflict of interest.