Correction: Journal of Pest Science (2023) 96:105–117

Following publication of the original article, the authors identified an error in Fig. 2. The correct version of Fig. 2 is provided in this correction.

Fig. 2
figure 2

Walking time (mean + SE) of female Trichogramma achaeae in the odor chambers of a four-chamber olfactometer during 5 min. after different conditioning. One chamber contained a tomato leaflet infested with Tuta absoluta eggs, and the opposite control chamber a factitious leaflet made from green paper. a Naive = control (n = 18); EL = Emergence learning, (n = 20). b Naive = control (n = 20); ALT = Associative learning on tomato leaflet (n = 28); ALT choice = Associative learning on tomato leaflet (n = 20). Instead of a factitious paper leaflet, an uninfested tomato leaflet was placed in the control chamber of the olfactometer. c Naive = control (n = 20); ALT 24 h = Associative learning on tomato leaflet happened 24 h before the experiment (n = 20). ns. not significant; *P < 0.05; **P < 0.01 (Wilcoxon signed-rank test)

The original article has been corrected.