Correction to: J Solid State Electrochem

The Authors regret that, in the published version, Figure 2 was substituted by Figure 1.

The correct Figure 2 is reported below:

Fig. 2
figure 1

Discharge/charge profiles of the air electrodes (under 0.1 mA cm-2 current densities and continuously fed by a 3 ml min-1 O2 flow) with CSW and Nafion against α-MnO2 and Nafion (a), CSW and PVDF against α-MnO2 and PVDF (b), XRD patterns of MnO2 Nafion and MnO2 PVDF discharged cathodes (0.1 mA cm-2) (c) and of same electrodes after recharge (0.1 mA cm-2), compared to pristine electrodes (d), FESEM images of discharged α-MnO2 Nafion cathodes surface (e) and α-MnO2 PVDF cathodes surface (f).

Moreover, if possible, the Authors would like the following acknowledgement added:

The Authors wish to thank Dr. Freddy Celis for Raman analysis.

This work was supported by Conicyt-PCHA; Doctorado Nacional, 2014, Dicyt_USACH 051831EM_DAS, Fondecyt 1131019 and 1160324 projects (Prof María Jesús Aguirre), as well as ENEA PAR 2017 (Prof. Silvia Bodoardo).

The authors apologize for any caused inconvenience.