Erratum to: J Biol Inorg Chem (2010)15:533–545 DOI 10.1007/s00775-010-0621-6

Unfortunately an erroneous version of Fig. 7 had been used in the original publication. The correct version of the figure is given below:

Fig. 7
figure 1

Summary of fits and simulations for model III (all mixed species inactive). a Sample progress curves: circles data points for 10 mM Mg(II), line prediction of experimental curve using parameters determined from the fit. Squares data points for 5 mM Mg(II)/250 ≡ M Ca(II), dash prediction of experimental curve using parameters determined from the fit. Triangles data points for 5 mM Mg(II)/1 mM Ca(II), dots prediction of experimental curve using parameters determined from the fit. b–d Comparison of experimental (closed squares) and predicted kobs (open circles) for the indicated conditions