1 Introduction

Among all agreement problems, Consensus [1] stands out as a fundamental paradigm in distributed computing. In this problem,each process proposes a value and, eventually, only one value must be decided upon. Solving Consensus gets more complicated as the power of the adversary increases: processes in the system that may fail, number of messages that may be lost in transmission, lack of synchrony among the processes in the distributed system, etc.

In the influential seminal paper [2], it was shown that, in a totally asynchronous system, even when messages are never lost, it is not possible to solve Consensus in a deterministic way if one process may fail by crashing forever. This scenario where processes can crash but cannot recover later is known as the crash-stop failure model. From this impossibility result, several lines of research have emerged to solve Consensus in asynchronous distributed systems, isolating these additional requirements. One of these lines proposes to enrich the asynchronous system with a failure detector [1]. A failure detector can be seen as a distributed object that gives the processes some information about the crashes of processes, isolating time requirements. Thus, an asynchronous (oblivious to time requirements) algorithm, augmented with a failure detector, can be used to solve deterministic Consensus. This concept of failure detectors in the crash-stop failure model has attracted so much attention because it provides an independent abstraction where time requirements are hidden. Then, when we want to design an implementation, we can have two totally independent algorithms, one for Consensus in a fully asynchronous system and another for failure detection in a not completely asynchronous system. The consensus algorithm will be simpler to design and easier to maintain because it can use the failure detector based on its properties, without any dependence on the failure detector’s algorithm and timing. Similarly, the failure detector’s algorithm will be designed independently of the consensus algorithm, focusing on the synchronization requirements.

Since the publication of the seminal paper [1], many classes of failure detectors [3], providing many different types ofinformation about faults, have appeared not only to solve Consensus but many other agreement problems [4, 5]. Then, an important point is to choose the most appropriate failure detector. It is known that \(\varOmega \) [6] provides the minimum information which is necessary and sufficient to solve Consensus in the crash-stop failure model when \(f < n/2\), being f the maximum number of faulty processes and n the total number of processes in the system. \(\varOmega \) states that, eventually, a non-crashed process will be the leader.

Trying to represent more realistic distributed systems, the crash-recovery failure model was introduced to solve Consensus with failure detectors [7, 8]. In this new model, crashes are not always permanent. Hence, a process \(p_i\) crashed at a time t may recover at time \(t'>t\) and keep working. If \(p_i\) recovers after \(t'\), all messages sent in the time interval \([t,t']\) will not be received by \(p_i\) because its buffers will not be available in that interval. Besides, all values stored in \(p_i\)’s regular variables before \(t'\) will also be lost because volatile memory is used. The only way to avoid data loss when a process crashes is to keep essential information in stable memory. That way, the process will be able to reload it upon recovery. However, access to stable memory, like Hard Disks or even Solid State Drives, is much slower than access to variables in Main Memory. Hence, it is important to correctly identify which variables are critical and should be stored in stable memory, and which ones are not.

With the same objective of expanding the distributed systems to study, the omission failure model was introduced by Perry and Toueg [9]. A process \(p_i\) makes an omission failure if it deviates from its algorithm and avoids executing a communication (send or receive) operation. For example, a process prevents the spreading of a message m if it skips all send operations for m. Similarly, a process avoids being informed of a message m sent by another process if it omits the receive operation for m. From a practical point of view, the omission failure model describes errors in the communication buffers of the processes (e.g., overflow of a buffer, or bit errors in a packet placed in the transmission buffer).

It has been shown that solving Consensus in a system with omission and crash-stop failures allows solving practical security problems such as fair exchange and secure multiparty computation in a hybrid system model with security modules [10, 11]. These arise, for example, in e-commerce transactions and distributed voting.

In classic distributed systems, each process has an identifier which must be unique. Therefore, the sender and the receiver of every message can be identified, so the sender knows who receives the message, and the receiver knows who sends it. This technique is widely used in the literature and simplifies the resulting algorithms to implement Consensus.

In an attempt to hide the identity of the processes and preserve privacy, niknames or temporal identifiers may be used within classic algorithms [12,13,14]. However, the behavior of each process may be inferred as well as the relationship between processes, even if it is not possible to know their real identities.

Conversely, in anonymous systems, processes do not have identifiers and it is not possible to know which communication link was used to transmit a message [15], so classic algorithms cannot be used in this context. Whithout identifiers, attacks such as impersonation or forging are directly prevented and the behavior of each proccess is impossible to track.

Another important reason to use anonymous systems is to be able to work with networks where the processes have small storage memory, a huge membership, or computational restrictions. In these scenarios, it is not possible to manage identifiers [16,17,18,19].

It has also been shown that solving Consensus in a system with omission and crash-stop failures allows solving practical security problems such as fair exchange and secure multiparty computation in a hybrid system model with security modules [10, 11]. These arise, for example, in e-commerce transactions and distributed voting. For example, in the case of e-commerce, if transactions have to be private, avoiding the need for identifiers to reach Consensus might allow for total privacy.

It is noteworthy that all the algorithms that work in anonymous systems under a certain failure model also work in their counterpart version of classic systems, but not the other way round.

1.1 Related work

As previously mentioned, \(\varOmega \) is an interesting failure detector to use in in classic distributed systems because it has the minimum requirements to solve Consensus in asynchronous systems under the crash-stop failure model. Bonnet and Raynal introduced \(A\varOmega \) as its counterpart version for anonymous systems [20]. \(A\varOmega \) states that, eventually, one and only one non-crashed process will be the leader. The main drawback of \(A\varOmega \) is that it is not implementable because it is not always possible to break the symmetry regarding the ownership of the messages received by the processes in an anonymous system [20, 21]. The \(A\varOmega '\) failure detector [22] was proposed as an implementable version of \(A\varOmega \) [21]. \(A\varOmega '\) differs from \(A\varOmega \) in that the number of leaders in the system is not restricted to only one, when the symmetry cannot be broken.

A lot of work has been published about Consensus and failure detectors in classic asynchronous systems under the crash-stop failure model [3,4,5, 23, 24]. Several works have also been published on their counterparts in anonymous systems under the crash-stop failure model [20,21,22, 25, 26] with reliable communication links, where errors or losses in the transmission of messages cannot occur.

In the case of classic asynchronous systems under the omission and crash-stop failure model, a few works are present in the literature to solve Consensus with failure detectors [27,28,29]. In all of them, the rotating coordinator paradigm is used to implement Consensus. Therefore, the existence of process identifiers known to all processes is essential in all these algorithms. Regarding failure detectors, the algorithms developed in these three works are also implemented based on the initial knowledge of all the process identifiers (i.e., the membership must be known). The need to know the identity of the processes in all these solutions makes it impossible to apply them to an anonymous environment. As far as we know, no previous works have been published which solve Consensus in anonymous systems under the omission failure model.

There are several works that study Consensus and failure detectors in classic distributed systems under the crash-recovery failure model [7, 8, 30, 31]. In the crash-stop failure model, it is clear that a correct process is one that never crashes, and a process is incorrect if it eventually crashes. However, in the case of the crash-recovery failure model, these concepts have to be redefined [7]. A process that crashes any number of times, but ultimately remains permanently up, is considered correct because it can eventually collaborate to solve Consensus. Otherwise, it is considered incorrect. Regarding communication links, previous works that consider the crash-recovery failure model use stubborn links [32], which are a generalization of reliable links when processes can recover. These links guarantee that messages sent between two correct processes will eventually be received if the sender and the receiver remain up during transmission.

Several Consensus algorithms have been presented with \(f < n/2\) (i.e., with a majority of correct processes) and using stable variables [7, 8, 30, 31]. These algorithms cannot be applied to anonymous systems because they use the rotating coordinator paradigm. Freiling et al. [30] adapt solutions that work under the crash-stop failure model to crash-recovery. In the case of the failure detectors, all papers use different classes of failure detectors but all of them must fulfill the strong completeness property: there is a time after which every incorrect process is permanently suspected by every correct process. It has been shown by Jiménez et al. [33] that these classes of failure detectors are not implementable when the membership is unknown. Hence, they are invalidated as possible candidates for use in anonymous systems. To our knowledge, there is no previous work that addresses how to solve Consensus in anonymous systems under the crash-recovery failure model. It is also worth mentioning the proposals which present several algorithms to implement \(\varOmega \) under the crash-recovery failure model [34,35,36]. Although some of these solutions do not need to know the membership of the system, they still need identifiers. Trying to adapt them to anonymous systems implies implementing its counterpart \(A\varOmega \). However, \(A\varOmega \) is not implementable in anonymous systems even under the crash-stop failure model [20].

In the case of classic asynchronous systems under omission and crash-recovery failure models, to our knowledge, only the paper of Fernández-Campusano et al. [37] tackles Consensus using failure detectors. The authors adapt the Consensus and failure detector algorithms of Cortiñas et al. [27] to crash-recovery. As previously mentioned, this solution is not applicable to anonymous systems where there are no identifiers. The same happens to the algorithms of Fernández-Campusano et al. [38, 39], where the authors implement a version of \(\varOmega \) adapted to omission and crash-recovery.

1.2 Our contributions

The \(A\varOmega '\) failure detector has been prevoiusly defined and implemented in anonymous systems under the crash-stop failure model [21, 22]. However, to our knowledge, this work is the first which extends the definition and includes an implementation of \(A\varOmega '\) in the more general and practical model of omission with crash-recovery failures. The \(A\varOmega '\) algorithm proposed in this paper is very effective in reducing the latency introduced by the use of stable variables: it just needs one integer stable variable that is accessed as little as possible: it is only read and written once when a process starts or recovers from a crash. This variable is a simple counter of the number of times the process has crashed. This algorithm is also communication-efficient, because only leaders eventually spread messages [40].

We also present an algorithm to solve Consensus in anonymous asynchronous systems with \(f < n/2\) under the omission and crash-recovery failure models using an \(A\varOmega '\) failure detector. To our knowledge, this is the first such algorithm. Note that the combination of omissions and crash-recovery allows a much more realistic modeling of systems than crash-stop or systems without communication omissions. Trying to reduce the latency of the Consensus algorithm, we follow the approach of Hurfin et al. [8] and Aguilera et al. [7] in the sense of keeping only critical values in stable storage, instead of the entire state of processes as in the paper of Oliveira et al. [31]. Nevertheless, our Consensus algorithm is not as efficient as these works at storing and accessing stable variables. The algorithm proposed by Aguilera et al. [7] writes to stable storage twice per round, and this number of write operations is reduced by Hurfin et al. [8] to just one per round. In fact, we need an indeterminate number (at least three) of this type of write operations per round. Regarding the content of these variables, they only store the critical values of the last message sent, while we also need to store data from previous messages. Note that, in our case, we have to face an important adversary, such as the lack of process identifiers, which adds uncertainty about what has already been sent/received to/from a certain process, in case of recovery. We believe it is a reasonable price to pay for anonymity in crash-recovery. However, reducing the amount of stable memory required is an open line for future research.

Another important parameter to measure latency in a Consensus algorithm is the number of communication stepsFootnote 1 it requires to achieve consensus. As is common in the literature, to compare different consensus algorithms, we focus on executions where no failures occur. For this kind of runs, the solutions of Hurfin et al. [8] and Oliveira et al. [31] need one round formed by two communication steps, while that of Aguilera et al. [7] needs three communication steps, which is also the case of our algorithm. In this kind of runs, our algorithm needs to send \(O(n^3)\) messages of size O(1). These results are worse than those of most previous works for classic systems [8, 30, 31] which only need \(O(n^2)\) messages, and also worse than that of Aguilera et al. [7], which needs O(n) messages. This result is achieved because processes know the coordinator’s identifier, and they can respond directly to it, rather than broadcast messages to all processes, which is the only possibility with anonymity.

1.3 Structure of the rest of the paper

This paper is organized as follows. We present, in Sect. 2, the model of the anonymous distributed system with omission and crash-recovery failures (denoted S). In Sect. 3 we introduce the definition of the \( A\varOmega ' \) failure detector, and Algorithm \({\mathcal {A}}_{A\varOmega '}\) to show that \( A\varOmega ' \) is implementable in system S with partial synchrony (denoted PS). Then, we formally prove that \({\mathcal {A}}_{A\varOmega '}\) fulfills the properties of \( A\varOmega ' \) in system PS. Sect. 4 is devoted to Consensus. We define the problem, propose Algorithm \({\mathcal {A}}_{C}\) to solve Consensus in system S with full asynchrony (denoted AS) and with the failure detector \( A\varOmega ' \). As in the previous section, we also formally prove that \({\mathcal {A}}_{C}\) fulfills the properties of Consensus in system AS augmented with \(A\varOmega '\). We finish this section with a brief discussion about the performace of Algorithm \({\mathcal {A}}_{C}\) in system AS with \(A\varOmega '\). Finally, in Sect. 5, we present the conclusions and future work.

2 The anonymous system S with omissions and crash-recovery

System S is composed of a set of n processes \(\varPi =\{p_1, p_2,...,p_n\}\) that communicate among them using message passing through a network of fully interconnected bidirectional links. This size n of \(\varPi \) is known to all processes. A process \(p_i\) invokes the primitive \( broadcast _i(m)\) to send a message m through all its available links. The processes of \(\varPi \) are indistinguishable because they have no identity and they execute the same algorithm. We say, in this sense, that the system S is anonymous [20, 41, 42]. Nevertheless, for the sake of notation simplicity, we use the subscript i to identify the process \(p_i\), but this process does not know its own index nor that of the other processes in \(\varPi \). We assume that there is a discrete global clock in the system. However, this clock is not available to the processes in \(\varPi \). Since the clock is discrete, we use natural numbers to represent instants of time. In System S, two types of failures are considered:

  • Omission [9] A process makes a failure by omission if it does not execute a communication operation. From a practical point of view, this type of failures models errors in the communication with the operating system through I/O buffers. For example, a new message could be written to the output buffer before the transmission of the previous one was completed, preventing the transmission of a message. Another example may be the case that the buffer does not have enough capacity to store the received message, which generates an omission in reception.

  • Crash-Recovery [7] A process \(p_i\) fails by crashing if it stops taking steps. Nevertheless, a crashed process can recover and restart its execution. A process is down while it is crashed, or up otherwise. Regarding these up/down states, a process \(p_i \in \varPi \) belongs to one of these three classes:

    • Eventually-up if it crashes and recovers a finite number of times, but, at last, remains up forever. Note that the number of crashes might be zero.

    • Eventually-down if it crashes and recovers a finite number of times but, at last, remains crashed forever. Note that it might not recover after the first crash.

    • Unstable if it crashes and recovers an infinite number of times.

    In S, when a process recovers, it loses all values stored in its regular variables before crashing, because they are kept in volatile memory. Similarly, after recovering, it also loses all previously received messages in its input buffer. To be able to restore the value of a variable after crashing, it must be kept in stable memory, the so-called stable variables. Thus, the content of these variables will be available and unaltered when the process recovers. As proposed by Aguilera et al. [7], we consider that, when a process recovers, it knows it and starts executing from a predetermined line.

In system S, processes make finite omissions. Thus, there is a time after which no process makes omissions. Only eventually-up processes are considered correct. Other processes are considered incorrect. Hence, there is a time after which every correct process is permanently up and does not omit any more messages. We denote the set of correct processes by \( Correct \) and the set of incorrect ones by \( Incorrect \). The maximum number of incorrect processes f is a minority, i.e., \(f < n/2\) being n the number of processes in the system.

It is assumed in S that every process is connected to every other process by a reliable link [1, 20]. A link that connects process \(p_i\) to process \(p_j\) is reliable if every message sent by \(p_i\) is eventually received by \(p_j\) provided that both processes stay up during transmission, i.e., if \(p_i\) sends a message to \(p_j\) at time t, it will be received by \(p_j\) at some time \(t', t'>t\), provided that \(p_i\) and \(p_j\) stay up during time interval \([t,t']\). Losses, modifications or duplication of messages are not possible in this case. Note that all messages sent to processes when they are down will be lost. When a process \(p_i\) crashes while executing \(broadcast_i(m)\), nothing is guaranteed regarding the arrival of m to the processes connected to \(p_i\)’s reliable links. Thus, m could be received by an unpredictable subset of these processes. In the case that m is received by some process, it will be unaltered because links are reliable.

3 The failure detector \( A \varOmega '\)

A failure detector F is a distributed tool where each process obtains information about incorrect or correct processes whenever it invokes its local module of F. Nevertheless, the information returned by F can contain (temporal and/or permanent) mistakes [1]. We define and implement the failure detector \( A\varOmega ' \) in an anonymous partially synchronous system where omission failures eventually cease. Algorithm \({\mathcal {A}}_{A\varOmega '}\) (see Fig. 1) fulfills that only leader processes broadcast messages, so it is communication-efficient [40].

3.1 Definition of \( A \varOmega '\)

It has been shown by Jiménez et al. [21] that \(A\varOmega '\) is an implementable version of the \(\varOmega \) failure detector for anonymous systems where processes may crash permanently [20]. Following, we are going to adapt this definition to crash-recovery systems. \(A\varOmega '\) provides two functions which allow a process to ask whether it is a leader and, in this case, how many leaders there are in the system. Eventually, the number of leaders must be bigger than zero. Let us define \(A\varOmega '\) more formally. Each process \(p_i\) has the boolean function \( leader _i()\) and the integer function \( quantity _i()\). Let \({\mathcal {F}}_i^{t}()\) be the value of function \({\mathcal {F}}_i()\) at time t. Let \(L^t=\{p_i \in Correct : leader _i^{t}() = \mathrm {true}\}\). We consider that function \( leader _k^{t}()\) returns \(\mathrm {false}\) if process \(p_k\) is down at time t.

The \(A\varOmega '\) failure detector must preserve that there is a time \({\mathcal {T}}\) such that, for all process \(p_i \in \varPi \), for all time \(t>{\mathcal {T}}\) \( leader _i^{t}() = leader _i^{{\mathcal {T}}}()\), and for all process \(p_j \in L^{\mathcal {T}}\) \( quantity _j^{t}()=|L^{\mathcal {T}}|\ne 0\).

3.2 The anonymous partially synchronous system \( PS \)

Let \( PS \) be a system like \( S \) but augmented with the following features regarding links’ reliability, synchrony and maximum number of failures.

Links in \( PS \) are eventually timely. A link between processes \(p_i\) and \(p_j\) is eventually timely if there is an unknown time T after which every message sent through this link is delivered within \(\varDelta \) units of time for some unknown but finite value \(\varDelta \), provided that processes \(p_i\) and \(p_j\) remain up in the time interval \([t,t+\varDelta ]\). \(\varDelta \) is the maximum delivery delay of the messages after time T. Note that the reception of m is not guaranteed before T or when the sender or the receiver crash during transit time.

In \( PS \), processes are partially synchronous because we consider that there is a maximum and finite time to execute a step but it is unknown to all processes.

To solve Consensus with a failure detector as independent modules, we have to reduce the number of omission failures that processes can experience. Thus in \( PS \) we consider that the number of omissions of every process is finite but unknown. Conversely, while the maximum number of incorrect processes in system S was limited to \(f<n/2\), in \( PS \), we have been able to relax that limitation to \(f < n\).

3.3 The algorithmn \({\mathcal {A}}_{A\varOmega '}\)

An algorithm that implements the \(A\varOmega '\) failure detector is depicted in Fig. 1. This algorithm is structured in four parts: initialization (Lines 1–4) which is performed once when the process is started, recovery (Lines 34–39 ) which is executed when the process is restarted after a crash, access (Lines 30–33) which implements the functions provided by the failure detector, and the main task (Lines 5–29) which provides the access functions with the data they need.

Fig. 1
figure 1

The algorithm \({\mathcal {A}}_{A\varOmega '}\) in System \( PS \) where \(f < n\) (code for process \(p_i\))

In order to withstand crashes and recoveries of processes, Algorithm \({\mathcal {A}}_{A\varOmega '}\) relies on an integer global variable named \( STAGE _i\) kept in stable storage. We use capital letters to denote stable storage variables. Note that it is the only variable of this type needed in the algorithm. This variable \( STAGE _i\) counts the number of crashes the process \(p_i\) has suffered (see Line 35). In volatile memory it is copied into \( stage _i\). Additional variables are used to keep the leadership state of the process (\( ld _i\)) and the estimated number of leaders (\( rec _i\)). When a process starts, it becomes a leader (Line 2). However, when it recovers from a crash, it restarts as non-leader (Line 38).

The main task of the algorithm (Task 1) works in rounds. While leaders keep count of the rounds, non-leaders do not care about them. Each time it is restarted, it starts from round 0 (Line 5). Only leaders broadcast hearthbeat messages at Line 9, so this algorithm is communication efficient.

At each round, leaders broadcast one heartbeat message and wait to receive the heartbeats from the leaders. However, since a process does not know how many leaders there are, it waits for a limited period of time (variable \( timeout _i\)) before analyzing the messages received. If it has not received any message, or all the messages it has received from processes in its own stage correspond to previous rounds (Line 13), then it is not waiting for a sufficiently large period of time, so it increments its timeout (Line 14). If it has received a message from a process that has crashed less times than itself or, having crashed the same number of times, is at a later round, i.e. the other is faster (see Line 16), then this process stops being a leader (Line 17). This way, only the fastest processes among these which have crashed the minimum number of times will remain as leaders.

At each round, the number of leaders is estimated as the number of heartbeat messages received (Line 12). Note that the messages considered at Line 11 are those which have been received since the last time this line was executed, or from the moment this process was (re)started, if this line was not previously executed since the process was (re)started.

Non-leaders wait (at each round) for a period of time determined by variable \( timeout _i\) (Line 20). As in the case of the leaders, the messages considered at Line 21 are those received from the last time this line was executed or from the time the process (re)started. If no message is received in this lapse of time (Line 22), then the process assumes there is no other leader in the system and becomes a leader (Line 23). Additionally, it increments its timeout since it might not be waiting long enough (Line 24). In case all the received messages come from processes that have crashed more times than itself (Line 25), then it becomes a leader (Line 26), since the goal is for the leaders to be the lowest-stage processes.

To eventually prevent unstable processes from becoming leaders, the initial timeout of a process recovering from a crash is set to its stage (Line 37). This way, it is guaranteed that its timeout will grow indefinitely for unstable processes so, eventually, the condition of Line 22 will not hold anymore.

3.4 Correctness of \({\mathcal {A}}_{A\varOmega '}\) in \( PS \)

Since System \( PS \) has finite omissions, there is a time \(t_1\) after which there are no omissions in the system. Besides, there is a time \(t_2\) after which correct processes do not crash anymore. There is also a time \(t_3\) after which no more processes crash permanently. Finally, since links are eventually timely, there is a time \(t_4\) such that, after that time, every message sent between correct processes is delivered within \(t_d\) (unknown but finite) units of time. Let \(t_s=\max (t_1,t_2,t_3,t_4)\). Two direct properties of Algorithm \({\mathcal {A}}_{A\varOmega '}\) can be stated.

Property 1

After time \(t_s\), variables \( STAGE _i\) and, consequently, \( stage _i\) do not grow for any correct process \(p_i\).

Property 2

After time \(t_s\), variables \( STAGE _i\) and, consequently, \( stage _i\) grow indefinitely for every unstable process \(p_i\).

Lemma 1

Variable \( timeout _i\) of a correct leader \(p_i\) does not grow indefinitely.


Since links are eventually timely, after time \(t_s\), every message sent between correct processes is delivered within \(t_d\) units of time. A correct leader only increases \( timeout _i\) when every message considered in Line 11 has \( stage = stage _i\) and \(r<r_i\). However, after time \(t_s\), every message sent from \(p_i\) takes at most \(t_d\) units of time. Hence, once \( timeout _i>t_d\), for each subsequent round, the message sent (by \(p_i\) to itself) at Line 9 will be considered in Line 11. Hence, the condition of Line 13 will not hold anymore for process \(p_i\). Hence, \( timeout _i\) will not grow indefinitely for a correct leader. \(\square \)

Lemma 2

Variable \( timeout _i\) of an unstable process \(p_i\) grows indefinitely.


Note that \( STAGE _i\) grows indefinitely from Property 2. Since \( timeout _i\) is set to \( STAGE _i\) (Lines 36–37) each time a process recovers from a crash and, in Algorithm \({\mathcal {A}}_{A\varOmega '}\), \( timeout _i\) is never decreased, then \( timeout _i\) will grow indefinitely for all unstable process \(p_i\). \(\square \)

Lemma 3

Eventually, at least one correct process becomes a leader.


By the way of contradiction, let us assume that there is a time after which no correct process is a leader anymore. Then, every correct process will be executing Lines 19–28 in every iteration of the loop in Task 1. However, from Preperties 1 and 2, eventually, for all correct process \(p_i\), \( stage _i < stage _k\) for all unstable process \(p_k\). Hence, if there is an unstable leader, eventually, the condition of Line 25 will hold for process \(p_i\), and it will become a leader. If there is no leader sending messages, the condition of Line 22 will hold for process \(p_i\), and it will also become a leader, what contradicts the initial assumption and completes the proof. \(\square \)

Lemma 4

Eventually, no unstable process becomes a leader anymore.


Note that, when recovering from a crash, a process is not a leader (see Line 38). Thus, the only way for it to become a leader is that the condition of Line 22 or the condition of Line 25 holds. From Properties 1 and 2, eventually, for all unstable process \(p_u\) and correct process \(p_c\), \( stage _u > stage _c\). Hence, eventually, the condition of Line 25 will not hold anymore. Let us consider now the condition of Line 22. From Lemma 1, the timeout of a correct leader does not grow indefinitely. However, from Lemma 2, the timeout of an unstable process grows indefinitely. Besides, from Lemma 3, eventually, at least one correct process becomes a leader. Then, the time spent at Line 20 by an unstable process will be sufficient to receive some message from a correct leader. Thus, eventually, the condition of Line 22 will not hold anymore for an unstable process. Hence, there is a time after which no unstable process becomes a leader anymore. \(\square \)

Corollary 1

Eventually, every leader process is correct.

Lemma 5

There is a time after which all the leaders are at the minimum stage and maximum round.


Since, from Corollary 1, there is a time after which all leaders are correct, let us assume, by the way of contradiction, that there are two (correct) leaders at different stages after that time and they remain up as leaders and not omitting forever after. Then, they both must be executing Lines 7–19 at each iteration of the loop. Recall that, after time \(t_s\), all messages sent between correct processes are delivered within \(t_d\) units of time. Hence, both correct leaders will eventually receive the other’s messages. Therefore, the condition of Line 16 will hold for the one with the highest stage, and it will stop being a leader (Line 17), what contradicts the initial assumption. Hence, eventually, all leaders must be at the same (minimum) stage. Let us focus now on the round. Analogously to the case of the stages, if a process detects another leader in a higher round (within the same stage) at Line 16, it will stop being a leader. Hence, all (correct) leaders must eventually be at the minimum stage and maximum round. \(\square \)

Since, eventually, all leaders must be at the same stage and round, if their relative speeds are not the same, there will be a time where they will not be at the same round and the one at the smaller round will stop being a leader. Thus, eventually, there will be only one leader, or all the leaders will be permanently synchronized.

Lemma 6

There is a time after which, for all \(p_i \in \varPi \), every subsequent call to \( leader _i()\) returns the same value.


Note first that crashed processes never call \( leader _i()\). Besides, from Lemma 4, eventually, every unstable process is not a leader anymore, so there is a time after which every call to \( leader _i()\) for an unstable process returns \(\mathrm {false}\). Let us focus now on the case of correct processes. From Lemma 5, there is a time after which all the leaders are at the same (minimum) stage and maximum round, i.e., only the fastest (and synchronized) leaders eventually remain as leaders. Once they are the unique leaders in the system, they remain like that forever after since the condition of Line 16 will not hold anymore. Thus, eventually, every subsequent call to \( leader _i()\) will return \(\mathrm {true}\) for all those processes. Conversely, the processes which stopped being leaders because there were faster leaders will not become leaders anymore once they have a sufficiently large timeout since neither the condition of Line 22 nor that of Line 25 will be satisfied anymore. Thus every subsequent call to \( leader _i()\) will return \(\mathrm {false}\) for all these processes. \(\square \)

Lemma 7

There is a time after which, for any two processes \(p_i,p_j\in \varPi \), if \( leader _i()= leader _j()=\mathrm {true}\), then \( quantity _i()= quantity _j()\) for all subsequent calls.


From Lemma 5, there is a time after which all the leaders are at the same stage and round. As commented, there can be only one leader or various synchronized leaders. In either case, the leaders will be able to receive all the messages from their round since their timeout will be bigger than \(t_d\). Hence, for any pair of leaders \(p_i\), \(p_j\), there is a time after which every call to \( quantity _i()\) and \( quantity _j()\) return the same value. \(\square \)

Theorem 1

Algorithm \({\mathcal {A}}_{A\varOmega '}\) implements the \(A\varOmega '\) failure detector in System \( PS \) where \(f < n\).


Direct from Lemmas 6 and 7. \(\square \)

4 Consensus in the anonymous asynchronous system

We introduce in this section the algorithm \({\mathcal {A}}_{ C }\), which implements Consensus in anonymous asynchronous systems with omissions and crash-recover failures augmented with the failure detector \( A\varOmega ' \), and where \(f < n/2\) (see Figs. 2, 3, 4 and 5). We prove in a formal way that \({\mathcal {A}}_{C}\) in this system preserves the properties of Consensus, and finish this section analyzing its performance.

4.1 Definition of consensus

Each process \(p_i\) proposes its own value \(v_i\), which is initially unknown to any other process. Consensus is achieved if the following three properties hold [1]:

  1. 1.

    Validity The decided value is one of the proposed values.

  2. 2.

    Termination Every correct process eventually decides.

  3. 3.

    Agreement If two processes decide, they decide the same value.

4.2 The anonymous asynchronous system \( AS \)

As previously mentioned, it is impossible to solve Consensus in a fully asynchronous system. Thus, a partially synchronous Consensus algorithm could be developed. However, it is much simpler to move all the time assumptions to an independent module, called a failure detector, which hides all the synchrony from the Consensus algorithm.

To solve Consensus with a failure detector as independent modules, we have to limit the number of omissions for eventually-up processes. Thus, in \( AS \) (as in \( PS \)) the number of omissions of eventually-up processes is finite but unknown.

We say that \( AS \) is a system such as S but asynchronous. Therefore, the time to execute a step of a process and the delay time to receive a message through a reliable link are unknown and unbounded.

We consider that a majority of processes are correct in \( AS \), i.e., \(f < n/2\).

Consequently, to circumvent the impossibility to solve consensus in totally anonymous asynchronous systems [2], we consider that \( AS \) is an asynchronous system augmented with the failure detector \( A\varOmega ' \).

4.3 The algorithm \({\mathcal {A}}_{ C }\) in \( AS \) with \(A\varOmega '\)

Algorithm \({\mathcal {A}}_{ C }\) is structured as a set of tasks that run in parallel and are coordinated to avoid concurrency problems. The read and write operations on variables stored in stable memory are assumed to be atomic. When \( consensus ()\) is invoked, it executes the init part in Fig. 2, which sets the initial values of the local variables and starts tasks 1 (Fig. 3), 2 (Fig. 4) and 3 (Fig. 5). These tasks are used to achieve consensus. When a process recovers from a crash, it executes Lines 5–14 in Fig. 2. Task 4 (Fig. 5) is used to permanently advert the decided value (once a decision has been made).

Communication among processes is performed by means of a broadcasting primitive. Messages are not altered during transmission and they are delivered provided that the sender and receiver are not crashed during transmission as specified in System \( AS \). It is also assumed, in \( AS \), that a process receives all the messages it broadcasts.

An \(A\varOmega '\) failure detector is used to determine which processes are considered leaders at each moment. Only proposals from leader processes are considered to reach consensus. The main consensus procedure works in rounds divided in phases. In order to allow crashes and recoveries from processes, the algorithm periodically broadcasts old messages. Thus, when a process recovers, it can receive the messages it missed from previous rounds to catch up with the other processes. Besides, it keeps its \( STATUS \) in stable memory to know at which round and phase it was before the crash, its current estimation of the value to be agreed and whether that value was supported by a sufficient amount of processes or not (in case it had passed the second phase).

Since the system is anonymous, there is no way to distinguish two identical messages sent by the same process from two identical messages sent by different processes. Hence, it is necessary to devise a way to identify the messages that form part of a certain round and make sure that only one message per process, round and phase is considered. In order to identify sets of messages in a round that come from different processes, each message is provided with a tag. These tags are locally generated. Processes keep track of the tags they use in variable \( TAGS \) stored in stable memory, and make sure to send only one message per round, phase and tag. New tags are generated by adding one to the highest tag stored in \( TAGS \). This way, it will be possible to enforce that the set of messages for some round, phase and tag does not have two messages from the same process.

Before sending a message, the process tests if it has already recorded a triplet with the same round, phase and tag of the message to be sent in \( TAGS \). Only if it has not previously sent such a message, the new message is sent (see, for example, Lines 5–8 Fig. 3). Prior to sending the message, the triplet is recorded to ensure that no other such message will be sent in the future. Note that, if the process crashes before sending the message, that message will never be sent again. However, that is not a problem for the algorithm. If the process recovers, then it will periodically send new messages for that round and phase with newly generated tags.

When a process is waiting for a condition to hold, it is assumed that the waiting is active and the condition is permanently evaluated until it reaches \(\mathrm {true}\). For example, at Line 4 Fig. 4, the leadership condition determined by the failure detector, as well as the amount of leaders in the system are constantly evaluated during the wait (the second condition is only evaluated if the first is \(\mathrm {false}\), i.e., the process is a leader).

Fig. 2
figure 2

Startup and recovery of the Algorithm \({\mathcal {A}}_{ C }\) (code for process \(p_i\))

When a process recovers from a crash, it reloads the content of variable \( STATUS \) from stable storage into volatile storage variables (Lines 5–8 in Fig. 2). If a decision was already made, i.e. \( ph3 \) was reached, then Task 4 is started and the decided value is returned (Lines 10–12 in Fig. 2). Otherwise, tasks 1, 2 and 3 are started (Line 13 in Fig. 2). It is assumed that, if a return operation was previously executed, this new return operation has no effect (provided that the value returned is the same, i.e., the algorithm is correct).

Fig. 3
figure 3

Task 1 of the Algorithm \({\mathcal {A}}_{ C }\) (code for process \(p_i\))

Task 1 (Fig. 3) is responsible for periodically sending the necessary messages. For each past round, it sends one message per phase with the information available at that round (unless a message for the same round, phase and tag was previously sent). This way, the actions taken at that round by slow or crashing processes will be based on the same information the faster processes had at that round. For the current round, messages are sent in case the previous phases have been already passed by the process.

To ensure that each process receives a large enough set of messages from different processes in each phase and round, Task 3 (Fig. 5) ensures to send the corresponding message for each round and phase with all the tags generated by all processes for that round, unless the corresponding triplet is already stored in \( TAGS \). It is assumed that the upon reception clauses in Fig. 5 are executed in mutual exclusion. Furthermore, it is also assumed that they are executed in mutual exclusion with Lines 5–16 Fig. 3. Thus, it can be guaranteed that a process never sends two messages for the same round and phase with the same tag and every triplet is stored in \( TAGS \) only once.

Fig. 4
figure 4

Task 2 of the Algorithm \({\mathcal {A}}_{ C }\) (code for process \(p_i\))

Task 2 (Fig. 4) performs the basic consensus procedure. Rounds are performed until consensus is reached. Each round consists of three phases:

  • In the first phase (Lines 2–21 Fig. 4), the leaders make proposals and wait to receive the proposals from all the leaders. Recall that, all the messages with the same tag come from different processes. Hence, if five messages are received, then they are proposals from five different leaders. Among the proposals received, they make a deterministic choice (to guarantee that every process makes the same election based on the same set of messages). In this case, the minimum value of those proposed is chosen, but any other deterministic choice would be valid. Since non-leaders do not know how many leaders there are, they wait until a leader gets to the next phase and assumes the same value that was assumed by that leader. In case a process stops being a leader while it was waiting for the leaders’ proposals, if it has already received any messages during the wait, it assumes the minimum of the proposals it has received, otherwise it keeps its own proposal. In case a process becomes a leader while it was waiting for the verified choice of a leader, it keeps its own estimation for the next phase. In any case, the process updates its \( STATUS \) (in stable memory) before getting to the next phase. In case the leadership state of the process changes during the wait and the wait until operation ends without receiving any message, then the process keeps its own estimation for the next phase.

  • In the second phase (Lines 22–29 Fig. 4), each process waits for \((n-f)\) \(\mathrm {VERIFY}\) messages (which are sent by Tasks 1 and 3) with the same tag. This condition will be satisfied when there is a sufficient number of non-crashed processes that respond with the same tag. Although there are, potentially, many different subsets of \((n-f)\) messages in a set of n messages, as it will be proved, eventually, the minimum of the proposals of the leaders will be the value sent by all non-crashed processes in the \(\mathrm {VERIFY}\) messages. Thus, \( accepted _i[r_i]\) will eventually be set to \(\mathrm {true}\). If the failure detector is not accurate yet, then \( accepted _i[r_i]\) may be set to \(\mathrm {false}\) and new rounds may be necessary to achieve consensus. The estimation for the next phase is chosen as the minimum of the proposals received and, as in the previous phase, the \( STATUS \) is recorded before proceeding to the next phase.

  • In the third phase (Lines 30–43 Fig. 4), processes wait until they receive a sufficient number of \(\mathrm {COMMIT}\) messages from different processes. If \((n-f\)) messages have the \( accepted \) field set to \(\mathrm {true}\), then that value is decided. Hence, it is returned and Task 4 is started to permanently notify the decision made (Lines 45–46 Fig. 4). If there is, at least, one message with \( accepted \) set to \(\mathrm {true}\), then that value is set as the estimation for the first phase of the next round; otherwise, this process keeps its own estimation for the next round. If a decision has not been made, then the process updates its \( STATUS \) and proceeds to the next round.

Note that the estimation for each round and phase is kept in \( STATUS \) to guarantee that the values exchanged by processes at each round and phase are the same no matter how many times they are broadcast and how many times a process crashes.

Fig. 5
figure 5

Tasks 3 and 4 of the algorithm \({\mathcal {A}}_{ C }\) (code for process \(p_i\))

Task 3 (Fig. 5) responds to the reception of messages from other processes in order to provide a sufficient number of messages from different processes for each round and phase to allow the processes to satisfy their waiting conditions. Note that, when a process sends a message in Task 1, it has previously stored the corresponding triplet in \( TAGS \), so Task 3 will only send new messages for tags generated by other processes. Additionally, it responds to the reception of a \(\mathrm {DECISION}\) message by updating the current estimation, updating the \( STATUS \) of the process, returning the decided value and starting Task 4. It is assumed that, when the code of the upon reception clause corresponding to the reception of the \(\mathrm {DECISION}\) message starts being executed, Task 2 is interrupted. Thus, if Line 19 Fig. 5 is executed, i.e., the process does not crash before executing that line, then Task 2 will not be restarted anymore. However, if the process crashes before executing Line 19, then, if the process recovers, it will restart Task 2 upon recovering.

4.4 Correctness of \({\mathcal {A}}_{ C }\) in \( AS \) with \(A\varOmega '\)

In this section, we prove that Algorithm \({\mathcal {A}}_{ C }\) correctly solves Consensus in System \( AS \) when provided with an \(A\varOmega '\) failure detector.

Let us start with some basic properties of the algorithm which are essential in the correctness of the algorithm.

Lemma 8

For each type, round and tag, each process sends at most one message.


Note that, before a message is sent, the corresponding triplet \(\langle type , round , tag \rangle \) is previously stored in stable memory (variable \( STATUS \)) and a message is never sent if the corresponding triplet is already present in that variable, as it can be seen in Task 1 (Fig. 3) and Task 3 (Fig. 5). \(\square \)

Lemma 9

For all round r of Task 2 (Fig. 4), for all process \(p_i\), \( est _i[r][ ph3 ]= est _j[r][ ph1 ]\) for some process \(p_j\).


The value of \( est _i[r][ ph3 ]\) is set at Line 25 Fig. 4 with the value received in a \(\mathrm {VERIFY}\) message sent by some process \(p_j\) at Line 11 Fig. 3 or at Line 9 Fig. 5. In both cases, the value sent comes from \( est _j[r][ ph2 ]\) (recall that messages are not altered in transmission). This value must have been set at Lines 7,9,14 or 16 Fig. 4. In the case of Lines 9 and 16 Fig. 4, it is set with the value of \( est _j[r][ ph1 ]\). In the case of Line 7 Fig. 4, the value comes in a \(\mathrm {NOTIFY}\) message sent by some process \(p_j\) at Line 7 Fig. 3 or at Line 4 Fig. 5 and corresponds to \( est _k[r][ ph1 ]\) for some process k. In the case of Line 14 Fig. 4, the process which sent that message must have executed Line 7,9,14 or 16 Fig. 4 before Line 19 Fig. 4, i.e., before proceeding to the second phase. Hence, for all process \(p_i\), \( est _i[r][ ph3 ]= est _j[r][ ph1 ]\) for some process \(p_j\). \(\square \)

Lemma 10

For all round \(r>1\) of Task 2 (Fig. 4), for all process \(p_i\), \( est _i[r][ ph1 ]= est _j[r-1][ ph3 ]\) for some process \(p_j\).


Note that, \( est _i[r+1][ ph1 ]\) is set at Line 38 or Line 36. In the first case, it is set to \( est _i[r][ ph3 ]\). In the second case, it is set to the value that comes in a \(\mathrm {COMMIT}\) sent at Line 15 Fig. 3 or Line 14 Fig. 5. In both cases, the value sent is \( est _j[r][ ph3 ]\) for some process \(p_j\). \(\square \)

Lemma 11

For all round r of Task 2 (Fig. 4), for all process \(p_i\), \( est _i[r][ ph3 ]=v_j\) for some process \(p_j\).


By simple induction on the round number: It is easy to see that, in the first round, \( est _i[1][ ph1 ]=v_i\) for all process \(p_i\) (see Line 1 Fig. 2). Hence, from Lemma 9, \( est _i[1][ ph3 ]=v_k\) for some process \(p_k\). Assume that the initial assumption holds for round r, i.e., for all process \(p_i\), \( est _i[r][ ph3 ]=v_j\) for some process \(p_j\). Then, from Lemma 10, \( est _i[r+1][ ph1 ]= est _j[r][ ph3 ]\) for some process \(p_j\). Again from Lemma 9, \( est _i[r+1][ ph3 ]= est _j[r+1][ ph1 ]\) for some process \(p_j\). Hence, \( est _i[r+1][ ph3 ]=v_j\) for some process \(p_j\), what completes the proof. \(\square \)

Lemma 12

Validity: The decided value is one of the proposed values.


It is assumed that a process decides v when it executes return v. Hence, a decision can be made at Line 46 Fig. 4, Line 11 Fig. 2, or Line 21 Fig. 5. In all cases, the value decided is that stored in \( est _i[r_i][ ph3 ]\). If the decision is made in Task 2 (Fig. 4), then, from Lemma 11, the value decided is a value proposed by some process. If the decision is made in Task 3 (Fig. 5), then the decided value arrives in a \(\mathrm {DECISION}\) message sent by some process at Line 23 of Task 4 (Fig. 5). There, the value sent is the estimation for the third phase which, from Lemma 11, is a value proposed by some process. In case the decision is made during recovery (Fig. 2), the estimation has been restored from stable memory, which was saved in Task 2 at Line 43 Fig. 4, but the process crashed before executing Line 46. In this case, again, the decided value is one of the proposed values, from Lemma 11. \(\square \)

Lemma 13

If a correct process decides, then every correct process eventually decides.


If a correct process decides, it executes Task 4 (see Lines 10–11 Fig. 2, Lines 45–46 Fig. 4 and Lines 20–21 Fig. 5). Thus, eventually, every correct process will receive a \(\mathrm {DECIDE}\) message (just in case it does not decide in Task 2) and will decide in Task 3 (see Lines 16–21 Fig. 5). Recall that there is a time after which correct processes do not crash anymore and messages are not omitted. \(\square \)

Note that there is a time after which the failure detector stabilizes, i.e., each process \(p_i\) permanently gets the same result from every subsequent invocation to \(D. leader _i()\) and every process that gets \(\mathrm {true}\) in such invocation gets the same result when invoking \(D. quantity _i()\). Let \(t_s\) be the the time after which correct processes do not crash anymore, do not make omissions and the failure detector is stable.

Lemma 14

If no process has decided yet, every wait until sentence executed by Task 2 (Fig. 4) ends within a finite time.


Recall that the sequence of tags generated by a process is monotonically increasing. After time \(t_s\), this sequence es strictly monotonically increasing since the process does not crash. Let t be the highest tag among the correct processes which start a new iteration of the loop of Task 1 after time \(t_s\). This tag has not been previously used by any of the correct processes and all the messages sent with this tag will be received by all correct processes. Hence, every correct process will respond to them in Task 3 (Fig. 5) unless they obtained this tag in Task 1 (Fig. 3). In any case, it is guaranteed that every correct process will send one message with that tag, either in Task 1 or Task 3, for all rounds and phases up to their current one (with the exception of the first phase of each round where only leaders send \(\mathrm {NOTIFY}\) messages). Since not all correct processes need to be at the same round, consider the lowest such round. All the processes which are at that round will receive the enough messages to continue when they wait at Lines 4,12,23 and 30 Fig. 4. Thus, they will proceed to the following round. Since Task 1 periodically generates new tags and sends new messages, this argument can be applied to every round at which there are correct processes, while no process decides. \(\square \)

Consider the first new round \(r_s\) started by a process after time \(t_s\). We will prove now that, if a decision is not made before, it will be made at this round.

Lemma 15

If no process has previously decided while executing Task 2 (Fig. 4), at round \(r_s\), every leader process \(p_i\) sets the same value to \( est _i[r_s][ ph2 ]\) at Line 7 Fig. 4.


From Lemma 14, the time spent by a process at every wait until sentence is finite. Assuming that no process has decided before, at round \(r_s\), \(D. leader _i()\) returns the same value permanently for each process \(p_i\) and the value returned by \(D. quantity _i()\) is the same for every process to which \(D. leader _i()\) returns \(\mathrm {true}\). Hence, all leader processes will get the same set of messages in \( Received _i\). Recall that all the leaders are correct, do not crash anymore and do not make omissions after time \(t_s\). Thus, when they reach Line 7, all of them will choose the same value to store in \( est _i[r_s][ ph2 ]\). \(\square \)

Lemma 16

If no process has previously decided while executing Task 2 (Fig. 4), at round \(r_s\), every non-leader process \(p_i\) sets the same value to \( est _i[r_s][ ph2 ]\) at Line 14 Fig. 4.


Recall that the value returned by \(D. leader _i()\) does not change after time \(t_s\). Hence, every non-leader process will execute Line 14. The \(\mathrm {VERIFY}\) message that allows a non-leader process to stop waiting at Line 12 Fig. 4 must be sent by some leader \(p_k\). Since these messages, sent in Task 1 (Fig. 3) and Task 3 (Fig. 5), carry the value in \( est _k[r_s][ ph2 ]\), which has been set at Line 7 Fig. 4, from Lemma 15, all of them have the same value. Hence, all non-leader processes will set \( est _i[r_s][ ph2 ]\) to the same value. \(\square \)

Lemma 17

Termination: Every correct process eventually decides.


Assume, by the way of contradiction, that no process is able to decide. Then, the condition of Line 32 Fig. 4 does not hold in any round for any process. Hence, every process receives at least one \(\mathrm {COMMIT}\) message at Line 30 Fig. 4 with \( accepted \) set to \(\mathrm {false}\) in every round. Therefore, at least one process must see at least two different estimations in the received at Line 23 Fig. 4. However, from Lemmas 15 and 16, every non-crashed process that reaches round \(r_s\) gets to the second phase with the same estimation. Then, all the \(\mathrm {VERIFY}\) messages sent in round \(r_s\) have the same estimation and we reach a contradiction. Hence, at least one process decides and, from Lemma 13, all of them decide. \(\square \)

Lemma 18

When executing Task 2 (Fig. 4), if a process decides v at round r, then no process may decide \(v', v\ne v'\) at round r.


When executing Task 2, if a process decides v (Line 46) at round r, then it must have received \((n-f)\) \(\mathrm {COMMIT}\) messages with the same round r, the same tag (i.e., from different processes from Lemma 8), \( accepted \) set to \(\mathrm {true}\) and the same proposed value v (see Line 32). If some other process decides \(v'\) at round r, then it must have received \((n-f)\) \(\mathrm {COMMIT}\) messages with the same round r, the same tag (i.e., from different processes from Lemma 8), \( accepted \) set to \(\mathrm {true}\) and the same proposed value \(v'\) (see Line 32). However, the estimation sent in the \(\mathrm {COMMIT}\) messages is the one set at the second phase and it is never changed, once it is set at Line 25. Hence, those \(2(n-f)\) messages must come from different processes. However, from the definition of the system, \((n-f)>n/2\) and we reach a contradiction. Hence, it is not possible to decide two different values at the same round of Task 2. \(\square \)

Lemma 19

In Task 2 (Fig. 4), if a process sends a \(\mathrm {COMMIT}\) message with value v and \( accepted \) set to \(\mathrm {true}\) at round r, then no process may send a \(\mathrm {COMMIT}\) message with value \(v'\), \(v'\ne v\) and \( accepted \) set to \(\mathrm {true}\) at round r.


Recall that the estimation for one phase of a round is once set in the previous phase of that round or (in the case of the first phase) in the last phase of the previous round (or during initialization), and \( accepted _i[r_i]\) is only set at Line 26. If a process sends a \(\mathrm {COMMIT}\) message with value v and \( accepted \) set to \(\mathrm {true}\), it must have received \((n-f)\) \(\mathrm {VERIFY}\) messages from different (from Lemma 8) processes (see Lines 23–28 Fig. 4). Since it is a majority, there can not be any other majority with the same set of possible values. Hence, no process may have received \((n-f)\) \(\mathrm {VERIFY}\) messages with value \(v'\), \(v'\ne v\) at round r and, then, no process may send a \(\mathrm {COMMIT}\) message with value \(v'\), \(v'\ne v\) and \( accepted \) set to \(\mathrm {true}\). \(\square \)

Lemma 20

If a process decides v at round r in Line 46 Fig. 4, all processes that proceed to the following round assume v as their estimation.


If a process decides v at round r, it must have received \((n-f)\) \(\mathrm {COMMIT}\) messages from different (from Lemma 8) processes with the same proposal v and \( accepted \) set to \(\mathrm {true}\) (see Lines 30–33 and Lines 44–46 Fig. 4). Since it is a majority, every process must receive, at this round and phase, at least one such message. From Lemma 19, if a process sent a \(\mathrm {COMMIT}\) message with value v and \( accepted \) set to \(\mathrm {true}\), then no other process might send such a message with value \(v'\), \(v'\ne v\). Hence, every process that might not have v as its estimation, sets its estimation for the next round to v (see Lines 35–39 Fig. 4). \(\square \)

Lemma 21

If at round r in Task 2 (Fig. 4), \( est _i[r][ ph1 ]=v\) for all process \(p_i\), then the only possible value decided in Task 2 at round r or later is v.


Recall that the value decided in Task 2 at round r is always a value stored in \( est _i[r][ ph3 ]\) for some process \(p_i\) (see Line 11 Fig. 2, Line 46 Fig. 4 and Line 21 Fig. 5). Let us apply induction on the round number. Since \( est _i[r][ ph1 ]=v\) for all process \(p_i\), from Lemma 9, \( est _i[r][ ph3 ]= est _j[r][ ph1 ]\) for some process \(p_j\). Hence, only v can be decided at round r. From Lemma 10, for all process \(p_i\), \( est _i[r][ ph1 ]= est _j[r-1][ ph3 ]\) for some process \(p_j\). Hence, at round \(r+1\), \( est _i[r+1][ ph1 ]=v\) for all process \(p_i\) and, from Lemma 9, \( est _i[r+1][ ph3 ]= est _j[r+1][ ph1 ]\) for some process \(p_j\). Hence, only v can be decided at round r or later. \(\square \)

Lemma 22

Agreement: If two processes decide, they decide the same value.


Note first that, prior to sending a \(\mathrm {DECIDE}\) message, in Task 4 (Fig. 5), it is necessary that, at least, one process exits the main loop of Task 2 (Fig. 4). Without loss of generality, assume that the first process to exit that loop, exits at round r with value v in its estimation. From Lemma 18, if any other process decides at round r, it will decide v. If some process does not decide at round r, then, from Lemma 20, it must set its estimation to v for round \(r+1\). Then, from Lemma 21, the only possible value decided in Task 2 at round r or later is v. If the decision is made in Task 3 (Lines 16–21 Fig. 5), then a \(\mathrm {DECISION}\) message must have been sent by a process which has made the decision previously. Consider the first process which made the decision. This process must have decided in Task 2 and, in that Task 2, the only value that can be decided is v. If a process decides at recovering from a crash, it must have executed Line 43 Fig. 4 or Line 19 Fig. 5 with \( passed _i=\{ ph3 \}\) previously. Therefore, the decision was already made on value v. Hence, if two processes decide, they decide the same value. \(\square \)

Theorem 2

Algorithm \({\mathcal {A}}_{ C }\) solves Consensus in \( AS \) with \(A\varOmega '\).


Direct from Lemmas 12, 17 and 22. \(\square \)

4.5 Complexity analysis

As is common in the literature, to be able to compare different Consensus algorithms, we focus on executions where no failures occur, i.e., no process crashes and the failure detector makes no mistakes. For this type of runs, Hurfin et al. [8] and Oliveira et al. [31] present solutions which reach consensus in one round formed by two communication steps, while that of Aguilera et al. [7] needs one more communication step. For the same scenario, our algorithm also reaches consensus in one round, which consists of three communication steps. As previously mentioned, all previous works use the rotating coordinator paradigm based on the existence and knowledge of process’ identifiers.

Roughly speaking, the procedure used by Hurfin et al. [8] and Oliveira et al. [31] to reach consensus in one round with two communication steps works as follows. In phase 1, the coordinator \(p_c\) sends one message with its proposal to all processes, and each process responds by resending that proposal to all the processes. Then, phase 2 starts and each process sends a message with the decision made to all the processes. Hence, each phase needs \(n^2\) messages. The algorithm of Aguilera et al. [7] needs three communications steps for the same scenario: in phase 1, the coordinator \(p_c\) sends one message asking for proposals to all processes, and each process responds to \(p_c\) with its own proposal. After processing the responses, phase 2 starts and \(p_c\) sends the coordinator proposal and waits until it receives an acknowledgment from all processes. Finally, in phase 3, \(p_c\) sends a message with the decision to all processes. Therefore, the total number of messages exchanged (considering the three phases) is \(2n+2n+n\). Note that, in our case, with anonymous processes we cannot use a coordinator because we cannot send a message to a single process.

Our Consensus algorithm, in a run where no process crashes nor omits any message, and the failure detector makes no mistakes, reaches consensus in one round as follows. We consider \(\eta \) to be large enough that the loop of Task 1 is executed only once per round. If it is executed k times per round, then the estimation of the number of messages would have to be multiplied by the constant factor k. In phase 1, each leader sends a message with its proposal to all processes, and every leader responds to these messages by sending their respective proposals. Since all the leaders receive the proposals from all leaders, all of them choose the same value v to be agreed. Hence, in phase 1 a total of \(ln+l^2n\) messages are sent, being n the number of processes in the system and l the number of leaders. In phase 2, each leader broadcasts this value v to all processes. This allows non-leaders to proceed to phase 2. Thus, all non-leaders also broadcast this value v in phase 2. Then, each process responds to all these messages, sending their estimation v to all processes. Hence, the number of messages sent in phase 2 is \(n+n^2\). Since, all processes propose the same value, all of them send the \( COMMIT \) message with \( accepted \) set to \(\mathrm {true}\) in phase 3. Then, all of them respond to these messages with new broadcasts. Hence, the total number of messages of phase 3 is \(n+n^2\). Thus, considering that \(l=O(n)\), the total number of messages until consensus is achieved is \(O(n^3)\). Recall that \(\eta \) induces only a constant factor.

Considering the size of the messages exchanged, all of them are of fixed size, so we can say that their size is O(1).

5 Conclusions and future work

Anonymous systems are currently receiving a lot of attention mainly because the lack of identifiers in the processes allows to preserve privacy, which is a major property when we want to avoid impersonation attacks. This paper is intended to be a step forward in solving Consensus in anonymous systems where new adversaries, not previously considered in the literature, have been added, e.g., crash-recovery and omission failures. To our knowledge, all previously proposed consensus algorithms in anonymous distributed systems assume that a crashed process can never recover (the so-called crash-stop failure model) and, what is more, they do not consider omission failures, i.e., they assume that errors in input/output communication buffers never happen. Note that this latter model is also important because it allows us to solve practical security problems (e.g., the fair exchange and the secure multiparty computation). This extension of failure models allows us to design more realistic systems.

One of the main contributions of this paper is an agreement algorithm (called \({\mathcal {A}}_{C}\)) to solve Consensus in anonymous asynchronous systems under the crash-recovery and omission failure models such that up to \(f < n/2\) processes can be crashing and recovering permanently. To overcome the impossibility result of Fischer, Lynch and Paterson [2], \({\mathcal {A}}_{C}\) needs the asynchronous system to be augmented with a failure detector. We have proved that \(O(n^3)\) messages of size O(1) are interchanged to reach Consensus in a run where there are no failures. This moderate complexity is due to the fact that processes do not have identifiers, which has two major consequences: (a) there cannot be a round coordinator, and (b) messages must be broadcast instead of being sent to specific processes.

The other main contributions of this paper are to adapt the definition of the \(A\varOmega '\) failure detector to the new failure models and an implementation (Algorithm \({\mathcal {A}}_{A\varOmega '}\)) of \(A\varOmega '\) for the case where \(f < n\). This algorithm \({\mathcal {A}}_{A\varOmega '}\) exhibits two major properties: communication-efficiency and latency-efficiency in the use of stable storage. \({\mathcal {A}}_{A\varOmega '}\) is communication-efficient because there is a time after which only leaders broadcast messages. \({\mathcal {A}}_{A\varOmega '}\) is also latency-efficient in its use of stable variables because its unique variable of this kind is an integer value which is used (i.e., read and written) only once each time a process recovers from a crash. It is used as a counter of the number of times that a process recovers from a crash.

For future work we are considering adding more powerful adversaries to the system. For example, it would be interesting to consider processes which may have transient or permanent malicious behavior. Another interesting line of research for future work is to study how anonymous Consensus can be used to solve security problems in a hybrid model with security modules [10, 11].