1 Introduction

Natural disasters cause significant damage (e.g., Hurricane Harvey in 2017 cost $125 billion)Footnote 1 and require urgent assistance in time of crisis. In the last decade, various social media played important roles in humanitarian response tasks as they were widely used to disseminate information and obtain valuable insights. During disaster events, people post content (e.g., text, images, and video) on social media to ask for help (e.g., report of a person stuck on a rooftop during a flood), offer support, identify urgent needs, or share their feelings. Such information is helpful for humanitarian organizations to take immediate actions to plan and launch relief operations. Recent studies demonstrated that images shared on social media during a disaster can assist humanitarian organizations in recognizing damages in infrastructure [1], assessing damage severity [2], identifying humanitarian information [3], detecting crisis incidents [4], and detecting disaster events with other related tasks [5]. However, the amount of research and resources to develop powerful computer vision-based predictive models remains insufficient compared to the NLP-based progress [6,7,8]. Motivated by these observations, this research aims to enrich available resources to make further advancements in the computer vision-based disaster management studies.

Recent advances in deep convolutional neural networks (CNN) and their learning techniques provide efficient solutions for different computer vision applications. While simple applications can be realized with a single-task formulation such as classification [9], semantic segmentation [10], or object detection [11], the complex ones such as autonomous vehicles, robotics, and social media image analysis [12, 13] necessitate incorporating multiple tasks, which significantly increases the computational and memory requirements for both training and inference. Multi-task learning (MTL) techniques [13,14,15] have emerged as the standard approach for these complex applications where a model is trained to solve multiple tasks simultaneously, which helps to improve the performance, reduce inference time and computational complexities. For example, an image posted on social media during a disaster event may contain information whether it is a flood event, shows infrastructure damage, and is severe. Such a multitude of information needs to be detected in real-time to help humanitarian organizations [12, 16] with various tasks including (i) disaster type recognition, (ii) informativeness classification, (iii) humanitarian categorization, and (iv) damage severity assessment (see Sect. 3 for more details). Existing works [1,2,3] present separate task-specific models, resulting in higher computational complexities (e.g., computational power, training and inference time). Hence, this research aims at reducing this overhead by addressing different tasks simultaneously with an MTL setup, which can also help reduce the carbon footprint [17].

Labeled public image datasets, such as ImageNet [18] and Microsoft COCO [19] made significant contributions to the advancement of today’s powerful machine learning models. Likewise, for the MTL setup, several image datasets have already been proposed, which are summarized in Table 1. These datasets include images from different domains such as indoor scenes, driving, faces, handwritten digits, and animal recognition, which are already contributing to the advancement of MTL research. However, an MTL dataset for critical real-world applications which comprise humanitarian response tasks during natural disasters is yet to become available. This paper proposes a novel MTL dataset for disaster image classification.

To this end, we build upon the previous work of Alam et al. [5] where the images are mostly annotated for individual tasks, and only 5558 out of 71,198 images have labels for all four tasks mentioned above. We provide an expansive extension by annotating the images for all tasks, i.e., we annotated 155,899 more labels for these tasks in addition to the existing ones.Footnote 2 For disaster type recognition and humanitarian categorization tasks, we also labeled a part of the images with multiple labels following a weak supervision approach as they are suitable for multilabel annotation (see Sect. 3). Figure 1 shows example images with the labels for all four tasks.

Fig. 1
figure 1

Examples of images representing all tasks. T1: Disaster types, T2: Informativeness, T3: Humanitarian, T4: Damage severity

Our contributions in this research can be summarized as follows: (i) we provide a social media MTL image dataset for disaster response tasks with various complexities, which can be used as an evaluation benchmark for computer vision research; (ii) we ensured high quality annotations by making sure that at least two annotators agree on a label; (iii) we provide a benchmark for heterogeneous multi-task learning and baseline studies to facilitate future study; (iv) our experimental results can also be used as a baseline in the single-task learning setting.

The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Section 2 provides an overview of the existing work. Section 3 introduces the tasks and describes the dataset development process. Section 4 explains the experiments and presents the results while Sect. 5 provides a discussion. Finally, we conclude the paper in Sect. 6.

2 Related work

This paper mainly focuses on the development of an MTL dataset for disaster response tasks. Therefore, we first review the recent work on MTL and available MTL datasets; and then, survey social media image classification literature and datasets for disaster response.

2.1 Multi-task learning and datasets

Multi-task learning (MTL) aims to improve generalization capability by leveraging information in the training data consisting of multiple related tasks [14]. It simultaneously learns multiple tasks and has shown promising results in terms of generalization, computation, memory footprint, performance, and inference time by jointly learning through a shared representation [14, 15]. Since the seminal work by Caruana [14], MTL research has received wide attention in the last several years in NLP, computer vision, and other research areas [15, 20,21,22,23]. MTL brings benefits when associated tasks share complementary information. However, performance can suffer when multiple tasks have conflicting needs, and the tasks have competing priorities (i.e., one is superior to the other). This phenomenon is referred to as negative transfer. This understanding led to the question of what, when, and how to share information among tasks [15, 24]. To address these aspects, in the deep learning era, numerous architectures and optimization methods have been proposed. The architectures are categorized into hard and soft parameter sharing. Hard parameter sharing design consists of a shared network followed by task-specific heads [25,26,27]. In soft parameter sharing, each task has its own set of parameters, and a feature sharing mechanism to deal with cross-task talk [28,29,30]. In MTL literature, a problem can be formulated in two different ways—homogeneous and heterogeneous [24]. While the homogeneous MTL assumes that each task corresponds to a single output, the heterogeneous MTL assumes each task corresponds to a unique set of output labels [14, 31]. The latter setting uses a neural network using multiple sets of outputs and losses. In this study, we aim to provide a benchmark with our heterogeneous MTL dataset using the hard parameter sharing approach.

Earlier studies such as [32] and [33] mostly exploited the MNIST [34] and USPS [35] datasets for MTL experiments. These datasets were originally designed for single-task classification settings. For example, the widely used MNIST dataset was originally designed for digit classification, and Office-Caltech [36] was designed to categorize images in 31 classes, which are collected from different domains. However, such datasets are used with the homogeneous problem setting of multi-task learning by selecting ten target classes as ten binary classification tasks [24, 33, 37]. Numerous other widely used datasets such as MC-COCO [19] and CelebA [38] have also been used for multi-task learning in the homogeneous problem setting.

Several existing datasets consisting of multiple unique output label sets were studied in the heterogeneous setting. For example, AdienceFaces [39] was designed for gender and age group classification tasks, OmniArt [40] consists of seven tasks, NYU-V2 [41] consists of three tasks, and PASCAL [42, 43] consists of five tasks. Very few datasets were specifically designed for multi-task learning research. Most notable ones are Taskonomy [44] and BDD100K [13]. The Taskonomy dataset consists of four million images of indoor scenes from 600 buildings, and each image was annotated for twenty-six visual tasks. Ground truths of this dataset were obtained programmatically, and knowledge distillation approaches. The BDD100K dataset is a diverse 100K driving video dataset consisting of ten tasks. It was collected from Nexar,Footnote 3 where videos are uploaded by the drivers. In Table 1, we provide widely used datasets, which have been used for MTL.

Table 1 Upper part of the table presents the datasets used in multi-task learning studies in computer vision research

2.2 Disaster response studies and datasets

During disaster events, social media content has proven to be effective in facilitating different stakeholders including humanitarian organizations [55]. Alongside, there has been growing research interest in developing computational methods and systems to better analyze and extract actionable information from social media content [7, 56, 57]. Most of such efforts relied on social media content, such as Twitter and Facebook, for humanitarian aid [58, 59]. Given that accessing Facebook data became difficult, the use of Twitter content remained more popular. Research studies and resource development have focused on Twitter content due to its instant access to timely multi-modal information (i.e., textual and visual) as such information is crucial for different stakeholders (e.g., governmental and non-governmental organizations) [58, 59]. Notable resources with textual content include the CrisisLex [60], CrisisNLP [61], TREC Incident Streams [62], disaster tweet corpus [63], Arabic Tweet Corpus [64], CrisisBench [65], HumAID [66], and CrisisMMD (text and image) [3, 67]. In the past years, several systems have also been developed and deployed during disaster events [58, 68,69,70]. One notable system is AIDR [58]Footnote 4, which has been used during major disaster events to collect and classify tweets, and provide a visual summary.

Earlier research efforts in crisis informatics are mainly focused on textual content analysis [8]. However, lately there has been a growing interest on the imagery content analysis as images posted on social media during disasters can play significant role as reported in many studies [2, 12, 16, 53, 71, 72]. Recent works include categorizing the severity of damage into discrete levels [2, 16, 53] or quantifying the damage severity as a continuous-valued index [73, 74]. Such models were also used in real-time disaster response scenarios by engaging with emergency responders [70]. Other related work includes adversarial networks for data scarcity issues [75, 76]; disaster image retrieval [77]; image classification in the context of bush fire emergency [78]; flood photo screening system [79]; sentiment analysis from disaster image [80]; monitoring natural disasters using satellite images [7, 81]; and flood detection using visual features [82].

Publicly available image datasets include damage severity assessment dataset (DAD) [2], multimodal dataset (CrisisMMD) [3] and damage identification multimodal dataset (DMD) [1]. The first dataset is only annotated for images, whereas the last two are annotated for both text and images. Other relevant datasets are Disaster Image Retrieval from Social Media (DIRSM) [54] and MediaEval 2018 [52]. The dataset reported in [51] was constructed for detecting damage as an anomaly using pre-and post-disaster images. It consists of 700,000 building annotations. A similar and relevant work is the Incidents dataset [4], which consists of 446,684 manually labeled images with 43 incident categories. The Crisis Benchmark Dataset reported in [5] is the largest social media disaster image classification dataset, which is a consolidated version of DAD, CrisisMMD, DMD, and additional labeled images.

In this study, we extended the Crisis Benchmark Dataset to adapt it to an MTL setup. To that end, we assigned images with 155,899 more labels to ensure that the entire dataset contains aligned labels for all the tasks. Additionally, we annotated some images with multiple labels, when appropriate, for humanitarian categorization and disaster type recognition tasks.

3 MEDIC dataset

The MEDIC dataset consists of four different disaster-related tasks that are important for humanitarian aid.Footnote 5 These tasks are defined based on prior work experience with the humanitarian response organizations such as UN-OCHA and existing literature [3, 6, 12, 58]. In this section, we first provide the details of each task and class labels, and then, discuss the annotation details of the dataset.

3.1 Tasks

Disaster types

During man-made and natural disasters, people post textual and visual content about the current situation, and the real-time social media monitoring system requires to detect an event when ingesting images from unfiltered social media streams. For the disaster scenario, it is important to automatically recognize different disaster types from the crawled social media images. For instance, an image can depict a wildfire, flood, earthquake, hurricane, and other types of disasters. Different categories (i.e., natural, human-induced, and hybrid) and sub-categories of disaster types have been defined in the literature [83]. This research focuses on major disaster events that include (i) earthquake, (ii) fire, (iii) flood, (iv) hurricane, (v) landslide, (vi) other disaster, which covers all other types (e.g., plane, train crash), and (vii) not disaster, which includes the images that do not show any identifiable disasters.


Social media contents are often noisy and contain numerous irrelevant images such as cartoons and advertisements. In addition to this, the clean images that show damaged infrastructure due to flood, fire, or any other disaster events are crucial for humanitarian response tasks. Therefore, it is necessary to eliminate any irrelevant or redundant content to facilitate crisis responders’ efforts more effectively. For this purpose, we define the informativeness task as to filter out irrelevant images, where the class labels comprise (i) informative and (ii) not informative.


Fine-grained categorization of certain information significantly helps the emergency crisis responders to make an efficient actionable decision. Humanitarian categories vary depending on the type of content (text vs. image). For example, the CrisisBench dataset [65] consists of tweets labeled with 11 categories, whereas CrisisMMD [3] multimodal dataset consists of eight categories. Such variation exists between text and images because some information can easily be presented in one modality than another modality. For example, it is possible to report missing or found people in text than in an image, which is also reported in [3]. This research focuses on these factors and considers the four most important categories that are useful for crisis responders such as (i) affected, injured, or dead people, (ii) infrastructure and utility damage, (iii) rescue volunteering or donation effort, and (iv) not humanitarian.

Damage severity

Detecting the severity of the damage is significantly important to help the affected community during disaster events. The severity of the damage can be assessed from an image based on the visual appearance of the physical destruction of a built structure (e.g., bridges, roads, buildings, burned houses, and forests). In-line with [2], this research defines the following categories for the classification task: (i) severe damage, (ii) mild damage, and (iii) little or none.

3.2 Annotations

3.2.1 Data curation

This research extends the labels of the Crisis Benchmark dataset [5]. The Crisis Benchmark dataset was developed by consolidating existing datasets and labeling new data for disaster types. The Crisis Benchmark dataset consists of images collected from Twitter, Google, Bing, Flickr, and Instagram. The majority of the datasets have been collected from Twitter, as shown in Table 2. The Twitter data were mainly collected during major disaster eventsFootnote 6 and using different disaster-specific keywords. The data collected from Google, Bing, Flickr, and Instagram are based on specific keywords. The dataset is diverse in terms of (i) number of events, (ii) different time frames spanning over five years, (iii) natural (e.g., earthquake, fire, floods) and man-made disasters (e.g., Paris attack, Syria attacks), and (iv) events occurred in different parts of the world. The number of images in different events resulted from different factors, such as the number of tweets collected during the disaster events, the number of images crawled, filtered due to duplicates, and a random selection for the annotation. Our motivation for choosing and extending the Crisis Benchmark dataset is that it reduced the overall cost of data collection and annotation processes while also having a large dataset for MTL.

Table 2 Data collection source, event name, year of the event and number of image annotated

3.2.2 Multiclass annotation

For the manual annotation, we used AppenFootnote 7 crowdsourcing annotation platform. In such a platform, finding qualified workers and managing the quality of the annotation is an important issue. To ensure the quality, we used the widely used gold standard evaluation approach [84]. We designed the interface with annotation guidelines on Appen for the annotation task (see Fig. 7 in Appendix). We followed the annotation guidelines from previous work [3, 5] and improved with examples for this task (see the detailed annotation guidelines with examples in Appendix A).

For all tasks, we first annotated images with a multiclass setting. Then for humanitarian and disaster type tasks we labeled the images with multiple labels as they are more suitable to be framed as pure multilabel setting (see Sect. 3.2.4). For the multiclass labeling, our decision has been influenced by several factors. The most important one was our consultation with humanitarian organizations which suggested limiting the number of classes by merging related ones and keeping only the most important information types. This is due to the information overload issue that humanitarian responders often deal with at the onset of a disaster situation if exposed to information types not important for them. For an image that can have multiple labels, we instructed the annotators to select the label that is more important for humanitarian organizations and prominent in the image.

For the annotation, we designed a HIT containing five images. For the gold standard evaluation, we manually labeled 100 images, which are randomly assigned to the HIT for the evaluation. We assigned a criterion to have at least three annotations per image and per task. An agreement score of 66% is used to select the final label, which ensured that at least two annotators agreed on a label. The HIT was extended to more annotators if such a criterion was not met.

Since the Crisis Benchmark dataset did have task-specific labels for all images, i.e., different sets of images consisted of labels for three tasks and two tasks, we first prepared different sets with missing labels for the annotation. For example, 25,731 images of the Crisis Benchmark dataset did not have labels for disaster types and humanitarian tasks, which we selected for the annotation tasks. In this way, we run the annotation tasks in different batches.

3.2.3 Crowdsourcing results

To measure the quality of the annotation, we compute the annotation agreement using Fleiss kappa [85], Krippendorff’s alpha [86] and average observed agreement [85]. In Table 3, we present the annotation agreement for all events with different approaches mentioned above. The agreement score varies from 46 to \(71\%\) for different tasks. Note that, in the Kappa measurement, the values of ranges 0.41–0.60, 0.61–0.80, and 0.81–1 refers to moderate, substantial, and perfect agreement, respectively [87]. Based on these measurements, we conclude that our annotation agreement score leads to moderate to substantial agreement. The number of labels and subjectivity of the annotation tasks reflected the annotation agreement score. Some annotation tasks are highly subjective. For example, for the disaster-type task, hurricane or tropical cyclones often leads to heavy rain, which causes flood (e.g., an image showing a fallen tree with flood water) can be annotated as hurricane or flood. Another example is an image showing building damage and rescue effort. In such cases, the annotation task was to carefully check what is more visible in the image and select the label accordingly. Note that the agreement score for disaster types is comparatively lower than other tasks, which is due to the high level of subjectivity in the annotation task. Annotators needed to choose one label among seven labels. The average agreement scores are comparatively higher as we made sure at least two annotators agree on a label.

Table 3 Annotation agreement for different tasks

3.2.4 Multilabel annotation

For the multilabel annotation for disaster types and humanitarian tasks, we followed a weak supervision approach to assign multiple labels due to the annotation budget (e.g., time, cost). We selected and assigned a set of labels from all annotators. Given that we have three annotators \(A_{1}\), \(A_{2}\), and \(A_{3}\), who assigned a label l from \({\mathbb {L}}=\{l_{1}, l_{2}...l_{n}\}\) to an image \({\mathbb {I}}\), the final label set for the image \({\mathbb {I}}\) is defined as \({\mathbb {I}}_{\mathbb {L}}={\mathbb {S}}\{A_{1}^{l},A_{1}^{l},A_{1}^{l}\}\). Here, the label with majority agreement (\(\geqslant \) 66%) is the same label as in our multiclass setting, and the rest of the labels can have a lower agreement. Note that we were able to assign multiple labels on 53,683 images (75.4%) for disaster types and 65,038 (91.3%) for humanitarian tasks out of 71,198 images (see Table 5). As images have been labeled in different phases and curated from existing sources, we could not properly manage to have multiple labels for all images.

3.2.5 Resulting dataset

After completing the annotation task, the proposed dataset added 155,899 labels for four tasks in addition to the existing 128,893 labels from 71,198 images. In total, this research re-annotated 65,640 images to create the MEDIC dataset. Furthermore, we enriched the MEDIC dataset by separately providing multilabel annotations for disaster types and humanitarian tasks. The distributions for multiclass and multilabel annotations are shown in Tables 4 and 5, respectively. We have analyzed the dataset to understand how tasks and the labels are associated with each other, for which we have computed confusion matrices between pairs of tasks. We find a good correlation between labels across tasks. For example, between humanitarian and damage severity tasks, majority of the not-humanitarian images are also labeled as little or none as shown in Fig. 8d in Appendix A.5. We have similar observations for other task pairs as well. As for the multilabel annotation, majority of the images are labeled with single label. For example, for disaster types 84.7% images are labeled with single label and 15.3% with 2-3 labels. For humanitarian, 88.3% are with single label and rest are 11.7%.

Table 4 Annotated dataset with data splits for different tasks
Table 5 Multilabel annotated dataset with data splits for different tasks

3.3 Comparison with other datasets

A comparative analysis with prior disaster-related datasets suggests that the MEDIC dataset is larger in size, covering aligned labels for four tasks, and containing multilabel annotations. In Table 6, we present a comparison of the datasets containing aligned labels for MTL. From the table, it is clear that the prior datasets are not designed for this kind of learning setup and the distribution of the class labels is highly skewed (see Table 9 in [88] for Crisis Benchmark Dataset).

Table 6 Multi-task learning datasets for disaster image classification tasks

4 Experiments and results

In Table 4, we present the dataset with task-wise data splits and distribution for multiclass setting. The distribution for multiclass setting consists of 69%, 9%, and 22% for training, development, and test sets, respectively. We first conduct a baseline experiment, followed by a single-task learning experiment to compare and provide a benchmark for a multi-task setting.

To measure the performance of each classifier and for each task setting, we use weighted average precision (P), recall (R), and F1-score (F1), which are widely used in the literature. For the multilabel experiments we computed micro average precision (P), recall (R), F1-score (F1) and humming loss, which are commonly used metrics [89, 90].

4.1 Baseline

For the baseline experiment we evaluate (i) a majority class baseline, and (ii) fixed features from a pre-trained model used for training and testing SVM and KNN. We extracted features from the penultimate layer of the EfficientNet (b1) model [91], which is trained using ImageNet. The majority class baseline predicts the label based on the most frequent label in the training set. This has been most commonly used in shared tasks [92]. For training SVM and KNN we used standard parameter settings available in sci-kit learn [93].

4.2 Single-task learning

We used several pre-trained models for single-task learning and fine-tuned the network with the task-specific classification layer on top of the network. This approach has been popular and has been performing well for various downstream visual recognition tasks [94,95,96,97]. The network architectures that we used in this study include ResNet18, ResNet50, ResNet101 [9], VGG16 [98], DenseNet [99], SqueezeNet [100], MobileNet [101], and EfficientNet [91]. We have chosen such diverse architectures to understand their relative performance and inference time. For fine-tuning, we use the weights of the networks pre-trained using ImageNet [102] to initialize our model. Our classification settings comprised binary (i.e., informativeness task) and multiclass settings (i.e., remaining three tasks). We train the models using the Adam optimizer [103] with an initial learning rate of \(10^{-3}\), which is decreased by a factor of 10 when accuracy on the dev set stops improving for 10 epochs. The models were trained for 150 epochs. We use the model with the best accuracy on the validation set to evaluate its performance on the test set.

4.3 Multi-task learning

In the MEDIC dataset, the tasks share similar properties; hence, we designed a simpler approach. We use the hard parameter sharing approach to reduce the computational complexity. All tasks share the same feature layers in the network, which is followed by task-specific classification layers. For optimizing the loss, we provide equal weight to each task. Assuming that the task-specific weight is \(w_i\) and task-specific loss function is \({\mathcal {L}}_i\), the optimization objective of the MTL is defined as \({\mathcal {L}}_{MTL}=\sum _{i}w_{i}.{\mathcal {L}}_i\). During optimization (i.e., using stochastic gradient descent to minimize the objective), the network weights in the shared layers \(W_{sh}\) are updated using the following equation:

$$\begin{aligned} {\mathcal {W}}_{sh}=\sum _{i}W_{sh}-\lambda \sum _{i}w_{i}\tfrac{\partial {\mathcal {L}}_{i}}{\partial W_{sh}} \end{aligned}$$

We set \(w_i=1\) in our experiments for all task-specific weights, i.e., equal weight for all tasks. We use softmax activation to get probability distribution over individual tasks and use cross-entropy as a loss function. We initialized the weights using pre-trained models mentioned above, which are trained using ImageNet. Our implementation of multi-task learning supports all the network architectures mentioned in Sect. 4.2. Therefore, we have run experiments using the same pre-trained models and same hyper-parameter settings for the MTL experiments. We used the NVIDIA Tesla V100-SXM2-16 GB GPU machines consisting of 12 cores and 40GB CPU memory for all experiments.

4.4 Multilabel classification

In Table 5, we report the distribution of multilabel data split. It shows that a major part of the dataset is labeled with a single label for both tasks. For the multilabel classification, we run experiments in a single task learning setup using the models mentioned above. We used the same training environment as other settings discussed in previous sections. However, we used sigmoid activation for multilabel instead of softmax, which is commonly used for multilabel setup.

4.5 Results

4.5.1 Baseline

In Table 7, we provide baseline results. From the majority baseline results it is clear that imbalance distribution does not play any role. Among SVM and KNN, the former is performing better in all tasks with 0.2 to 3.3% improvement.

Table 7 Baseline classification results

4.5.2 Single- versus multi-task results

In Table 8, we report the results for both single- and multi-task settings using the mentioned models. Across different models, overall, EfficientNet (b1) performs better than other models. Comparing only EfficientNet (b1) results for all tasks, the multi-task setting shows better than single-task settings; although, the difference is minor and might not be significant. However, since we share the feature layers across the four tasks, model space requirement and inference time are reduced by a factor of four. The improved inference time is crucial for real-time disaster response systems as it reduces the operational cost that running individual models would incur.

Table 8 Classification results using single and multi-task settings along with different pre-trained models

4.5.3 Multi-task results using different random seeds

In our experiment, only the weights of the last layer were initialized randomly, hence, this can result in a minor variation in the performance. We have run experiments using different random seeds with the MTL setting. In Table 9, we report results on selected models for all tasks. We observe that variation is very minor and among different models, DenseNet (121) shows relatively lower variation across tasks.

Table 9 Experiment using different random seeds in the MTL setup

4.5.4 Ablation experiments in multi-task setup

To understand the task correlation and how they affect performance, we also run experiments with different subsets of the tasks (see Table 10). We obtain similar results with other task combinations. In Table 10, we show results obtained using combination of different subset of tasks. We observe that the results remain consistent with other combinations of tasks as well. It will be an important future research avenue to explore different weighting schemes for the tasks. Regardless, our reported results can serve as a baseline for single and multi-task disaster image classification.

Table 10 Results (F1) with different combination of tasks using Efficient- Net (b1)

4.5.5 Multilabel classification results

In Table 11, we report multilabel classification results for disaster types and humanitarian tasks. Overall, across different models, SqueezeNet is the worst performing model, which we also observed for single and multi-task multiclass classification results. The multilabel results, as in Table 10, are not equally comparable with multiclass results, as reported in Table 8. This results will serve as baselines in future studies.

Table 11 Classification results using single-task multilabel settings with different pre-trained models

4.5.6 Error analysis

Given that class distribution can play a significant role in classifier performance, we explored whether low prevalent classes have any significant impact. In Table 12, we report task-wise classification results for both single and multi-task settings in which the model is trained using EfficientNet model. It appears that low prevalent classes have lower performance. However, this is not always the case. For example, the distribution of Fire class label is 3.8% in the dataset but the performance is third-best among class labels. Where the distribution of Other disaster is 5.1%, however, the F1 is 27.0, which is the lowest performance. With our analysis, we found that this Other disaster confused with Not disaster (see Table 14 in Appendix B).

Table 12 Class-wise results for both single and multi-task settings using EfficientNet (b1) model

In Tables 14, 15, 16 and 17 (in Appendix B) we report classification confusion matrices using EfficientNet (b1) model for disaster types, informative, humanitarian and damage severity, respectively. From the tables, we observe that there is comparable performances between different task settings. In some cases class label performance increases in multi-task setting and in some cases it decreases. For example, true positives increase for informative and decreases for not-informative in multi-task setting. The results in these tables also confirm the results in Table 8.

4.5.7 Computational time analysis

We have done extensive analysis to understand whether multi-task learning setup reduces computational time. In Table 13, we provide such findings for all the models we used in our experiments. From the results, it is clear that multi-task learning setup can significantly reduce the computation time both in terms of training and inference.

Table 13 Training and inference time in single- vs. multi-task settings with a batch size of 32. Time is in day, hour:minute:second format

5 Discussion and future work

The MEDIC dataset provides images from diverse events consisting of different time frames. The crowdsourced annotation provides a reasonable annotator agreement even though the task is subjective. Our experiments show that multi-task learning with neural networks reduces computational complexity significantly while having comparative performance.

In Fig. 2, we show the loss and accuracy plots for single and multi-task settings for EfficientNet (b1) model. We limit the plots to 40 epochs as all of the models converged by then. We notice similar convergence rates for both single and multi-task learning setups. We observe that the multi-task objective function acts as a regularizer as the training loss is consistently higher and training accuracy is lower than the single-task setting while having similar or better performance on the validation set. This suggests that the multi-task setup may benefit from models having a larger capacity.

Fig. 2
figure 2

Training and validation loss and accuracy for EfficientNet (b1) model for single and multi-task settings

Class distribution is an important issue that affect classifier performance. We investigated class-wise performances and confusion matrix. Our observation suggests that imbalanced class distribution is not only factor for lower classification performance in certain classes. It also depends on distinguishing properties of the class label. For example, the distribution of Fire class label is 3.8% in the dataset but the performance is third-best among class labels. Where the distribution of Other disaster is 5.1%, however, the F1 is 27.0, which is the lowest performance.

Future work

Our future work includes exploring other multi-task learning methods, and investigating tasks groups and relationships. For instance, further investigation is needed to explain why training the model with disaster types, informativeness and humanitarian tasks reduces performance as presented in Table 10. Other research avenues include multimodality (e.g., integrating text), and investigating class imbalance issues.

6 Conclusions

We presented a large-scale, manually annotated multi-task learning dataset, comprising 71,198 images labeled for four tasks, which were specifically designed for multi-task learning research and disaster response image classification. The dataset will not only be useful to develop robust models for disaster response tasks but will also enable evaluation of general multi-task models. We provide classification results using nine different pre-trained models, which can serve as a benchmark for future work. We report that the multi-task model reduces the inference time significantly, hence, such a model can be very useful for real-time classification tasks, especially for analyzing social media image streams.