Correction to: Plant Reproduction

Table 4 in the original publication reports incomplete genotype names in the column “Cross” and wrong codes in the column “Generation”. The wrong names and codes have been corrected. The correct table 4 is reported below. The errors do not affect the interpretation and conclusions of the study.

Table 4 Germination experiments carried out on progenies from controlled crosses in a P. ×canescens (‘6K6’ × ‘VV’) pedigree. Germination capacity (GC) observed at 16 days (2012) or 20 days (2009 and 2010) after sowing. ANOVA and HSD post-hoc tests were performed within each year, after exclusion of samples with no replicates. Different letters indicate significant difference between group means. St. Dev., standard deviation (in brackets)

The authors apologize for any inconvenience.