Correction to: European Journal of Pediatrics

In the original published version of the above article there were two typographical errors.

  1. 1.

    The text originally says "A standardization of metrics was performed before the quantitative analysis. The random-effect meta-analysis of those studies included 104 cases of PAA and 174 controls (Fig. 3)". However the correct number should have been 103 cases, not 104 (check Fig. 3)

  2. 2.

    On Table 3, on the Kakar et al. (2021) study, for Urinary LRG1 AA (μg/mL), the superindex (CAA) appears as a number and not as a letter. It should have been a "d“, not a "4“, since the legend of the table does not include numbers. The Table 3 has been corrected as follows.

    Table 3 Urinary Leucine-Rich Alpha-2 Glycoprotein summary of publications included in this review

The original article has been corrected.