With interest, I have read the article by Manios et al. about CORE-index as a screening tool for the early identification of infants that are potentially at higher risk for becoming obese at their childhood and adolescence [3]. I have the following comments.

Childhood obesity is an international public health problem leading to an increased risk of adult obesity and associated with mortality and morbidity [5]. Vitamin D may regulate adipose tissue mass, differentiation, and metabolism in ways that might contribute to overweight and/or obesity possibly by effects on lipogenesis and/or adipogenesis [1]. Vitamin D has been found to be a predictor significantly associated with overweight and/or obesity and other components of metabolic syndrome including raised plasma glucose concentration and insulin resistance [4]. Ekbom et al. [2] reported that higher vitamin D levels were related to a decreased lipid profile in obese children and adolescents.

In this context, considering close association of vitamin D with both childhood obesity and metabolic syndrome parameters, in order to predict childhood obesity, new scoring system including CORE-index and serum vitamin D level might be beneficial.