Correction to: Brain Structure and Function (2021) 226:2113–2123

In Fig. 1 of this article, the preparations of the image panels the GAERS Cx30 for LGN, CM and TRN was inadvertently mixed with WAG/Rij Cx30.

The Fig. 1 should have appeared as shown below.

Fig. 1
figure 1

Samples of Cx30 and Cx43 immunopositive astrocytes in the SSCx, VB, LGN, CM and TRN of GAERS, WAG/Rij and Wistar control animals. Coronal sections showing immunopositive staining in the cell membrane and in the cytoplasm adjacent to the cell membrane of astrocyte in the SSCx, VB, LGN, CM and TRN. The arrows point to examples of Cx30 and Cx43 immunopositive astrocytes in each brain region studied. The quantifications of immunopositive Cx’s were made from distinct regions of the cortex and thalamus. The immunopositive Cx’s in the layers V and VI of the SSCx were quantified. The Cx30 and Cx43 immunopositive astrocytes from the VB, LGN and the CM thalamic nuclei were quantified. The distinct cell populations and the organization of each thalamic nuclei (VB, LGN, CM and TRN) made it easily separable from other CNS structures. The Cx30 and Cx43 immunopositive astrocytes were scattered among the neurons of the thalamic nuclei. Note that the VB complex had a lobulated appearance imposed on it by penetrating bundles of myelinated thalamocortical fibers, the LGN contained a laminated structure, the CM thalamic nuclei contained large cells and the TRN contained cells which are broken up by bundles of fibers of the thalamic radiations