Correction to: Virchows Archiv

The legends of Figs. 1 and 3 in the published original version of the above article are incorrect. These are shown correctly as follows:

Fig. 1
figure 1

a ChRCC composed of epithelial, polygonal pale cells and eosinophilic cells (right) with sarcomatoid differentiation (left), composed of spindle cells. Vimentin was positive only in the sarcomatoid differentiation area (left). Epithelial cells were negative for vimentin (right). b, c chRCC with sarcomatoid differentiation in TCGA cohort (TCGA-KO-8404). Mitoses was easily found in sarcomatoid differentiation area (c, left) and the epithelial area with anaplasia (c, right) in this case. d Microscopic tumor necrosis comprised of eosinophilic, flocculent cell ghosts with granular nuclear and cytoplasmic debris in the central area. There is loss of underlying architecture (TCGA-KN-8428). Bar = 100μm

Fig. 3
figure 2

Low- and high-grade chRCC in the Japanese (a) and the Italian (b) cohorts

The original article has been corrected.