Correction to: Planta (2023) 258:113

In this article, hemigossypolone results were incorrectly mentioned in several occurrences. Under the heading ‘Effects of prior herbivory on wild cotton induced defences’ it is given as ‘Specifically, aphid and caterpillar herbivory drove significant increases (24% and 15%, respectively) in the concentration of hemigossypolone relative to controls (aphid herbivory: 1457.7 ± 69 μg/g; caterpillar herbivory: 1345.5 ± 64.4 μg/g; control: 1169.7 ± 55.7 μg/g; Fig. 1a).’

The correct text should read as “Specifically, caterpillar herbivory drove a significant 126% increase in the concentration of hemigossypolone (190.13 ± 24.09 μg/g) relative to controls (84.09 ± 23.84 μg/g), whereas aphid herbivory (118.56 ± 23.84 μg/g) showed the same trend (41% higher mean value) but did not differ from controls (Fig. 1a). The herbivory treatments differed significantly (Fig. 1a).”

Under the heading ‘Effects of caterpillar and aphid herbivory on cotton defence induction’ it is given as ‘We found that hemigossypolone, flavonoids, and hydroxycinnamic acids were significantly induced after prior herbivory in wild cotton, and in most cases, caterpillar and aphid feeding produced a similar level of induction of these compounds.’

The correct text should read as ‘We found that flavonoids, hydroxycinnamic acids, and hemigossypolone were significantly induced after prior herbivory in wild cotton, and in most cases, caterpillar and aphid feeding produced a similar level of induction of these compounds. In the case of hemigossypolone, caterpillar feeding drove a stronger induction though a trend for induction by aphids was also observed (albeit non-significant).’

Under the same heading, the text incorrectly given as ‘In addition, Eisenring et al. (2018) found that A. gossypii reduced cotton SA levels and did not induce terpenoids.’

The correct text should read as ‘In addition, Eisenring et al. (2018) found that A. gossypii reduced cotton SA levels and did not induce terpenoids, the latter coinciding with our hemigossypolone results.’

The hemigossypolone results were incorrectly given in Table 1 and Fig. 1.

The corrected Table 1 and Fig. 1 are given below.

Table 1 Results from general or generalized linear mixed models testing for effects of wild cotton (Gossypium hirsutum) prior herbivory treatment (caterpillars, aphids, or undamaged control) on (a) leaf concentration of terpenoids (µg/g FW), (b) leaf concentration of phenolic compounds (µg/g DW), and (c) performance-related variables for subsequently feeding Spodoptera frugiperda caterpillars
Fig. 1
figure 1

Effects of wild cotton (Gossypium hirsutum) prior herbivory treatment, namely: undamaged, caterpillar feeding (Spodoptera frugiperda) or aphid feeding (Aphis gossypii) on the concentration of (a, b, c) terpenoid aldehydes and (d, e) phenolic compounds expressed as μg/g FW or DW, respectively. Bars are model least-square means and standard errors (n = 58 plants for undamaged control, n = 59 for aphid treatment and n = 65 plants for caterpillar treatment). Different letters above the bars indicate statistically significant differences (at P < 0.05) between treatments