Correction to: European Journal of Applied Physiology

The original version of this article unfortunately contained a mistake. The wrong figures appeared as Figs. 5 and 6. The Figs. 5 and 6 should have appeared as shown in the following page.

Fig. 5
figure 5

Effects of either EPC, SC treatment, or CTL on countermovement jump variables. a Force tracing, b average relative braking force, c average relative braking power, d braking RFD, e braking phase, f average relative propulsive force, g average relative propulsive power, and h jump height were measured prior to exercise (pre), after the completion of treatment (post), 24 h post-drop jumps (24 h), and 48 h post-drop jumps (48 h). The force tracing red color represents the braking phase, and the green represents the propulsive phase. Different letters (e.g., a, b) represent differences between timepoints regardless of condition, where shared letters (e.g., a, a) represent no differences. Data are presented as mean ± standard deviation. EPC external pneumatic compression, SC static compression, CTL control, CMJ countermovement jump, RFD rate of force development

Fig. 6
figure 6

Effects of either EPC, SC treatment, or CTL on squat jump variables. a Force tracing, b average relative propulsive force, c average relative propulsive power, d propulsive RFD, and e jump height were measured prior to exercise (pre), after the completion of treatment (post), 24 h post-drop jumps (24 h), and 48 h post-drop jumps (48 h). The force tracing green color represents the propulsive phase. Different letters (e.g., a, b) represent differences between timepoints regardless of condition, where shared letters (e.g., a, a) represent no differences. Asterisk represents differences between conditions, where both the EPC and SC were greater than CTL. Data are presented as mean ± standard deviation. EPC external pneumatic compression, SC static compression, CTL control, CMJ countermovement jump, RFD rate of force development

The original article has been corrected.