1 Correction: Archive of Applied Mechanics https://doi.org/10.1007/s00419-022-02300-4

The essence of Corrigendum (clarifications):

  1. (1)

    Due to typo made by technical editors (at preparation of manuscript to publication [1]), we should clarify that in denotations below formula (1) should be printed “M is …” instead of “mis …” (according to denotations in [2]). The same is valid for denotation below formula (4) in [1], namely there should be printed “M equals …” instead of “mequals”.

  2. (2)

    On the sixth page of article [1], where eccentricity and mass-parameter have been chosen, mass-parameter should be printed as follows:

    $$\mu \; = \;(1/332946)\;\;\sim \;3.040 \cdot \,10^{\, - \;6}$$
  3. (3)

    Name of 2nd coauthor should be corrected as “Abouelmagd, E.” instead of “Aboeulmagd, E.” in ref. [1] in [1] (the same is valid for ref. [11] in [1] for correction of the name of 3rd coauthor).