1 Correction to: Arch Appl Mech https://doi.org/10.1007/s00419-020-01759-3

During final typesetting, the copy-editor introduced an error and ignored the corresponding correction remark by the authors, which lead to a significant bias in the first sentence on page 12 of the original paper [1]. The incorrect sentence reads:

Following the study of Hansen-Dörr et al. [2], the length scale parameters are set to \({\ell _\text {i}}= 18.75 \, \upmu \hbox {m}\) and \({\ell _\text {c}}= 15 \, \hbox {mm}\), while the viscosity and the residual stiffness take the values \(\eta _\text {f}= 10^{{-}5} \hbox {kN s} \, \upmu {\hbox {m}}^{{-}2}\) and \(\eta = 10^{{-}5}\), respectively.

The unit of the length scale \({\ell _\text {c}}\) and of the viscosity \(\eta _\text {f}\) are false. The corrected sentence reads:

Following the study of Hansen-Dörr et al. [2], the length scale parameters are set to \({\ell _\text {i}}= 18.75 \, \upmu \hbox {m}\) and \({\ell _\text {c}}= 15 \, \upmu \hbox {m}\), while the viscosity and the residual stiffness take the values \(\eta _\text {f}= 10^{{-}5} \hbox {kN s} \, {\hbox {mm}}^{{-}2}\) and \(\eta = 10^{{-}5}\), respectively.

Note, that the reference [2] has the number [25] in the original publication.