1 Correction to: Arch Appl Mech (2019) 89:823–834 https://doi.org/10.1007/s00419-018-1421-7

The calculation of the parameter \(d_\mathrm{PCN}\) was written without last operations (addition of 1, squaring the product, subtraction of 1). The correct record of Eq. (10) follows here:

$$\begin{aligned} 1\le & {} \kappa _0 < \sqrt{4/3}: \qquad C_\mathrm{PCN}=\frac{2f^{2}_{-1}}{a_\mathrm{PC}t^{2}_{0}}\left( 1+\sqrt{1-\frac{1}{\kappa ^{2}_0}}\right) -1; \qquad d_\mathrm{PCN}={\left( \frac{2f^{2}_{-1}}{b_\mathrm{PC}f_{0}}\right) }^{2}-1\nonumber \\ \kappa _0\ge & {} \sqrt{4/3}: \qquad C_\mathrm{PCN}= \frac{z}{a_\mathrm{PC}}-1; \qquad d_{\text {PCN}}=\frac{z}{b_{\text {PC}}^2}(4f_{-1}^2-zt_0^2)-1\nonumber \\ z= & {} {\left[ \frac{8\kappa _0f_{-1}}{t_0(4+\kappa ^{2}_0)}\right] }^{2} \end{aligned}$$

All subsequent evaluations of the PCN method presented in the paper used this correct formulation.