Correction to : Graefe’s Archive for Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology (2022) 260:3489–3498

This article contained some errors:

#1. In Table 1, the direction of the inequality sign in the logMAR Best-corrected visual acuity was reversed.

#2. Regarding Supplementary Information 4, the patients who received combination therapies were corrected in accordance with the communication with the Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices Agency. Although there were additions in some categories, these additional patients also had received other combination therapies, thus there was no change in the total number of patients receiving the combination therapies.

#3. Regarding “Events that occurred when used in combination with PRP” in Table 3, the proportion of the number of patients who developed these events was originally calculated using the safety analysis set (n = 646) as a denominator, but this time, the number of the patients who received PRP (n = 81) as combination therapy was used as a denominator. In addition, we recounted the number of patients who developed these adverse events by distinguishing between serious and non-serious.

#4. In the footnote of Fig. 2, we had mistakenly put the text that should have been included in the footnote of Supplementary information 8.

The correct tables and legends are shown below. Revisions are shown in green.

Table 1 Patient characteristics at baseline

Supplementary Information 4 Combination therapiesa


Patients, n (%)b

Safety analysis set

646 (100)

Absence of combination therapies

434 (67.2)

Presence of combination therapiesa

201 (31.1)

  Panretinal photocoagulation



52 (8.0)

  Direct coagulation

45 (7.0)

  Grid coagulation

3 (0.5)


10 (1.5)

  1. aDrug treatment other than IVT-AFL, photocoagulation or surgery, performed for DME after the first dose of IVT-AFL
  2. bCounted under all applicable categories

Table 3

Table 3 Safety specifications: incidence of adverse events and adverse drug reactions

Figure 2

Fig. 2
figure 1

a LogMAR BCVAs and numbers of patients during the 24-month study period. b CRTs (μm) and numbers of patients during the 24-month study period. The mean and standard deviation are indicated with markers and whiskers, respectively. BCVA best-corrected visual acuity, BL baseline, CRT central retinal thickness, logMAR logarithm of the minimum angle of resolution

figure e

Supplementary Information 8 Subgroup analysis based on the presence/absence of previous treatment. (a) LogMAR BCVAs and numbers of patients during the 24-month study period. (b) CRTs (μm) and numbers of patients during the 24-month study period. The mean and standard deviation are indicated with markers and whiskers, respectively.

BCVA best-corrected visual acuity; BL baseline; CRT central retinal thickness; logMAR logarithm of the minimum angle of resolution