Dear Editor,

We would like to thank you for the opportunity to answer to the Letter to the Editor from Tan CS et al., regarding our paper about choroidal thinning occurring in Fuchs uveitis syndrome (FUS) [1]. Three recently published papers have reported this new interesting finding that could extend our knowledge about FUS [13]. As the authors mentioned in their comments, choroidal thickness has been reported to vary during the course of several inflammatory, and even in non-inflammatory, diseases [46]. Of course it would be interesting to evaluate choroidal thickness variations occurring between the acute and chronic phase of FUS, and also to correlate choroidal thickness values with the duration of the disease. Regarding our patient series, FUS duration was not homogeneous, because some patients were referred to our centre after they had been followed for a long time at other eye clinics. Previous clinical data were often inaccessible, though we decided to enrol patients that did not show any sign of active inflammation for at least 6 months prior to the OCT assessment. Further larger studies, evaluating choroidal thickness in both acute and chronic phase of FUS, might be fascinating, and the presence of a correlation between iris and choroid thinning may also be investigated. We therefore agree with Tan CS et al., about the interest in future studies conducted to evaluate choroidal thickness differences in other regions of the macula, and even in extra-macular areas. Recent advances in imaging technologies might allow further OCT applications for the evaluation of choroid and other ocular tissues typically involved in inflammatory diseases.