Correction to: Journal of Neurology

The original version of this article unfortunately contained a mistake. The correct information is given below.

The name of the second author was misspelled, the correct name is given here: Alkyoni Athanasiou-Fragkouli.

Authors 3–7 were omitted during the original publication: Hector Garcia-Moreno, Silvia Prades Abadias, Julie Greenfield, Yael Shiloh-Malawsky, Paola Giunti.

Silvia Prades Abadias is the second correspondence author for this article jointly with Henry Houlden.

Author group should be:

Aiysha Chaudhry, Alkyoni Athanasiou-Fragkouli, Hector Garcia-Moreno, Silvia Prades Abadias, Julie Greenfield, Yael Shiloh-Malawsky, Paola Giunti and Henry Houlden