Erratum to: Int J Legal Med (2015) 129:357–363

DOI 10.1007/s00414-014-1045-6

The manuscript Int J Legal Med 129:357–363 contains a numerical error in Table 4. More specifically in the coefficient for UB (upper epiphyseal breadth) which in the equation IF4 for the Italians is 0.1739 instead of 0.1379 as appears in the original publication. The corrected version of Table 4 of the original publication can be seen in Table 4 (corrected).

Table 4 All subset discriminant functions and classification accuracies for the three populations and the pooled sample

Consequently, the formula for sex estimation in Italians using two variables (UB = upper epiphyseal breadth and LB = lower epiphyseal breadth) is the following:

$$ \mathrm{IF}4=0.1739\ *\ \mathrm{U}\mathrm{B} + 0.1460*\ \mathrm{L}\mathrm{B} - 19.1636 $$

An example of the application of the formula is given below:

For a tibia, deriving from an individual of Italian origin, if LB = 39 mm and UB = 65 mm by replacing the unknown in (1) we get:

$$ \mathrm{IF}4=0.1739 \ast 65+0.1460 \ast 39 - 19.1636=-2.167 $$

Thus, IF4 < 0 means that the unknown tibia belongs to a female individual. This value is smaller than −1.18 which according to Table 5 of the original publication (Int J Legal Med 129 (2015):357–363) means that the posterior probability of correct classification of this individual is >95 %.