Chromosoma (2003) 111:518–524

The authors have noted that Table 2 of the above paper contained two errors:

  1. i.

    The 5′-3′ MunI adapter oligonucleotide sequence and FAM-labelled MunI primer were shuffled in the print version, which seems to be a type-setting error.

  2. ii.

    There was inadvertent addition of extra nucleotides (T and G) to the BglII and MunI primer and adapter sequences in the table by us. The sequences should read 5′-GAG TAC ACT GTC GAT C and 5′-6 FAM-GAG AGC TCT TGG AAT T, respectively (without the 3′ T and G).

    Since our data were generated with these primers, this correction does not alter the results and conclusions of the paper in any way.

The corrected Table 2 is shown below:

Table 2. The complementary sets of BgIII and MunI adapters and polymerase chain reaction primers. (6-FAM is 6-carboxyfluorescein)