Dear Editor,

We would like to share ideas on “How face masks influence the sinonasal quality of life during the COVID-19 pandemic [1].” Et al. concluded that “The majority of our survey’s responders, predominantly female …. produce more “airway-minded” personal protection equipment [1]”. The reply by responders in the present study might reflect feeling but it might or might not affect a real anatomical-physiological problem resulting from facemask wearing. Indeed, there are many types of facemasks and the physical impact on the face, especially for sinonasal are, might be different. A long-time use of a facemask might cause pressure sores on the ears and nose bridge if the mask is not fit with the face shape of the facemask wearer [2]. In a recent report from Africa, ones who did not wear facemask usually mentioned for discomfort feeling [3]. A quality control of material and design of facemask should not be overlooked. Similar to other piece of dressings, various size and design of facemask to promote comfort for wearer might be an important clue to increase facemask wearing rate in the present COVID-19 pandemic situation.