Correction to: European Archives of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology

In the original publication of the article, Fig. 1a was missing and caption of Fig. 1a was published as caption of Fig. 1b. The correct Fig. 1 and captions are provided below.

Fig. 1
figure 1figure 1

A POSE scoring system. The scoring criteria for POSE were as follows: synechia to the lateral wall or lateralized middle turbinate = 1 point each; narrow middle meatus = 1 or closed middle meatus = 2; maxillary sinus with mucoid secretions/edema = 1 or with purulence/allergic mucin = 2; ethmoid cavity with few isolated crusts = 1 or with diffuse or occluding crusting = 2; ethmoid cavity with mucosal edema (loss of discernible underlying bony contours in some areas) = 1 or with mucosal edema (diffuse loss of discernible underlying bony contours) = 2; ethmoid cavity with polypoid changes partially filling the cavity = 1 or entirely filling the cavity = 2; ethmoid cavity with polyposis beyond the middle meatus but not to the inferior turbinate = 1 or beyond the upper border of the inferior turbinate = 2; ethmoid cavity with thin/mucoid secretions = 1 or with purulent/allergic mucin = 2; narrowed frontal recess/sinus or edema present in the recess/sinus = 1 or obstructed/infected/severely inflamed frontal recess/sinus = 2; and narrowed sphenoid sinus or edema present in the sinus = 1 or obstructed/infected/severely inflamed sphenoid sinus = 2. The total scores were based on the extent of surgery: 16 = total score (middle meatal antrostomy + ethmoidectomy); 18F = total score (middle meatal antrostomy + ethmoidectomy + frontal sinusotomy); 18S = total score (middle meatal antrostomy + ethmoidectomy + sphenoidotomy); 20 = total score (middle meatal antrostomy + ethmoidectomy + sphenoidotomy + frontal sinusotomy). MMA = middle meatal antrostomy; POSE = perioperative sinus endoscopy. B Middle turbinate treatment. a Injection saline of middle turbinate. b Incision anterior middle turbinate. c Incision inferior middle turbinate. d Separation of the bone of middle turbinate. e Take out the bone of middle turbinate. f Take out broken bone of middle turbinate. g Take out remainder of bone middle turbinate. h Restoration of middle turbinate. i Packing gelatin sponge between the middle turbinate and nasal septum. j Packing gelatin sponge between the lateral nasal wall and middle turbinate

The original article was updated.