We kindly thank the reader for his comments that give us the opportunity to give more details about this study. Indeed, the hypnosis gives more comfort to the patient and can be used in patients at risk of general anaesthesia. The mean duration of the procedure was 36 min in HYP group and 37 min in LA group. The difference was not significant (p = 0.2, Mann–Whitney test). Furthermore, the mean duration of operating room occupancy was identical in both groups (1 h and 19 min). The strap muscles were not cut by lateral cervical approach, the infrahyoid muscles and the thyroid gland were reclined medially to expose the parathyroid gland area.

There was no conversion to a bilateral neck exploration. When the adenoma was not found (one patient in both groups), a new procedure was planned under general anaesthesia.

Intra-operative measure of PTH was not used in this study and is not currently used in our practice for the surgery of a single parathyroid adenoma as recommended in the article of Bhangu et al. [1]. Frozen section biopsies were done in all the procedures.