Correction to: Acta Neuropathologica (2019) 138:251–273

In this article author would like to make few changes in the article text. The corrections are given below.

1. In Materials and methods section for Immunofluorescence of human sections:

In the sentence:

“The sections were then washed (3 × 15 min) in 0.1 M KPBS, after which they were incubated in blocking buffer (5% goat serum blocking with 0.1 M KPBS and 0.025% Triton-X) for at least 1 h with gentle agitation.”

Action: Change the word Goat for Donkey.

2. In Material and methods section for ELISA plates:

In the paragraph:

“The detection ranges of the different cytokines measured were as follows: IL1β (1670–0.408 pg/mL), IL4 (1660–0.405 pg/mL), IL12 (32,200–7.86 pg/mL), IL10 (3410–0.833 pg/mL), IFN-γ (938–0.229 pg/mL), IL2 (2630–0.642 pg/mL), IL5 (967–0.236 pg/mL), IL6 (5720–1.40 pg/mL), KC/GRO (1980–0.483 pg/mL) and TNF-α (627–0.153 pg/mL). The Aβ40 detection range was 15,100–3.69 pg/mL, and the Aβ42 detection range was 2280–0.557 pg/mL. ELISA plates from R&D (DY008 and DY1197-05) were used to measure the levels of gal3 (detection range 1000–15.6 pg/mL) in culture media.”

Action: Write “IL8 regarded as human functional homolog to rodent KC” between brackets next to KC/GRO.