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From glacial refugia to the current landscape configuration: permanence, expansion and forest management of Fagus sylvatica L. in the Western Pyrenean Region (Northern Iberian Peninsula)

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Vegetation History and Archaeobotany Aims and scope Submit manuscript


Knowledge of the current status of Fagus sylvatica in the Western Pyrenean Region (Northern Iberian Peninsula) is based on its widespread presence in mountain areas. However, the past evolution of this taxon and its links to natural and anthropogenic activities is not well defined. We have compiled all the published palaeobotanical data (macro and micro remains) on this region, including both natural and archaeological deposits and with particular emphasis on available radiocarbon dates. To support our analysis of the evolution of F. sylvatica, we present the palynological study of a new sequence (Gesaleta, Navarre), covering the last 11,400 cal yr bp. The main results of this paper suggest the ancient presence of F. sylvatica in the Western Pyrenean Region from at least the Late Pleistocene and Early and Middle Holocene, with a clear expansion from ca 4,500–3,500 cal yr bp, although with some regional differences. This was the point when European beech became one of the main actors in mountain forests, where it has been exploited for a variety of anthropogenic activities.

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Fig. 1

(Modified from Alía et al. 2009)

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Mónica Ruiz-Alonso and Sebastián Pérez-Díaz are funded by the Programa Estatal de Promoción del Talento y su Empleabilidad en I + D + i (Juan de la Cierva).

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Ruiz-Alonso, M., Pérez-Díaz, S. & López-Sáez, J.A. From glacial refugia to the current landscape configuration: permanence, expansion and forest management of Fagus sylvatica L. in the Western Pyrenean Region (Northern Iberian Peninsula). Veget Hist Archaeobot 28, 481–496 (2019).

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