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Stochastic Gradient Descent with Noise of Machine Learning Type Part I: Discrete Time Analysis

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Journal of Nonlinear Science Aims and scope Submit manuscript


Stochastic gradient descent (SGD) is one of the most popular algorithms in modern machine learning. The noise encountered in these applications is different from that in many theoretical analyses of stochastic gradient algorithms. In this article, we discuss some of the common properties of energy landscapes and stochastic noise encountered in machine learning problems, and how they affect SGD-based optimization. In particular, we show that the learning rate in SGD with machine learning noise can be chosen to be small, but uniformly positive for all times if the energy landscape resembles that of overparametrized deep learning problems. If the objective function satisfies a Łojasiewicz inequality, SGD converges to the global minimum exponentially fast, and even for functions which may have local minima, we establish almost sure convergence to the global minimum at an exponential rate from any finite energy initialization. The assumptions that we make in this result concern the behavior where the objective function is either small or large and the nature of the gradient noise, but the energy landscape is fairly unconstrained on the domain where the objective function takes values in an intermediate regime.

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Data sharing not applicable to this article as no datasets were generated or analysed during the current study. The code for the simulations in Fig. 1 is available from the corresponding author on reasonable request.


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The author would like to thank the anonymous reviewer, Krishnakumar Balasubramanian and Sebastian Kassing for their valuable comments.

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Communicated by Anthony Bloch.

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Appendix A: On the Convergence of SGD with Classical Noise

To illustrate the necessity of our improvement, we show that non-constant functions which satisfy the Łojasiewicz inequality always have unbounded gradients.

Lemma A.1

Let \(f:{\mathbb {R}}^m\rightarrow {\mathbb {R}}\) be bounded from below and \(C^1\)-smooth. Assume that f satisfies the Łojasiewicz inequality

$$\begin{aligned} \Lambda \,\big (f(\theta ) - \inf f\big ) \le |\nabla f|^2(\theta ) \end{aligned}$$

for some \(\Lambda >0\). Then either f is constant or \(\nabla f\) is unbounded.


Assume that f is not constant. Since \(\nabla f\) is bounded from above, so is f by (A.1). Without loss of generality, we may assume that \(\inf f=0\). Now take any \(\theta _0\in {\mathbb {R}}^m\) such that \(f(\theta _0)>0\) and consider the solution \(\theta \) of the ODE

$$\begin{aligned} \left\{ \begin{array}{rll} \dot{\theta }&{}= \nabla f(\theta ) &{}t>0\\ \theta &{}= \theta _0 &{}t=0. \end{array}\right. \end{aligned}$$


$$\begin{aligned} \frac{d}{dt} f(\theta (t)) = |\nabla f(\theta (t))|^2 \ge \Lambda \,f(\theta _t), \end{aligned}$$

we find that \(f(\theta (t)) \ge \exp (\Lambda t)\), meaning that f cannot be bounded. \(\square \)

We re-prove (Karimi et al. 2016, Theorem 4) under the assumption of bounded noise instead of bounded gradients and with a corrected second estimate containing a logarithm.

Theorem A.2

Assume that

  1. (1)

    \(f:{\mathbb {R}}^m\rightarrow [0,\infty )\) is a \(C^1\)-function and bounded from below.

  2. (2)

    \(\nabla f\) satisfies the one-sided Lipschitz-condition

    $$\begin{aligned} \langle \nabla f(\theta _1) - \nabla f(\theta _2), \theta _1-\theta _2\rangle \le C_L\,|\theta _1-\theta _2|^2 \end{aligned}$$

    for some \(C_L>0\).

  3. (3)

    f satisfies the Łojasiewicz-inequality

    $$\begin{aligned} \Lambda \,\big (f(\theta ) - \inf f\big ) \le |\nabla f|^2(\theta ) \end{aligned}$$

    for some \(\Lambda >0\).

  4. (4)

    \((\Omega ,{\mathcal {A}}, \mathbb {P})\) is a probability space and \(g:{\mathbb {R}}^m\times \Omega \rightarrow {\mathbb {R}}^m\) is a family of functions such that

    1. (a)

      \({{\mathbb {E}}}_{\xi \sim \mathbb {P}} g(\theta ,\xi ) = \nabla f(\theta )\) for all \(\theta \in {\mathbb {R}}^m\) and

    2. (b)

      \({{\mathbb {E}}}_{\xi \sim \mathbb {P}} \big [ |g(\theta ,\xi )- \nabla f(\theta )|^2\big ] < \sigma ^2\) for all \(\theta \in {\mathbb {R}}^m\).

Then the following hold.

  1. (1)

    If the learning rates satisfy the Robbins-Monro conditions

    $$\begin{aligned} \sum _{t=0}^\infty \eta _t = +\infty , \qquad \sum _{t=0}^\infty \eta _t^2 < \infty , \end{aligned}$$

    then \(\lim _{t\rightarrow \infty } f(\theta _t) = 0\).

  2. (2)

    If the learning rates are chosen as \(\eta _t= \frac{2}{\Lambda (t+1)}\), then the estimate

    $$\begin{aligned} {{\mathbb {E}}}\big [ f(\theta _t) - \inf f\big ] \le \frac{2\,C_L\sigma ^2\,\log (t+1)}{\Lambda ^2t}\,{{\mathbb {E}}}\big [f(\theta _0)-\inf f\big ] \end{aligned}$$

    holds for all \(t\in {\mathbb {N}}\).

  3. (3)

    If \(\eta \le \frac{1}{C_L}\), then the estimate

    $$\begin{aligned} {{\mathbb {E}}}\big [ f(\theta _t) - \inf f\big ] \le \left( 1- \frac{\Lambda \eta }{2}\right) ^{t}\,{{\mathbb {E}}}\big [ f(\theta _0)-\inf f\big ] + \frac{C_L\sigma ^2}{\Lambda }\,\eta \end{aligned}$$

    holds for all \(t\in {\mathbb {N}}\).


Preliminaries. The proof strongly resembles that of Theorem 3.1. Without loss of generality, we assume that \(\inf f=0\) and \(\eta _t < \frac{1}{C_L}\) for all t. Note that

$$\begin{aligned} {{\mathbb {E}}}\big [|g(\theta _t,\xi _t)|^2\big ]&= {{\mathbb {E}}}\big [|g(\theta _t,\xi _t)- \nabla f(\theta _t) + \nabla f(\theta _t)|^2\big ]\\&= {{\mathbb {E}}}\big [|g(\theta _t,\xi _t)- \nabla f(\theta _t)|^2\big ] + 2 \,{{\mathbb {E}}}\big [\big (g(\theta _t,\xi _t)- \nabla f(\theta _t)\big )\cdot \nabla f(\theta _t)\big ] \\&\quad + {{\mathbb {E}}}\big [|\nabla f(\theta _t)|^2\big ]\\&\le \sigma ^2 + 2\,{{\mathbb {E}}}\big [{{\mathbb {E}}}\big [g(\theta _t,\xi _t)- \nabla f(\theta _t)|{{\mathcal {F}}}_t\big ]\cdot \nabla f(\theta _t)\big ] + {{\mathbb {E}}}\big [|\nabla f(\theta _t)|^2\big ]\\&= \sigma ^2 + {{\mathbb {E}}}\big [|\nabla f(\theta _t)|^2\big ] \end{aligned}$$

due to the independence of \(\xi _t,\theta _t\). As in the proof of Theorem 3.1, we note that

$$\begin{aligned} {{\mathbb {E}}}\big [ f(\theta _{t+1}) - f(\theta _t)\big ]&\le \frac{C_L\eta _t^2}{2}\,{{\mathbb {E}}}\big [|g_t|^2\big ] - \eta _t\,{{\mathbb {E}}}\big [|\nabla f(\theta _t)|^2\big ]\\&\le -\left( 1 - \frac{C_L\eta _t}{2}\right) \eta _t \,{{\mathbb {E}}}\big [|\nabla f(\theta _t)|^2\big ] + \frac{C_L\sigma ^2}{2}\,\eta _t^2\\&\le -\frac{\eta _t}{2} \,{{\mathbb {E}}}\big [|\nabla f(\theta _t)|^2\big ] + \frac{C_L\sigma ^2}{2}\,\eta _t^2\\&\le -\frac{\Lambda \eta _t}{2} \,{{\mathbb {E}}}\big [f(\theta _t)\big ] + \frac{C_L\sigma ^2}{2}\,\eta _t^2. \end{aligned}$$


$$\begin{aligned} {{\mathbb {E}}}\big [ f(\theta _{t+1})\big ] \le \left( 1-\frac{\Lambda \eta _t}{2}\right) \,{{\mathbb {E}}}\big [ f(\theta _t)\big ] + \frac{C_L\sigma ^2}{2}\,\eta _t^2. \end{aligned}$$

First claim. Denote \(z_t = {{\mathbb {E}}}\big [f(\theta _t)\big ]\). Since

$$\begin{aligned} z_{t+1}&\le \left( 1-\frac{\Lambda \eta _t}{2}\right) z_t + \frac{C_L\sigma ^2}{2}\,\eta _t^2\\&\le \left( 1-\frac{\Lambda \eta _t}{2}\right) \left( \left( 1-\frac{\Lambda \eta _{t-1}}{2}\right) z_{t-1} + \frac{C_L\sigma ^2}{2}\,\eta _{t-1}^2\right) + \frac{C_L\sigma ^2}{2}\,\eta _t^2\\&\le \dots \\&\le \left( \prod _{k=0}^t \left( 1-\frac{\Lambda \eta _k}{2}\right) \right) z_0 + \frac{C_L\sigma ^2}{2} \sum _{k=0}^t \eta _k^2 \prod _{j=k+1}^t\left( 1-\frac{\Lambda \eta _j}{2}\right) . \end{aligned}$$

It remains to show that the right hand side converges to zero. Note that for any \(T\le t\) we have

$$\begin{aligned} \log \left( \prod _{k=T}^t \left( 1-\frac{\Lambda \eta _k}{2}\right) \right) = \sum _{k=T}^t\log \left( 1-\frac{\Lambda \eta _k}{2}\right) \approx - \frac{\Lambda }{2} \sum _{k=T}^t\eta _k \end{aligned}$$

where the approximation \(-2\alpha \le \log (1-\alpha ) \le -\alpha \) is valid for almost all terms since \(\eta _k\rightarrow 0\). Thus we find that

$$\begin{aligned} \lim _{t\rightarrow \infty } \log \left( \prod _{k=T}^t \left( 1-\frac{\Lambda \eta _k}{2}\right) \right) =-\infty \qquad \Rightarrow \qquad \lim _{t\rightarrow \infty }\prod _{k=T}^t \left( 1-\frac{\Lambda \eta _k}{2}\right) = 0 \end{aligned}$$

independently of T. Immediately, the first term on the right hand side goes to zero. For the second term, we employ the dominated convergence theorem for the sequence of functions

$$\begin{aligned} F_T(k) = {\left\{ \begin{array}{ll} \prod _{j=k+1}^T\left( 1-\frac{\Lambda \eta _j}{2}\right) &{}k\le T\\ 0&{}\text {else}\end{array}\right. } \end{aligned}$$

with respect to the finite measure on \({\mathbb {N}}\) which has counting density \(\eta _t^2\). \(F(k) = 1\) can be taken as an integrable majorizing function.

Second claim. For the specified learning rate, the estimate (A.2) becomes

$$\begin{aligned} z_{t+1}&\le \left( 1 - \frac{\Lambda \,\frac{2}{\Lambda (t+1)}}{2}\right) z_t + \frac{C_L\sigma ^2}{2}\,\frac{4}{\Lambda ^2(t+1)^2}\\&= \frac{t}{t+1}\,z_t + \frac{2 C_L\sigma ^2}{\Lambda ^2}\,\frac{1}{(t+1)^2} \end{aligned}$$

Which can be rewritten for the modified sequence \({\tilde{z}}_t = t\,z_t\) as

$$\begin{aligned} {\tilde{z}}_{t+1} = (t+1)z_{t+1} \le {\widetilde{z}}_{t} + \frac{2 C_L\sigma ^2}{\Lambda ^2}\,\frac{1}{t+1}. \end{aligned}$$

In particular since \({\widetilde{z}}_0=0\) we have

$$\begin{aligned} z_t&= \frac{1}{t}\,{\widetilde{z}}_t\\&= \frac{1}{t} \sum _{i=1}^t \big [{\widetilde{z}}_{i+1}-{\widetilde{z}}_i\big ] \\&\le \frac{2\,C_L\sigma ^2}{\Lambda ^2t} \sum _{i=0}^t\frac{1}{i+1}\\&\le \frac{2\,C_L\sigma ^2\,\log (t+1)}{\Lambda ^2t}. \end{aligned}$$

Third claim. In this case, we have

$$\begin{aligned} z_{t+1} \le \left( 1-\frac{\Lambda \eta }{2}\right) z_t + \frac{C_L\sigma ^2}{2}\,\eta ^2 \end{aligned}$$

for constant \(\eta \), so

$$\begin{aligned} z_{t+1}&\le \left( 1- \frac{\Lambda \eta }{2}\right) ^{t+1}z_0 + \frac{C_L\sigma ^2}{2}\,\eta ^2\sum _{k=0}^t \left( 1-\frac{\Lambda \eta }{2}\right) ^k\\&\le \left( 1- \frac{\Lambda \eta }{2}\right) ^{t+1}z_0 + \frac{C_L\sigma ^2}{2}\,\eta ^2 \frac{1}{1- \left( 1-\frac{\Lambda \eta }{2}\right) }\\&= \left( 1- \frac{\Lambda \eta }{2}\right) ^{t+1}z_0 + \frac{C_L\sigma ^2}{\Lambda }\,\eta . \end{aligned}$$

\(\square \)

For the sake of completeness, we also provide an elementary version of the result that SGD finds stationary points for objective functions which are non-convex and do not satisfy a Łojasiewicz inequality.

Theorem A.3

Assume that

  1. (1)

    \(f:{\mathbb {R}}^m\rightarrow [0,\infty )\) is a \(C^1\)-function and bounded from below.

  2. (2)

    \(\nabla f\) satisfies the Lipschitz-condition

    $$\begin{aligned} |\nabla f(\theta _1) - \nabla f(\theta _2)| \le C_L\,|\theta _1-\theta _2| \end{aligned}$$

    for some \(C_L>0\).

  3. (3)

    \((\Omega ,{\mathcal {A}}, \mathbb {P})\) is a probability space and \(g:{\mathbb {R}}^m\times \Omega \rightarrow {\mathbb {R}}^m\) is a family of functions such that

    1. (a)

      \({{\mathbb {E}}}_{\xi \sim \mathbb {P}} g(\theta ,\xi ) = \nabla f(\theta )\) for all \(\theta \in {\mathbb {R}}^m\) and

    2. (b)

      \({{\mathbb {E}}}_{\xi \sim \mathbb {P}} \big [ |g(\theta ,\xi )- \nabla f(\theta )|^2\big ] < \sigma ^2\) for all \(\theta \in {\mathbb {R}}^m\).

If the learning rates satisfy the Robbins-Monro conditions

$$\begin{aligned} \sum _{t=0}^\infty \eta _t = +\infty , \qquad \sum _{t=0}^\infty \eta _t^2 < \infty , \end{aligned}$$

then \(\lim _{t\rightarrow \infty } {{\mathbb {E}}}\big [|\nabla f|^2(\theta _t)\big ] = 0\).


Step 1 Without loss of generality, we assume that \(\inf f = 0\). As previously in the proofs of Theorems 3.1 and Theorem A.2, we note that

$$\begin{aligned} {{\mathbb {E}}}\big [ f(\theta _{t+1}) - f(\theta _t)\big ]&\le -\frac{\eta _t}{2} \,{{\mathbb {E}}}\big [|\nabla f(\theta _t)|^2\big ] + \frac{C_L\sigma ^2}{2}\,\eta _t^2 \end{aligned}$$

if \(\eta _t<\frac{1}{C_L}\). Then

$$\begin{aligned} {{\mathbb {E}}}\big [f(\theta _t)\big ]&= {{\mathbb {E}}}\big [f(\theta _0)\big ] + \sum _{i=t}^t {{\mathbb {E}}}\big [f(\theta _i) - f(\theta _{i-1})\big ]\\&\le {{\mathbb {E}}}\big [f(\theta _0)\big ] + \frac{C_L\sigma ^2}{2}\sum _{i=1}^\infty \eta _i^2 \end{aligned}$$

for all t, i.e. \({{\mathbb {E}}}\big [ f(\theta _t)\big ]\) is uniformly bounded in terms of the initial condition, the constants \(C_L\) and \(\sigma \), and the second Robbins-Monro condition.

Step 2. Assume for the sake of contradiction that \({\bar{c}}:= \liminf _{t\rightarrow \infty } {{\mathbb {E}}}\big [|\nabla f(\theta _t)|^2\big ]>0\). Then

$$\begin{aligned} {{\mathbb {E}}}\big [ f(\theta _{t+1}) - f(\theta _t)\big ] \le -\frac{\eta _t}{3} \,{\bar{c}}+ \frac{C_L\sigma ^2}{2}\,\eta _t^2 \le -\frac{\eta _t}{4}\,{\bar{c}} \end{aligned}$$

for all sufficiently large t since \(\eta _t^2 \ll \eta _t\). We choose \(T\in {\mathbb {N}}\) such that (A.3) holds for all \(t\ge T\). Due to the first Robbins-Monro condition and Step 1, we have

$$\begin{aligned} {{\mathbb {E}}}\big [f(\theta _t)\big ] \le {{\mathbb {E}}}\big [f(\theta _T)\big ] + \sum _{i=T}^t{{\mathbb {E}}}\big [ f(\theta _{t+1}) - f(\theta _t)\big ] \le {{\mathbb {E}}}\big [f(\theta _T)\big ] - \frac{{\bar{c}}}{4}\sum _{i=T}^t \eta _i\rightarrow -\infty . \end{aligned}$$

As f is bounded from below, we have arrived at a contradiction.

Step 3. Assume for the sake of contradiction that

$$\begin{aligned} 0 = \liminf _{t\rightarrow \infty } {{\mathbb {E}}}\big [|\nabla f|^2(\theta _t)\big ] < \limsup _{t\rightarrow \infty } {{\mathbb {E}}}\big [|\nabla f|^2(\theta _t)\big ] =: {\bar{c}}. \end{aligned}$$

Then there exists sequences \(S_n, T_n\) such

  • \(S_n<T_n < S_{n+1}\),

  • \({{\mathbb {E}}}\big [ |\nabla f|^2(\theta _{S_n})\big ] < \frac{{\bar{c}}}{4}\),

  • \({{\mathbb {E}}}\big [ |\nabla f|^2(\theta _{T_n})\big ] > \frac{3\,{\bar{c}}}{4}\), and

  • \(\frac{{\bar{c}}}{4} \le {{\mathbb {E}}}\big [|\nabla f|^2(\theta _t)\big ] \le \frac{3\,{\bar{c}}}{4}\) for \(S_n\le t\le T_n\).

By the energy dissipation estimates, we see that

$$\begin{aligned} 0&\le \liminf _{t\rightarrow \infty }{{\mathbb {E}}}\big [ f(\theta _t)\big ]\\&\le {{\mathbb {E}}}\big [f(\theta _T)\big ] + \liminf _{t\rightarrow \infty } \sum _{i=T}^t {{\mathbb {E}}}\big [ f(\theta _i) - f(\theta _{i-1})\big ]\\&\le {{\mathbb {E}}}\big [f(\theta _T)\big ] + \liminf _{t\rightarrow \infty } \sum _{i=T}^t \left( -\frac{\eta _i}{2} \,{{\mathbb {E}}}\big [|\nabla f(\theta _i)|^2\big ] + \frac{C_L\sigma ^2}{2}\,\eta _i^2\right) \\&\le {{\mathbb {E}}}\big [f(\theta _T)\big ] - \liminf _{t\rightarrow \infty } \frac{1}{2} \sum _{i=T}^t\eta _i\,{{\mathbb {E}}}\big [|\nabla f(\theta _i)|^2\big ] + \frac{C_L\sigma ^2}{2} \sum _{i=1}^\infty \eta _i^2 \end{aligned}$$

for any \(T\in {\mathbb {N}}\). Then

$$\begin{aligned} \infty&> {{\mathbb {E}}}\big [f(\theta _1)\big ] + \frac{C_L\sigma ^2}{2} \sum _{i=1}^\infty \eta _i^2\nonumber \\&\ge \frac{1}{2} \sum _{i=1}^\infty \eta _i\,{{\mathbb {E}}}\big [|\nabla f(\theta _i)|^2\big ]\nonumber \\&\ge \frac{1}{2} \sum _{n=1}^\infty \sum _{t=S_n}^{T_{n-1}}\eta _t \,{{\mathbb {E}}}\big [|\nabla f(\theta _i)|^2\big ]\nonumber \\&\ge \frac{{\bar{c}}}{8} \sum _{n=1}^\infty \sum _{t=S_n}^{T_{n}-1}\eta _t. \end{aligned}$$

In particular \(\lim _{n\rightarrow \infty } \sum _{t=S_n}^{T_n-1} \eta _t \rightarrow 0\) as \(n\rightarrow \infty \).

Step 4. We are finally in a place where we can obtain a contradiction using (A.4). Due to the Lipschitz-continuity of \(\nabla f\), we find that

$$\begin{aligned} {{\mathbb {E}}}\big [|\nabla f|^2(\theta _{t+1}) - |\nabla f|^2(\theta _t)\big ]&= {{\mathbb {E}}}\big [ \big (\nabla f(\theta _{t+1}) - \nabla f(\theta _t)\big ) \cdot \big (\nabla f(\theta _{t+1}) + \nabla f(\theta _t)\big )\big ]\\&\le {{\mathbb {E}}}\big [C_L\,\eta _t\,|g(\theta _t,\xi _t)|\,\big |\nabla f(\theta _{t+1}) + \nabla f(\theta _t)\big |\big ]\\&\le C_L\eta _t \,\left( {{\mathbb {E}}}\big [|g(\theta _t,\xi _t)|^2\big ]\right) ^{1/2}\left( {{\mathbb {E}}}\big [|\nabla f|^2(\theta _{t+1}) +\nabla f(\theta _t)|^2\big ]\right) ^{1/2}\\&\le C_L\eta _t \,\left( {{\mathbb {E}}}\big [|\nabla f(\theta _t)|^2\big ]+ \sigma ^2\right) ^{1/2}\left( 2{{\mathbb {E}}}\big [|\nabla f|^2(\theta _{t+1}) + |\nabla f(\theta _t)|^2\big ]\right) ^{1/2}\\&\le 2C_L\eta _t\,\sqrt{{\bar{c}}+ \sigma ^2}\sqrt{{\bar{c}}} \end{aligned}$$


$$\begin{aligned} \frac{{\bar{c}}}{2}&\le {{\mathbb {E}}}\big [|\nabla f|^2(\theta _{T_n})\big ] - {{\mathbb {E}}}\big [|\nabla f|^2(\theta _{S_n})\big ]\\&= \sum _{i=S_n}^{T_n-1} {{\mathbb {E}}}\big [|\nabla f|^2(\theta _{t+1})\big ] - {{\mathbb {E}}}\big [|\nabla f|^2(\theta _{t})\big ]\\&\le 2C_L\,\sqrt{{\bar{c}}+ \sigma ^2}\sqrt{{\bar{c}}} \sum _{i=S_n}^{T_n-1} \eta _i. \end{aligned}$$

Since \(\sum _{i=S_n}^{T_n-1} \eta _i\rightarrow 0\) by (A.4), we arrive at a contradiction for large n. \(\square \)

The avoidance analysis for strict saddle points is more subtle and requires more precise analysis.

Appendix B: On the Non-convexity of Objective Functions in Deep Learning

Under general conditions, energy landscapes in machine learning regression problems have to be non-convex. The following result follows from Theorem 2.6.

Corollary B.1

Assume that \(h:{\mathbb {R}}^m\times {\mathbb {R}}^d\rightarrow {\mathbb {R}}\) is a parameterized function model, which is at least \(C^2\)-smooth in \(\theta \) for fixed x. Let \(L_y(\theta ) = \frac{1}{n}\sum _{i=1}^n \big (h(\theta ,x_i) - y_i\big )^2\) where \(y=(y_1,\dots ,y_n)\in {\mathbb {R}}^n\).

  1. (1)

    If \(L_y\) is convex for every \(y\in {\mathbb {R}}^n\), the map \(\theta \mapsto h(\theta ,x_i)\) is linear for all \(x_i\).

  2. (2)

    Assume that \(L_y(\theta ) =0\) and that there exists \(1\le j \le n\) such that \(D^2\,h(\theta ,x_j)\) has rank \(k>n\). Then for every \(\varepsilon >0\), there exists \(y'\in {\mathbb {R}}^m\) such that \(|y-y'|<\varepsilon \) and \(D^2L_{y'}(\theta )\) has a negative eigenvalue.

  3. (3)

    Assume that \(L_y(\theta ) =0\) and that there exists \(1\le j \le n\) such that \(D^2\,h(\theta ,x_j)\) has rank \(k>n\). Assume furthermore that the gradients \(\nabla _\theta h(\theta ,x_1), \dots , \nabla _\theta h(\theta , x_n)\) are linearly independent. Then for every \(\varepsilon >0\), there exists \(\theta '\in {\mathbb {R}}^m\) such that \(|\theta -\theta '|<\varepsilon \) and \(D^2L_{y}(\theta ')\) has a negative eigenvalue.

The first statement is fairly weak, as the proof requires us to consider the convexity of \(L_y\) far away from the minimum. The second statement shows that even close to the minimum, \(L_y\) can be non-convex if the function model is sufficiently far from being ‘low dimensional’ – this statement concerns perturbations in y. The third claim is analogous, but concerns perturbations in \(\theta \). It is therefore stronger, as it shows that \(L_y\) is not convex in any neighborhood of a given point in the set of minimizers.


First claim Compute

$$\begin{aligned} \nabla L_y(\theta )&= \frac{2}{n} \sum _{i=1}^n \big (h(\theta ,x_i) - y_i\big )\,\nabla _\theta h(\theta ,x_i)\\ D^2 L_y(\theta )&= \frac{2}{n} \sum _{i=1}^n \left[ \nabla h(\theta , x_i) \otimes \nabla h(\theta , x_i) + \big (h(\theta ,x_i) - y_i\big )\,D^2h(\theta , x_i)\right] . \end{aligned}$$

If \(D^2h(\theta , x_i)\ne 0\), there exists \(v\in {\mathbb {R}}^d\) such that \(v^T D^2h(\theta ,x_i)v \ne 0\) since the Hessian matrix is symmetric. Thus

$$\begin{aligned} \liminf _{|y_i|\rightarrow \infty } v^T \,D^2L_y(\theta )\,v = - \lim _{|y_i|\rightarrow \infty } y_i\,v^T D^2h(\theta ,x_i)\,v = \pm \infty , \end{aligned}$$

meaning that \(L_y\) cannot be convex. Thus if \(L_y\) is convex for all y, by necessity \(D^2\,h(\theta , x_i)\equiv 0\) for all i, i.e. \(\theta \mapsto h(\theta ,x_i)\) is linear.

Second claim Set \(y_j = h(\theta , x_j)\) for \(j\ne i\) and \(y_i = h(\theta ,x_i) \pm \varepsilon /2\). Then by a simple result in linear algebra (see Lemma B.3 below), the matrix

$$\begin{aligned} D^2L_y(\theta ) = \frac{2}{n} \sum _{i=1}^n \left[ \nabla h(\theta , x_i) \otimes \nabla h(\theta , x_i) \right] + \frac{\varepsilon }{2}\,D^2h(\theta , x_i) \end{aligned}$$

has a negative eigenvalue.

Third claim Let \(V= \textrm{span}\{\nabla f(\theta ,x_j): j\ne i\}\). Since the set of gradients is linearly independent, there exists v such that \(v\bot V\) but \(v^T \nabla f(\theta , x_i) \ne 0\). Thus to leading order

$$\begin{aligned} D^2L_y(\theta + tv)= & {} D^2L_y(\theta ) = \frac{2}{n} \sum _{i=1}^n \left[ \nabla h(\theta , x_i) \otimes \nabla h(\theta , x_i) \right] \\{} & {} + t \big (\nabla f(\theta ,x_i)\cdot v\big ) D^2h(\theta , x_i) + o(t). \end{aligned}$$

As before, we conclude that \(D^2L_y(\theta +tv)\) has a negative eigenvalue if \(t>0\) is small enough. \(\square \)

Remark B.2

If \(\theta \mapsto h(\theta ,x_i)\) is linear, then \(D^2h(\theta ,x_i)\) vanishes, i.e. \(\textrm{rk}(D^2h) =0\). The large discrepancy between the conditions ensuring local convexity and global convexity is in fact necessary. Consider \(h(\theta , x_i) = \theta _i\) for all \(i\ge 1\) and

$$\begin{aligned} h(\theta , x_1)= & {} \theta _1 + \varepsilon \,\psi (\theta _1,\dots ,\theta _n)\qquad \Rightarrow \quad D^2L_y(\theta )\\= & {} \begin{pmatrix} I_{n\times n} + \varepsilon \,\big (h(\theta ,x_1)-y_1\big )\,D^2\psi &{}0_{n\times (m-n)}\\ 0_{(m-n)\times n} &{} 0_{(m-n)\times (m-n)}\end{pmatrix}. \end{aligned}$$

If \(D^2\psi \) is bounded and y is fixed, then for every \(R>0\) we can choose \(\varepsilon \) so small that \(L_y\) is convex on \(B_R(0)\). Note that the rank of \(D^2\psi \) is at most n in this example.

We prove a result which we believe to be standard in linear algebra, but have been unable to find a reference for.

Lemma B.3

Let \(A\in {\mathbb {R}}^{m\times m}\) be a symmetric positive definite matrix of rank at most \(n<m\). Let B be a symmetric matrix of at least \(n+1\). Then, for every \(s>0\) at least one of the matrices \(A+sB\) or \(A-sB\) has a negative eigenvalue.


Without loss of generality, we assume that \(A = \textrm{diag}(\lambda _1,\dots , \lambda _n, 0, \dots , 0)\).

First case. The Lemma is trivial if there exists \(v\in \textrm{span}\{e_{n+1},\dots , e_m\}\) such that \(v^TBv\ne 0\) since then

$$\begin{aligned} v^T\big (A+sB\big ) v = s\,v^TBv \end{aligned}$$

is a linear function.

Second case. Assume that \(v^TBv =0\) for all \(v\in \textrm{span}\{e_{n+1}, \dots , e_m\}\). Since B has rank \(n+1\), there exists an eigenvector w for a non-zero eigenvalue \(\mu \) of B such that \(w\notin \textrm{span}\{e_1,\dots , e_n\}\). Without loss of generality, we may assume that \(e_{n+1} \cdot w >0\). Consider

$$\begin{aligned} g_s(t)&:= \big (e_{n+1} + tv\big )^T \big (A+sB\big ) \big (e_{n+1}+tv\big )\\ g_s(0)&= e_{n+1}^T (A+sB)e_{n+1}\\&=0\\ g'_s(0)&= 2\,v^T\big (A+sB\big )e_{n+1}\\&= 2 v^T(A e_{n+1}) + 2s\,e_{n+1}^T Bv\\&= 0 + 2\mu s\,e_{n+1}^Tv\\&\ne 0. \end{aligned}$$

Thus, we choose the correct sign for t depending on \(\mu \) and s, then

$$\begin{aligned} \big (e_{n+1} + tv\big )^T \big (A+sB\big ) \big (e_{n+1}+tv\big )<0. \end{aligned}$$

In this situation, B is indefinite and the sign of s does not matter. \(\square \)

Appendix C: Auxiliary Observations on Objective Functions and Łojasiewicz Geometry

Lemma C.1

Assume that \(f:{\mathbb {R}}^m\rightarrow {\mathbb {R}}\) is a non-negative function and \(\nabla f\) is Lipschitz continuous with constant \(C_L\). Then

$$\begin{aligned} |\nabla f(\theta )|^2 \le 2C_L\, f(\theta )\qquad \forall \ \theta \in {\mathbb {R}}^m. \end{aligned}$$


Take \(\theta \in {\mathbb {R}}^m\). The statement is trivially true at \(\theta \) if \(\nabla f(\theta ) =0\), so assume that \(\nabla f(\theta )\ne 0\). Consider the auxiliary function

$$\begin{aligned} g(t) = f\big (\theta - t\,\nu \big )\qquad \text {where }\nu = \frac{\nabla f(\theta )}{|\nabla f(\theta )|}. \end{aligned}$$

Then \(g'(0) = - \nu \cdot \nabla f(\theta ) = |\nabla f(\theta )|\) and

$$\begin{aligned} \big |g'(t) - g'(0)\big | = \big |\big (\nabla f(\theta - t\nu )- \nabla f(\theta )\big )\cdot \nu \big | \le c_L\big |\theta - t\nu -\theta \big | = c_Lt. \end{aligned}$$


$$\begin{aligned} g(t)&= g(0) + \int _0^t g'(s)\,\textrm{d}s\le f(\theta ) + \int _0^t - |\nabla f(\theta )| + C_Ls\,\textrm{d}s=f(\theta ) - |\nabla f(\theta )|t \\&+ \frac{C_L}{2} t^2. \end{aligned}$$

The bound on the right is minimal for \(t = -\frac{|\nabla f(\theta )|}{C_L}\) when

$$\begin{aligned} f(\theta ) - |\nabla f(\theta )|t + \frac{C_L}{2} t^2 = f(\theta ) - \frac{|\nabla f(\theta )|^2}{2\,C_L}. \end{aligned}$$

Since \(f\ge 0\) also \(g\ge 0\), so \( f(\theta ) - \frac{|\nabla f(\theta )|^2}{2C_L} \ge 0\). \(\square \)

Remark C.2

In particular, If f satisfies a Łojasiewicz inequality and has a Lipschitz-continuous gradient, then

$$\begin{aligned} \Lambda \,f \le |\nabla f|^2 \le 2C_L \,f. \end{aligned}$$

We show that the class of objective functions which can be analyzed by our methods does not include loss functions of cross-entropy type under general conditions.

Corollary C.3

Assume that \(f:{\mathbb {R}}^m\rightarrow {\mathbb {R}}\) is a \(C^1\)-function such that

  • \(f\ge 0\) and

  • (C.1) holds.

Then there exists \({\bar{\theta }}\in {\mathbb {R}}^m\) such that \(f({\bar{\theta }})=0\).


Choose \(\theta _0 \in {\mathbb {R}}^m\) and consider the solution of the gradient flow equation

$$\begin{aligned} \left\{ \begin{array}{rll} \dot{\theta }&{}= - \nabla f(\theta ) &{}t>0\\ \theta &{}=\theta _0 &{}t=0. \end{array}\right. \end{aligned}$$


$$\begin{aligned} \frac{d}{dt} f(\theta (t)) = -|\nabla f|^2(\theta (t)) \le - \Lambda \,f(\theta (t))\quad \Rightarrow \quad \frac{d}{dt} \log (f(\theta (t)))= \frac{\frac{d}{d t} f(\theta (t))}{f(\theta (t))} \le - \Lambda \end{aligned}$$

and thus \(f(\theta (t)) \le f(\theta (0))\,e^{-\Lambda t}\). Furthermore

$$\begin{aligned} \big |\theta (t_2)-\theta (t_1)\big |&\le \int _{t_1}^{t_2}|\nabla f|(\theta (s))\,\,\textrm{d}s\\&\le \int _{t_1}^{t_2}\sqrt{2C_L\,f(\theta (s))}\,\,\textrm{d}s\\&\le \sqrt{2C_L\,L(\theta (0))}\int _{t_1}^{t_2} e^{-\Lambda s/2}\,\textrm{d}s\\&= \frac{2\sqrt{2C_L\,L(\theta (0))}}{\Lambda }\big [e^{-\Lambda t_1/2} - e^{-\Lambda t_2/2}\big ] \end{aligned}$$

whence we find that \(\theta (t)\) converges to a limiting point \(\theta _\infty \) as \(t\rightarrow \infty \). By the continuity of f, we find that

$$\begin{aligned} f(\theta _\infty ) = \lim _{t\rightarrow \infty }f(\theta (t)) = 0. \end{aligned}$$

\(\square \)

Appendix D: Proof of Theorem 3.5: Local Convergence

We split the proof up over several lemmas. Our strategy follows along the lines of (Mertikopoulos et al. 2020, Appendix D), which in turn uses methods developed in Hsieh et al. (2019, 2020). We make suitable modifications to account for the fact that the smallness of noise comes from the fact that the values of the objective function are low, not that the learning rate decreases. Furthermore, we have slightly weaker control since we do not impose quadratic behavior with a strictly positive Hessian at the minimum, but only a Łojasiewicz inequality and Lipschitz continuity of the gradients.

While weaker conditions may hold for the individual steps of the analysis, we always assume that the conditions of Theorem 3.5 are met for the remainder section. We decompose the gradient estimators as

$$\begin{aligned} g(\theta , \xi ) = \nabla f(\theta ) + \,\sqrt{\sigma \,f(\theta )}\,Y_{\theta ,\xi }, \qquad {{\mathbb {E}}}_\xi \big [Y_{\theta ,\xi }\big ] =0, \qquad {{\mathbb {E}}}_\xi \big [|Y_{\theta ,\xi }|^2\big ] \le 1 \end{aligned}$$

and interpolate \(\theta _{t+s} = \theta _t - s\eta \,g(\theta _t,\xi _t)\) for \(s\in [0,1]\). With these notations, we can estimate the change of the objective in a single time-step as

$$\begin{aligned}&f(\theta _{t+1})-f(\theta _t) = \int _0^1 \frac{d}{ds} f\big (\theta _t - s\eta \,g(\theta _t,\xi _t)\big )\,\textrm{d}s\\&\quad = -\int _0^1 \nabla f(\theta _{t+s}) \cdot \eta \,g(\theta _t,\xi _t)\,\textrm{d}s\\&\quad = -\eta \int _0^1 \nabla f(\theta _t) \cdot \big [\nabla f(\theta _t) + \sqrt{\sigma f(\theta _t)}\,Y_{\theta _t,\xi _t}\big ] + \big [\nabla f(\theta _{t+s}) - \nabla f(\theta _t) \big ]\cdot g(\theta _t,\xi _t)\,\textrm{d}s\\&\quad \le - \eta \,|\nabla f(\theta _t)|^2 + \eta \,\sqrt{\sigma \,f(\theta _t)} \nabla f(\theta _t)\cdot Y_{\theta _t,\xi _t} + C_L \eta \,\int _0^1|\theta _{t+s}-\theta _t|\, |g(\theta _t,\xi _t)|\,\textrm{d}s\\&\quad \le - \eta \,|\nabla f(\theta _t)|^2 + \eta \,\sqrt{\sigma \,f(\theta _t)} \nabla f(\theta _t)\cdot Y_{\theta _t,\xi _t} + C_L \eta \int _0^1s\,|g(\theta _t,\xi _t)|^2\,\textrm{d}s\\&\quad = - \eta \,|\nabla f(\theta _t)|^2 + \eta \,\sqrt{\sigma \,f(\theta _t)} \nabla f(\theta _t)\cdot Y_{\theta _t,\xi _t} + \frac{C_L\eta ^2}{2} |g(\theta _t,\xi _t)|^2\\&\quad = - \eta \,|\nabla f(\theta _t)|^2 + \eta \,\sqrt{\sigma \,f(\theta _t)} \nabla f(\theta _t)\cdot Y_{\theta _t,\xi _t} + \frac{C_L\eta ^2}{2} \big |\nabla f(\theta _t)+ \sqrt{\sigma \,f(\theta _t)}\,Y_{\theta _t,\xi _t}\big |^2\\&\quad = \left( \frac{C_L\eta }{2}-1\right) \eta \,|\nabla f(\theta _t)|^2 + \left( 1+ C_L\eta \right) \sqrt{\sigma }\,\eta \, \sqrt{f(\theta _t)}\,\nabla f(\theta _t)\cdot Y_{\theta _t,\xi _t} \\&\qquad + \frac{C_L\sigma \,\eta ^2}{2}\,\big |\sqrt{f(\theta _t)}\,Y_{\theta _t,\xi _t}\big |^2\\&\quad = -{\widetilde{\eta }} \,|\nabla f(\theta _t)|^2 + {\hat{\eta }}\,\nabla f(\theta _t) \cdot \sqrt{f(\theta _t)}\,Y_{\theta _t,\xi _t} + {\bar{\eta }}^2 \big |\sqrt{f(\theta _t)}\,Y_{\theta _t,\xi _t}\big |^2 \end{aligned}$$


$$\begin{aligned} {\widetilde{\eta }} = \left( \frac{C_L\eta }{2}-1\right) \eta , \qquad {\hat{\eta }} = \sqrt{\sigma }\,\left( 1+ C_L\eta \right) \,\eta , \qquad {\bar{\eta }} = \sqrt{\frac{C_L\sigma }{2}} \,\eta . \end{aligned}$$

All three variables scale like \(\eta \) and the difference between them can be ignored for the essence of the arguments. As usual, we denote by \({{\mathcal {F}}}_t\) the filtration generated by \(\theta _0, \xi _0, \dots , \xi _{t-1}\), with respect to which \(\theta _t\) is measurable. We note that \(\nabla f(\theta _t) \cdot \sqrt{f(\theta _t)}\,Y_{\theta _t,\xi _t}\) is a martingale difference sequence with respect to \({{\mathcal {F}}}_t\) since

$$\begin{aligned} {{\mathbb {E}}}\big [\nabla f(\theta _t) \cdot \sqrt{f(\theta _t)}\,Y_{\theta _t,\xi _t} | {{\mathcal {F}}}_t\big ]&= \nabla f(\theta _t) \cdot \sqrt{f(\theta _t)}\,{{\mathbb {E}}}\big [Y_{\theta _t,\xi _t} |{{\mathcal {F}}}_t\big ]=0. \end{aligned}$$

To analyze the \(\theta _t\) over several time steps, we define the cumulative error terms

$$\begin{aligned} M_t&= {\hat{\eta }}\sum _{i=0}^{t} \nabla f(\theta _t) \cdot \sqrt{f(\theta _t)}\,Y_{\theta _t,\xi _t}\\ S_t&= {\bar{\eta }}^2 \sum _{i=0}^{t} \big |\sqrt{f(\theta _t)}\,Y_{\theta _t,\xi _t}\big |^2\\ R_t&= M_t^2 +S_t. \end{aligned}$$

We furthermore define the events

$$\begin{aligned} \Omega _t(\varepsilon ')&= \{ f(\theta _i)<\varepsilon '\text { for all }0\le i\le t\}{} & {} = \{\text {``objective remains small''}\}\\ E_t(r)&= \{R_t < r \text { for all } 0\le i \le t\}{} & {} = \{\text {``noise remains small until time { t}''}\}\\ {\widetilde{E}}_t(r)&= E_{t-1}(r)\setminus E_t(r){} & {} = \{\text {``noise exceeds threshold in}\, t\text {-th step''}\}. \end{aligned}$$

for \(\varepsilon '>0\) and \(0<r<1\). The sets \({\widetilde{E}}_t\) are useful as they allow us to estimate the measure of \(E_t^c = \bigcup _{i=0}^t {\widetilde{E}}_i\), where all sets in the union are disjoint.

Lemma D.1

The following are true.

  1. (1)

    \(\Omega _{t+1}\subseteq \Omega _t\) and \(E_{t+1}\subseteq E_t\).

  2. (2)

    If \(\theta _0\in \Omega _0(\varepsilon ')\) for \(\varepsilon '<\varepsilon \), then \(E_{t-1}(r) \subseteq \Omega _t(\varepsilon )\) if \(\varepsilon ' +r + \sqrt{r} < \varepsilon \).

  3. (3)

    Under the same conditions, the estimate

    $$\begin{aligned} {{\mathbb {E}}}\big [ R_t\,1_{E_{t-1}}\big ] \le {{\mathbb {E}}}\big [R_{t-1}\,1_{E_{t-2}}\big ] + C\sigma \big (2c_L\varepsilon +1\big )\eta ^2\, {{\mathbb {E}}}\big [ 1_{E_{t-1}} f(\theta _t)\big ] - r \,\mathbb {P}\big ({\widetilde{E}}_t\big ) \end{aligned}$$

    holds, where the constant \(C>0\) incorporates the factors between \({\hat{\eta }}\), \({\tilde{\eta }}\) and \({\bar{\eta }}\).


The first claim is trivial.

Second claim Recall that \(\theta _0\) is initialized in \(\Omega (\varepsilon ')\subseteq \Omega (\varepsilon )\). In particular \(\Omega _0 = E_{-1} = \Omega \) is the entire probability space since the sum condition for \(E_{-1}\) is empty. We proceed by induction.

Assume that \(\omega \in E_{t}\). Then in particular \(\omega \in E_{t-1}\), so \(\omega \in \Omega _{t}\) by the induction hypothesis. Thus it suffices to show that \(f(\theta _t) < \varepsilon \), i.e. to focus on the last time step. A direct calculation yields

$$\begin{aligned} f(\theta _t)&= f(\theta _0) + \sum _{i=1}^t\big [ f(\theta _i) - f(\theta _{i-1})\big ]\\&\le f(\theta _0) + M_t + S_t\\&\le \varepsilon ' + \sqrt{R_t} + R_t\\&\le \varepsilon ' + r + \sqrt{r}\\&< \varepsilon . \end{aligned}$$

Third claim A simple algebraic manipulation shows that

$$\begin{aligned} {{\mathbb {E}}}\big [R_t1_{E_{t-1}}\big ]&= {{\mathbb {E}}}\big [R_{t-1}1_{E_{t-1}}\big ] + {{\mathbb {E}}}\big [(R_t-R_{t-1})\,1_{E_{t-1}}\big ]\\&= {{\mathbb {E}}}\big [R_{t-1}1_{E_{t-2}}\big ] - {{\mathbb {E}}}\big [R_{t-1}1_{{\widetilde{E}}_{t-2}}\big ] + {{\mathbb {E}}}\big [(R_t-R_{t-1})\,1_{E_{t-1}}\big ]\\&\le {{\mathbb {E}}}\big [R_{t-1}1_{E_{t-2}}\big ] + {{\mathbb {E}}}\big [(R_t-R_{t-1})\,1_{E_{t-1}}\big ] - r\,\mathbb {P}({\widetilde{E}}_{t-2}) \end{aligned}$$

since \(R_{t-1}\ge r\) on \({\widetilde{E}}_{t-2}\). We recall that

$$\begin{aligned} R_t&= M_t^2 + S_t\\&= R_{t-1} + \underbrace{\hat{\eta }\,M_{t-1} \cdot \nabla f(\theta _t) \cdot \sqrt{f(\theta _t)}\,Y_{\theta _t,\xi _t}}_{=: (I)} + \hat{\eta }^2 \underbrace{\big |\nabla f(\theta _t) \cdot \sqrt{f(\theta _t)}\,Y_{\theta _t,\xi _t}\big |^2}_{=: (II)} + \bar{\eta }^2\underbrace{\big |\sqrt{f(\theta _t)}\,Y_{\theta _t,\xi _t}\big |^2}_{(III)} \end{aligned}$$

and that

$$\begin{aligned} {{\mathbb {E}}}\big [ (I)\cdot 1_{E_{t-1}} \big ]&= {{\mathbb {E}}}\big [ 1_{E_{t-1}}\,M_{t-1} \cdot \nabla f(\theta _t) \cdot \sqrt{f(\theta _t)}\,{{\mathbb {E}}}\big [Y_{\theta _t,\xi _t}|{{\mathcal {F}}}_t\big ]\big ]\\&=0\\ {{\mathbb {E}}}\big [ (II)\cdot 1_{E_{t-1}} \big ]&= {{\mathbb {E}}}\big [1_{E_{t-1}} \big |\nabla f(\theta _t) \cdot \sqrt{f(\theta _t)}\,Y_{\theta _t,\xi _t}\big |^2\big ]\\&\le {{\mathbb {E}}}\big [\big |\nabla f(\theta _t)\big |^2\,1_{E_{t-1}}\big |\sqrt{f(\theta _t)}\,Y_{\theta _t,\xi _t}\big |^2\big ]\\&\le {{\mathbb {E}}}\big [2C_Lf(\theta _t)\,1_{E_{t-1}}\big |\sqrt{f(\theta _t)}\,Y_{\theta _t,\xi _t}\big |^2\big ]\\&\le 2C_L\varepsilon \,{{\mathbb {E}}}\big [ 1_{E_{t-1}}\,{{\mathbb {E}}}\big [ \big |\sqrt{f(\theta _t)}\,Y_{\theta _t,\xi _t}\big |^2 | {{\mathcal {F}}}_t\big ]\big ]\\&\le 2C_L\varepsilon \,{{\mathbb {E}}}\big [ 1_{E_{t-1}} f(\theta _t)\,{{\mathbb {E}}}\big [ \big |Y_{\theta _t,\xi _t}\big |^2 | {{\mathcal {F}}}_t\big ]\big ]\\&= 2C_L \varepsilon \,{{\mathbb {E}}}\big [ 1_{E_{t-1}}\,f(\theta _t)\big ]\\ {{\mathbb {E}}}\big [ (III)\cdot 1_{E_{t-1}} \big ]&\le {{\mathbb {E}}}\big [ 1_{E_{t-1}}\,f(\theta _t)\big ] \end{aligned}$$

where the analysis of (III) reduces to that of (II) and the bound \(|\nabla f(\theta )|^2 \le 2C_L\,f(\theta _t)\) from Lemma C.1 was used. The result now follows by putting all estimates together. \(\square \)

We now proceed to estimate the probability that the quadratic noise \(R_t\) does not remain small by bounding the probability that it exceeds the given threshold in the t-th step and summing over t.

Lemma D.2

The estimate

$$\begin{aligned} \mathbb {P}(E_t^c) \le \frac{C\sigma \eta ^2 \big (2C_L\varepsilon +1\big )}{r} \sum _{i=0}^t {{\mathbb {E}}}\big [ 1_{E_{i-1}} f(\theta _i)\big ] \end{aligned}$$



First step. The probably that \(E_t\) does not occur coincides with the probability that there exists some \(i\le t\) such that \(R_i\) exceeds \(r_\delta \) at i, but not \(i-1\). More precisely

$$\begin{aligned} \bigcup _{i=0}^{t-1} {\widetilde{E}}_i = \bigcup _{i=0}^{t-1} (E_{i-1}\setminus E_{i}) = E_{-1}\setminus E_t = E_t^c \end{aligned}$$

since \(E_0\) is the whole space. Hence

$$\begin{aligned} \mathbb {P}(E_t^c)&= \sum _{i=0}^{t-1} \mathbb {P}({\widetilde{E}}_i). \end{aligned}$$

Using \({\widetilde{E}}_i = E_{i-1} \cap \{R_i>r\}\) and \(1_{{\widetilde{E}}_i} = 1_{E_{i-1}} 1_{\{R_i>r\}}\), we bound

$$\begin{aligned} \mathbb {P}({\widetilde{E}}_i) = {{\mathbb {E}}}\big [1_{E_{i-1}} 1_{\{R_i>r\}}\big ] \le {{\mathbb {E}}}\left[ 1_{E_{i-1}}\,\frac{R_i}{r}\right] \le \frac{{{\mathbb {E}}}\big [R_i\,1_{E_{i-1}}\big ]}{r} \end{aligned}$$

since \(R_i\ge 0\) as a sum of squares.

Second step. From (D.1), we obtain

$$\begin{aligned} {{\mathbb {E}}}\big [ R_t\,1_{E_{t-1}}\big ] - {{\mathbb {E}}}\big [R_{t-1}\,1_{E_{t-2}}\big ] \le C\sigma \eta ^2 \big (2C_L\varepsilon +1\big ) {{\mathbb {E}}}\big [ 1_{E_{t-1}} f(\theta _t)\big ] - r \,\mathbb {P}\big ({\widetilde{E}}_t\big ), \end{aligned}$$

so by the telescoping sum identity

$$\begin{aligned} {{\mathbb {E}}}\big [R_t\,1_{E_{t-1}}\big ] - {{\mathbb {E}}}\big [R_{-1}\,1_{E_{-2}}\big ] \le C\sigma \eta ^2 \big (2C_L\varepsilon +1\big ) \sum _{i=0}^t \big \{{{\mathbb {E}}}\big [ 1_{E_{i-1}} f(\theta _i)\big ] - r \,\mathbb {P}\big ({\widetilde{E}}_i\big )\big \}. \end{aligned}$$

Note that the second term on the right hand side vanishes since the sum defining \(R_{-1}\) is empty.

Conclusion. Combining (D.3) and (D.3), we find that

$$\begin{aligned} \mathbb {P}({\widetilde{E}}_t) \le \frac{{{\mathbb {E}}}\big [R_t\,1_{E_{t-1}}\big ]}{r} \le \frac{C\sigma \eta ^2 \big (2C_L\varepsilon +1\big )}{r} \sum _{i=0}^t {{\mathbb {E}}}\big [ 1_{E_{i-1}} f(\theta _i)\big ] - \sum _{i=0}^{t}\mathbb {P}\big ({\widetilde{E}}_i\big ), \end{aligned}$$


$$\begin{aligned} \mathbb {P}(E_t^c)&= \sum _{i=1}^{t-1} \mathbb {P}({\widetilde{E}}_i) \le \frac{C\sigma \eta ^2 \big (2C_L\varepsilon +1\big )}{r} \sum _{i=0}^t {{\mathbb {E}}}\big [ 1_{E_{i-1}} f(\theta _i)\big ]. \end{aligned}$$

\(\square \)

Finally, we are in a position to prove the local convergence result.

Proof of Theorem 3.5

Step 1. Since \(E_{i}\subseteq E_{i-1}\) and \(\Omega _i\subseteq E_{i-1}\), we have

$$\begin{aligned} {{\mathbb {E}}}\big [ 1_{E_{i-1}} f(\theta _i)\big ] \le {{\mathbb {E}}}\big [ 1_{E_{i-1}} {{\mathbb {E}}}\big [f(\theta _i) | {{\mathcal {F}}}_{i-1}\big ]\big ]\le \rho _\eta \,{{\mathbb {E}}}\big [f(\theta _{i-1}1_{E_{i-1}}\big ] \le \rho _\eta \,{{\mathbb {E}}}\big [ f(\theta _{i-1})\,1_{E_{i-2}}\big ] \end{aligned}$$


$$\begin{aligned} \rho _\eta = 1 - \Lambda \eta + \eta ^2 \frac{C_L(\Lambda +\sigma )}{2}<1 \end{aligned}$$

as previously for functions which satisfy the Łojasiewicz inequality globally. We conclude from (D.4) that

$$\begin{aligned} \mathbb {P}(E_t^c) \le \frac{C\sigma \eta ^2 \big (2C_L\varepsilon +1\big )}{r}\,{{\mathbb {E}}}\big [f(\theta _0)\big ] \sum _{i=0}^t \rho _\eta ^i \le \frac{C\sigma \eta ^2 \big (2C_L\varepsilon +1\big )}{r(1-\rho _\eta )}\,\varepsilon '. \end{aligned}$$

Thus for every \(\delta >0\), there exists \(\varepsilon '>0\) such that \(\mathbb {P}(E_t) \ge 1-\delta \) for all \(t\in {\mathbb {N}}\) if \(f(\theta _0) <\varepsilon '\) almost surely.

Step 2 Consider the event

$$\begin{aligned} {\widetilde{\Omega }}:= \bigcap _{t\ge 0} \Omega _t(\varepsilon )\quad \text {which satisfies}\quad \mathbb {P}({\widetilde{\Omega }}) \ge 1-\delta \end{aligned}$$

since \(E_{t-1}\subseteq \Omega _t\) and \(E_t\subseteq E_{t-1}\). Then

$$\begin{aligned} {{\mathbb {E}}}\big [ f(\theta _t) \,1_{{\widetilde{\Omega }}}\big ] \le {{\mathbb {E}}}\big [ f(\theta _t) \,1_{\Omega _{t-1}}\big ] \le \rho _\eta ^t\,{{\mathbb {E}}}\big [f(\theta _0)\big ] \end{aligned}$$

as in Step 1. We conclude that for every \(\beta \in [1,\rho _\eta ^{-1})\) the estimate

$$\begin{aligned} \limsup _{t\rightarrow \infty } \beta ^tf(\theta _t) =0 \end{aligned}$$

holds almost surely conditioned on \({\widetilde{\Omega }}\) as in the proof of Theorem 3.1. \(\square \)

Appendix E: Proof of Theorem 3.8: Global Convergence

Again, we split the proof up over several Lemmas. First, we show that

$$\begin{aligned} \mathbb {P}\big (\liminf _{t\rightarrow \infty } f(\theta _t) \le S\big ) = 1. \end{aligned}$$

We always assume that f satisfies the conditions of Theorem 3.8, although weaker conditions suffice in the individual steps.

Lemma E.1

If \({{\mathbb {E}}}\big [f(\theta _0)\big ]<\infty \), the estimate

$$\begin{aligned} \sup _{t\ge 0} {{\mathbb {E}}}\big [f(\theta _t)\big ]<\infty . \end{aligned}$$



Recall that for any \(\theta \) we have

$$\begin{aligned} {{\mathbb {E}}}_\xi \big [f(\theta - \eta g(\theta ,\xi ))\big ] \le \left( 1+ \frac{C_L\sigma \eta ^2}{2}\right) f(\theta ) -\left( 1- \frac{C_L\eta }{2}\right) \eta \,{{\mathbb {E}}}\big [|\nabla f(\theta )|^2\big ] \end{aligned}$$

as in the proof of Theorem 3.1. We distinguish two cases:

  • If \(f(\theta )\le S\), then

    $$\begin{aligned} {{\mathbb {E}}}_\xi \big [f(\theta - \eta g(\theta ,\xi ))\big ] \le \left( 1+ \frac{C_L\sigma \eta ^2}{2}\right) f(\theta ) \le \left( 1+ \frac{C_L\sigma \eta ^2}{2}\right) S. \end{aligned}$$
  • If \(f(\theta )\ge S\), then

    $$\begin{aligned} {{\mathbb {E}}}_\xi \big [f(\theta - \eta g(\theta ,\xi ))\big ] \le \left( 1- \Lambda \eta + \frac{C_L(\Lambda +\sigma )}{2\Lambda }\eta ^2\right) f(\theta ) \end{aligned}$$

    due to the Łojasiewicz inequality on the set where f is large.

In particular, since f is non-negative, we have

$$\begin{aligned} {{\mathbb {E}}}\big [f(\theta _{t+1})\big ]&\le \left( 1+ \frac{C_L\sigma \eta ^2}{2}\right) {{\mathbb {E}}}\big [ f(\theta _t) \,1_{\{f(\theta _t)\le S\}}\big ] + {\tilde{\rho }}_\eta {{\mathbb {E}}}\big [f(\theta _t)\,1_{\{f(\theta _t)>S\}}\big ]\\&\le \left( 1+ \frac{C_L\sigma \eta ^2}{2}\right) S + {\tilde{\rho }}_\eta {{\mathbb {E}}}\big [f(\theta _{t})\big ] \end{aligned}$$

where \({\tilde{\rho }}_\eta = 1- \Lambda \eta + \frac{C_L(\Lambda +\sigma )}{2\Lambda }\eta ^2\). If we abbreviate \(z_t = {{\mathbb {E}}}\big [f(\theta _t)\big ]\), we deduce that

$$\begin{aligned} z_{t+1} \le \left( 1+ \frac{C_L\sigma \eta ^2}{2}\right) S + {\tilde{\rho }}_\eta \,z_t \le \max \left\{ \frac{1+{\tilde{\rho }}_\eta }{2}\,z_t, \,\frac{\left( 1+ \frac{C_L\sigma \eta ^2}{2}\right) S}{1 - \frac{1+{\tilde{\rho }}_\eta }{2}}\right\} . \end{aligned}$$

Thus if \(z_t\) is large, then \(z_t\) decays. In fact

$$\begin{aligned} \limsup _{t\rightarrow \infty } z_t \le \frac{\left( 1+ \frac{C_L\sigma \eta ^2}{2}\right) S}{1 - \rho _\eta } = \frac{\left( 1+ \frac{C_L\sigma \eta ^2}{2}\right) S}{\Lambda \eta - \frac{C_L(\Lambda +\sigma )}{2\Lambda }\eta ^2} \end{aligned}$$

independently of the initial condition. \(\square \)

Note that the finiteness of the bound hinges on the fact that the learning rate remains uniformly positive in this simple proof. In other variants of gradient flow, it can be non-trivial to control the possibility of escape.

The trajectories of SGD satisfy stronger bounds than the expectations.

Lemma E.2

$$\begin{aligned} \mathbb {P}\big (\liminf _{t\rightarrow \infty } f(\theta _t) \le S\big ) = 1. \end{aligned}$$



$$\begin{aligned} \Omega _{n, N}&= \{f(\theta _t)\ge S \text { for all } n< t\le N\}, \qquad \Omega _n = \bigcap _{N\ge n}\Omega _{n,N} \end{aligned}$$

In particular, \(\Omega _n \subseteq \Omega _{n,N}\) for all \(N\ge n\) and \(1_{\Omega _n}\le 1_{\Omega _{n,t+1}}\le 1_{\Omega _{n,t}}\) for all \(t\ge n\). Thus

$$\begin{aligned} \mathbb {P}(\Omega _n)&= {{\mathbb {E}}}\big [1_{\Omega _n}\big ]\\&\le \frac{1}{S}\,{{\mathbb {E}}}\big [1_{\Omega _{n}}f(\theta _{t+1})\big ]\\&\le \frac{1}{S}\,{{\mathbb {E}}}\big [1_{\Omega _{n,t}}f(\theta _{t+1})\big ]\\&= \frac{1}{S}\,{{\mathbb {E}}}\big [ {{\mathbb {E}}}\big [1_{\Omega _{n,t}}\,f(\theta _{t+1}) |{{\mathcal {F}}}_t\big ]\big ]\\&\le \frac{\rho _\eta }{S}{{\mathbb {E}}}\big [ 1_{\Omega _{n,t}} f(\theta _t)\big ]\\&\le \dots \\&\le \rho _\eta ^{t-n} \frac{{{\mathbb {E}}}\big [ f(\theta _n)\big ]}{S}\\&\le \rho _\eta ^{t-n} \frac{\sup _{s\in {\mathbb {N}}}{{\mathbb {E}}}\big [ f(\theta _s)\big ]}{S} \end{aligned}$$

for any \(t\ge n\). Thus \(\mathbb {P}(\Omega _n) = 0\) for all \(n\in {\mathbb {N}}\). Hence also

$$\begin{aligned} \mathbb {P}\big (\liminf _{t\rightarrow \infty } f(\theta _t) > S\big ) \le \mathbb {P}\left( \bigcup _{n=1}^\infty \Omega _n \right) =0. \end{aligned}$$

\(\square \)

We have shown that we visit the set \(\{f<S\}\) infinitely often almost surely. We now show that in every visit \(\theta _t\), the probability that \(f(\theta _{t+1}) < \varepsilon '\) is uniformly positive. Below, we will use this to show that we visit the set \(\{f<\varepsilon '\}\) infinitely often with uniformly positive probability (which then implies that SGD iterates approach the set of minimizers almost surely). In this step, we use that the noise is uniformly ‘spread out’.

Lemma E.3

There exists \(\gamma >0\) such that the following holds: If \(f({\bar{\theta }})\le S\), then

$$\begin{aligned} \mathbb {P}\big ( f({\bar{\theta }}- \eta g({\bar{\theta }},\xi )\big ) < \varepsilon '\big ) \ge \gamma . \end{aligned}$$


We consider two cases separately: \(f(\theta )<\varepsilon '\) or \(f(\theta )>\varepsilon '\). In the first case, we can argue by considering the gradient descent structure, while we rely on the stochastic noise in the second case.

First case If \(f({\bar{\theta }})<\varepsilon '\), then

$$\begin{aligned} {{\mathbb {E}}}\big [ f({\bar{\theta }}- \eta g({\bar{\theta }},\xi )\big )\big ] \le \rho _\eta \,f({\bar{\theta }}) \end{aligned}$$

since f satisfies a Łojasiewicz inequality in this region. In particular

$$\begin{aligned} \mathbb {P}\big (f({\bar{\theta }}- \eta g({\bar{\theta }},\xi )\big )\ge f({\bar{\theta }})\big )\le \frac{{{\mathbb {E}}}\big [ f({\bar{\theta }}- \eta g({\bar{\theta }},\xi )\big )\big ]}{f({\bar{\theta }})} \le \rho _\eta <1. \end{aligned}$$

Second case By assumption, the set of moderate energy is not too far from the set of global minimizers in Hausdorff distance, i.e. there exists \(\theta '\) such that

  1. (1)

    \(f(\theta ') =0\) and

  2. (2)

    \(|{\bar{\theta }}-\theta '|<R\).

Due to the Lipschitz-continuity of the gradient of f, there exists \({\tilde{r}}>0\) depending only on \(C_L\) such that \(f(\theta )<\varepsilon '\) for all \(\theta \in B_{{\tilde{r}}}(\theta ')\). We conclude that

$$\begin{aligned} \mathbb {P}\big ( f({\bar{\theta }}- \eta g({\bar{\theta }},\xi )\big ) < r\big )&\ge \mathbb {P}\big ({\bar{\theta }}- \eta g({\bar{\theta }},\xi ) \in B_{{\tilde{r}}}(\theta ')\big )\\&= \mathbb {P}\left( Y_{\theta ,\xi } \in B_{\frac{{\tilde{r}}}{\eta \sqrt{f(\theta )}}}\left( \frac{{\bar{\theta }}-\theta ' - \eta \,\nabla f({\bar{\theta }})}{\eta \sqrt{f(\theta )}}\right) \right) . \end{aligned}$$

By assumption, the radius

$$\begin{aligned} \frac{{\tilde{r}}}{\eta \sqrt{f(\theta )}} \ge \frac{{\tilde{r}}}{\eta \sqrt{S}} >0 \end{aligned}$$

is uniformly positive and the center of the ball

$$\begin{aligned} \left| \frac{\theta '-{\bar{\theta }} - \eta \,\nabla f({\bar{\theta }})}{\eta \sqrt{f(\theta )}}\right| \le \frac{|\theta '-{\bar{\theta }}| + \eta \sqrt{2C_LS}}{\eta \,\sqrt{\varepsilon '}} \le \frac{R + \eta \sqrt{2C_LS}}{\eta \,\sqrt{\varepsilon '}} \end{aligned}$$

is in some large ball independent of \(\theta \). Thus the probability of jumping into \(\{f< \varepsilon '\}\), albeit small, is uniformly positive with a lower bound

$$\begin{aligned} \mathbb {P}\big ( f({\bar{\theta }}- \eta g({\bar{\theta }},\xi )\big )\in B_{r_\delta }(\theta ')\big ) \ge \inf \left\{ \psi (s,r): s\le \frac{R + \eta \sqrt{2C_LS}}{\eta \,\sqrt{\varepsilon '}}, \, r> \frac{{\tilde{r}}}{\eta \sqrt{S}} \right\} >0. \end{aligned}$$

\(\square \)

By Lemma E.2, the sequence of stopping times \(\tau _0=0\),

$$\begin{aligned} \tau _k = \inf \{n> \tau _k+1: f(\theta _{n})\le S\} \end{aligned}$$

is well-defined except on a set of measure zero. Consider the Markov process

$$\begin{aligned} Z_{2k} = \theta _{\tau _k}, \qquad Z_{2k+1} = \theta _{\tau _k+1}. \end{aligned}$$

Note that we use \(\tau _k+1\) for odd times, not \(\tau _{k+1}\). To show the stronger statement that

$$\begin{aligned} \mathbb {P}\big (\liminf _{t\rightarrow \infty } f(\theta _t) \le \varepsilon '\big ) = 1, \end{aligned}$$

we use the conditional Borel-Cantelli Lemma E.4.

Lemma E.4

(Klenke 2006, Übung 11.2.6) Let \({{\mathcal {F}}}_n\) be a filtration of a probability space and \(A_n\) a sequence of events such that \(A_n\in {{\mathcal {F}}}_n\) for all \(n\in {\mathbb {N}}\). Define

$$\begin{aligned} A^* = \left\{ \sum _{n=1}^\infty {{\mathbb {E}}}\big [1_{A_n} | {{\mathcal {F}}}_{n-1}\big ] = \infty \right\} , \qquad A_\infty = \limsup _{n\rightarrow \infty } A_n = \big \{A_n \text { for infinitely many }n\in {\mathbb {N}}\big \}. \end{aligned}$$

Then \(\mathbb {P}(A^*\Delta A_\infty ) = 0\) where \(A\Delta B\) denotes the symmetric difference of A and B.

Corollary E.5

$$\begin{aligned} \mathbb {P}\big (\liminf _{t\rightarrow \infty } f(\theta _t) \le \varepsilon '\big ) = 1. \end{aligned}$$


Consider the filtration \({{\mathcal {F}}}_n\) generated by \(Z_n\) and the events

$$\begin{aligned} A_n = \{f(\theta _n) < \varepsilon '\}. \end{aligned}$$


$$\begin{aligned} \sum _{n=1}^\infty {{\mathbb {E}}}\big [1_{A_n} | {{\mathcal {F}}}_{n-1}\big ]&\ge \sum _{n=1}^\infty {{\mathbb {E}}}\big [1_{A_{2n+1}} | {{\mathcal {F}}}_{2n}\big ] \ge \sum _{n=1}^\infty \gamma = +\infty \end{aligned}$$

except on the null set where \(\tau _k\) is undefined for some k. Thus \(\mathbb {P}\big (\limsup _{n\rightarrow \infty }A_n\big ) = 1\), so almost surely there exist infinitely many \(k\in {\mathbb {N}}\) such that \(f(Z_k) < \varepsilon '\). In particular, almost surely there exist infinitely many \(t\in {\mathbb {N}}\) such that \(f(\theta _t)<\varepsilon '\). \(\square \)

We are now ready to prove the global convergence result.

Proof of Theorem 3.8

Let \(\beta \in [1,\rho _\eta ^{-1})\) and consider the event

$$\begin{aligned} {\widehat{\Omega }}_\beta := \left\{ \limsup _{t\rightarrow \infty } \beta ^tf(\theta _t) = 0\right\} . \end{aligned}$$

Choose \(\delta \in (0,1)\) and associated \(\varepsilon '>0\). By Corollary E.5, the stopping time

$$\begin{aligned} \tau := \inf \{t\ge 0: f(\theta _t) < \varepsilon '\} \end{aligned}$$

is finite except on a set of measure zero. Consider \(\theta _\tau \) as the initial condition of a different SGD realization \({\tilde{\theta }}\) and note that the conditional independence properties which we used to obtain decay estimates still hold for the gradient estimators \({\widetilde{g}}_t = g(\theta _{t+\tau }, \xi _{t+\tau })\) with respect to the \(\sigma \)-algebras \({\widetilde{F}}_t\) generated by the random variables \(\theta _{t+\tau }\) for \(t\ge 0\).

By Theorem 3.5, we observe that with probability at least \(1-\delta \), we have

$$\begin{aligned} \limsup _{t\rightarrow \infty } \beta ^tf(\theta _{t+\tau }) =0. \end{aligned}$$

Thus for any \(T>0\), with probability at least \(1-\delta - \mathbb {P}(\tau >T)\) we have

$$\begin{aligned} \limsup _{t\rightarrow \infty } \beta ^tf(\theta _{t}) \le \limsup _{t\rightarrow \infty } \beta ^{t+\tau }f(\theta _{t+\tau }) \le \beta ^T\cdot 0 = 0. \end{aligned}$$

Taking \(T\rightarrow \infty \) and \(\delta \rightarrow 0\), we find that almost surely

$$\begin{aligned} \limsup _{t\rightarrow \infty } \beta ^tf(\theta _{t}) =0. \end{aligned}$$

\(\square \)

We conclude by proving that not just the function values \(f(\theta _t)\), but also the arguments \(\theta _t\) converge.

Proof of Corollary 3.9

The proof follows the same lines as that of Corollary 3.4. Consider the set

$$\begin{aligned} U_T = \big \{f(\theta _t)\le \beta ^t \text { for all }t\ge T\}. \end{aligned}$$


$$\begin{aligned} {{\mathbb {E}}}\big [ \big |\theta _{t+1}-\theta _t\big |^2 1_{U_T}\big ]&= \eta ^2{{\mathbb {E}}}\big [ 1_{U_T} |g(\theta _t,\xi _t)|^2\big ]\\&\le \eta ^2 {{\mathbb {E}}}\big [ 1_{U_T} |\nabla f(\theta _t)|^2\big ]+ {{\mathbb {E}}}\big [1_{U_T}f(\theta _t)\big ]\\&\le \eta ^2\left( 2C_L+\sigma \right) \beta ^t. \end{aligned}$$

As in the proof of Corollary 3.4, we deduce that \(\theta _t\) converges pointwise almost everywhere on the set \(U_T\). As this is true for all T and

$$\begin{aligned} \mathbb {P}\left( \bigcup _{T=1}^\infty U_T \right) = 1. \end{aligned}$$

due to Theorem 3.8, we find that \(\theta _t\) converges almost surely to a random variable \(\theta _\infty \) and \(f(\theta _\infty ) = \lim _{t\rightarrow \infty } f(\theta _t) =0\). \(\square \)

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Wojtowytsch, S. Stochastic Gradient Descent with Noise of Machine Learning Type Part I: Discrete Time Analysis. J Nonlinear Sci 33, 45 (2023).

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