
Since its introduction in November 2022, ChatGPT, an artificial intelligence (AI)-based language model, has drawn considerable attention and controversy for its ability to generate scholarly content [1, 2]. Developed initially for text generation and then refined for human interaction, ChatGPT has been leveraged by researchers to analyze data, write research literature and identify potential areas for future technology [3,4,5]. This has sparked concerns within the scientific community with some apprehension about the possible erosion of originality and autonomy, while others remain optimistic about the potential accelerated innovation and diverse perspectives [6].

This study aims to evaluate ChatGPT’s potential to assist in breast reconstruction research. Breast cancer is one of the most prevalent cancers in the world and poses significant challenges to healthcare and patient well-being. Approximately 40% of women diagnosed with breast cancer opt for mastectomy as a treatment with an estimated 60% of these patients choosing breast reconstruction postoperatively [7]. The authors with expertise in this field targeted specific questions to ChatGPT to assess its ability to provide current and precise medical information on breast reconstruction options, as well as its capacity to identify prospective research ideas.


Six questions were posed to ChatGPT to evaluate its level of knowledge in the field of breast reconstruction post-mastectomy, the first two questions focused on the current evidence and options for breast reconstruction post-mastectomy, while the remaining four questions focused specifically on autologous breast reconstruction.

An assessment framework utilizing a Likert scale (Table 1) was implemented to perform a qualitative analysis of the outputs generated by ChatGPT. Two specialist plastic surgeons (WMR and DJHS) evaluated ChatGPT responses, focusing on its accuracy, reliability, comprehensiveness and ability to generate accurate references. The Likert scale was structured from 1 (strongly disagree) to 5 (strongly agree) for each individual category. There were no specific exclusion criteria. ChatGPT’s response was limited to its first response, and the option of “regenerate response” was not utilized. Due to the study’s structure as an observational case study on public artificial chatbot, no institutional ethics approval was required.

Table 1 Evaluation of large language model platforms’ responses


Initially, we requested ChatGPT to “In 200 words, describe the current evidence on breast reconstruction post-mastectomy with relevant references” (Figure 1). We then posed a follow-up question “In 200 words, describe the current evidence and options for breast reconstruction post-mastectomy, describe the quality of the evidence and provide 5 references.” (Figure 2).

Fig. 1
figure 1

In 200 words, describe the current evidence on breast reconstruction post-mastectomy with relevant references

Fig. 2
figure 2

In 200 words, describe the current evidence and options for breast reconstruction post-mastectomy, describe the quality of the evidence and provide 5 references

In response, ChatGPT provided an accurate definition of breast reconstruction and discussed its potential benefits and complications [8]. However, its paragraph on the psychological advantages of breast reconstruction was incorrectly cited as a systematic review and meta-analysis comparing reconstruction to no reconstruction. In actuality, the source was a retrospective review assessing the psychological impact of immediate versus delayed breast reconstruction on patients [9]. Furthermore, ChatGPT’s subsequent claims that breast reconstruction does not appear to compromise oncologic outcomes or increase the risk of cancer recurrence were inadequately supported by the cited sources, as they did not address this specific question in detail.

Regarding the second question, ChatGPT accurately identified the two primary breast reconstruction options—autologous and implant-based methods—and provided a surface-level overview of both. However, it failed to mention the combination of both as an option. Additionally, its citations and reference list were erroneous. None of the 5 references provided by ChatGPT could be confirmed in the literature. While the authors’ names were genuine, the article titles and journal references did not produce any outcomes in these databases (PubMed, Cochrane and Ovid).

Due to word count constraints, ChatGPT’s response to the third and fourth questions was focused on autologous breast reconstruction. ChatGPT was asked to “In 200 words, describe the current evidence and options for autologous breast reconstruction post-mastectomy, describe the quality of the evidence, and provide 5 references” (Figure 3). The follow-up question expanded on this, querying “Which autologous reconstruction is superior in breast reconstruction post-mastectomy with relevant references?” (Figure 4).

Fig. 3
figure 3

In 200 words, describe the current evidence and options for autologous breast reconstruction post-mastectomy, describe the quality of the evidence and provide 5 references

Fig. 4
figure 4

Which autologous reconstruction is superior in breast reconstruction post-mastectomy with relevant references?

ChatGPT accurately presented the more common options for autologous breast reconstruction and highlighted potential advantages such as lower complication rates and higher patient satisfaction compared to implant-based reconstruction [10]. It listed three of the most commonly described flaps used in breast reconstruction, with a perfunctory description of each. ChatGPT also emphasized the importance of tailoring reconstructive options to each patient’s unique circumstances and correctly noted that no single flap can be considered superior to others. However, again it demonstrated erroneous referencing, the two citations it used were not found in the literature.

Finally, the authors wanted to assess ChatGPT’s ability to identify gaps in the existing literature and provide insights into potential areas of research. ChatGPT was asked, “In 200 words, where is the lack of evidence in the management of breast reconstruction post-mastectomy, provide relevant references” (Figure 5). This was followed up with “In 200 words, provide future recommendations for breast reconstruction post-mastectomy, and innovation that is needed for further advancements in this field” (Figure 6).

Fig. 5
figure 5

In 200 words, where is the lack of evidence in the management of breast reconstruction post-mastectomy, provide relevant references

Fig. 6
figure 6

In 200 words, provide future recommendations for breast reconstruction post-mastectomy and innovation that is needed for further advancements in this field

ChatGPT highlighted the need for more research on the long-term outcomes of breast reconstruction using patient-reported outcomes, an area that lacks many prospective, randomized trials [11]. It also identified more recent advancements in reconstructive techniques such as fat grafting and the use of scaffolds, [12] and the need to assess their long-term efficacy and safety profiles. ChatGPT also recognized the paucity of evidence around the impact that the type and timing of post-mastectomy reconstructions have on locoregional recurrence rates. Finally, ChatGPT alluded to the psychosocial aspect of breast reconstruction and the existence of different models of healthcare which impact the efficacy of resource utilization and health burden on society.


This case study demonstrates that ChatGPT can provide sufficiently accurate information to the layperson and identify potential areas of future research in the field of breast reconstruction post-mastectomy. However, ChatGPT’s issue of generating non-existent references poses a significant challenge to academic integrity. This practice is vital not only for crediting original ideas but also allowing readers to verify the reliability of the information by tracking back to its original source. Therefore, for potential integration of this AI tool in academia and healthcare, this technology needs to be trained on specialized datasets and its outputs need to be rigorously scrutinized by experts on its field.

While ChatGPT has received significant public and media attention, there are an increasing number of alternative AI systems that may be used for research purposes. Language models such as BERT (Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers) [13] and ELMO (Embeddings from Language Models) [14] use deep learning techniques to understand the context of words in a sentence and generate word embeddings. They have been used for various natural processing language (NLP) tasks such as named entity recognition and question answering. IBM Watson Discovery is a cognitive search and content analysis platform that uses NLP and machine learning algorithms to analyze large datasets and provide insights [15]. A research model based on IBM Watson has demonstrated the ability to search large information databases and produce comparable analytical results for clinical genome sequencing to a multidisciplinary team at a specialized cancer hospital [16]. The AI-powered research assistant similarly uses NLP and machine learning algorithms to analyze research papers and identify key concepts and ideas, thereby saving time by summarizing the relevant papers for the researcher [17].

These examples highlight the growing interest in the use of AI to support research, especially with the exponential growth of scientific literature. Nevertheless, the findings of this study caution against relying solely on AI tools such as ChatGPT for medical information. The accuracy and comprehensiveness of information provided by such tools should be critically evaluated and validated by healthcare professionals. Additionally, efforts should be made to improve the capabilities of these tools to critically analyze and accurately reference the literature they draw from.


While ChatGPT demonstrated proficiency in summarizing existing knowledge, it was superficial and avoided medical jargon. The problem of generating non-existent references is a critical concern for academic integrity. To enhance ChatGPT’s applicability in academic and medical fields, improvements should be made through specialized dataset training and meticulous examination of outputs by experts. Despite advancements in AI, ChatGPT use in academia and healthcare should be exercised with caution.