Dear esteemed readers, colleagues, and visionaries,

As I assume the role of Editor-in-Chief for Abdominal Radiology, I find myself reflecting on the past, expressing gratitude for the present, and looking intently towards the future. The evolution of academic writing, particularly in the fields of medicine and radiology, underscores the significance of our collective efforts. Our mission encompasses the dissemination of essential knowledge, shaping medical education, guiding research, and most importantly, profoundly influencing patient care.

The journal has undergone significant transformations since transitioning from Abdominal Imaging to Abdominal Radiology. In 2016, Abdominal Imaging had a 5-year impact factor of 1.7. Now, as Abdominal Radiology, the journal boasts a substantial growth with a 5-year impact factor of 2.7. This impressive achievement reflects its burgeoning global presence and influence in the field of radiology. Representing prominent radiology societies such as the Society of Abdominal Radiology (SAR), European Society of Gastrointestinal and Abdominal Radiology (ESGAR), European Society of Urogenital Radiology (ESUR), and Asian Society of Abdominal Radiology (ASAR), the journal has consistently stood as a symbol of credibility.

Drawing from my diverse academic background and a firm belief in global citizenship, I can visualize both the challenges and immense opportunities that lie ahead. We express our profound gratitude to our global readers and contributors, who have played pivotal roles in enhancing the journal’s stature and its continued indexing in MEDLINE. As we embark on this next chapter, it is paramount that our commitment resonates within a diverse and global radiology community, ensuring opportunities remain unrestricted by factors such as color, race, age, gender, geography, or nationality.

Being a Figley Fellow (2019) has granted me invaluable insights into the expansive world of editorial processes, emphasizing the need for integrity, especially in areas often overlooked, like self-plagiarism, which is surprisingly prevalent [1].

Dr. Johnson’s exemplary leadership elevated the journal, receiving widespread appreciation from the radiology community. As I step into this role, I am determined to build upon and fortify this legacy, aligning it with the strategic goals of the SAR.

My vision is built on several key pillars:

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    Promotion of global recognition: Our aim is for our journal to be the primary resource for every abdominal radiologist across the globe, especially when confronted with challenging clinical scenarios. We also strive to bolster interdisciplinary research and collaborations, extending our reach beyond the realm of abdominal radiology.

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    Upholding ethical standards The integrity of any prestigious journal rests in its unwavering ethical stance. We commit to placing ethical practices at the forefront from submission to publication.

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    Efficiency and relevance prioritizing: A streamlined review process and swift publication is crucial. Emphasizing practice-oriented articles, diverse invited submissions, and special issues, we aim to expand our readership.

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    Revitalizing the editorial board: Our current board is outstanding, but the future beckons young, zealous academics who will maintain our journal's global standards. A diverse editorial board offers fresh insights, pivotal for progress.

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    Empowering through mentorship: Leadership is as much about fostering others as individual growth. We plan to include young and motivated academics in our reviewer pool, equipping them with the necessary training for comprehensive article reviews.

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    Recognizing excellence: We are devoted to celebrating the remarkable talents of our reviewers and authors, be it through accolades or special recognitions.

In sharing my aspirations, I must acknowledge the robust foundation of support that has facilitated this journey. Springer, our esteemed publisher, has been an invaluable ally. My deepest gratitude to Stefanie Mangold (Senior Publisher, Springer Nature)—your trust is both an honor and a responsibility. Furthermore, my appreciation extends to the SAR for its unwavering support.

In conclusion, this journey is collective. It is not just my vision but a harmonious blend of shared aspirations. I eagerly await your insights, feedback, and contributions. Together, we will craft a narrative that resonates throughout the radiology world, elevating the stature of Abdominal Radiology.

With the utmost respect and optimism,

Neeraj Lalwani, MD, DABR, FSAR

Editor-in-Chief, Abdominal Radiology