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A methodology using GIS, aerial photos and remote sensing for loss estimation and flood vulnerability analysis in the Supersano-Ruffano-Nociglia Graben, southern Italy

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Environmental Geology


The impact of calamitous meteoric events and their interaction with the geological and geomorphological environment represent a current problem of the Supersano-Ruffano-Nociglia Graben in southern Italy. Indeed, severe floods take place on a frequent basis not only in autumn and winter, but in summer also. These calamities are not only triggered by exceptional events, but are also amplified by peculiar geological and morpho-structural characteristics of the Graben. Flooding often affects vast agricultural areas and consequently, water-scooping machines cannot remove the rainwater. These events cause warnings and emergency states, involving people as well as socio–economic goods. This study represents an application of a vanguard technique for loss estimation and flood vulnerability analysis, integrating a geographic information system (GIS) with aerial photos and remote sensing methods. The analysis results clearly show that the Graben area is potentially at greatest flood vulnerability, while along the Horsts the flood vulnerability is lower.

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The authors thank the Municipal Technical Offices of Supersano, Ruffano and Nociglia municipalities, the Provincial Firemen of Lecce town, “Sigismondo Castromediano” Library of Lecce town and local/national Newspapers (Quotidiano di Lecce 2006; Gazzetta del Mezzogiorno 2006; Il Messaggero 2006; La Repubblica 2006)

for their interest, valuable comments and help obtaining information about the number of calamitous events and rescue operations. Reclamation land Union “Ugento Li Foggi” and “Arneo”, Directorate of Public Works, Hydrographic Survey of Bari helped with rainfall data processing. Special thanks to ITC (International Institute for GeoInformation Science and Earth Observation) for its continuous support and, particularly, teacher Nanette Kingma and professor Cees Van Westen with regard to the methodology applied.

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Forte, F., Strobl, R.O. & Pennetta, L. A methodology using GIS, aerial photos and remote sensing for loss estimation and flood vulnerability analysis in the Supersano-Ruffano-Nociglia Graben, southern Italy. Environ Geol 50, 581–594 (2006).

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