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On the mod-Gaussian convergence of a sum over primes

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We prove mod-Gaussian convergence for a Dirichlet polynomial which approximates \({\mathrm{Im }}\log \zeta (1/2+it)\). This Dirichlet polynomial is sufficiently long to deduce Selberg’s central limit theorem with an explicit error term. Moreover, assuming the Riemann hypothesis, we apply the theory of the Riemann zeta-function to extend this mod-Gaussian convergence to the complex plane. From this we obtain that \({\mathrm{Im }}\log \zeta (1/2+it)\) satisfies a large deviation principle on the critical line. Results about the moments of the Riemann zeta-function follow.

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Finally, I sincerely would like to thank Prof. Ashkan Nikeghbali and Prof. Emmanuel Kowalski for their support and guidance during the preparation of this paper. Thanks also to the referee for comments leading to improvements in the presentation of the manuscript.

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Correspondence to Martin Wahl.


Appendix 1: Selberg’s result

In this appendix we briefly discuss Selberg’s result about the rate of convergence in the central limit theorem of \({\mathrm{Im }}\log \zeta (1/2+it)\) (see [19, Theorem 2] and [21, Theorem 6.2]). From Theorem 1 we deduce:

Lemma 2

Let \(x=e^{\log T/N}\) and \(N\) such that \(x\rightarrow \infty \) and \(N/\log \log T\rightarrow \infty \) as \(T\rightarrow \infty \). Suppose further that \(N/\log \log T=O(\log \log T)\). Then

$$\begin{aligned}&\sup _{a<b}\left( \ \frac{1}{T}\lambda \left( \Big \{t\in [T,2T]:\frac{1}{\sqrt{(\log \log x +\gamma )/2}}\sum _{p\le x}\frac{\sin (t\log p)}{\sqrt{p}}\in [a,b]\Big \}\right) \right. \nonumber \\&\quad \left. -\int \limits _a^be^{-t^2/2}\frac{dt}{\sqrt{2\pi }}\ \right) =O(1/\sqrt{\log \log T}). \end{aligned}$$


We denote by \(\varPhi _n(u)\) the left hand side of (1.3). Using [5], XVI.3, formula 3.13] we can bound the left hand side of (8.1) by

$$\begin{aligned} \frac{2}{\pi }\int \limits _{-c\sqrt{\log \log x}}^{c\sqrt{\log \log x}} e^{-u^2/2}|(\varPhi _n(u/\sqrt{(\log \log x +\gamma )/2})-1)/u|du+O\left( \frac{1}{c\sqrt{\log \log x}}\right) . \end{aligned}$$

An inspection of the proof of Proposition 2 combined with (4.2) shows that \(\varPhi _n(u)=\varPhi (u)(1+O(1/\log x))+O(1/\log T), \,|u|\le c\). If we choose \(c>0\) such that \(\varPhi (u)\) has no zeros for \(|u|\le c\), we obtain \(\varPhi _n(u)=\varPhi (u)(1+O(1/\log x)), \,|u|\le c\). On the other hand, we have \(\varPhi (u/\sqrt{(\log \log x +\gamma )/2})=1+O(u^2/\log \log x), \, |u|\le c\sqrt{\log \log x}\). Plugging in these estimates gives that (8.2) is \(O(1/\sqrt{\log \log x})\). From \(N/\log \log T=O(\log \log T)\) we conclude that \(\log \log T/\log \log x\rightarrow 1\) and this completes the proof. \(\square \)

This lemma combined with the bound (see [21, Lemma 6.2])

$$\begin{aligned} |\{t\in [T,2T]:|r_{1,x}(t)|\ge c'\log \log \log T\}|=O(1/\sqrt{\log \log T}), \end{aligned}$$

where \(c'>0\) is a constant, yields Selberg’s result

$$\begin{aligned}&\sup _{a<b}\Bigg (\ \frac{1}{T}\lambda \Big (\Big \{t\in [T,2T]: \frac{{\mathrm{Im }}\log \zeta (1/2+it)}{\sqrt{(\log \log T)/2}}\in [a,b]\Big \}\Big )\\&\quad -\int \limits _a^be^{-t^2/2}\frac{dt}{\sqrt{2\pi }}\ \Bigg )=O\bigg (\frac{\log \log \log T}{\sqrt{\log \log T}}\bigg ). \end{aligned}$$

Appendix 2: Mean value estimates

For completeness we present some standard mean value estimates which we applied in the proof of Corollary 2 (see [17, Lemma 3] and [20, Lemma 3]). For this purpose let \(x\) and \(y\) be positive real numbers, \(a_p\) and \(b_p\) be complex numbers with \(|a_p|\le 1\) and \(|b_p|\le \log p/\log x\), and \(k\) be a nonnegative integer. By repeating the arguments in the proof of Proposition 1, we obtain

$$\begin{aligned}&\frac{1}{T}\int \limits _T^{2T}\bigg |\sum _{p\le x}{\frac{a_p}{p^{1+2it}}}\bigg |^{2k}dt \le k!\Big (\sum _{p\le x}\frac{1}{p^2}\Big )^k+2D k!(\pi (x))^k/T,\\&\frac{1}{T}\int \limits _T^{2T}\bigg |\sum _{y< p\le x}{\frac{a_p}{p^{1/2+it}}}\bigg |^{2k}dt \le k!\Big (\sum _{y< p\le x}\frac{1}{p}\Big )^k+2D k!(\pi (x)-\pi (y))^k/T,\\&\frac{1}{T}\int \limits _T^{2T}\bigg |\sum _{p\le x}{\frac{b_p}{p^{1/2+it}}}\bigg |^{2k}dt \le k!\frac{1}{(\log x)^k}\Big (\sum _{p\le x}\frac{\log p}{p}\Big )^k+2D k!(\pi (x))^k/T. \end{aligned}$$

If \(x\le T^{1/k}\), the first and the third term are bounded by \((Ak)^k\) and the second by \((k(\log \log x-\log \log y+A))^k, \,A>0\) some constant.

For example, we obtain for a function \(|g(u)|\le 1\)

$$\begin{aligned}&\frac{1}{T}\int \limits _T^{2T}\bigg | \frac{1}{\log T^{1/V}}\sum _{n\le T^{1/V}}\frac{\varLambda (n)}{n^{1/2+it}}g\left( \frac{\log n}{\log T^{1/V}}\right) \bigg |^{2\lfloor V\rfloor }dt\nonumber \\&\quad =\frac{1}{T}\int \limits _T^{2T}\bigg |\sum _{p\le T^{1/V}}{\frac{b_p}{p^{1/2+it}}}+\sum _{p^2\le T^{1/V}}{\frac{a_p}{p^{1+2it}}}+O(1)\bigg |^{2\lfloor V\rfloor }dt\nonumber \\&\quad \le 3^{2V}\big ((AV)^V+(AV)^V+O(1)^V\big ). \end{aligned}$$

Appendix 3: Large deviation theory

In this appendix we give the definition of the large deviation principle and state two important results which we used in the proofs of Corollary 2 and 3 (see [4]).

A function \(I:\mathbb{R }\rightarrow [0,\infty ]\) is called a rate function (resp. good rate function), if for all \(\alpha \in [0,\infty )\), the sets \(\{x:I(x)\le \alpha \}\) are closed (resp. compact). A family \(\{Z_\epsilon \}\) of real-valued random variables satisfies the large deviation principle with the speed \(\epsilon \) and the rate function \(I\), if

  1. (a)

    For any closed set \(F\subseteq \mathbb{R }\)

    $$\begin{aligned} \limsup _{\epsilon \rightarrow 0}\epsilon \log \mathbb{P }(Z_\epsilon \in F)\le -\inf _{x\in F}I(x). \end{aligned}$$
  2. (b)

    For any open set \(G\subseteq \mathbb{R }\)

    $$\begin{aligned} \liminf _{\epsilon \rightarrow 0}\epsilon \log \mathbb{P }(Z_\epsilon \in G)\ge -\inf _{x\in G}I(x). \end{aligned}$$

Theorem 3

(Gärtner-Ellis, see Theorem 2.3.6 or 4.5.20 in [4]) Suppose that for each \(\lambda \in \mathbb{R }\)

$$\begin{aligned} \varLambda (\lambda ):=\lim _{\epsilon \rightarrow 0}\epsilon \log \mathbb{E }\big [ e^{\lambda Z_{\epsilon }/\epsilon }\big ] \end{aligned}$$

exists and that \(\varLambda \) is differentiable. Then the family \(\{Z_\epsilon \}\) satisfies the large deviation principle with the good rate function \(I(x)=\sup _{\lambda \in \mathbb{R }}(\lambda x-\varLambda (\lambda ))\).

Theorem 4

(Varadhan, see Theorem 4.3.1 in [4]) Suppose that \(\{Z_\epsilon \}\) satisfies the large deviation principle with a good rate function \(I\) and let \(h\in \mathbb{R }\). Assume further that for some \(\gamma >1\)

$$\begin{aligned} \limsup _{\epsilon \rightarrow 0}\epsilon \log \mathbb{E }\big [ e^{\gamma h Z_{\epsilon }/\epsilon }\big ]<\infty . \end{aligned}$$


$$\begin{aligned} \lim _{\epsilon \rightarrow 0}\epsilon \log \mathbb{E }\big [ e^{h Z_{\epsilon }/\epsilon }\big ]=\sup _{x\in \mathbb{R }}(xh-I(x)). \end{aligned}$$

Definition 1

(see Definition 4.2.10 in [4]) Let \(\{Z_\epsilon \}\) and \(\{{\tilde{Z}}_\epsilon \}\) be two families of real-valued random variables, defined on the same probability space. Then \(\{Z_\epsilon \}\) and \(\{{\tilde{Z}}_\epsilon \}\) are called exponentially equivalent if for each \(\delta >0,\)

$$\begin{aligned} \limsup _{\epsilon \rightarrow 0}\epsilon \log \mathbb{P }(|Z_\epsilon -{\tilde{Z}}_\epsilon |>\delta )=-\infty . \end{aligned}$$

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Wahl, M. On the mod-Gaussian convergence of a sum over primes. Math. Z. 276, 635–654 (2014).

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