Erratum to: Arch Toxicol DOI 10.1007/s00204-017-1956-3

In the Results and Discussion section, fifth paragraph should read: Glucuronidation facilitates urinary elimination of phthalate metabolites (Silva et al. 2003). Despite structural similarities between DEHP and DEHTP, interestingly, we observed that glucuronidation of their analogous metabolites differed. Specifically, we found that 98.8% of MECPTP but only 45.5% of MECPP eliminated in their free (i.e., unconjugated) form (Table 2). In contrast, MEHHP and MEHHTP eliminated mostly conjugated (median free metabolites were 1.9 and 21.2%, respectively). Our results are in agreement with previous findings where humans administered with DEHTP eliminated 91.2% of MECPTP and 28.9% of MEHHTP in their free form (Lessmann et al. 2016b).