Correction to: Journal of Evolutionary Economics (2022) 32:1091–1118

The article “Exploring the sources of knowledge diversity in founding teams and its impact on new firms’ innovation” written by Nicoletta Corrocher and Camilla Lenzi was originally published online July 02, 2022 has errors.

The last page of the article is missing which has the below data.

Zahra S, Van de Velde E, Larraneta B (2007) Knowledge conversion capability and the growth of corporate and university spinoffs. Ind Corp Change 164:569–608

Zhan S, Bendapudi N, Hong YY (2015) Re-examining diversity as a double-edged sword for innovation process. J Organizational Behav 36:1026–1049

The correct (Table A3) is the below.

Table A3 Correlation matrix