1 Introduction

Self-Supervised learning (SSL) is an unsupervised learning procedure in which the data provide its own supervision to learn a practical representation of the data. A pretext task is designed to make this supervision. The pretrained model is then fine-tuned on downstream tasks, and several works have shown that a self-supervised pretrained network can outperform its supervised counterpart for image [1,2,3] and video [4, 5]. It has been successfully applied to various image and video applications such as image classification, action classification, object detection and action localization.

Contrastive learning is a state-of-the-art self-supervised paradigm based on Noise Contrastive Estimation (NCE) [6] whose most successful applications rely on instance discrimination [7,8,9,10]. Pairs of views from same images or videos are generated by carefully designed data augmentations [4, 8, 11]. Elements from the same pairs are called positives, and their representations are pulled together to learn view invariant features. Other instances called negatives are considered as noise, and their representations are pushed away from positives. Frameworks based on contrastive learning paradigm require a procedure to sample positives and negatives to learn a good data representation. Videos add the time dimension that offers more possibilities than images to generate positives such as sampling different clips as positives [4, 12], using different temporal context [13,14,15].

A large number of negatives are essential [16], and various strategies have been proposed to enhance the number of negatives [7, 8, 17, 18]. Sampling hard negatives [18,19,20,21,22] improves the representations but can be harmful if they are semantically false negatives which causes the “class collision problem” [23,24,25].

Other approaches that learn from positive views without negatives have been proposed by predicting pseudo-classes of different views [1, 3, 26], minimizing the feature distance of positives [2, 4, 27] or matching the similarity distribution between views and other instances [28]. These methods free the mentioned problem of sampling hard negatives.

Based on the weaknesses of contrastive learning using negatives, we introduce a self-supervised soft contrastive learning approach called Similarity Contrastive Estimation (SCE) that contrasts positive pairs with other instances and leverages the push of negatives using the inter-instance similarities. Our method computes relations defined as a sharpened similarity distribution between augmented views of a batch. Each view from the batch is paired with a differently augmented query. Our objective function will maintain for each query the relations and contrast its positive with other images or videos. A memory buffer is maintained to produce a meaningful distribution. Experiments on several datasets show that our approach outperforms our contrastive and relational baselines MoCov2 [29] and ReSSL [28] on images. We also demonstrate using relations for video representation learning is better than contrastive learning.

Our contributions can be summarized as follows:

  • We propose a self-supervised soft contrastive learning approach called Similarity Contrastive Estimation (SCE) that contrasts pairs of augmented instances with other instances and maintains relations among instances for either image or video representation learning.

  • We demonstrate that SCE outperforms on several benchmarks its baselines MoCov2 [29] and ReSSL [28] on images on the same architecture.

  • We show that our proposed SCE is competitive with the state of the art on the ImageNet linear evaluation protocol and generalizes to several image downstream tasks.

  • We show that our proposed SCE reaches state-of-the-art results for video representation learning by pretraining on the Kinetics400 dataset as we beat or match previous top-1 accuracy for finetuning on HMDB51 and UCF101 for ResNet3D-18 and ResNet3D-50. We also demonstrate it generalizes to several video downstream tasks.

2 Related work

2.1 Image self-supervised learning

Early self-supervised learning In early works, different pretext tasks to perform Self-Supervised Learning have been proposed to learn a good data representation. They consist in transforming the input data or part of it to perform supervision such as: instance discrimination [30], patch localization [31], colorization [32], jigsaw puzzle [33], counting [34], angle rotation prediction [35].

Contrastive learning Contrastive learning is a learning paradigm [1, 2, 7, 8, 11, 16, 17, 21, 22, 36,37,38,39] that outperformed previously mentioned pretext tasks. Most successful methods rely on instance discrimination with a positive pair of views from the same image contrasted with all other instances called negatives. Retrieving lots of negatives is necessary for contrastive learning [16], and various strategies have been proposed. MoCo(v2) [7, 29] uses a small batch size and keeps a high number of negatives by maintaining a memory buffer of representations via a momentum encoder. Alternatively, SimCLR [8, 40] and MoCov3 [41] use a large batch size without a memory buffer, and without a momentum encoder for SimCLR.

Sampler for contrastive learning All negatives are not equal [23], and hard negatives, negatives that are difficult to distinguish with positives, are the most important to sample to improve contrastive learning. However, they are potentially harmful to the training because of the “class collision” problem [23,24,25]. Several samplers have been proposed to alleviate this problem such as debiasing negatives sampling [25] further improved by selecting hard negatives [19], or using the nearest neighbor as positive for NNCLR [22]. Truncated-triplet [39] optimizes a triplet loss using the k-th similar element as negative that showed significant improvement. It is also possible to generate views by adversarial learning as AdCo [21] showed. Some other works [42, 43] proposed a denoised contrastive loss that reduces or reverses the gradient for medium and highly similar negatives. They use hard margins between different categories of negatives. Instead, we propose a soft contrastive loss that seeks to estimate relations between instances and consider all negatives equally.

Contrastive learning without negatives Various siamese frameworks perform contrastive learning without the use of negatives to avoid the class collision problem. BYOL [2] trains an online encoder to predict the output of a momentum updated target encoder. SwAV [1] enforces consistency between online cluster assignments from learned prototypes. DINO [3] proposes a self-distillation paradigm to match distribution on pseudo class from an online encoder to a momentum target encoder. Barlow-Twins [44] aligns the cross-correlation matrix between two paired outputs to the identity matrix that VICReg [45] stabilizes by adding an intra-batch decorrelation loss function.

Regularized contrastive learning Several works regularize contrastive learning by optimizing a contrastive objective along with an objective that considers the similarities among instances. CO2 [24] adds a consistency regularization term that matches the distribution of similarity for a query and its positive. PCL [46] and WCL [47] combines unsupervised clustering with contrastive learning to tighten representations of similar instances.

Relational learning and knowledge distillation Contrastive learning implicitly learns the relations, also called semantic similarity, between instances based on the meaning or semantics they convey by optimizing alignment and matching a prior distribution [48, 49]. ReSSL [28] introduces an explicit relational learning objective by maintaining consistency of pairwise similarities between strong and weak augmented views. The pairs of views are not directly aligned which harms the discriminative performance. Other approaches relied on self-supervised knowledge distillation [50,51,52] for which a student model seeks to predict the distribution of similarities among instances computed by a larger pretrained teacher. As such, in opposition with contrastive and relational learning and therefore our approach, knowledge distillation is not an end-to-end approach and requires a former pretraining.

Masked modeling Masked modeling [53, 54] has shown impressive results in Natural Language Processing tasks using the transformer architecture [55]. More recently, it has been successfully applied to the vision domain thanks to advances on vision transformers [56, 57] which use attentions on tokens made by projecting patches of images in a token space. Specifically designed pretext tasks relying on mask modeling for images have been proposed [58,59,60]. The general idea of mask modeling is masking a part of the input and predicting the masked parts either at token level or at pixel level. It has shown competitive performance on transformer architectures with contrastive learning.

In our work, we optimize a contrastive learning objective using negatives that alleviate class collision by pulling related instances. We do not use a regularization term but directly optimize a soft contrastive learning objective that leverages the contrastive and relational aspects. As we performed a study using convolutional networks, we did not perform a comparative study with Mask Modeling approaches which rely on transformers that require supplementary computational resources.

2.2 Video self-supervised learning

Video Self-Supervised Learning follows the advances of Image Self-Supervised Learning and often picked ideas from the image modality with adjustment and improvement to make it relevant for videos and make best use of it.

Pretext tasks As for images, in early works several pretext tasks have been proposed on videos. Some were directly picked from images such as rotation [61], solving Jigsaw puzzles [62], but others have been designed specifically for videos. These specific pretext-tasks include predicting motion and appearance [63], the shuffling of frame [64, 65] or clip [66, 67] order, predicting the speed of the video [68, 69]. These methods have been replaced over time by more performing approaches that are less limited by a specific pretext task to learn a good representation. Recently, TransRank [5] introduced a new paradigm to perform temporal and spatial pretext tasks prediction on a clip relatively to other transformations to the same clip and showed promising results.

Fig. 1
figure 1

SCE follows a siamese pipeline illustrated in a. A batch \({\textbf{x}}\) of images is augmented with two different data augmentation distributions \(T^1\) and \(T^2\) to form \(\mathbf {x^1} = t^1({\textbf{x}})\) and \(\mathbf {x^2} = t^2({\textbf{x}})\) with \(t^1 \sim T^1\) and \(t^2 \sim T^2\). The representation \(\mathbf {z^1}\) is computed through an online encoder \(f_s\), projector \(g_s\) and optionally a predictor \(h_s\) such as \(\mathbf {z^1} = h_s(g_s(f_s(\mathbf {x^1})))\). A parallel target branch updated by an exponential moving average of the online branch, or ema, computes \(\mathbf {z^2} = g_t(f_t(\mathbf {x^2}))\) with \(f_t\) and \(g_t\) the target encoder and projector. In the objective function of SCE illustrated in b, \(\mathbf {z^2}\) is used to compute the inter-instance target distribution by applying a sharp softmax to the cosine similarities between \(\mathbf {z^2}\) and a memory buffer of representations from the momentum branch. This distribution is mixed via a \(1 - \lambda \) factor with a one-hot label factor \(\lambda \) to form the target distribution. Similarities between \(\mathbf {z^1}\) and the memory buffer plus its positive in \(\mathbf {z^2}\) are also computed. The online distribution is computed via softmax applied to the online similarities. The objective function is the cross entropy between the target and the online distributions

Contrastive learning Video Contrastive Learning [4, 9, 10, 12,13,14,15, 70,71,72] has been widely studied in the recent years as it gained interest after its better performance than standard pretext tasks in images. Several works studied how to form positive views from different clips [4, 10, 12, 13] to directly apply contrastive methods from images. CVRL [12] extended SimCLR to videos and propose a temporal sampler for creating temporally overlapped but not identical positive views which can avoid spatial redundancy. Also, [4] extended SimCLR, MoCo, SwaV and BYOL to videos and studied the effect of using random sampled clips from a video to form views. They pushed further the study to sample several positives to generalize the Multi-crop procedure introduced for images by [1]. Some works focused on combining contrastive learning and predicting a pretext task [73,74,75,76,77, 82]. To help better represent the time dimension, several approaches were designed to use different temporal context width [13,14,15] for the different views.

Multi-modal learning To improve self-supervised representation learning, several approaches made use of several modalities to better capture the spatio-temporal information provided by a video. It can be from text [78, 79], audio [14, 73, 80], and optical flow [10, 14, 26, 70, 73, 81, 82].

Masked modeling Transformers have been extended from images to videos for learning spatio-temporal representations [83, 84]. Approaches on videos for Masked Modeling [85,86,87] essentially converted pretext tasks from images to videos by considering spatio-temporal masking of tokens instead of simply spatial tokens.

In our work, we propose a soft contrastive learning objective using only RGB frames that directly generalizes our approach from image with changes related to data processing and architectures. To the best of our knowledge, we are the first to introduce the concept of soft contrastive learning using relations for video self-supervised representation learning. As for images, we did not perform a thorough comparative study with Mask Modeling as these methods rely on transformers and we worked with convolutional networks.

3 Methodology

In this section, we will introduce our baselines: MoCov2 [29] for the contrastive aspect and ReSSL [28] for the relational aspect. We will then present our self-supervised soft contrastive learning approach called Similarity Contrastive Estimation (SCE). All these methods share the same architecture illustrated in Fig. 1a. We provide the pseudo-code of our algorithm in Appendix B.

3.1 Contrastive and relational learning

Consider \({\textbf{x}}=\{\mathbf {x_k}\}_{k\in \{1,..., N\}}\) a batch of N images. Siamese momentum methods based on Contrastive and Relational learning, such as MoCo [7] and ReSSL [28], respectively, produce two views of \({\textbf{x}}\), \(\mathbf {x^1} = t^1({\textbf{x}})\) and \(\mathbf {x^2} = t^2({\textbf{x}})\), from two data augmentation distributions \(T^1\) and \(T^2\) with \(t^1 \sim T^1\) and \(t^2 \sim T^2\). For ReSSL, \(T^2\) is a weak data augmentation distribution compared to \(T^1\) to maintain relations. \(\mathbf {x^1}\) passes through an online network \(f_s\) followed by a projector \(g_s\) to compute \(\mathbf {z^1} = g_s(f_s(\mathbf {x^1}))\). A parallel target branch containing a projector \(g_t\) and an encoder \(f_t\) computes \(\mathbf {z^2} = g_t(f_t(\mathbf {x^2}))\). \(\mathbf {z^1}\) and \(\mathbf {z^2}\) are both \(l_2\)-normalized.

The online branch parameters \(\theta _s\) are updated by gradient (\(\nabla \)) descent to minimize a loss function \( {\mathcal {L}}\). The target branch parameters \(\theta _t\) are updated at each iteration by exponential moving average of the online branch parameters with the momentum value m, also called keep rate, to control the update such as:

$$\begin{aligned}&\theta _s \leftarrow optimizer(\theta _s, \nabla _{\theta _s}{\mathcal {L}}), \end{aligned}$$
$$\begin{aligned}&\theta _t \leftarrow m\theta _t + (1 - m) \theta _s. \end{aligned}$$

MoCo uses the InfoNCE loss, a similarity-based function scaled by the temperature \(\tau \) that maximizes agreement between the positive pair and push negatives away:

$$\begin{aligned} L_{InfoNCE} = - \frac{1}{N} \sum _{i=1}^N \log \left( \frac{\exp (\mathbf {z^1_i} \cdot \mathbf {z^2_i} / \tau )}{\sum _{j=1}^N\exp (\mathbf {z^1_i} \cdot \mathbf {z^2_j} / \tau )}\right) . \end{aligned}$$

ReSSL computes a target similarity distribution \(\mathbf {s^2}\) that represents the relations between weak augmented instances, and the distribution of similarity \(\mathbf {s^{1}}\) between the strongly augmented instances with the weak augmented ones. Temperature parameters are applied to each distribution: \(\tau \) for \(\mathbf {s^{1}}\) and \(\tau _m\) for \(\mathbf {s^{2}}\) with \(\tau > \tau _m\) to eliminate noisy relations. Indeed, as the temperature decreases, it exponentially increases softmax values for highly similar instances and decreases exponentially values for low similar instances which makes them negligible in the target distribution. The loss function is the cross-entropy between \(\textbf{s}^{2}\) and \({\textbf{s}}^{1}\):

$$\begin{aligned}{} & {} s^{1}_{ik} = \frac{\mathbb {1}_{i \ne k} \cdot \exp (\textbf{z}^\textbf{1}_\textbf{i} \cdot \textbf{z}^\textbf{2}_\textbf{k} / \tau )}{\sum _{j=1}^{N}{\mathbb {1}}_{i \ne j} \cdot \exp (\textbf{z}^\textbf{1}_\textbf{i} \cdot \textbf{z}^\textbf{2}_\textbf{j} / \tau )}, \end{aligned}$$
$$\begin{aligned}{} & {} s^{2}_{ik} = \frac{{\mathbb {1}}_{i \ne k} \cdot \exp (\textbf{z}^\textbf{2}_\textbf{i} \cdot \textbf{z}^\textbf{2}_\textbf{k} / \tau _m)}{\sum _{j=1}^{N}{\mathbb {1}}_{i \ne j} \cdot \exp (\textbf{z}^\textbf{2}_\textbf{i} \cdot \textbf{z}^\textbf{2}_\textbf{j} / \tau _m)}, \end{aligned}$$
$$\begin{aligned}{} & {} L_{ReSSL} = - \frac{1}{N} \sum _{i=1}^N\sum _{\begin{array}{c} k=1 \\ k\ne i \end{array}}^N s^{2}_{ik} \log \left( s^{1}_{ik}\right) . \end{aligned}$$

A memory buffer of size \(M>> N\) filled by \(\mathbf {z^2}\) is maintained for both methods.

3.2 Similarity contrastive estimation

Contrastive Learning methods damage relations among instances which Relational Learning correctly build. However, Relational Learning lacks the discriminating features that contrastive methods can learn. If we take the example of a dataset composed of cats and dogs, we want our model to be able to understand that two different cats share the same appearance, but we also want our model to learn to distinguish details specific to each cat. Based on these requirements, we propose our approach called Similarity Contrastive Estimation (SCE).

We argue that there exists a true distribution of similarity \(\mathbf {w_i^*}\) between a query \(\mathbf {q_i}\) and the instances in a batch of N images \({\textbf{x}}=\{\textbf{x}_\textbf{k}\}_{k\in \{1,..., N\}}\), with \(\textbf{x}_\textbf{i}\) a positive view of \(\mathbf {q_i}\). If we had access to \(\textbf{w}_\textbf{i}^\mathbf {*}\), our training framework would estimate the similarity distribution \(\mathbf {p_i}\) between \(\mathbf {q_i}\) and all instances in \({\textbf{x}}\), and minimize the cross-entropy between \(\mathbf {w_i^*}\) and \(\mathbf {p_i}\) which is a soft contrastive learning objective:

$$\begin{aligned} L_{SCE^*} = - \frac{1}{N}\sum _{i=1}^N\sum _{k=1}^N w^*_{ik}\log \left( p_{ik}\right) . \end{aligned}$$

\(L_{SCE^*}\) is a soft contrastive approach that generalizes InfoNCE and ReSSL objectives. InfoNCE is a hard contrastive loss that estimates \(\mathbf {w_i^*}\) with a one-hot label and ReSSL estimates \(\mathbf {w_i^*}\) without the contrastive component.

We propose an estimation of \(\mathbf {w_i^*}\) based on contrastive and relational learning. We consider \(\mathbf {x^1} = t^1({\textbf{x}})\) and \(\mathbf {x^2} = t^2({\textbf{x}})\) generated from \({\textbf{x}}\) using two data augmentations \(t^1 \sim T^1\) and \(t^2 \sim T^2\). Both augmentation distributions should be different to estimate different relations for each view as shown in Sect. 4.1.1. We compute \(\mathbf {z^1} = h_s(g_s(f_s(\mathbf {x^1})))\) from the online encoder \(f_s\), projector \(g_s\) and optionally a predictor \(h_s\) [2, 41]). We also compute \(\mathbf {z^2} = g_t(f_t(\mathbf {x^2}))\) from the target encoder \(f_t\) and projector \(g_t\). \(\mathbf {z^1}\) and \(\mathbf {z^2}\) are both \(l_2\)-normalized.

The similarity distribution \(\mathbf {s^2_i}\) that defines relations between the query and other instances is computed via Eq. (5). The temperature \(\tau _m\) sharpens the distribution to only keep relevant relations. A weighted positive one-hot label is added to \(\mathbf {s^2_i}\) to build the target similarity distribution \(\mathbf {w^2_i}\):

$$\begin{aligned} w^2_{ik} = \lambda \cdot \mathbb {1}_{i=k} + (1 - \lambda ) \cdot s^2_{ik}. \end{aligned}$$

The online similarity distribution \(\mathbf {p^1_i}\) between \(\mathbf {z^1_i}\) and \(\mathbf {z^2}\), including the target positive representation in opposition with ReSSL, is computed and scaled by the temperature \(\tau \) with \(\tau > \tau _m\) to build a sharper target distribution:

$$\begin{aligned} p^1_{ik} = \frac{\exp (\mathbf {z^1_i} \cdot \mathbf {z^2_k} / \tau )}{\sum _{j=1}^{N}\exp (\mathbf {z^1_i} \cdot \mathbf {z^2_j} / \tau )}. \end{aligned}$$

The objective function illustrated in Fig. 1b is the cross-entropy between each \(\mathbf {w^2}\) and \(\mathbf {p^1}\):

$$\begin{aligned} L_{SCE} = - \frac{1}{N} \sum _{i=1}^N\sum _{k=1}^N w^2_{ik} \log \left( p^1_{ik}\right) . \end{aligned}$$

The loss can be symmetrized by passing \(\mathbf {x^1}\) and \(\mathbf {x^2}\) through the momentum and online encoders and averaging the two losses computed.

A memory buffer of size \(M>> N\) filled by \(\mathbf {z^2}\) is maintained to better approximate the similarity distributions.

The following proposition explicitly shows that SCE optimizes a contrastive learning objective while maintaining inter-instance relations:

Proposition 1

\(L_{SCE}\) defined in Eq. (10) can be written as:

$$\begin{aligned} L_{SCE} = \lambda \cdot L_{InfoNCE} + \mu \cdot L_{ReSSL} + \eta \cdot L_{Ceil}, \end{aligned}$$

with \(\mu = \eta = 1 - \lambda \) and

$$\begin{aligned} L_{Ceil} = - \frac{1}{N} \sum _{i=1}^{N}\log \left( \frac{\sum _{j=1}^{N}\mathbb {1}_{i \ne j} \cdot \exp (\textbf{z}^\textbf{1}_\textbf{i} \cdot \textbf{z}^\textbf{2}_\textbf{j} / \tau )}{\sum _{j=1}^{N} \exp (\textbf{z}^\textbf{1}_\textbf{i} \cdot \textbf{z}^\textbf{2}_\textbf{j} / \tau )}\right) . \end{aligned}$$

The proof separates the positive term and negatives. It can be found in Appendix C. \(L_{Ceil}\) leverages how similar the positives should be with hard negatives. Because our approach is a soft contrastive learning objective, we optimize the formulation in Eq. (10) and have the constraint \(\mu = \eta = 1 - \lambda \). It frees our implementation from having three losses to optimize with two hyperparameters \(\mu \) and \(\eta \) to tune. Still, we performed a small study of the objective defined in Eq. (11) without this constraint to check if \(L_{Ceil}\) improves results in Sect. 4.1.1.

Table 1 Different distributions of data augmentations applied to SCE
Table 2 Effect of varying \(\lambda \) on the Top-1 accuracy on ImageNet100

4 Empirical study

In this section, we will empirically prove the relevance of our proposed Similarity Contrastive Estimation (SCE) self-supervised learning approach to learn a good data representation for both images and videos representation learning.

4.1 Image study

In this section, we first make an ablative study of our approach SCE to find the best hyperparameters on images. Secondly, we compare SCE with its baselines MoCov2 [29] and ReSSL [28] for the same architecture. Finally, we evaluate SCE on the ImageNet Linear evaluation protocol and assess its generalization capacity on various tasks.

4.1.1 Ablation study

To make the ablation study, we conducted experiments on ImageNet100 that has a close distribution to ImageNet, studied in Sect. 4.1.3, with the advantage to require less resources to train. We keep implementation details close to ReSSL [28] and MoCov2 [29] to ensure fair comparison.

Dataset ImageNet [88] is a large dataset with 1k classes, almost 1.3M images in the training set and 50K images in the validation set. ImageNet100 is a selection of 100 classes from ImageNet whose classes have been selected randomly. We took the selected classes from [37] referenced in Appendix A.

Implementation details for pretraining We use the ResNet-50 [89] encoder and pretrain for 200 epochs. We apply by default strong and weak data augmentations defined in Table 1. We do not use a predictor, and we do not symmetry the loss by default. Specific hyper-parameter details can be found in Appendix D.1.

Evaluation protocol To evaluate our pretrained encoders, we train a linear classifier following Chen et al. [29] and Zheng et al. [28] that is detailed in Appendix D.1. Leveraging contrastive and relational learning SCE defined in Eq. (8) leverages contrastive and relational learning via the \(\lambda \) coefficient. We studied the effect of varying the \(\lambda \) coefficient on ImageNet100. Temperature parameters are set to \(\tau = 0.1\) and \(\tau _m = 0.05\). We report the results in Table 2. Performance increases with \(\lambda \) from 0 to 0.5 after which it starts decreasing. The best \(\lambda \) is inside [0.4, 0.5], confirming that balancing the contrastive and relational aspects provides better representation. In next experiments, we keep \(\lambda = 0.5\).

We performed a small study of the optimization of Eq. (11) by removing \(L_{ceil}\) (\(\eta = 0\)) to validate the relevance of our approach for \(\tau = 0.1\) and \(\tau _m\in \{0.05, 0.07\}\). The results are reported in Table 3. Adding the term \(L_{ceil}\) consistently improves performance, empirically proving that our approach is better than simply adding \(L_{InfoNCE}\) and \(L_{ReSSL}\). This performance boost varies with temperature parameters, and our best setting improves by \(+0.9\) percentage points (p.p.) in comparison with adding the two losses.

Table 3 Effect of loss coefficients in Eq. (11) on the Top-1 accuracy on ImageNet100
Table 4 Effect of using different distributions of data augmentations for the two views and of the loss symmetrization on the Top-1 accuracy on ImageNet100

Asymmetric data augmentations to build the similarity distributions Contrastive learning approaches use strong data augmentations [8] to learn view invariant features and prevent the model to collapse. However, these strong data augmentations shift the distribution of similarities among instances that SCE uses to approximate \(w_i^*\) in Eq. (8). We need to carefully tune the data augmentations to estimate a relevant target similarity distribution. We listed different distributions of data augmentations in Table 1. The weak and strong augmentations are the same as described by ReSSL [28]. strong-\(\alpha \) and strong-\(\beta \) have been proposed by BYOL [2]. strong- \(\gamma \) combines strong- \(\alpha \) and strong- \(\beta \).

We performed a study in Table 4 on which data augmentations are needed to build a proper target distribution for the non-symmetric and symmetric settings. We report the Top-1 accuracy on Imagenet100 when varying the data augmentations applied on the online and target branches of our pipeline. For the non-symmetric setting, SCE requires the target distribution to be built from a weak augmentation distribution that maintains consistency across instances.

Once the loss is symmetrized, asymmetry with strong data augmentations has better performance. Indeed, using strong- \(\alpha \) and strong- \(\beta \) augmentations is better than using weak and strong augmentations, and same strong augmentations have lower performance. We argue symmetrized SCE requires asymmetric data augmentations to produce different relations for each view to make the model learn more information. The effect of using stronger augmentations is balanced by averaging the results on both views. Symmetrizing the loss boosts the performance as for [2, 27].

Sharpening the similarity distributions The temperature parameters sharpen the distributions of similarity exponentially. SCE uses the temperatures \(\tau _m\) and \(\tau \) for the target and online similarity distributions with \(\tau _m < \tau \) to guide the online encoder with a sharper target distribution. We made a temperature search on ImageNet100 by varying \(\tau \) in \(\{0.1, 0.2\}\) and \(\tau _m\) in \(\{0.03,..., 0.10\}\). The results are in Table 5. We found the best values \(\tau _m = 0.07\) and \(\tau = 0.1\) proving SCE needs a sharper target distribution. In Appendix E, this parameter search is done for other datasets used in comparison with our baselines. Unlike ReSSL [28], SCE does not collapse when \(\tau _m \rightarrow \tau \) thanks to the contrastive aspect. Hence, it is less sensitive to the temperature choice.

4.1.2 Comparison with our baselines

We compared on 6 datasets how SCE performs against its baselines. We keep similar implementation details to ReSSL [28] and MoCov2 [29] for fair comparison.

Small datasets Cifar10 and Cifar100 [90] have 50K training images, 10K test images, \(32 \times 32\) resolution and 10–100 classes, respectively.

Medium datasets STL10 [91] has a \(96 \times 96\) resolution, 10 classes, 100K unlabeled data, 5k labeled training images and 8K test images. Tiny-Imagenet [92] is a subset of ImageNet with \(64 \times 64\) resolution, 200 classes, 100k training images and 10K validation images.

Implementation details Architecture implementation details can be found in Appendix D.1. For MoCov2, we use \(\tau = 0.2\) and for ReSSL their best \(\tau \) and \(\tau _m\) reported [28]. For SCE, we use the best temperature parameters from Sect. 4.1.1 for ImageNet and ImageNet100 and from Appendix E for the other datasets. The same architecture for all methods is used except for MoCov2 on ImageNet that kept the ImageNet100 projector to improve results.

Table 5 Effect of varying the temperature parameters \(\tau _m\) and \(\tau \) on the Top-1 accuracy on ImageNet100
Table 6 Comparison of SCE with its baselines MoCov2 [29] and ReSSL [28] on the Top-1 Accuracy on various datasets

Results are reported in Table 6. Our baselines reproduction is validated as results are better than those reported by the authors. SCE outperforms its baselines on all datasets, proving that our method is more efficient to learn discriminating features on the pretrained dataset. We observe that our approach outperforms more significantly ReSSL on smaller datasets than ImageNet, suggesting that it is more important to learn to discriminate among instances for these datasets. SCE has promising applications to domains with few data such as in medical applications.

4.1.3 ImageNet linear evaluation

We compare SCE on the widely used ImageNet linear evaluation protocol with the state of the art. We scaled our method using a larger batch size and a predictor to match state-of-the-art results [2, 41].

Implementation details We use the ResNet-50 [89] encoder, apply strong- \(\alpha \) and strong-\(\beta \) augmentations defined in Table 1. We follow the same training hyperparameters used by [41] and detailed in Appendix D.2. The loss is symmetrized and we keep the best hyperparameters from Sect. 4.1.1: \(\lambda = 0.5\), \(\tau = 0.1\) and \(\tau _m = 0.07\).

Multi-crop setting We follow [21] setting and sample 6 different views detailed in Appendix D.2.

Evaluation protocol We follow the protocol defined by Chen et al. [41] and detailed in Appendix D.2.

We evaluated SCE at epochs 100, 200, 300 and 1000 on the Top-1 accuracy on ImageNet to study the efficiency of our approach and compare it with the state of the art in Table 7. At 100 epochs, SCE reaches \(\mathbf {72.1\%}\) up to \(\mathbf {74.1\%}\) at 1000 epochs. Hence, SCE has a fast convergence and few epochs of training already provides a good representation. SCE is the Top-1 method at 100 epochs and Top-2 for 200 and 300 epochs proving the good quality of its representation for few epochs of pretraining.

Table 7 State-of-the-art results on the Top-1 Accuracy on ImageNet under the linear evaluation protocol at different pretraining epochs: 100, 200, 300, 800+

At 1000 epochs, SCE is below several state-of-the-art results. We argue that SCE suffers from maintaining a \(\lambda \) coefficient to 0.5 and that relational or contrastive aspects do not have the same impact at the beginning and at the end of pretraining. A potential improvement would be using a scheduler on \(\lambda \) that varies over time.

We added multi-crop to SCE for 200 epochs of pretraining. It enhances the results, but it is costly in terms of time and memory. It improves the results from 72.7% to our best result \(\mathbf {75.4\%}\) (\(\mathbf {+2.7}\)p.p.). Therefore, SCE learns from having local views and they should maintain relations to learn better representations. We compared SCE with state-of-the-art methods using multi-crop in Table 8. SCE is competitive with top state-of-the-art methods that trained for 800+ epochs by having slightly lower accuracy than the best method using multi-crop (\(-0.3\)p.p) and without multi-crop (\(-0.5\)p.p). SCE is more efficient than other methods, as it reaches state-of-the-art results for fewer pretraining epochs.

Table 8 State-of-the-art results on the Top-1 Accuracy on ImageNet under the linear evaluation protocol with multi-crop
Table 9 Linear classifier trained on popular many-shot recognition datasets in comparison with SimCLR [8], supervised training, BYOL [2] and NNCLR [22]

4.1.4 Transfer learning

We study the generalization of our proposed SCE on several tasks: linear transfer learning (Table 9), low-shot (Table 10), and object detection and instance segmentation (Table 11). We use our multi-crop checkpoint pretrained for 200 epochs on ImageNet.

Low-shot evaluation Low-shot transferability of our backbone is evaluated on Pascal VOC2007. We followed the protocol proposed by Zheng et al. [28]. We select 16, 32, 64 or all images per class to train the classifier. Our results are compared with other state-of-the-art methods pretrained for 200 epochs in Table 10. SCE is Top-1 for 32, 64 and all images per class and Top-2 for 16 images per class, proving the generalization of our approach to few-shot learning.

Linear classifier for many-shot recognition datasets We follow the same protocol as Grill et al. [2] and Ericsson et al. [96] to study many-shot recognition in transfer learning on the datasets FGVC Aircraft [97], Caltech-101 [98], Standford Cars [99], CIFAR-10 [90], CIFAR-100 [90], DTD [100], Oxford 102 Flowers [101], Food-101 [102], Oxford-IIIT Pets [103], SUN397 [104] and Pascal VOC2007 [105]. These datasets cover a large variety of number of training images (2–75 k) and number of classes (10–397). We report the Top-1 classification accuracy except for Aircraft, Caltech-101, Pets and Flowers for which we report the mean per-class accuracy and the 11-point MAP for VOC2007.

Table 10 Transfer learning on low-shot image classification on Pascal VOC2007

We report the performance of SCE in comparison with state-of-the-art methods in Table 9. SCE outperforms on 7 datasets all approaches. In average, SCE is above all state-of-the-art methods as well as the supervised baseline, meaning SCE is able to generalize to a wide range of datasets.

Object detection and instance segmentation We performed object detection and instance segmentation on the COCO dataset [94]. We used the pretrained network to initialize a Mask R-CNN [95] up to the C4 layer. We follow the protocol of [39] and report the Average Precision for detection \(AP^{Box}\) and instance segmentation \(AP^{Mask}\).

We report our results in Table 11 and observe that SCE is the second best method after Truncated-Triplet [39] on both metrics, by being slightly below their reported results and above the supervised setting. Therefore, our proposed SCE is able to generalize to object detection and instance segmentation task beyond what the supervised pretraining can (\(\mathbf {+1.6}\)p.p. of \(AP^{Box}\) and \(\mathbf {+1.3}\)p.p. of \(AP^{Mask})\).

4.2 Video study

In this section, we first make an ablation study of our approach SCE to find the best hyperparameters on videos. Then, we compare SCE to the state of the art after pretraining on Kinetics400 and assess generalization on various tasks.

4.2.1 Ablation study

Pretraining dataset To make the ablation study, we perform pretraining experiments on Mini-Kinetics200 [106], later called Kinetics200 for simplicity. It is a subset of Kinetics400 [107] meaning they have a close distribution with less resources required on Kinetics200 to train. Kinetics400 is composed of 216k videos for training and 18k for validation for 400 action classes. However, it has been created from Youtube and some videos have been deleted. We use the dataset hostedFootnote 1 by the CVD foundation.

Evaluation datasets To study the quality of our pretrained representation, we perform linear evaluation classification on the Kinetics200 dataset. Also, we finetune on the first split of the UCF101 [108] and HMDB51 [109] datasets. UCF101 is an action classification dataset that contains 13k3 different videos for 101 classes and has 3 different training and validation splits. HMDB51 is also an action classification dataset that contains 6k7 different videos from 51 classes with 3 different splits.

Pretraining implementation details We used the ResNet3D-18 network [110] following the Slow path of Feichtenhofer et al. [111]. We kept hyperparameters close to the ones used for ImageNet in Sect. 4.1.3. More details can be found in Appendix D.3. We pretrain for 200 epochs with a batch size of 512. The loss is symmetrized. To form two different views from a video, we follow Feichtenhofer et al. [4] and randomly sample two clips from the video that lasts 2.56 seconds and keep only 8 frames.

Linear evaluation and finetuning evaluation protocols We follow Feichtenhofer et al. [4] and details can be found in Appendix D.3. For finetuning on UCF101 and HMDB51, we only use the first split in ablation study.

Table 11 Object detection and Instance Segmentation on COCO [94] training a Mask R-CNN [95]
Table 12 Comparison of our baseline and supervised training on the Kinetics200, UCF101 and HMDB51 Top-1 accuracy

Baseline and supervised learning We define an SCE baseline which uses the hyperparameters \(\lambda =0.5\), \(\tau =0.1\), \(\tau _m=0.07\). We provide performance of our SCE baseline as well as supervised training in Table 12. We observe that our baseline has lower results than supervised learning with \(-8.1\)p.p for Kinetics200, \(-1.2\)p.p for UCF101 and \(-3.1\)p.p for HMDB51 which shows that our representation has a large margin for improvement.

Table 13 Effect of varying \(\lambda \) on the Kinetics200, UCF101 and HMDB51 Top-1 accuracy

Leveraging contrastive and relational learning As for the image study, we varied \(\lambda \) from Eq. (8) in the set \(\{0, 0.125,..., 0.875, 1\}\) to observe the effect of leveraging the relational and contrastive aspects and report results in Table 13. Using relations during pretraining improves the results rather than only optimizing a contrastive learning objective. The performance on Kinetics200, UCF101 and HMDB51 consistently increases by decreasing \(\lambda \) from 1 to 0.25. The best \(\lambda \) obtained is 0.125. Moreover, \(\lambda =0\) performs better than \(\lambda =1\). These results suggest that for video pretraining with standard image contrastive learning augmentations, relational learning performs better than contrastive learning and leveraging both further improve the quality of the representation.

Target temperature variation We studied the effect of varying the target temperature with values in the set \(\tau _m \in \{0.03, 0.04,..., 0.08\}\) while maintaining the online temperature \(\tau = 0.1\). We report results in Table 14. We observe that the best temperature is \(\tau _m=0.05\), indicating that a sharper target distribution is required for video pretraining. We also observe that varying \(\tau _m\) has a lower impact on performance than varying \(\lambda \).

Table 14 Effect of varying \(\tau _m\) on the Top-1 accuracy on Kinetics200, UCF101 and HMDB51 while maintaining \(\tau =0.1\)
Table 15 Effect of strength for color jittering for strong- \(\alpha \) and strong- \(\beta \) augmentations on the Kinetics200, UCF101 and HMDB51 Top-1 accuracy

Spatial and temporal augmentations We tested varying and adding some data augmentations that generates the pairs of views. As we are dealing with videos, these augmentations can be either spatial or temporal. We define the jitter augmentation that jitters by a factor the duration of a clip, reverse that randomly reverses the order of frames and diff that randomly applies RGB difference on the frames. RGB difference consists in converting the frames to grayscale and subtracting them over time to approximate the magnitude of optical flow. In this work, we consider RGB difference as a data augmentation that is randomly applied during pretraining. In the literature, it is often used as a modality to provide better representation quality than RGB frames [5, 61, 70]. Here, we only apply it during pretraining as a random augmentation. Evaluation only sees RGB frames.

We tested to increase the color jittering strength in Table 15. Using a strength of 1.0 improved our performance on all the benchmarks, suggesting that video pretraining requires harder spatial augmentations than images.

Table 16 Effect of using the temporal augmentations by applying clip duration jittering jitter, randomly reversing the order of frames reverse or randomly using RGB difference diff on the Kinetics200, UCF101 and HMDB51 Top-1 accuracy

We tested our defined temporal augmentations with jitter of factor 0.2, meaning sampling clips between \(0.80\times 2.56\) and \(1.20 \times 2.56\) seconds, randomly applying reverse with 0.2 probability and randomly applying diff with 0.2 or 0.5 probability. We report results in Table 16. Varying the clip duration had no noticeable impact on our benchmarks, but reversing the order of frames decreased the performance on UCF101 and HMDB51. This can be explained by the fact that this augmentation can prevent the model to correctly represent the arrow of time. Finally, applying diff with 0.2 probability considerably improved our performance over our baseline with \(\mathbf {+1.5}\)p.p. on Kinetics200, \(\mathbf {+2.0}\)p.p. on UCF101 and \(\mathbf {+4.4}\)p.p. on HMDB51. It outperforms supervised learning for generalization with \(\mathbf {+0.8}\)p.p. on UCF101 and \(\mathbf {+1.3}\)p.p. on HMDB51. Applying more often diff decreases performance. These results show that SCE benefits from using views that are more biased towards motion than appearance. We believe that it is particularly efficient to model relations based on motion.

Bringing all together We studied varying one hyperparameter from our baseline and how it affects performance. In this final study, we combined our baseline with the different best hyperparameters found which are \(\lambda =0.125\), \(\tau _m=0.05\), color strength \(=1.0\) and applying diff with 0.2 probability. We report results in Table 17 and found out that using harder augmentations increased the optimal \(\lambda \) value as using \(\lambda =0.5\) performs better than \(\lambda =0.125\). This indicates that relational learning by itself cannot learn a better representation through positive views that share less mutual information. The contrastive aspect of our approach is proven efficient for such harder positives. We take as best configuration \(\lambda =0.5\), \(\tau _m=0.05\), diff applied with probability 0.2 and color strength \(=1.0\) as it provides best or second best results for all our benchmarks. It improves our baseline by \(\mathbf {+2.1}\)p.p. on Kinetics200 and UCF101, and \(\mathbf {+5.0}\)p.p. on HMDB51. It outperforms our supervised baseline by \(\mathbf {+0.9}\)p.p. on UCF101 and \(\mathbf {+1.9}\)p.p. on HMDB51.

4.2.2 Comparison with the state of the art

Pretraining dataset To compare SCE with the state of the art, we perform pretraining on Kinetics400 [107] introduced in Sect. 4.2.1.

Evaluation datasets UCF101 [108] and HMDB51 [109] have been introduced in Sect. 4.2.1.

AVA (v2.2) [112] is a dataset used for spatiotemporal localization of humans actions composed of 211k training videos and 57k validation videos for 60 different classes. Bounding box annotations are used as targets, and we report the mean Average Precision (mAP) for evaluation.

Something-Something V2 (SSv2) [113] is a dataset composed of human-object interactions for 174 different classes. It contains 169k training and 25k validation videos.

Pretraining implementation details We use the ResNet3D-18 and ResNet3D-50 network [110] and more specifically the slow path of Feichtenhofer et al. [111]. We kept the best hyperparameters from Sect. 4.2.1 which are \(\lambda =0.5\), \(\tau _m=0.05\), RGB difference with probability of 0.2, and color strength \(=1.0\) on top of the \(strong-\alpha \) and \(strong-\beta \) augmentations. From the randomly sampled clips, we specify if we keep 8 or 16 frames.

Table 17 Effect of combining best hyper-parameters found in the ablation study which are \(\lambda =0.125\), \(\tau _m=0.05\), color strength\( = 1.0\) and adding randomly time difference on the Kinetics200, UCF101 and HMDB51 Top-1 accuracy
Table 18 Performance of SCE for the linear evaluation protocol on Kinetics400 and finetuning on the three splits of UCF101 and HMDB51 (color figure online)
Table 19 Performance of SCE for video retrieval on the first split of UCF101 and HMDB51 (color figure online)

Action recognition We compare SCE on the linear evaluation protocol on Kinetics400 and finetuning on UCF101 and HMDB51. We kept the same implementation details as in Sect. 4.2.1. We compare our results with the state of the art in Table 18 on various architectures. To propose a fair comparison, we indicate for each approach the pretraining dataset, the number of frames and resolution used during pre-training as well as during evaluation. For the unknown parameters, we leave the cell empty. We compared with some approaches that used the other visual modalities Optical Flow and RGB difference and the different convolutional backbones S3D [116] and R(2+1)D-18 [117].

On ResNet3D-18 even when comparing with methods using several modalities, by using \(8 \times 224^2\) frames we obtain state-of-the-art results on the three benchmarks with \(\mathbf {59.8\%}\) accuracy on Kinetics400, \(\mathbf {90.9\%}\) on UCF101, \(\mathbf {65.7\%}\) on HMDB51. Using \(16 \times 112^2\) frames, which is commonly used with this network, improved by \(+0.9\)p.p on HMDB51 and decreased by \(-3.2\)p.p on kinetics400 and \(-1.8\) on UCF101 and keep state-of-the-art results on all benchmarks, except on UCF101 with \(-0.5\)p.p compared with Duan et al. [5] using RGB and RGB difference modalities.

On ResNet3D-50, we obtain state-of-the-art results using \(16 \times 224^2\) frames on HMDB51 with \(\mathbf {74.7\%}\) accuracy even when comparing with methods using several modalities. On UCF101, with \(\mathbf {95.3}\)% SCE is on par with the state of the art, \(-0.2\)p.p. than Feichtenhofer et al. [4], but on Kinetics400 \(-1.9\)p.p for \(\mathbf {69.6\%}\). We have the same computational budget as they use 4 views for pretraining. Using 8 frames decreased performance by \(-2.0\)p.p., \(-1.2\)p.p. and \(-4.2\)p.p on Kinetics400,UCF101 and HMDB51. It maintains results that outperform on the three benchmarks \(\rho \)MoCo and \(\rho \)BYOL with 2 views. It suggests that SCE is more efficient with fewer resources than these methods. By comparing our best with approaches on the S3D backbone that better fit smaller datasets, SCE has slightly lower performance than the state of the art: \(-1.0\)p.p. on UCF101 and \(-0.3\)p.p. on HMDB51.

Table 20 Performance of SCE in comparison with Feichtenhofer et al. [4] for linear evaluation on Kinetics400 and finetuning on the first split of UCF101, AVA and SSv2 (color figure online)

Video retrieval We performed video retrieval on our pretrained backbones on the first split of UCF101 and HMDB51. To perform this task, we extract from the training and testing splits the features using the 30-crops procedure as for action recognition, detailed in Appendix D.3. We query for each video in the testing split the N nearest neighbors (\(N\in \{1,5,10\}\)) in the training split using cosine similarities. We report the recall R@N for the different N in Table 19.

We compare our results with the state of the art on ResNet3D-18. Our proposed SCE with \(16 \times 112^2\) frames is Top-1 on UCF101 with \(\mathbf {74.5\%}\), \(\mathbf {85.6\%}\) and \(\mathbf {90.5\%}\) for R@1, R@5 and R@10. Using \(8 \times 224^2\) frames slightly decreases results that are still state of the art. On HMDB51, SCE with \(8 \times 224^2\) frames outperforms the state of the art with \(\mathbf {40.1\%}\), \(\mathbf {63.3\%}\) and \(\mathbf {75.4\%}\) for R@1, R@5 and R@10. Using \(16 \times 112^2\) frames decreased results that are competitive with the previous state-of-the-art approach [114] for \(-2.3\)p.p., \(+1.5\)p.p. and \(-1.4\)p.p. on R@1, R@5 and R@10.

We provide results using the larger architecture ResNet3d-50 which increases our performance on both benchmarks and outperforms the state of the art on all metrics to reach \(\mathbf {83.9\%}\), \(\mathbf {92.2\%}\) and \(\mathbf {94.9\%}\) for R@1, R@5 and R@10 on UCF101 as well as \(\mathbf {45.9\%}\), \(\mathbf {69.9\%}\) and \(\mathbf {80.5\%}\) for R@1, R@5 and R@10 on HMDB51. Our soft contrastive learning approach makes our representation learn features that cluster similar instances even for generalization.

Generalization to downstream tasks. We follow the protocol introduced by Feichtenhofer et al. [4] to compare the generalization of our ResNet3d-50 backbone on Kinetics400, UCF101, AVA and SSv2 with \(\rho \)SimCLR, \(\rho \)SwAV, \(\rho \)BYOL, \(\rho \)MoCo and supervised learning in Table 20. To ensure a fair comparison, we provide the number of views used by each method and the number of frames per view for pretraining and evaluation.

For 2 views and 8 frames, SCE is on par with \(\rho \)MoCo with 3 views on Kinetics400, AVA and SSv2 but is worst than \(\rho \)BYOL especially on AVA. For UCF101, results are better than \(\rho \)MoCo and on par with \(\rho \)BYOL. These results indicate that our approach proves more effective than contrastive learning as it reaches similar results than \(\rho \)MoCo using one less view. Using 16 frames, SCE outperforms all approaches, including supervised training, on UCF101 and SSv2 but performs worse on AVA than \(\rho \)Byol and supervised training. This study shows that SCE can generalize to various video downstream tasks which is a criteria of a good learned representation.

5 Conclusion

In this paper, we introduced a self-supervised soft contrastive learning approach called Similarity Contrastive Estimation (SCE). It contrasts pairs of asymmetrical augmented views with other instances while maintaining relations among instances. SCE leverages contrastive learning and relational learning and improves the performance over optimizing only one aspect. We showed that it is competitive with the state of the art on the linear evaluation protocol on ImageNet, on video representation learning and to generalize to several image and video downstream tasks. We proposed a simple but effective initial estimation of the true distribution of similarity among instances. An interesting perspective would be to propose a finer estimation of this distribution.