Diabetologia (2003) 46:195–202

The legend of Figure 1 A, B should read as follows:

Fig. 1A, B Plasma glucose (A) and insulin (B) during an oral glucose tolerance test in normal animals (o) and in animals dosed with NIA (67 mg/kg) and STZ (125 mg/kg) (●). Data are means ± SD. A n=14 normal and 10 NIA + STZ dosed, B n=12 normal and 10 NIA + STZ dosed

The legend of Figure 3 A–D should read as follows:

Fig. 3 A–D Jugular vein plasma insulin concentration in conscious animals during basal conditions (A + C) or during entrainment of insulin pulses with glucose infusion (B+D) before (o) and after (●) dosing of NIA (67 mg/kg) and STZ (125 mg/kg)