Correction to: Theoretical and Applied Genetics

Due to the publisher’s error, Table 16 was repeatedly used for ‘Rhizoctonia damping off and root rot’ (Page 69) and ‘Bacteria diseases’ (Page 70), while the table for ‘Rhizoctonia damping off and root rot’ was missing. Please see the following for the correct table for Rhizoctonia damping off and root rot.

In addition, the Plant Introduction (PI) names and soybean germplasm names in the text and tables should not contain comma (for example, PI 96354 should be corrected as PI 96354; S06-13640 should be corrected as S06-13640). Although the author team pointed this out during the proof reading process, unfortunately, these errors were not corrected in the published text. We apologize for any inconvenience caused by misunderstanding of the germplasm names.

The original article has been corrected.

Table 16 Soybean loci conferring resistance to Rhizoctonia damping off and root rot (caused by Rhizoctonia solani)