We construct explicit examples of non-relativistic supersymmetric field theories on curved Newton-Cartan three-manifolds. These results are obtained by performing a null reduction of four-dimensional supersymmetric field theories on Lorentzian manifolds and the Killing spinor equations that their supersymmetry parameters obey. This gives rise to a set of algebraic and differential Killing spinor equations that are obeyed by the supersymmetry parameters of the resulting three-dimensional non-relativistic field theories. We derive necessary and sufficient conditions that determine whether a Newton-Cartan background admits non-trivial solutions of these Killing spinor equations. Two classes of examples of Newton-Cartan backgrounds that obey these conditions are discussed. The first class is characterised by an integrable foliation, corresponding to so-called twistless torsional geometries, and includes manifolds whose spatial slices are isomorphic to the Poincaŕe disc. The second class of examples has a non-integrable foliation structure and corresponds to contact manifolds.
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Bergshoeff, E., Chatzistavrakidis, A., Lahnsteiner, J. et al. Non-relativistic supersymmetry on curved three-manifolds. J. High Energ. Phys. 2020, 175 (2020). https://doi.org/10.1007/JHEP07(2020)175
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/JHEP07(2020)175