In this paper we discuss SU(5)3 with cyclic symmetry as a possible grand unified theory (GUT). The basic idea of such a tri-unification is that there is a separate SU(5) for each fermion family, with the light Higgs doublet(s) arising from the third family SU(5), providing a basis for charged fermion mass hierarchies. SU(5)3 tri-unification reconciles the idea of gauge non-universality with the idea of gauge coupling unification, opening the possibility to build consistent non-universal descriptions of Nature that are valid all the way up to the scale of grand unification. As a concrete example, we propose a grand unified embedding of the tri-hypercharge model \({\text{U}}{\left(1\right)}_{Y}^{3}\) based on an SU(5)3 framework with cyclic symmetry. We discuss a minimal tri-hypercharge example which can account for all the quark and lepton (including neutrino) masses and mixing parameters. We show that it is possible to unify the many gauge couplings into a single gauge coupling associated with the cyclic SU(5)3 gauge group, by assuming minimal multiplet splitting, together with a set of relatively light colour octet scalars. We also study proton decay in this example, and present the predictions for the proton lifetime in the dominant e+π0 channel.
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Navarro, M.F., King, S.F. & Vicente, A. Tri-unification: a separate SU(5) for each fermion family. J. High Energ. Phys. 2024, 130 (2024). https://doi.org/10.1007/JHEP05(2024)130
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/JHEP05(2024)130