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Textgestalt und Buchgestalt

Überlegungen zu einer Literaturgeschichte des gedruckten Buches

Text and book

Reflections on a literary history of the printed book

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Zeitschrift für Literaturwissenschaft und Linguistik Aims and scope Submit manuscript


In Germany, the history of the book has almost always been regarded as a highly specialized discipline without any contact to formal literary studies and therefore without any particular academic standing. This has led to a strict separation of the consideration of the physical substance of books from the meaning of the text printed in them. As a result, scholars tried to interpret texts—and edit them—while ignoring the whole evolution of the printed book since Gutenberg. But if there is a relation between form, function and symbolic meaning of books (McKenzie), we should no longer ignore the fact that texts are to be found in books and that we cannot separate the meaning of the text from the meaning of the book as a physical object. This is shown by a bibliographic reading of Hartmann Schedel’s Nuremberg Chronicle, Goethe’s Leiden des jungen Werthers, and the Internet.

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Jochum, U. Textgestalt und Buchgestalt. Z Literaturwiss Linguistik 26, 20–34 (1996).

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