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Late Celtic and early Roman plant remains from the oppidum of Bibracte, Mont Beuvray (Burgundy, France)

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Vegetation History and Archaeobotany Aims and scope Submit manuscript


Two single assemblages of cereals and chaff from the oppidum Bibracte, (Burgundy, France), give evidence of cereal trade, food supply and crop processing in late Celtic and early Roman times. The first deposit consists mainly of Triticum dicoccon chaff which was buried in a wooden box near the sanctuary of La Terrasse. The second assemblage was a store of different wheats and barley excavated in a Roman cellar at the Pâture du Couvent. The analyses of these finds are presented, and recent archaeobotanical research at Mont Beuvray is summarized.

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Wiethold, J. Late Celtic and early Roman plant remains from the oppidum of Bibracte, Mont Beuvray (Burgundy, France). Veget Hist Archaebot 5, 105–116 (1996).

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