
The identification of somatic mutations from Next Generation sequencing (NGS) data is a challenging task. Several studies compared the single nucleotide variations (SNVs) [1,2,3] and insertions/deletions (INDELs) [4, 5] detected by different computational tools and underlined relevant discrepancies. Therefore, it is recommended to analyse the same NGS data using multiple callers, like Mutect [6], SomaticSniper [7] and Varscan [8], which generate lists of mutations encoded in Variant Call Format (VCF) [9]. This way of facing conflicting predictions demands appropriate tools that harmonize different outputs and enable comparative analyses [4]. Indeed, for instance, mutation callers encode the same information in multiple ways (Table 1) and generate outputs with relevant qualitative (e.g. germline/somatic/loss-of-heterozygousity, SNVs/INDELs) and quantitative (number of sites found) differences. More generally if, in principle, the use of multiple callers is expected to reduce false positive findings, in practice, the resulting large and heterogeneous lists of mutation sites increase the complexity of the subsequent interpretations. Existing tools like myVCF [10], NGS-pipe [11], VariantTools [12], vcfR [13] and VCFTools [9], implement functions and pipelines to work with VCF files, but do not specifically address the problem of integrating and comparing the results of different mutation callers. A few tools exist to address this problem: Cake [14] (a bioinformatics pipeline implemented in perl) offers the opportunity to run multiple callers and applies customizable filtering steps to obtain a final unique list of single nucleotide variations (SNVs); BAYSIC [15] (implemented in perl) provides a bayesian method for combining SNVs from different variant calling programs.

Table 1 Pipelines for somatic mutation call from matched tumor-normal samples

Here, we describe isma (integrative somatic mutation analysis), an R package that provides functions for the joint analysis of VCF files generated by somatic mutation callers from NGS data (Fig. 1). Differently from existing tools, beyond site integration and filtering, isma provides functions for a more in-depth analysis of mutation sites occurrence across subjects and tools, considering both SNVs and INDELs. The results generated by isma underline common patterns (e.g. recurrent calls, tool consensus in each subject), specificities (e.g. outlier samples, pipeline specific sites, genes enriched in calls from a single pipeline), as well as sites already catalogued by other studies (e.g. The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA) [16]), so as to design and apply filtering strategies to screen more reliable sites.

Fig. 1
figure 1

Overview of isma. Integrative analysis of somatic mutations detected by multiple pipelines


The software isma is implemented in R. The package takes in input mutation sites encoded in VCF files or tab-delimited text files. isma extracts mutation site information from the output of multiple mutation callers by means of specific parsers and integrates sites into a unique data structure:

  • mut_sites <− pre_process (“config.txt”)

Most of the analyses can be easily carried out through a few wrapper functions, like site_analysis and gene_analysis for site- and gene-level analyses respectively. Nevertheless, many routines are available as part of the user interface to carry out custom analyses (Table 2). Gene-level analyses require mutation site annotation, for which isma relies on the R package VariantAnnotation [17] or, alternatively, on user-provided files. Computationally demanding analyses (e.g. the comparison among all-pairs of hundreds of subjects) are implemented in parallel, using the support provided by the R package parallel. The package isma contains a tutorial available as R vignettes:

  • vignette(“isma”)

Table 2 isma user interface


In this section, we will describe isma considering breast cancer (BC) mutations from TCGA, collected using the function get_TCGA_sites. In particular, we considered mutation profiles of 975 subjects detected by four variant callers: Mutect2, Varscan2, Muse and SomaticSniper (Additional file 1).

  • mut_sites <- get_TCGA_sites (tools = c("muse", "mutect2", "varscan2", "somaticsniper"), n_subjects = 975)

Note that these sites were already filtered by TCGA and are therefore less noisy than the corresponding initial variant caller outputs that would constitute the input of isma in a typical use scenario. Nevertheless, the exploratory analyses made possible by isma underlined interesting patterns even among such filtered calls from TCGA.

The analyses presented below can be easily run by means of site_analysis and gene_analysis wrapper functions and include quantification of site/gene occurrence across callers and subject, consensus among tools, detection of outlier subjects and tools, variation of detected sites at different cut-offs on alignment results (e.g. read depth) and integration of information from TCGA.

Site occurrence across callers and subjects

The co-occurrence of sites across tools and subjects is quantified by get_sites_statistics. This operation allows the user to quantify the fraction of tool-specific calls, the distribution of the sites across tools in each subject and tool consensus on sites. These results are used to detect and mark outlier features (subjects and tools), defined by the inter-quartile range (Tukey’s fences) (Table 3). The amount of shared sites between each pair of callers and subjects is calculated and organized, respectively, in callers-by-callers and subjects-by-subjects site co-occurrence matrices by the functions overlap_Tools and overlap_Subjects. Site co-occurrence matrices are used to summarize consensus and dispersion. Caller consensus relative to a subject is quantified by means of the consensus score (CS), defined as the sum of ratios between the amount of co-occurring sites (off-diagonal elements of the tools-by-tools site co-occurrence matrix) and tool-specific calls (diagonal elements) normalized by the total number of possible tool pairs:

$$ \mathrm{CS}=\frac{\sum_i^n\left(\frac{1}{x_{i,i}}{\sum}_{j\ne i}^n{x}_{i,j}\right)}{P\left(n,2\right)} $$

where n is the number of tools, xi,j are the sites shared between tools i and j, and P(n, 2) is the number of permutations of tools in pairs.

Table 3 Outlier subjects report

The results of these analyses are summarized into consensus plots, co-occurrence matrices plot and a series of text files, like the summary table of outlier subjects. The overall consensus plot (Fig. 2) reports the total number of sites found by each tool and the fraction of calls shared among tools. Note how mutect2 found the highest number of sites, the 50% of which was not reported by other callers (Fig. 2). The consensus plot per subject shows the total number of unique sites, the fraction of sites found by each tool, the distribution of the consensus across subjects and the CS (Fig. 3). Note the presence of a few hypermutated subjects (i.e. A1XQ, A0U0, A08H, A1J5, A1NC and A25A) (Fig. 3a). Several subjects display an imbalance of calls among the pipelines (Fig. 3b). Further, there are subjects with a relevant (e.g. A1J5 and A0XR) or poor (e.g. AIKO and A0JC) proportion of sites supported by more than one caller (Fig. 3c). Lastly, note how CS underlines, by means of a unique score, subjects with issues in tool consensus, including imbalances in the number of sites or consensus among tools (Fig. 3d and Table 3).

Fig. 2
figure 2

Global consensus plot. Overall consensus among pipelines; results obtained on BC mutations detected by TCGA in 975 subjects

Fig. 3
figure 3

Detailed consensus plot. a Number of mutation sites. b Fraction of sites called by different pipelines. c Tool Consensus across subjects. d Consensus score (CS). a-d Asterisks indicate outliers. Results shown only for 50 subjects (out of 975), selected to include different types of outliers as well as samples without abnormal behaviours (Additional file 1)

Site co-occurrence between callers revealed that mutect2 detected up to 3 times more sites than other tools, while muse and varscan shared approximately the 60% of their sites (Fig. 4a). The mutation co-occurrence in each pair of subjects underlines similarities between mutation profiles; this information is completed with an estimation of the variability (coefficient of variation) of such co-occurrences due to the use of different callers (Fig. 4b). The package provides the possibility of calculating, for every gene, the fraction of subjects with at least one mutation, i.e. the gene mutation frequency across subjects (f), and its dispersion across callers. The corresponding plot, obtained on BC TCGA sites, underlined the presence of some genes, including known BC genes as GATA3 and CDH1, with a particularly higher variation of f (Fig. 4c): indeed, mutect2 and varscan2 detected much more sites than other callers in GATA3 and CDH1 (Fig. 4d).

Fig. 4
figure 4

Site co-occurrence plots and gene mutation frequency variability. a Total number of sites (diagonal), site co-occurrence among mutation callers (below diagonal) and corresponding similarity between callers (Jaccard index, above diagonal). b Total number of mutated genes (diagonal), mutation co-occurrence across subjects (below diagonal) and corresponding coefficients of variations (CVs) across pipelines (above diagonal). Asterisks indicate CVs greater than 1; grey colour indicates no mutation co-occurrence between two subjects. c Standard deviation of gene mutation frequency across pipelines; red: genes associated with BC [19,20,21]. d Number of subjects with mutations detected by each tool. a-b Results obtained on BC mutations from 50 subjects (Additional file 1); c-d results obtained on all 975 subjects (Additional file 1)

Called sites and sequencing results

The variation of caller output at different cut-offs on site-level quantities (e.g. minimum number of reads, allele frequency) is informative of caller performance and samples (subjects) specificities. This analysis can be done by the function:

  • ese1 <- ese_allsubj(mut_sites$sites, type = “Site”)

The pipelines used to call mutations in TCGA BC data show a different behaviour, especially at low tumor variant allele frequency (VAF). In fact, in this range, mutect2 calls more sites than other tools, SomaticSniper detects almost half of mutect2 sites, while muse and varscan2 show similar trend and are halfway between mutect2 and SomaticSniper (Fig. 5a). This global pattern is particularly relevant in some subjects (Fig. 5b-c).

Fig. 5
figure 5

Number of called sites at various filtering criteria. Number of mutation sites at varying tumor VAF for (a) the whole dataset (975 subjects) and (b) in single subjects. c Number of sites at varying number of reads supporting the alternative allele in four subjects. a-c Results obtained on BC mutations detected by TCGA

Collecting data from the TCGA

The function integrate_TCGA uses the R package TCGAbiolinks [18] to collected data from the TCGA. These data are used to support the mutation sites under analysis with the possible evidence of availability of the same sites among those already catalogued at TCGA, which would be an additional evidence of site reliability.


The R package isma provides functions for the integrative analysis of mutation sites detected by multiple pipelines. It quantifies the consensus between somatic mutation call pipelines, estimates pipeline variability and biological variability, and underlines outlier features (subject/tools) that may require further investigation. Indeed, an outlier subject may reflect a biological phenomenon (e.g. due to tumor genetic heterogeneity) and/or an experimental problem (e.g. poor biological sample, sequencing performance). The application of isma on BC mutations from TCGA underlined relevant variations among pipelines across subjects, with extreme cases characterized by a very poor consensus. Relevant imbalances among pipelines were also spotted at gene level, which implies a significant variability in the estimation of gene mutation frequency according to the pipeline used. In general, mutect2 reported a higher number of sites at low VAF in comparison to other callers.

In conclusion, the knowledge emerging from the analyses made possible by isma is useful to screen more reliable mutation sites, carry out comparative analysis among pipelines and, lastly, may suggest novel biological insights.

Availability and requirements

Project name: isma

Project home page:

Operating system: Platform independent

Programming language: R (> = 3.3.3)

Other requirements: The R Project for Statistical Computing.

License: GNU General Public License (> = 2)

Any restrictions to use by non-academics: According to GNU General Public License (> = 2)