
Under normal conditions, the human heart contracts once every second or so to pump blood throughout the body. The contraction of the heart is caused by intracellular calcium (Ca2+) release from the internal Ca2+ store, sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR), which is triggered by the electrical excitation of ventricular myocytes. Action potential excitation and intracellular Ca2+ release are two tightly regulated processes1. More specifically (Fig. 1A), activation of the sodium (Na+) current (INa) gives rise to the fast upstroke of the action potential, elevating the voltage to the plateau voltage. Then the L-type Ca2+ current (ICa,L) is activated, which maintains the long plateau. In the meantime, potassium (K+) currents (IK) are slowly activated, which repolarize the cell back to its resting potential. The Ca2+ brought in by L-type Ca2+ channels (LCCs) triggers a large amount of Ca2+ release from the SR and this release activity is enhanced by Ca2+ released from the SR, a process called Ca2+-induced Ca2+ release. Ca2+ released from the SR binds with myofilament (MyoF) to cause contraction. The SR is then replenished through Ca2+ reuptake via the sarco/endoplasmic reticulum Ca2+-ATPase (SERCA) pump. The Ca2+ that enters the cell via LCCs is extruded from the cell via Na+-Ca2+ exchange (NCX). These pumps maintain the Ca2+ gradient between the intracellular and extracellular space, and the intracellular Ca2+ homeostasis. With the presence of the Na+-K+ (NaK) pump, the gradients and homeostasis of Na+ and K+ are also maintained. Besides the normal heart rhythm, the complex regulation of membrane excitation and Ca2+ cycling can lead to various nonlinear dynamics in the heart that promote cardiac arrhythmias2,3,4,5, among which alternans is the most widely studied phenomenon. Alternans is a temporally period-2 pattern (Fig. 1B), which manifests as T-wave alternans in the ECG or as pulsus alternans. T-wave alternans and pulsus alternans have been known as precursors of lethal arrhythmias for more than a century6,7.

Figure 1
figure 1

Schematic plots of excitation-coupling and alternans in ventricular myocytes.

(A) Schematic diagram of excitation-contraction coupling in a ventricular myocyte. See text for details. (B) Voltage (V), whole-cell cytosolic Ca2+ concentration ([Ca2+]i), and whole-cell SR Ca2+ concentration ([Ca2+]SR) illustrating alternans under periodic pacing. Lk, rk+1, and uk+1 were defined graphically.

Several mechanisms of alternans have been shown8, including dynamical instabilities from the electrical system9, the intracellular Ca2+ cycling system10,11,12,13,14, or via the coupling of the two together15,16,17. Since voltage and Ca2+ are coupled via Ca2+-dependent ionic currents, alternans due to the electrical system will also result in alternans in the Ca2+ cycling system and vice versa. For Ca2+ cycling instability-induced alternans, two theories have been developed18, each of which is supported by certain experimental evidence, but none of them can completely explain the experimental observations without inconsistencies.

The first theory, proposed by Eisner et al.13, was that the slope of the fractional Ca2+ release (FCR) curve is responsible for alternans, which was supported by a series of experiments from Eisner’s group11,12,13,14 and others19. A FCR curve is defined as a functional relation between the amount of Ca2+ released from the SR and the SR Ca2+ content right before the release occurs. This SR Ca2+ content is called the diastolic Ca2+ load (DCL) (Fig. 1B). This theory was more rigorously established in later theoretical studies20,21,22 in which iterated maps were used to reveal that the bifurcation to alternans is determined by the interaction of the slopes of the FCR curve and the SR Ca2+ uptake function. The SR Ca2+ uptake function is defined as the amount of Ca2+ uptaken by the SERCA pump as a function of the amount of Ca2+ released in the same beat. An instability leading to alternans occurs when the slope of the FCR function is large in combination with a reduced slope of the uptake function. Since the amount of Ca2+ release is solely determined by the level of DCL, this theory implies that DCL will also alternate from beat to beat during Ca2+ alternans. However, experiments from other groups have shown that Ca2+ alternans can occur without DCL alternans23,24,25, inconsistent with the above theory that alternans is caused by a steep FCR curve.

The second theory of Ca2+ alternans26,27 takes into account the effects of refractoriness of SR Ca2+ release and the properties of individual Ca2+ sparks. In a ventricular myocyte, the RyRs are clustered in the cell forming Ca2+ release units (CRUs) in conjunction with their proximate sarcolemmal ion channel clusters (Fig. 2A). It was estimated that a ventricular myocyte might contain 20,000 to 50,000 CRUs, forming a three-dimensional CRU network inside the cell28,29,30. A Ca2+ spark is a collective random release event of a CRU31, which can be triggered by Ca2+ from the LCCs, Ca2+ from a nearby spark, or occur spontaneously. In this theory, alternans arises via an instability caused by the interactions of three critical properties of the individual CRUs: Randomness of Ca2+ sparks; Recruitment of a Ca2+ spark by its neighboring CRUs; and Refractoriness of the CRUs. We call it the “3R theory”. An iterated map was derived using a mean-field approach, which links the Ca2+ spark properties to the whole-cell Ca2+ dynamics. This theory can explain the experimental observations23,24,25 that Ca2+ alternans can occur without DCL alternans since DCL is not a parameter or a variable in the iterated map model. The theory was verified in simulation studies using detailed Ca2+ cycling models18,32. Moreover, refractoriness is required for alternans to occur, which agrees with the experimental observations23,25,33 that refractoriness is a key parameter for Ca2+ alternans. However, the 3R theory cannot explain why alternans can still occur at very slow heart rates11,12,13,14 at which the RyRs should have mostly or completely recovered by the beginning of each beat.

Figure 2
figure 2

Schematic diagrams for spatiotemporal Ca2+ cycling in ventricular myocytes.

(A) Schematic diagrams of CRU network representing a ventricular myocyte, excitation-contraction coupling in a CRU, and CRU coupling via Ca2+ diffusion. JSR—junctional SR and NSR—network SR. (B) Schematic CRU firing patterns.

In a recent simulation study using a detailed Ca2+ cycling model of ventricular myocytes34, we showed evidence that the two mechanisms can occur in the same ventricular myocyte under different conditions. Namely, the 3R theory is dominantly responsible for the Ca2+ alternans at fast pacing rates while the steep FCR mechanism is the main mechanism responsible for alternans under reduced SERCA pump activity and at normal or slow pacing rates. However, the two mechanisms are not truly independent of each other, and how they are coupled to regulate Ca2+ alternans remains unknown. In this study, we developed a new iterated map model for Ca2+ cycling dynamics under periodic pacing, which unifies the two mechanisms into a single cohesive theoretical framework. This unified theory can consistently explain the seemly contradictory experimental observations and provide novel predictions and insights into the mechanisms of Ca2+ alternans in ventricular myocytes.


Development of the iterated map model

In this section, we develop a new iterated map model describing Ca2+ cycling dynamics under periodic pacing based on our 3R theory and the Ca2+ cycling properties in ventricular myocytes. The model integrates the 3R’s of the individual sparks with the whole-cell FCR of the SR, unifying the two mechanisms of Ca2+ alternans into a single cohesive theoretical framework of Ca2+ cycling dynamics under periodic pacing in ventricular myocytes.

The iterated maps

In our previous studies26,27, we developed an iterated map model of Ca2+ cycling dynamics under periodic pacing, which links the properties of the individual CRUs (or Ca2+ sparks) to the whole-cell Ca2+ cycling dynamics. The model was derived based on the following properties of Ca2+ release. At any time, a CRU is in one of the three states (Fig. 2B): recovered, firing (spark), and refractory. A recovered CRU may fire spontaneously due to high SR Ca2+ load or be activated directly by opening of LCCs. We call these types of sparks primary firings (or primary sparks). Ca2+ released from a primary spark may diffuse to the neighboring CRUs and recruit the recovered ones to fire35. We call these types of sparks secondary firings. After firing, a CRU remains refractory for a certain period of time. Due to the random opening properties of LCCs and RyRs, the primary sparks are probabilistic events. We assume that the probability of a CRU to fire as a primary spark during a pacing beat is α. Similarly, the secondary sparks are also probabilistic events, and we assume that the probability of a firing CRU to recruit a neighbor to fire during a pacing beat is γ. The recovery of the RyRs and SR refilling in a CRU gives rise to spark amplitude restitution36,37 and random refractory periods38. Here we assume that before the next pacing beat, the probability of a CRU recovering from its firing in the previous beat is β. If there are a total of NT CRUs in the system, and at the kth beat, there are Nk sparks, then at the following [(k+1)th] beat, there are βNk unrecovered CRUs and (NT − βNk) recovered CRUs. The number of primary sparks in this beat is then α(NT − βNk), and thus (1 − α)(NT − βNk) recovered CRUs are available for recruitment. If a fraction f of these CRUs are recruited to fire, then the total number of sparks at (k+1)th beat is:

The recruitment function f depends on the number of sparks and the spatial pattern of the CRU states (as illustrated in Fig. 2B). As recently shown by Alvarez-Lacalle et al.39, the onset of Ca2+ alternans is governed by a critical phenomenon, such as in the Ising model, and it is not obvious how one can exactly calculate f when the system is in criticality. An approximation widely used to deal with such systems is known as mean-field approximation40, in which the individual random events (CRU firings in the current context) are statistically independent, i.e., the system is well mixed with no spatial patterning. We previously derived an explicit function for f based on such an approximation26,27, which is detailed as follows. Assume that during the (k+1)th beat, a CRU has recovered from its previous firing and is available for recruitment. The probability that one of its neighbors has recovered and fires as a primary spark is . Then the probability of this CRU being recruited by the fired neighbor is , with the probability of not being recruited by this neighbor being . Since there are M neighbors, the probability that this CRU is not recruited by any of its M neighbors is . Therefore, the total probability of this CRU being recruited by its neighbors to fire is:

Since the recruitment of Ca2+ sparks is via Ca2+ diffusion in the cytosolic space, it depends on how fast Ca2+ diffuses and the distance between CRUs. CRUs farther away can be recruited to fire if the Ca2+ diffusion is fast or the distance between CRUs is short. Therefore, M can be greater than 6 in a three-dimensional cell. In this study, we used M = 6.

With the explicit function f and constants α, β, and γ, Eq. 1 is a closed iterated map equation, which is the governing equation of the 3R theory26,27. Eq. 1 links the properties of individual sparks to the whole-cell Ca2+ dynamics. The theory was verified in computer simulations using physiologically detailed Ca2+ cycling models27,32,34 and used to explain experimental observations18.

In the original 3R theory, α, β, and γ were assumed to be constants. In a later study32, we showed that α and γ depended on DCL. However, DCL may not be a constant and can change from beat to beat during alternans. Therefore, if a varying DCL is added into the model, Eq. 1 is no longer a closed system and an additional equation is needed to describe DCL. Simply following the conservation law (as illustrated in Fig. 1B), the equation for DCL is:

where Lk+1 is the DCL of the present beat and Lk is that of the previous beat. rk+1 is the amount of Ca2+ released from the SR via Ca2+ sparks at the present beat and uk+1 is the amount of Ca2+ re-uptake into the SR via SERCA pump at the present beat.

Since a Ca2+ spark is a unitary release event, the amount of Ca2+ released from the SR is proportional to the total number of sparks during a pacing beat, and thus we can denote rk+1 as:

where ε describes the amplitude of the Ca2+ sparks. Note that due to randomness and heterogeneities, the amplitudes of different individual sparks in a myocyte are not necessarily the same, and ideally one would use if the full spark amplitude distribution were available. For simplicity, we assume an average spark amplitude determined by DCL and RyR recovery, whose explicit mathematical form will be detailed below.

Since the amount of Ca2+ re-uptake into the SR depends not only on the machinery of SERCA but also on the peak and diastolic cytosolic Ca2+ concentration, we denote the amount of Ca2+ uptaken by the SR as a function of spark number as

where σ is a parameter describing the background net Ca2+ uptake (or leak). An explicit form of function h will be derived later.

Inserting Eqs 4 and 5 into Eq. 3 leads to a more explicit form:

which links the number of sparks to DCL. Note that in previous studies20,21,22, Eq. 3 was also used in the theory of steep FCR induced Ca2+ alternans, in which FCR and SR Ca2+ uptake were described by phenomenological functions of DCL. Here we express FCR and SR Ca2+ uptake as functions of spark number, which then links Ca2+ sparks to DCL. In the old models20,21,22, a constant total Ca2+ had to be used to keep Eq. 3 in a closed form, but this condition is no longer required in the new theory. The total Ca2+ of the cell is determined by the equation itself, i.e., the total Ca2+ is a solution of the model instead of a parameter, which changes in time.

Eqs 1 and 6 are therefore the two governing equations of the iterated map model describing intracellular Ca2+ cycling dynamics under periodic pacing. Since α and γ are functions of DCL (Lk), i.e., α = α(Lk) and γ = γ(Lk), Eqs 1 and 6 are two-way coupled, forming a closed set of equations describing the dynamics of both the cytosolic and SR Ca2+. By denoting nk = Nk/NT and lk = Lk/NT, Eqs 1 and 6 take on the following dimensionless forms:

f becomes a function of nk and lk, i.e.,

since α and γ are functions of lk, i.e., α = α(lk) and γ = γ(lk). Besides α and γ, β and ε are also functions of lk and/or pacing period T. These functions, as well as function h, will be defined in detail in the sections below.

For the purpose of our theoretical analysis, we rewrite Eqs 7 and 8 in a more general form as



Primary spark rate (α)—It is well known that the spark probability (or frequency as traditionally used in the literature) increases with SR Ca2+ content41,42, however, a quantitative relation is not available experimentally. Based on the numerical simulations in our previous study32, α is a sigmoidal function of DCL (lk), i.e.,

where lα is a parameter determining the half value of function α(lk) and sα is a parameter determining the slope of function α(lk). α0 describes the coupling fidelity between the proximate LCC cluster and the RyR cluster when the DCL is high, whose value lies between 0 and 1. α0 = 1 represents a perfect coupling between the LCC cluster and the RyR cluster, indicating that opening of the LCCs always causes the RyR cluster to fire. α0 = 0 means no coupling, indicating that opening of the LCCs always fails to cause the RyR cluster to fire. Physiologically, α0 is determined by the LCC open probability and conductance, the volume of the dyadic space, and the RyR sensitivity to Ca2+, etc.

CRU refractoriness (β)—The CRU refractoriness is determined by the recovery time of the RyRs. Here we simply assume that β only depends on the pacing period T in a sigmoidal function as:

where Tβ determines the half value of β and τβ determines the slope of the sigmoidal function.

Spark recruitment rate (γ)—No experimental data is available for γ. Again based on numerical simulations32, γ is also a sigmoidal function of DCL (lk), i.e.,

where lγ is a parameter determining the half value of function γ(lk) and sγ is a parameter determining the slope of function γ (lk). γ0 describes the coupling between CRUs when the DCL is high, whose value lies between 0 and 1. γ0 = 0 indicates that a Ca2+ spark of a CRU will never cause its neighboring CRUs to fire, while γ0 = 1 indicates that a fired Ca2+ spark will always cause its neighboring CRUs to fire. Physiologically, γ0 is determined by the distance between CRUs, the cytosolic Ca2+ diffusion rate, and the RyR sensitivity to Ca2+, etc.

Spark amplitude and restitution (ε)—SR Ca2+ release and spark amplitude restitution have been measured and characterized experimentally36,37,38,43,44, and is jointly determined by the recovery of the RyRs and the SR refilling. Therefore, ε is a function of lk and pacing period T, i.e., ε = ε(lk, T). We assume the following function for ε:

where lnadir is the SR Ca2+ content at the peak of the spark and r(T) is the spark amplitude restitution function. We set r(T) as36

where τr is the time constant.

Fractional SR Ca2+ release function (g)

During a heartbeat, only a fraction of the SR free Ca2+ is released, which is determined by the DCL and the recovering status of the RyRs. Such a release-load relationship was first experimentally measured by Bassani et al.45 and then in more detail by Shannon et al.46. The FCR function is a nonlinearly increasing function of DCL (Fig. 3A,B). In the previous theoretical studies19,21,22, phenomenological functions were used for FCR. Here we provide a more mechanistic interpretation of this function in terms of spark properties. Based on Eq. 13, the FCR function g is a function of nk and lk as

Figure 3
figure 3

Fractional SR Ca2+ release and uptake functions and slopes.

(A) The amount of Ca2+ released (g) versus SR Ca2+ content (lk) using Eq. 20 (red, γ0 = 1) and Eq. 21 (green, γ0 = 0). lα = 3, sα = 0.3, lγ = 3.5, sγ = 0.15, and α0 = 1 were used. Squares are data from Bassani et al.45 scaled by dividing both the SR Ca2+ content and the amount of Ca2+ released by 30. (B) Percentage of SR Ca2+ content released (g/lk) versus SR Ca2+ content using Eq. 20 (red, γ0 = 1) and Eq. 21 (green, γ0 = 0). lα = 3.5, sα = 0.6, lγ = 3.5, sγ = 0.3, and α0 = 1 were used. Symbols are the original plot of Shannon et al.46. The SR Ca2+ content in Eqs 20 and 21 were scaled (multiplied by 30) to match the experimental plot. (C) The slope of g () versus DCL for the two curves shown in (A). (D) The amount of Ca2+ uptaken by the SR (h) versus g (Eq. 25). Black line: υ = 0.75 and κ = 0.4. Blue line: υ = 0.38 and κ = 0.1. Dashed line: line of identity. The intersection of h with the line of identity is the steady state (circle).

When T→∞, according to Eqs 15 and 18, β = 0 and r = 1, all CRUs are recovered, thus the function g depends solely on lk since α, γ, and ε are functions of lk, i.e.,

If there is no recruitment, i.e., γ0 = 0, then Eq. 20 becomes

In Fig. 3A we plot the g functions Eq. 20 (red) and Eq. 21 (green) against the experimental data by Bassani et al.45 and in Fig. 3B the fraction (g/lk) against the experimental data by Shannon et al.46 for comparison. The presence of the recruitment steepens the FCR curve, which has been also demonstrated in our simulations using detailed Ca2+ cycling models34,47. Note that phenomenological functions were used for FCR based on the experimental measurements in previous studies20,21,22 without a mechanistic interpretation. Eqs 19, 20, 21 link the spark properties to FCR, providing a mechanistic interpretation of FCR.

SR Ca2+ uptake function (h)

It’s generally assumed that the SERCA pump flux obeys a Hill-type kinetics as:

where vup is the maximum amplitude of the SERCA pump activity, Kup is the Ca2+ concentration at half SERCA activity, ci is the cytosolic Ca2+ concentration, and H is the Hill coefficient. Therefore, the amount of Ca2+ taken up by the SERCA pump depends not only on the amplitude of the cytosolic Ca2+ concentration but also on its time course of decay. Here we assume that ci decays exponentially: ci = cb + cpeλt, where cb is the baseline Ca2+ and cb+cp is the peak Ca2+. cp is then proportional to the amount of Ca2+ released from the SR, i.e., cp = εnk+1. During a single beat, the amount of Ca2+ pumped back into the SR can be calculated as

which for H = 1 leads to:

Assume that at the end of the cycle, the Ca2+ decays to the baseline, ci ~ cb, i.e., cpeλt ≈ 0. Since cb ≪ cpεnk+1, we can then simplify Eq. 24 to

where υ describes the maximum SERCA pump activity and κ corresponds to the Kup of SERCA. The slope of this function is

which is a decreasing function of g.

It was estimated H~1.7 for physiological cells48. For H > 1, an explicit form for the function h may not be possible from Eq. 23, and even when it is possible that Eq. 23 can be integrated analytically (e.g., H = 2), the function is too complex to be useful. However, it is generally true that h is an increasing function of g and its slope is a decreasing function of g, and therefore we use Eq. 25 as the uptake function for this study.

Predictions from the iterated map model

We first performed a general linear stability analysis of the model to obtain the stability criterion. We then used numerical simulations of the iterated map model to investigate the nonlinear dynamics and make more specific theoretical predictions.

General linear stability analysis

The steady state of the iterated map model can be solved from the following equations, derived from Eqs 10 and 11 by setting nk+1 = nk = nss and lk+1 = lk = lss:

where nss and lss are the steady-state values of the number of sparks and DCL, respectively. The steady state can be graphically determined using Eq. 28, as shown in Fig. 3D. The stability of the steady state is determined by the following eigenvalues:

where , , , , and , which are all partial derivatives evaluated at the steady state. These functions have the properties: , and , and satisfy the relationships:


The steady state is stable when both |λ1| < 1 and |λ2| < 1, and becomes unstable when |λ1| > 1 or |λ2| > 1. Alternans occurs when λ1 < −1 or λ2 < −1. Applying this condition to Eq. 29 and using Eqs 30 and 31, one obtains the stability criterion for the steady state as

i.e., the steady state is unstable as long as Eq. 32 holds.

We first analyze two special cases:

(1) β = 0 and r = 1. β = 0 means no refractoriness of SR Ca2+ release and r = 1 means no spark restitution. Under this condition, , and the two maps are no longer coupled since g = g(lk) is solely a function of DCL (see Eq. 20). The model is then reduced to a single map (the other one becomes trivial) as

and the eigenvalues in Eq. 29 become

Since there is no refractoriness, the instability is solely determined by the steepness of the FCR curve and that of the SR Ca2+ uptake curve, independent of the 3R’s. Under this condition, alternans occurs when λ2 < −1, which leads to:

which can be also obtained from Eq. 32 by setting . Eq. 35 indicates that the steady state tends to become unstable via increasing the slope of the FCR curve and/or reducing the slope of SR Ca2+ uptake function . Note that this stability criterion is slightly different from the one derived in previous studies19,20,21,22,49, in which it was . This is because previous studies assumed the total Ca2+ to be constant in the cell, which is not true since the cell is not a closed system for Ca2+. In the current model, the total amount of Ca2+ of the cell is not set as a parameter but a variable, and thus Eq. 35 is a more accurate stability criterion.

(2) . is always satisfied when g = h, i.e., the SR always reuptakes exactly the same amount of Ca2+ that it releases within a beat. When , the SR refills to the same level before each beat, i.e., lk+1 = lk. This corresponds to the experiments23,24,25 in which the SR was refilled to the same level in each beat during alternans. Under this condition, the two map equations are also decoupled, and the stability criterion is

The condition for alternans is then , and thus the stability of the system is solely determined by the 3R’s. Figure 4A shows some examples of . Since F is a decreasing function of nk, is always negative and the instability is promoted by decreasing (note: decreasing means that the slope of F becomes steeper). As shown in Eq. 1, the nonlinearity comes from the recruitment, which depends on the probability of primary sparks and refractoriness. The condition for requires an intermediate α (not all recovered CRUs are firing so that there are still CRUs available for recruitment), a large γ, and a very large β (>0.9), as shown in Fig. 4B.

Figure 4
figure 4

Predictions of general linear stability analysis.

(A) The slope of function F () versus spark number nk for different combinations of α, β, and γ. (B) Unstable region in α-β-γ space (underneath the hill). For visual purpose, 1-β instead of β was used for the vertical axis. In A and B, α, β, and γ were simply treated as constants as in the original 3R theory instead of functions of lk or pacing period T as in the rest of the present study. (C) Stability boundaries determined using Eq. 32 for different values. Black: ; Blue: ; Red: . F = 0.5 and were used. The steady state is unstable above the lines. (D) Stability boundaries determined using Eq. 32 for different values. Black: ; Blue: ; Red: . F = 0.5 and were used. The steady state is unstable above or left to the lines.

In general, the two maps are coupled, and the stability criterion of the coupled system is governed by Eq. 32. The steady state is unstable when Eq. 32 holds, which is synergistically promoted by decreasing , increasing , and decreasing , indicating that the two mechanisms help each other in promoting alternans. The synergistic effects of the two mechanisms in promoting alternans are shown in Fig. 4C,D. Specifically, when is more negative, alternans occur at a smaller for the same (Fig. 4C), and when is smaller for a given , a smaller slope of F is needed for alternans (Fig. 4D). In the 3R theory, a very large β is needed to produce a steep enough F function for alternans (Fig. 4A,B). In the unified model, alternans can occur at a much smaller β value due to the synergistic effects.

Numerical simulations

Besides the general theoretical predictions, more specific predictions can be obtained by directly simulating the iterated map model. Depending on the choice of parameters, the model can exhibit alternans, different periodicities, as well as chaos. Alternans occurs at either fast or very slow heart rates. Here we choose the FCR function (and thus α and γ) based on the experimental FCR data by Shannon et al. (the red curve in Fig. 3B)46 and the uptake function in Fig. 3D (the black curve) as a control set of parameters. A bifurcation diagram for these control parameters is shown in Fig. 5A in which alternans occurs at fast pacing (T < 450 ms). Refractoriness is a key parameter that promotes this behavior.

Figure 5
figure 5

Effects of SERCA pump and fractional SR Ca2+ release on dynamics.

Shown in each panel is the number of sparks (nk) versus pacing period (T) from the iterated map model (Eqs 7 and 8). (A) A control set of parameters. The parameters for the α and γ functions are the same as for the red curve in Fig. 3B, i.e., lα = 3.5, sα = 0.6, lγ = 3.5, sγ = 0.3, α0 = 1, and γ0 = 1. The parameters for the β function are: Tβ = 500 ms and τβ = 75 ms. The parameters for the h function are: υ = 0.75, κ = 0.4, and σ = 0.0008. No spark amplitude restitution was presence, i.e., r(T) = 1, which corresponds to τr = 0. (B) Reduced υ (υ = 0.6). (C) Reduced κ (κ = 0.3). (D) Reduced υ and κ (υ = 0.38 and κ = 0.1). (E) Steepened FCR curve (sα = 0.3 and sγ = 0.15). (F) Reduced υ, κ, and steepened FCR curve (υ = 0.3, κ = 0.05, sα = 0.3, and sγ = 0.15).

We first studied the effects of the SERCA pump which is described by the parameters υ (maximum amplitude of SERCA activity, vup) and κ (Kup of SERCA). Reducing υ tends to suppress alternans at fast pacing rates but promote alternans at slower pacing rates (Fig. 5B). Reducing κ has a small effect on the onset of alternans and increases the alternans amplitude (Fig. 5C). Reducing both, however, promotes alternans at both fast and slow pacing rates (Fig. 5D). As shown in Fig. 3D, by reducing υ and κ properly, one can maintain the same steady state while decrease the slope of h at the steady state (see Fig. 3D). Based on the predictions of the general theory (Fig. 4), reducing promotes both mechanisms of alternans. Reducing υ alone reduces , but also changes the steady state.

Increasing the slope of the FCR curve promotes the instability, causing alternans to occur at slower pacing rates and a route to chaos via a period doubling bifurcation (Fig. 5E). This instability is further enhanced by reducing via reducing υ and κ (Fig. 5F).

To investigate the effects of spark properties on the mechanisms of alternans, we chose another set of control parameters in which strong alternans exists for both mechanisms (Fig. 6A). Reducing the primary spark probability α (Fig. 6B) or the recruitment strength γ (Fig. 6C) suppresses alternans promoted by both mechanisms. Increasing the refractory period potentiates alternans caused by fast pacing (Fig. 6D,E). In the simulations above, we chose to omit the spark amplitude restitution. Experiments from Sobie et al.36 showed time constants to be around 100 ms (i.e., τr ~ 100 ms), while others43 showed a much longer time constant (τr ~ 450 ms). In Fig. 6F, we show bifurcation diagrams for different τr ( = 0 ms, 100 ms, 200 ms, and 300 ms). Adding the spark amplitude restitution into the model changed the onset of alternans, causing the FCR mediated alternans to occur at a longer T and the refractoriness mediated alternans to occur at a shorter T. For τr = 300 ms, the refractoriness mediated alternans is completely suppressed. Note that the magnitude of spark number alternans at fast pacing is increased for τr = 100 and 200 ms. Based on Eqs 17, 18, and 31, the direct consequence of reducing the spark amplitude is the reduction of , which suppresses the instability based on linear stability analysis. However, the reduction of spark amplitude also increases SR load, causing more CRUs to fire (see Fig. 6F, in which nk increases in the non-alternans regime as τr increases), and thus amplifies the amplitude of spark number alternans.

Figure 6
figure 6

Effects of spark properties on dynamics.

Shown in each panel is the number of sparks (nk) versus pacing period (T) from the iterated map model (Eqs 7 and 8). (A) Control, which was modified from Fig. 5A by changing υ and κ (υ = 0.4 and κ = 0.1). (B) Reduced primary spark probability (α0 = 0.25). (C). Reduced recruitment (γ0 = 0.5). (D) Tβ = 600 ms. (E) Tβ = 700 ms. (F) In the presence of spark amplitude restitution for τr = 0 ms (black, the same as A), 100 ms (red), 200 ms (blue), and 300 ms (cyan).

Validation of theoretical predictions using a ventricular cell model with detailed spatiotemporal Ca2+ cycling

To demonstrate some of the theoretical predictions from the iterated map model, we carried out computer simulations using a ventricular cell model with detailed spatiotemporal Ca2+ cycling. The model is a three-dimensional network of CRUs (as illustrated in Fig. 2A), consisting of 200 × 20 × 10 CRUs. The LCCs and RyRs were modeled by stochastic Markov transitions. The details of the model and numerical methods for computer simulations can be found in our previous publications34,50.

To induce Ca2+ alternans in the model, we used an action potential clamp protocol with an action potential waveform from the normal conditions with [Na]i clamped to 12 mM (see Nivala et al.34). Figure 7A show peak [Ca2+]i versus pacing period (T), showing Ca2+ alternans occurs at fast pacing (T < 450 ms). Reducing the SERCA pump amplitude vup by 50% attenuates the alternans amplitude, and causes alternans to occur at slower pacing (T < 750 ms), but also tends to suppress alternans at fast pacing. In general, this agrees with the iterated map results shown in Fig. 5B. Reducing the Kup of the SERCA pump by 50% has a small effect on the onset of alternans while increasing the amplitude of alternans. Reducing both the amplitude and the Kup by 50% greatly changes the dynamics (Fig. 7D,E). First, it causes alternans to occur at much slower heart rates (T < 3250 ms). Second, high periodicity and irregular dynamics occur via a period-doubling bifurcation as T decreases. As T decreases even further, a stable period-1 state occurs, followed by a sudden transition to a period-3 state, and finally to irregular dynamics. This is very similar to the bifurcation sequence of the iterated map model shown in Fig. 5F. Although stochasticity exists in the detailed Ca2+ cycling model, the irregular dynamics is likely chaos since it only occurs for certain pacing periods and arises via period-doubling bifurcations. Moreover, the bifurcation diagram is very similar to the one obtained using the iterated map model in which the irregular dynamics is indeed chaos (Fig. 5F).

Figure 7
figure 7

Effects of SERCA pump on dynamics in a detailed model of Ca2+ cycling.

Shown in each panel is the peak cytosolic Ca2+ concentration ([Ca2+]i) versus pacing period (T). For each T, the cell was paced with a total of 200 beats and the peak [Ca2+]I of the last 100 beats were plotted. (A) Control. The control conditions are as in Nivala et al.34 with [Na]i clamped to 12 mM. (B) 50% reduction of maximum SERCA activity (vup). (C) 50% reduction of Kup. (D) 50% reduction of both vup and Kup. (E) An expanded view of D.


In this study, we developed an iterated map model describing the intracellular Ca2+ cycling dynamics in ventricular myocytes under periodic pacing. The model links the Ca2+ spark properties to FCR, providing a mechanistic interpretation of FCR. It unifies the two known mechanisms of Ca2+ alternans into a single theoretical framework, which shows that the two mechanisms work synergistically to promote alternans. Based on this new model, at slow heart rates where the RyRs may have already recovered at the beginning of each beat, alternans is promoted by steepening the FCR function and/or reducing the slope of the SR Ca2+ uptake function. CRU coupling (the γ factor) plays an important role in promoting this mechanism of alternans by steepening the FCR function. At fast heart rates, however, the 3R’s, the increased FCR function slope, and the reduced SR Ca2+ uptake function slope work synergistically to promote alternans. The new model can consistently explain the seemingly contradictory experimental observations, as detailed below.

For the experiments from Eisner’s group11,12,13,14, they showed that dyssynchronous Ca2+ release and miniwaves played important roles in the genesis of alternans, which indicates that spark recruitment (the γ factor) is important for alternans. Although a steep FCR curve was indicated to be responsible for alternans, it is unclear why dyssynchronous Ca2+ release and spark recruitment are also needed. On the other hand, in the 3R theory the roles of dyssynchronous Ca2+ release (corresponding to the α factor) and miniwaves (corresponding to the γ factor) are clear. However, since alternans in these experiments occurred at slow pacing rates (0.5 Hz), thus, it was likely that the RyRs had already or mostly recovered by the beginning of each beat. Alternans via the 3R theory requires a high probability of CRU refractoriness (see Fig. 4B) and thus it cannot satisfactorily explain this set of experiments. The new theory shows that spark recruitment contributes to the steepness of the FCR function. Moreover, it also shows that CRU refractoriness, if there is any, will also synergistically promote alternans (Fig. 6D,E). Therefore, these experiments can now be well explained by the unified theory.

In regards to the experiments showing that DCL alternans is not required for Ca2+ alternans23,24,25, the theory shows that this situation can indeed occur when , a case in which the amount of Ca2+ released by the SR is taken back into the SR. Under these conditions, the two mechanisms are uncoupled and the 3R theory is solely responsible for the mechanism of alternans. However, is a very stringent condition, and how this condition can be satisfied in a real cell remains unclear. Specifically, during alternans, the amount of Ca2+ released from the SR is also alternating. Since both NCX and SERCA depend nonlinearly on the cytosolic Ca2+ concentration, it will be nontrivial for the two pumps to balance in a way such that the SERCA pump uptakes the exact amount of Ca2+ released from the SR in the same beat. Therefore, although the 3R theory alone can explain the mechanism of alternans, a robust physiological mechanism still needs to be elucidated to understand how a constant DCL can be maintained during alternans.

However, no experiments have been carried out in a single cell or even in a single species to distinctly demonstrate the two mechanisms. The experiments from Eisner’s group supporting the steep FCR mediated mechanism were done in rat myocytes11,12,13,14, the experiments supporting the refractoriness mediated mechanism (namely the 3R theory) were done either in cat24 or rabbit23,25 myocytes. One potential concern would be: are the mechanisms of Ca2+ alternans species dependent? First, our simulations using a detailed Ca2+ cycling model in our previous study34 and the present study show that both mechanisms can occur in the same cell under different Ca2+ uptake conditions. Second, there is some experimental evidence for the universality of the two mechanisms. For example, in the study by Xie et al.19, increased slope of the FCR function and reduced slope of the Ca2+ uptake function were demonstrated to promote Ca2+ alternans in rabbit ventricular myocytes. Increased refractoriness promoting Ca2+ alternans or decreased refractoriness suppressing Ca2+ alternans was demonstrated in genetically modified mouse ventricular myocytes33,51 whose electrophysiological properties share many similarities with those of rat ventricular myocytes. Therefore, we believe that the two mechanisms of Ca2+ alternans can be demonstrated in a single cell or a single species by carefully designed experiments to support the unification of the two theories.

However, an iterated map is a low-dimensional mathematical representation of a real system, and when the dynamics of the real system is intrinsically high-dimensional, the iterated map approach may not accurately or even correctly describe the dynamics. For example, Ca2+ alternans can be spatially discordant52,53,54, and under these conditions, the low-dimensional description may be problematic. Other spark properties, such as spark duration42,55,56,57, may also play important roles, which will need to be taken into account by the theory. Nevertheless, the unified theory can provide a consistent interpretation to the seemly contradict experimental observations and novel mechanistic insights into the mechanisms of Ca2+ alternans in ventricular myocytes.

In conclusion, the iterated map model developed in this study provides a cohesive theory for Ca2+ alternans in ventricular myocytes, which unifies the two mechanisms of Ca2+ alternans into a single theoretical framework. Alternans can be caused by a steep FCR curve combined with a reduced slope of the SR Ca2+ uptake function in the absence of refractoriness, or caused by the 3R’s (randomness, recruitment, and refractoriness) when DCL remains constant from beat to beat. In general, the slopes of the FCR and the SR Ca2+ uptake functions work in synergy with the 3R’s to promote Ca2+ alternans and other complex dynamics in ventricular myocytes. The unification of the two mechanisms of Ca2+ alternans can provide novel insight into the identification of therapeutic targets for suppressing Ca2+ alternans. For example, reducing the slope of the uptake function () or the coupling of CRUs (γ) can suppress both mechanisms of alternans, while reducing the refractory period can only suppress alternans caused by one of the two mechanisms. Suppressing Ca2+ alternans by reducing the slope of the uptake function has been demonstrated by experiments of SERCA2a overexpression19,58, supporting our theoretical predictions.

Additional Information

How to cite this article: Qu, Z. et al. A unified theory of calcium alternans in ventricular myocytes. Sci. Rep. 6, 35625; doi: 10.1038/srep35625 (2016).