
Image inpainting is to fill in the missing parts of incomplete images by synthesizing visually realistic and semantically correct replacement content. Its goal is to predict appropriate pixels of the missing areas. It serves a wide range of applications, such as photoediting, decapping, and removing unwanted objects from photos. Well-repaired areas should have reasonable semantic structures and visually realistic textures. Image inpainting appear in different scenarios, such as deleting objects during image editing [1, 2], scratch or text deletion [3, 4], and image inpainting [5, 6].

The deep encoder-decoder network with adversarial loss [7] has become popular for solving image inpainting problems. Pathak et al. [8] proposed a context encoder, which was the first work incorporating generative adversarial loss in an encoder-decoder architecture to repair broken pixels. However, the result always contains many distorted structure or texture artifacts. To alleviate this problem, Chen et al. [9] improved the discriminator by letting local discriminators identify similar patches in different images. Some other networks [10,11,12,13,14] utilize reasonable constraints, such as edges [12, 14] and structures [11, 15], to mitigate the difficulty of directly predicting correct missing contents. Generally, two-stage networks first reconstruct these constraints in the first stage. The completed constraints are then fed into the second stage as additional clues, helping to generate the final refined image. However, these networks are not trained end-to-end, so errors predicted in the first-stage easily influence the training of the second stage. And they use only feature priors [10,11,12,13] or gradient priors [11, 12, 14, 15] to guide the repair process, without considering both global content and local details. The priors of the above papers are used to directly guide the repair process, whether helpful or not. Although the papers [10, 16] designed new architectures to address multilevel networks, not all of the above drawbacks were addressed. MADF [16] guides progressive filling and refinement of missing content through multiple layers of priors, but it only allows passing feature priors between restoration decoders and refinement decoders. Paper [10] avoids structural restoration alone and states that texture and structural information interact with each other in the restoration process. However, structural and texture information directly guide each other in multiple layers, and misinformation can easily affect the whole reconstruction process.

Local and global information are equally important to understand an image. Approaches such as the multi-column network [15] and ACGAN [17] aim to map an image to multiscale features by adopting parallel encoding branches with various receptive fields. However, few studies have explored how to effectively fuse and reconstruct multiscale features in the image space. Paper [18] proposes a cross-scale feature extraction method to fill the urgent need for multi-scale detection. However, mapping only the last feature maps to the image space tends to cause semantic ambiguity in restoration images.

To completely solve these problems, we propose a new end-to-end training model and design a gradient-guided progressive decoding network with multiple parallel decoding branches that can achieve coarse-to-fine recovery by progressively passing down the reconstructed individual structured priors. The reconstructed mapping of the previous decoding branch is passed to the next decoding branch for the reconstruction process of the next decoding branch.

Our designed network improves the model performance in two aspects. First, we design a progressive-guided decoding network consisting of multiple parallel decoder branches, using the decoder to refine the features from the previous decoder and the gradient features from the gradient transition module to guide the repair. We pass a powerful prior knowledge gradient map to the decoding network via the gradient transfer module, which contains the edges and details of the image, helping to improve the salient details of the inpainting image. We use ghost convolution [19] and an attention mechanism to better fuse feature maps from different sources. Ghost convolution uses fewer parameters to learn features. The attention mechanism helps the convolutional neural network to decide which part of the image to focus on when generating text descriptions. For the attention mechanism, we designed channel coordinate attention (CCA) based on coordinate attention [20] to decompose channel attention into two parallel 1D feature encodings. The repair results are progressively refined by adding supervised information increments such as reconstruction, perceptual, and gradient loss to the decoder. Our framework relies on no explicit intermediate cues, and learns which intermediate information is most reliable and useful through end-to-end training.

Second, our model leverages learned intermediate signals from multiscale feature spaces. In this paper to better extract fused and reconstructed multi-scale features, we use an multiscale attention fusion group (MAFG) and MF to extract multiscale features and fuse feature maps from different decoder layers in a final output map containing global semantics and local details. The MAFG has several branches, each assigned a different filter size and expansion rate. MF integrates feature maps from three resolutions in the last decoding branch.

Experiments on publicly available datasets, including Places2 [21] and CelebA [22], demonstrate that the proposed framework can generate semantically plausible and richly detailed content in various scenes, even when missing regions are large and complex. Experimental results are shown in Tables 3 and 4. Our approach significantly outperforms current state-of-the-art methods, both quantitatively and qualitatively.

Our main contributions are as follows:

  1. (1)

    A progressive decoder network with three decoder branches uses semantic features to guide the repair network, and a gradient map to guide the repair of high-frequency information;

  2. (2)

    An MAFG extracts multiscale features in the encoder network, and an MF reconstructs feature maps of different sensory fields to form a final output map with full semantic and detailed content;

  3. (3)

    Our proposed parallel multi-branch decoder architecture is shown to be effective in improving repair performance in multiple dataset tests.

Related work

Image restoration has been studied for more than 20 years, and convolution neural network–based approaches, especially those using generative adversarial networks, have enabled image restoration to take a large step forward. We summarize some work related to our approach below.

Single-stage inpainting

Pathak et al. [8] proposed the context encoder (CE), which utilizes the semantics of the damaged region and the associated loss function to jointly improve the restoration process. Although this approach had some drawbacks, such as obvious artifacts and blurring after restoration, it laid the foundation for subsequent research work. Based on the CE model, Iizuka et al. [23] used global and local discriminators to jointly train the network to ensure that global and local semantics were the same as the surrounding regions. Shift-Net based on U-Net architecture (Shift-Net) [24] recovers lost blocks with good accuracy in terms of structure and fine texture. Unlike the single encoder approach, Wang et al. [15] proposed a three-branch encoder structure, where each branch accepts feature maps with different sensory fields. Shi et al. [25] utilized the attention transfer cross-layer mechanism to solve the information loss between codec network layers. Paper [14] uses parallel encoder-decoder to model the structure-constrained texture synthesis and texture-guided structure reconstruction in a coupled manner by parallel networks, which repairs structures and textures at the same time.

Fig. 1
figure 1

Pipeline of generator, which adopts a typical encoder-decoder structure. In the encoder, down-blocks and MAFG, for example, are used to understand the semantic information. In the decoder, feature maps and gradient maps from the preceding branch are passed to the next branch for further refinement and guidance. Gradient maps are extracted by depthwise convolution (Depthconv) with fixed Scharr kernels. EMF is used to merge multiscale feature maps so that the reconstructed image contains multiscale information. “Norm” and “Conv” denote instance normalization and convolution, respectively. In k \(*\)-\(**\), \(*\) denotes kernel size and \(**\) denotes stride

Multistage inpainting

Multistage structures [9,10,11,12,13, 26, 27] have become the mainstay in solving the image inpainting task. The coarse-to-fine network of Yu et al. [10] divides image inpainting into two steps: filling the holes roughly through the coarse network, and refining the repaired blurry image by the refinement network with an attention mechanism. Jiang et al. [26] proposed a network that repairs structures and enriches textures by parallel branching, introducing vertical guidance mechanisms between parallel branches to ensure that each branch utilizes only the desired features of the other branch and outputs high-quality content. JPGNet [28] uses parallel preprocessing active filtering and generative networks to preserve local structure and fill a large number of missing pixels, respectively. It is not suitable for recovering large missing regions because accurate predictive filtering relies on a large number of neighboring pixels. The paper [10] models structure-constrained texture synthesis and texture-guided structure reconstruction through parallel networks, and restores structure and texture in a coupled manner through parallel networks. MADF [16] employs a series of refinement decoders with designed pointwise normalization (PN) to progressively refine the features. Each layer takes the two sources of feature maps as inputs, from the previous layer of the current decoder and the next upsampling layer of the previous decoder, respectively.

Proposed method

Our end-to-end architecture consists of a two-part molecular network: (1) a generator to predict pixels in the missing part; and (2) a discriminator for adversarial training of the network. The network structure is shown in Fig. 1. The generator consists of an encoder network, gradient transfer module, MAFG, and branch progressive decoder network with multiple parallel decoding branches. The gradient transfer module is used in the encoder stage to extract the gradient mapping from the encoder network and pass it to the decoder network. Multiscale features are learned by the MAFG. In the decoder network, the gradient information from the encoder and the reconstructed features from the decoder branch of the previous layer are used to guide the image completion process, gradually filling and refining the mask region.

Our discriminator uses two PatchGANs [13] to predict the veracity of all image blocks. For stable training, spectral normalization is used in the discriminator, whose structure is shown in Fig. 2. And Fig. 3 are structure of the fusion modules used in the network.

Finally, we describe the encoding and the progressive decoding networks, introduce the MF, and give the corresponding loss functions.

Encoding network

The encoding network inputs a damaged image to a feature map, which facilitates the understanding of the semantic content of the image. Damaged regions usually contain multiple structures, so finding the appropriate features is crucial to inpainting the missing regions. We extract the gradient map of the image containing global and local features [29] in the decoding stage through a gradient transfer module based on the U-Net architecture [30] to guide the repair of the decoder.

MAFG in encoder

Robust feature representations help repair the network to produce semantically accurate content and crisp details [31]. We argue that robust feature representations are embodied in two aspects: features with multiscale receptive fields and precise spatial locations. The former usually contains global and local information, which helps the network understand the missing semantic content and enrich the texture details. The latter is essential to the visual system. For these purposes, we propose an MAFG at the bottleneck, which consists of three attention modules, the attention modules as shown in Fig. 4b. These modules will be discussed in detail in “Attention module”. The MAFG as shown in Fig. 4a. The process is

$$\begin{aligned}&{x_{a1}} = {F_{a1}}({x_{in}}) \end{aligned}$$
$$\begin{aligned}&{x_{a2}} = {F_{a2}}({x_{a1}}) + {x_{a1}}\end{aligned}$$
$$\begin{aligned}&{x_{a3}} = {F_{a3}}({x_{a2}}) + {x_{a2}}\end{aligned}$$
$$\begin{aligned}&{x_\textrm{out}} = {F_\textrm{r}}[{F_\textrm{r}}({x_{a1}} + {x_{a2}}) + {x_{a3}}] + {x_\textrm{in}}, \end{aligned}$$

where \( {x_\textrm{in}}\), \( {x_\textrm{out}}\), \({x_\textrm{an}}\), \({F_\textrm{an}}, \) and \({F_\textrm{r}}\) are the input, resultant output, output of the n-th attention module, and two conv layers with pixel-shuffle layers, respectively. We use this module for the last layer of the decoding network [32].

Fig. 2
figure 2

Pipeline of generator that adopts a typical encoder–decoder structure. “Conv” denotes convolution. In k \(*\)-\(**\), \(*\) denotes kernel size and \(**\) denotes stride. Spectral normalization is used in discriminator

Fig. 3
figure 3

From left to right, the Up-Block, the Up-FuseBlock and the Down-Block are shown in Figure. “IN” and “Conv” denote instance normalization and convolution, respectively. In k \(*\)-\(**\), \(*\) denotes kernel size and \(**\) denotes stride

Attention module

The attention module (Fig. 4b) aims to capture scale-diverse features and retain relatively precise spatial location information, reducing the number of channels with 1 \(\times \) 1 convolutions and using strided convolutions to augment the receptive field. The spatial and channel sizes are later increased to match the input size. Subsequently, dilated convolutions with different filter sizes are introduced, and we element-wise add all output features of dilated convolutions to minimize gridding effects. Features from different sources are treated equally if we stack them directly in channel dim, which is not consistent with human vision. Thus, an attention mechanism is utilized to tell us which features need special attention. Here, we introduce another CCA to refine our input features. It is merged into the attention module to improve network performance. Lastly, a sigmoid operation is applied to obtain a similar effect to a channel attention mechanism. We apply Conv layers with different filter sizes between attention modules to extract multiscale features that are followed by pixel-shuffle layers.

Fig. 4
figure 4

Structure of attention module

Progressive decoding network

Some image inpainting models [15, 33] use a complex multi-branch encoding network, but a simple single-branch structure is used in the decoding network. This is not effective for reconstruction with a large range of missing images. We propose a progressive decoding network, as shown in Fig. 1, which consists of three parallel decoding branches. Progressive refinement repair consists of a feature map- and gradient map-guided repair. A contextual attention mechanism in the first upsampling block of the last decoding branch improves the performance of the model. Contextual attention mechanisms can establish long-term relationships between complete and missing features, resulting in realistic and clear textures.

We define the notation used below. \(D_{k,l}\) denotes the l-level upsampling block (Up-Block or Up-FuseBlock) of the k-th decoding branch, \(f_{k,l}\) denotes the corresponding output feature maps, \(f_\textrm{e}\) denotes the compressed feature maps from the encoding network, and \(f_\textrm{out}\) denotes the output feature maps of the whole network, where k and l take values 1, 2, 3.

Progressive feature refinement

The recovered features \(f_{k,l}\) of branch \(D_{k,l}\) are fed to the next branch \(D_{k+1,l-1}\) and fused with \(f_{k+1,l-1}\). The reconstructed features can provide feature priors for subsequent restoration and further optimize its effect.

We use two strategies to fuse features from different branches. We splice them together in the channel dimension, and use ghost convolution [19] to learn the features. Ghost convolution has three steps. Intrinsic features are obtained using ordinary convolution with fewer kernels. Based on a set of generated features, a series of linear operations are used to obtain feature graphs of another set of features, including redundant graphs. The two batch feature graphs are stacked in the channel dimension to get the final output.

We add CCA (Fig. 5) to the fusion process. An attention mechanism that focuses on more critical information for the current task reduces attention to other information, preventing erroneous or invalid features from entering the upsampling block. coordinate attention (CA) [20] captures long-range dependencies along one spatial direction and retains accurate location information along the other direction. The generated feature maps are individually encoded to form orientation-aware and position-sensitive feature maps, which can be applied to the input feature maps to enhance the representation of the target of interest. However, CA does not explore the feature relationships between adjacent channels with a small perceptual field. We correct this by introducing one-dimensional convolution to realize CCA. We exploit two 1D global pooling operations to aggregate the input features along the vertical and horizontal directions into two direction-aware feature maps with embedded direction-specific information, and separately encode them into attention maps that capture long-range dependencies of the input feature map along one spatial direction. The first of two 1D convolutions, with a dilate rate of 1, builds connections among adjacent channels. The second 1D dilated convolution, with a dilate rate of 2, explores long-term connections among nonadjacent features. Both attention maps are applied to the input feature map via multiplication to emphasize the representations of interest.

Fig. 5
figure 5

Implementation of CCA

Gradient guidance

Gradient information shows the difference between adjacent pixels. Flat areas of the image have smaller gradient values, and sharp areas (edges and details) have larger values. Thus, the gradient information reflects the sharpness of each region of the image, and is important to enhanced image edge and detail recovery. Our proposed gradient guidance has two components: gradient mapping guidance (Fig. 1) and gradient loss constraint, which use gradient information to supervise the generation process and improve the consistency of the generated image on the boundary.

In the encoder network stage, the more forward network layers contain richer structural information, so we extract the gradient map of the image in the first layer of the decoder, as shown in Fig. 6. We use Scharr operators with different orientations as fixed convolution kernels \(S_x\) and \(S_y\). We use the fixed Sobel kernels \(S_x\) and \(S_y\) to convolve the feature map by the nn.functional. This step generates horizontal and vertical gradient maps \(G_x\) and \(G_y\). Each value of gradient maps is calculated as

$$\begin{aligned} G=\sqrt{G_x^2+G_y^2}. \end{aligned}$$

A simple image inpainting process is performed on the extracted gradient map using a gradient transfer module. The restored rich gradient information is incorporated into progressive feature-guided restoration, and passed to the last layer of each branch of the decoder, helping the model to infer accurate neighborhoods and focus on the reconstruction of sharp regions.

Fig. 6
figure 6

Implementation of gradient extraction

Multiscale fusion

To make the inpainting image as similar as possible to the real image, it is crucial that the local and global information of the reconstruction image is consistent with the real image. High-resolution feature maps typically contain rich texture information that is essential for subjective perception. Low-resolution feature maps contain global information, such as the semantics of the context. Our multiscale fusion module mines and combines more appropriate global and local information [34], as shown in Fig. 7. To make the recovered images contain information at different scales, we integrate feature maps from three resolutions in the last decoding branch.

We take one feature map (\(f_{3,l}\)), with resolutions of \(64*64\), \(128*128\), and \(256*256\), produced by the lth layer of the final decoding path (\(l = 1,2,3\)). These unresolved feature maps are upsampled to the same resolution before fusion. As shown in Fig. 8, we employ CCA on \(f_{3,l}\) to obtain the corresponding channel attention vectors (\(\textrm{Attn}_l\)), which highlight the contributing channels and suppress useless ones. The common attention vector (\(\textrm{Attn}_{c}\)) is first generated by adding all unique \(Attn_l\) along the channel dimension. Large values in the vector indicate that all cross-scale features from this channel are beneficial for final reconstruction. Then \(\textrm{Attn}_{c}\) is fed into a softmax function, which limits the value to the range [0–1].

The obtained \(Attn_l\) and \(\textrm{Attn}_{c}\) are applied on the input feature maps \(f_{3,l}\) in channel-wise multiplication to generate recalibrated maps \(f_{3,l}^{a}\) and \(f_{3,l}^{c}\), respectively. Subsequently, each discriminative feature map (\(f_{3,l}^{*}\)) is produced by adding \(f_{3,l}^{a}\) and \(f_{3,l}^{c}\), which contain both self-unique and co-critical information. All enhanced maps (\(f_{3,l}^{*}\)) are concatenated and fused by a \(1*1\) convolution layer to create the final reconstruction maps (\(F_\textrm{out}\)). The procedure can be defined as:

$$\begin{aligned}&f_{3,l}^{a}=\textrm{Attn}_l\otimes f_{3,l}=\textrm{CECA}(f_{3,l})*f_{3,l} \end{aligned}$$
$$\begin{aligned}&f_{3,l}^{c}=\textrm{Attn}_{c}\otimes f_{3,l}=\textrm{Softmax}\left( \sum \limits _{l=1}^3 \textrm{Attn}_{l}\right) *f_{3,l}\end{aligned}$$
$$\begin{aligned}&f_{out}=\textrm{Convk}1-1(\textrm{Concatenate}(f_{3,1}^{*},f_{3,2}^{*},f_{3,3}^{*})). \end{aligned}$$
Fig. 7
figure 7

Implementation of MF

Fig. 8
figure 8

Qualitative results of CelebA-HQ dataset under \(128*128\) center holes

Loss function

We use L1 loss, perceptual loss [35], pyramid loss, style loss [35], adversarial loss [7] and gradient loss to make the model converge faster. During training, the last branch of the decoding network is bounded by all the loss functions, and the other branches are bounded by L1 loss and gradient loss. We describe these loss functions below.

L1 loss

We convert reconstructed features \(f_{1,3}\), \(f_{1,3}\), \(f_{1,3}\), and \(f_\textrm{out}\) to image space, with notation \(I_k\) (\(k=1,2,3\)) and \(I_{out}\), respectively. In addition to constraining the output image (\(I_\textrm{out}\)), L1 loss constrains the generated image of each decoder branch. L1 loss is the mean absolute error between each completion image (\(I_k\)) and ground truth (\(I_\textrm{gt}\)), where \(N_{I_\textrm{gt}}\) is the number of elements in (\(I_\textrm{gt}\)). \(L_{1}^{k}\) and \(L_{1}^{out}\) represent the L1 loss of reconstructed features and repaired images, respectively. These are calculated as

$$\begin{aligned} L_{1}^{k}&=E\left[ \sum _{i=1}^{3}\Arrowvert I_{k}-I_\textrm{gt}\Arrowvert _{1}\right] \end{aligned}$$
$$\begin{aligned} L_{1}^{out}&=E[\Arrowvert I_\textrm{out}-I_\textrm{gt}]\Arrowvert _{1}]. \end{aligned}$$

Pyramid loss

We use \(f_{3,1}\) and \(f_{3,2}\) of the last decoding branch to calculate the pyramidal perceptual loss. Pyramid loss has two advantages: (1) optimizing the estimation of features missing regions and allowing better learning of the correlation between known and unknown image blocks in the contextual attention module; (2) refining the prediction of missing regions at each scale to better reconstruct the final image. We use activation layers \(\textrm{relu}3\_1\) and \(\textrm{relu}2\_1\) of VGG19 [36] to extract feature maps with two resolutions from a real image, and calculate \(L_\textrm{pyramid}\) between the extracted real features and those predicted by the corresponding generation layer ((\(f_{3,1}\) and \(f_{3,2}\))),

$$\begin{aligned} \begin{aligned} L_\textrm{pyramid}=\sum _{i=1}^{2}\Arrowvert \Phi _{i}(I_\textrm{gt})-f_{3,i}\Arrowvert _{1}, \end{aligned} \end{aligned}$$

where \(I_\textrm{gt}\) is the real image, \(\Phi _{i}\) is the i-th selected activation layer of the pretrained VGG network, and \(f_{3,i}\) is the corresponding feature map of the last decoding branch. Note that \(f_{3,i}\) is the same size as \(\Phi _{i}(I_\textrm{gt})\).

Perceptual loss

Perceptual loss and style loss are based on the pretrained VGG network, and force the generated semantic structures and rich textures to be similar to the ground truth. Let \(\Phi _{x}\) represent the features of the i-th activation layer in a VGG19 [36] network when given the image x. We use activation layers \(\textrm{relu}1\_1 \), \(\textrm{relu}2\_1\), \(\textrm{relu}3\_1\), \(\textrm{relu}4\_1\), and \(\textrm{relu}5\_1\) for our loss calculation,

$$\begin{aligned} \begin{aligned} L_\textrm{per}^{out}=E\left[ \sum _{i=1}^{5}\Arrowvert \Phi _{i}(I_\textrm{out})-\Phi _{i}(I_\textrm{gt})\Arrowvert _{1}\right] . \end{aligned} \end{aligned}$$

Style loss

To ensure that the restored image has the same style as the original, we introduce style loss,

$$\begin{aligned} \begin{aligned} L_\textrm{sty}^{out}=E_j\left[ \sum _{i=1}^{5}\Arrowvert G_j^{\Phi _{i}}(I_\textrm{out})-G_j^{\Phi _{i}}(I_\textrm{gt})\Arrowvert _{1}\right] . \end{aligned} \end{aligned}$$

We use the Gram matrix (\(G_j\)) on each selected feature map generated by VGG19, and calculate the error using L1 loss.

Adversarial loss

We use an adversarial loss to supervise the training process of the repair model, and PatchGAN and spectral parametric regularization to train the network model, which solves the problem of model collapse and stabilizes the convergence of the discriminator. The adversarial loss function of the discriminator D is defined as

$$\begin{aligned} L_\textrm{adv}^{out}=E[\textrm{log}(1-D(G(I_\textrm{in},M)))]+E[\textrm{log}(D(I_\textrm{gt}))], \end{aligned}$$

where \(I_\textrm{in}\) is the input image covered with mask M; the value 1 denotes missing pixels; and G and D are the generator and discriminator, respectively.

Gradient loss

The second part of gradient guidance, gradient loss, is applied on every decoder branch. Both the reconstructed intermediate images (\(I_k\) (\(k=1,2,3\))) and final image (\(I_\textrm{out}\)) contain rich and correct details and edges, which benefit gradient map guidance in the decoding network. We formulate the gradient loss by narrowing the distance between the gradient maps extracted from the recovery image and ones from the ground truth,

$$\begin{aligned} L_\textrm{gra}^{k}&=E\left[ \sum _{i=1}^{3} \Arrowvert \textrm{Ge}(I_k)-\textrm{Ge}(I_\textrm{gt})\Arrowvert _{1}\right] \end{aligned}$$
$$\begin{aligned} L_\textrm{gra}^{out}&=E[\Arrowvert \textrm{Ge}(I_\textrm{out})-\textrm{Ge}(I_\textrm{gt})\Arrowvert _{1}], \end{aligned}$$

where Ge represents gradient extraction. The implementation of gradient extraction is shown in Fig. 6.

Overall loss

The total loss is

$$\begin{aligned} L_\textrm{total}&=0.02L_\textrm{pyramid}+L_{1}^{k}+5L_{1}^{out}+0.1L_\textrm{per}^{out}+180L_\textrm{sty}^{out}\nonumber \\&\quad +L_\textrm{adv}^{out}+3L_\textrm{gra}^{out}+L_\textrm{gra}^{k}. \end{aligned}$$


We provide basic network settings. To objectively and comprehensively evaluate the performance of image recovery models, we qualitatively and quantitatively compare the image recovery results of various state-of-the-art models.

Experimental settings


We trained and evaluated our model on two well-known public datasets with different characteristics.

Places2 [21] contains 365 natural scenes and over one billion images. Our model was trained on a standard training segmentation set with 1.8 million images, and evaluated on 10,000 selected training images. The scenes in the dataset include city, forest, beach, indoor, etc. This dataset can be used to train the image restoration model so that it can be better adapted to the image problems in real applications.

CelebA-HQ [22] focuses on high-quality human faces, with size 512 * 512. The dataset consists of a large number of high-quality face images and is widely used for training and evaluating image restoration algorithms. We selected 27,000 images for training, and the remaining images for evaluation.

The Mask dataset [37] provides 12,000 irregular mask images, which can be categorized based on hole-to-image area ratios (e.g., (0.1, 0.2], (0.2, 0.3]).

Training settings

We trained the model with batch size 8 using the Adam [38] optimizer and the corresponding parameters (\(\beta 1\), \(\beta 2\)), with the learning rate set to 0.9, 0.999, and 0.0002. Experiments were conducted on an RTX 3090 GPU (24 G), and the training of CelebA-HQ and Places2 took about 2.5 days and 9 days, respectively. All the masks and images for training and testing had size \(256*256\). Our model requires no post-processing.

For a fair comparison, we trained our model with the same mask type as used in pretrained state-of-the-art models, including center square mask, random rectangular, and irregular masks. With the center square mask, all images are masked with a \(128*128\) square bounding box in the center position. With the random rectangular mask, images are randomly covered with a blank rectangle with size between \(64*64\) and \(128*128\). The irregular mask originates from a mask dataset provided by Nvidia [12].

State-of-the-art algorithms for comparison

We compared our model with the multi-column network(MC-Net) [15], EdgeConnect (EC) [12], PEN-Net [39], GatedConv (GC) [26], StructureFlow (SF) [13], RFR [27], ACFGAN [33], MADF [16] and PG-Net [26]. To the extent possible, comparison algorithms were evaluated by their officially released pretrained models. We trained PG-Net [26] using the official code and default parameters. The performance of EC [12], RFR [27] and SF [13] has not been validated on the CelebA-HQ dataset, so we retrained them using the default parameters provided in their source code. The pretrained models of MC-Net [15]and RFR [27] are not available for the Places2 dataset, so we only compared them with our model on the CelebA-HQ dataset due to time limitations.

Based on center square holes, we compared with MC-Net [15]. Based on random rectangular holes, we compare with PEN-Net [39] and ACFGAN [33]. When filling the irregular holes, we compare with EC [12], SF [13], GC [26], RFR [27], MADF [16] and PG-Net [26]. Our network models all achieved better results

Quantitative evaluation

We measured the inpainting performance of the model in various scenes using PSNR [40], SSIM [40] and LPIPS [41] indexes. PSNR measures the L2 distance between the real and repaired images at the pixel level used in image processing mainly to quantify the reconstruction quality evaluation of images and videos affected by lossy compression. The higher its value means the more similar the two images are, and vice versa, the greater the difference. SSIM measures structure similarity by the mean, standard deviation, and covariance, which reflect human perceptions more precisely than PSNR. The closer its value is to 1 means the more similar the two images are, and vice versa, the greater the difference. LPIPS uses AlexNet to extract features from the real and generated images, and calculates their feature distance and its lower value indicates that the two images are more similar, and vice versa, the greater the difference. Tables 1, 2, 3 and 4 show the evaluation results on the CelebA-HQ and Places2 datasets.

Table 1 Quantitative result comparison, testing incomplete image with center holes on CelebA-HQ dataset
Table 2 Quantitative results of different methods with random regular holes on elebA-HQ and Places2 datasets
Table 3 Quantitative results of our model and state of-the-art models with irregular holes on CelebA-HQ dataset
Table 4 Quantitative results of our model and other state-of-the-art models with irregular holes on Places2 dataset

Evaluation results with regular holes

As shown in Table 1, our model outperforms MC-Net on all metrics, and consists of a multiscale encoder and single decoder. This demonstrates that multiple decoding branches are beneficial for the inpainting task. As shown in Table 2, for random holes, our models produce better results than PEN-Net, and comparable results to AFGAN on the Places2 dataset. For larger center holes, our model performs better than comparison models in various scenes, indicating that it can effectively fill larger holes.

Evaluation results with irregular holes

We compared the performance of different methods with irregular holes. For the CelebA-HQ dataset (Table 3), our model outperforms SOTAs in terms of PSNR, SSIM and LPIPS. For the Places2 dataset (Table 4), the advantage of our model emerges as the mask ratio increases. In addition, we compare the parameters between oursPG-Nnet and MADF (shown in Table 5). Although the network model of MADF and PG-Nnet has fewer parameters than ours, our network model performs better in some objective indicators. Considering the performance and cost, our model is a better choice for restoring damaged images.

Qualitative evaluation

Quantitative metrics cannot fully reflect humans’ subjective feelings, so qualitative evaluation is introduced as a judgment criterion. Figures 8, 9 and 10 compare results on the CelebA-HQ dataset. Figures 11 and 12 show the visual results on the Places2 dataset.

When filling center holes (Fig. 8) in the CelebA-HQ dataset, compared with MC-Net, the face generated by this method is similar to the real image in terms of face color and eyes. When filling random holes (Fig. 9), PEN-Net produces blurry structures, incorrect colors, and artifacts with the mask shape. AFGAN generates clear but unreasonable structures. Filling irregular holes is more challenging than filling regular holes. As shown in Fig. 10, the repaired regions of EC and GConv always contain unreasonable structures and texture artifacts. For example, in the second row, the left eye generated by EC and SF is asymmetric with the original right eye. In the fourth row, the face produced by GC shows obvious texture artifacts. RFR can generate plausible structures, but the results have low-quality textures. PG-Net shows strong potential to generate reasonable structures and clear textures without artifacts but is prone to generate smooth details and edges. Compared with the results of these baselines, our results have distinct and more coherent structures and fine textures, even though the holes are relatively large and complex. We guess that when the missing hole is large, EC is difficult to repair the edges of missing areas accurately, and SF has insufficient information to understand the connection between pixels in the missing region. For RFR, although the use of recurrent feature reasoning is suitable for repairing large holes, the restored images still have some unnatural content.

The Places2 dataset contains various indoor and outdoor scenes. As shown in Fig. 11, compared to the other models, our inpainting results have fewer noticeable mask artifacts and fewer bad textures. As shown in Fig. 12, when filling irregular holes, our model produces better structures, and the results look clearer than the others. As the mask ratio increases and the information in known areas is reduced, other methods generate more apparently distorted pixels than our method, so both objective indicators and subjective vision are inferior to our model.

Ablation study

We conducted ablation experiments on the CelebA-HQ test set, using three thousand testing images with irregular masks. Qualitative and quantitative results are provided for comparison in Fig. 13, which clearly show that the photos after our network repair have no obvious texture or structure blur.

Effectiveness of feature guidance

Our progressive guidance decoding network consists of multiple parallel branches, gradually filling large holes in a guided way. The decoding network passes feature priors from the recovery decoder to the refinement decoder. We conducted additional experiments without feature guidance. As shown in Table 6, the average PSNR was 25.26 dB, SSIM was 0.894, and LPIPS was 0.0811, which are inferior to the adoption of feature guidance.

Effectiveness of multiscale fusion

We designed MF to merge the multiscale features from the last decoding branch, which helps to reconstruct a final image with correct semantic structures and details. To further demonstrate the performance of MF, we conducted experiments without it. As shown in Table 6, without MF, the average PSNR was 25.38 dB, SSIM was 0.894, and LPIPS was 0.0755, which are inferior to the adoption of MF.

Table 5 Parameters of the our model, PG-Net and MADF
Fig. 9
figure 9

Qualitative results of CelebA-HQ dataset under random regular holes of size between \(64*64\) and \(128*128\)

Fig. 10
figure 10

Qualitative results of CelebA-HQ dataset under irregular holes

Fig. 11
figure 11

Qualitative results of Places2 dataset under random regular holes of size between \(64*64\) and \(128*128\)

Fig. 12
figure 12

Qualitative results of Places2 dataset under irregular holes

Fig. 13
figure 13

Visual results of ablation experiments and proposed model on CeleBA-HQ dataset; “w/o GMG” and “w/o GG” represent without gradient map guidance and without gradient guidance, respectively

Effectiveness of multiscale attention fusion group

We used an MAFG to fuse and reconstruct multiscale features. We conducted some experiments on the setting of the number of attention modules, as shown in Table 7, where it can be seen that the use of three attention modules gave the best performance. To further demonstrate the performance of our proposed MAFG, we performed a comparison experiment without it, with other conditions unchanged. As shown in Table 6, our model achieved an average PSNR of 25.54 dB, SSIM of 0.895, and LPIPS of 0.0753, which is better than without MAFG.

Table 6 Effectiveness of feature guidance, MF, and MAFG

Effectiveness of gradient guidance

We conducted two experiments to show the effectiveness and contribution of our proposed gradient guidance. The first experiment was performed without gradient map guidance but with gradient loss constraint, and the other experiment was performed without gradient map guidance and gradient loss. The results in Table 8 show that our proposed gradient guidance and gradient loss can significantly improve the network repair effect.

Table 7 MAFG’s choice of number of attention modules
Table 8 Effectiveness of gradient guidance

Discussion on the weights of \(L_\textrm{gra}^{out}\) and \(L_\textrm{gra}^{k}\)

In this section, we first fix the weights of \(L_\textrm{gra}^{k}\) to 1, and set the weight of \(L_\textrm{gra}^{out}\) to be 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5, respectively. The Table 9 shows the effect of different weights on model performance, and the model has the best inpainting performance when the loss weight is set to 3.

Then, we fix the weight of \(L_\textrm{gra}^{out}\) to 3, and set the weights of \(L_\textrm{gra}^{k}\) to be 1, 2 and 3, respectively. The Table 10 shows the effect of different weights on model performance, and the model has the best inpainting performance when the loss weight is set to 1.

Table 9 The weight discussion of \(L_\textrm{gra}^{out}\). And the weights of \(L_\textrm{gra}^{k}\) is fixed to 1
Table 10 The weight discussion of \(L_\textrm{gra}^{k}\). And the weights of \(L_\textrm{gra}^{out}\) is fixed to 3


In this paper, we extend a single decoding branch to multiple decoding branches and propose a progressive decoding network that gradually fills and refines the missing regions. Specifically, considering the characteristics of different convolutional layers in the decoder, the recovered features from the previous branch and the gradients from the encoding part are fed to the shallow and deep layers of the next branch, respectively. When fusing the intermediate mappings from different branches, reimage convolution and CCA are used to reduce the model parameters and avoid forward propagation of error information, respectively. In addition, our model explores the multi-scale information of the image by employing MAFG in the encoder and MF in the decoder. The proposed MAFG extracts the multiscale features and improves the feature representation. The MF fuses the multiscale reconstructed features from the final decoding branch into the final feature map, which helps modeling to output images containing both global and local information in the image space. The effectiveness of the proposed framework has been verified in quantitative and qualitative experiments.

In this paper, a mask representing the shape and location of the missing region is given. However, in the real world, this mask is likely to be unknown. Therefore, our future work will focus on image blind inpainting.