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River regulation, infrastructure, and small-town modernity on the Hungarian Danube, 1870–1945

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Water History Aims and scope Submit manuscript


This article examines a small, unexceptional Hungarian town on the Danube River from the late nineteenth century to the Second World War. It explores the many interactions between the residents of this town and the river. It draws on—but also seeks to expand—the existing historiography on Hungarian rivers. Its sources comprise largely unused archival materials, small-town newspapers, engineering reports, maps, and memoirs. The article demonstrates how important the river was in the lives of many residents and argues that in some areas river regulation projects increased rather than decreased local adaptations to the Danube. A growing river infrastructure in particular created new possibilities for the residents of this small town, and many eagerly grasped them. But the benefits of river regulation and infrastructure on the Danube were unevenly distributed, and a careful examination reveals competing views about the uses and meanings of the river. This article points to the need for further studies of how large infrastructure projects are deeply embedded in local contexts.

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Fig. 1

Source: Pál Gönczy, Map of Pest-Pilis-Solt Kis-Kun County. Published by Károly Lajos Posner and Sons, 1896

Fig. 2

Source: Magyar Nemzeti Levéltár

Fig. 3

Source: Author’s collection

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  1. Although many sources and residents call it a village, and although its population has never exceeded 5000, Dunavecse is now a city (város) and before that was a town (nagyközség), which is how I refer to it here. Even its name, Dunavecse, indicates the close connection between town and river: Duna is the Hungarian name of the Danube.

  2. Nineteenth-century maps showed either two or three islands. The appearance of new islands invariably led to quarrels and lawsuits over their ownership; in this case disputes between Dunavecse and settlements on the far bank lasted well into the twentieth century.

  3. The association was the Dömsöd–Pataji Dunavédgát Társulat (Dömösd-Pataj Danube Levee Association).

  4. Engineers measured their levees against the highest floods; a 1902 map of Dunavecse, for example, compares the height of the levees with peaks of the 1838, 1876, and 1891 floods (MNL 1902).

  5. The Hungarian word for “market gardening” was bolgárkertészet or “Bulgarian gardening,” a term that emerged in the 1880s with the arrival in Hungary of Bulgarian growers and their new methods of horticulture and strong market orientation. By 1900, market gardening had been taken up by many native growers.


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Partial funding for this research was provided by Colgate University. I am grateful to Séverine Lagneaux of Université catholique de Louvain for first inviting me to present this material. For comments and suggestions on later versions, I would like to thank Christopher Henke, Zsolt Nagy, and John Swanson, as well as the journal’s editor and anonymous reviewers. Special thanks are due to the staff of the Bács-Kiskun Megyei Levéltára in Kecskemét – and especially to archivist Annamária Kádár—for their generosity and assistance.

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Nemes, R. River regulation, infrastructure, and small-town modernity on the Hungarian Danube, 1870–1945. Water Hist 14, 335–354 (2022).

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