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XIV International conference on thermal analysis and calorimetry in Russia 2013 and hot topic discussion

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Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry Aims and scope Submit manuscript


The XIV International conference on thermal analysis and calorimetry held in St Petersburg, Russia 2013, which would restarted the regular periodicity of these meetings in Russia, is described including history of these conferences. The paper portrayed in details highlighting plenary lectures. Two addressed subjects dealing with yet unaccepted theory of thermal decomposition of solids and the overlooked impact of DTA heat inertia are discussed.

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The authors appreciate fruitful cooperation of the members of RTAC-2013 committee. The results were moderately developed within the CENTEM project, reg. no. CZ.1.05/2.1.00/03.0088 that is co-funded from the ERDF within the OP RDI program of the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports.

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Gavrichev, K.S., Holba, P. & Šesták, J. XIV International conference on thermal analysis and calorimetry in Russia 2013 and hot topic discussion. J Therm Anal Calorim 119, 1453–1458 (2015).

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