1 Introduction

A valid measurement of respiratory system compliance (Crs) is essential in the assessment of the diseased lung status during mechanical ventilation [1,2,3] During volume-controlled ventilation (VCV), Crs can be determined as tidal volume (VT) divided by the difference between plateau airway pressure (Pplat) and positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP):

$${C_{{\text{rs}}}}=\frac{{{V_T}}}{{{P_{{\text{plat}}}} - {\text{PEEP}}}}$$

Alternatively, Crs and resistance (Rrs) can be calculated during different modes of mechanical ventilation with a least squares fit (LSF) using the equation of motion of the respiratory system,


where Paw denotes the measured airway pressure, V’ denotes air flow and P0 the mathematically estimated alveolar pressure at the beginning of inspiration. The LSF technique can also be used for assessment of intratidal changes in Crs during a volume-controlled inspiration [4]. A decrease in Crs during the course of inspiration can be interpreted as alveolar overdistension, whereas an increase in Crs during inspiration can be interpreted as an indicator of tidal recruitment [4, 5]. Adjustment of mechanical ventilation according to the intratidal course of Crs has shown promising results in preliminary clinical studies [6, 7].

In clinical practice, a large number of patients are switched from controlled to assisted modes of mechanical ventilation like pressure support ventilation (PSV) early in the course of their disease [8]. In the presence of spontaneous breathing efforts, the results of the abovementioned equations become inaccurate due to the additional respiratory muscle pressure (Pmus) generated by the patient [9]. Different methods to overcome this problem have been proposed which employ some form of end-inspiratory airway occlusion for assessment of Crs when spontaneous breathing is present [10, 11]. These methods require the patient to relax the respiratory muscles during the airway occlusion, a precondition that is not always met by patients undergoing assisted mechanical ventilation. Moreover, an end-inspiratory occlusion interferes with the normal spontaneous breathing pattern during assisted modes of mechanical ventilation like PSV. Another method was recently proposed by Al-Rawas and coworkers, which elegantly transforms the equation of motion by applying the expiratory time constant to estimate Crs, Rrs and Pplat during various ventilatory modes [12]. This method may only be applied under the prerequisite that a time point during the course of inspiration is found, where the patient’s Pmus is negligible [13, 14]. This may not always be possible in patients with strong inspiratory efforts. Therefore, an alternative method for continuous monitoring of Crs during PSV is desirable.

It has been shown that the patient’s adaptation to respiratory muscle loading and unloading does not occur immediately but with a latency of a few breaths [15]. If repeated small changes in pressure support during ongoing PSV have no immediate effect on Pmus, it should be possible to calculate Crs from the change in VT induced by the change in PS, using the expiratory time constant to correct for different inspiration times and for the absence of an end-inspiratory pause. We hypothesized that this method could be used to obtain an accurate estimate of Crs during ongoing PSV.

2 Materials and methods

2.1 Study setting

The present study was a prospective, single-center pilot study involving 20 mechanically ventilated patients in two surgical intensive care units (ICUs). We included ICU patients who were on assisted mechanical ventilation with PSV or suitable for PSV as per clinical decision. Exclusion criteria were age < 18 years, pregnancy, hemodynamic instability, and severe chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. The study was approved by the local ethics committee (A125/12, 23-05-2012) and written informed consent was obtained from the patients or their legal representatives before study inclusion.

2.2 Preparation for the study

All patients were ventilated with an Evita XL ventilator (Dräger Medical, Lübeck, Germany). PEEP setting was maintained at the level set by the physician in charge. Paw and V’ were recorded at the Y-piece of the breathing circuit using a Bicore 2 device (CareFusion, Yorba Linda, CA, USA) at a sampling rate of 100 Hz. The study period consisted of two measurement periods that were applied to each patient in random order. Measurements were performed during VCV (measuring period VCV) and during PSV (measuring period PSV).

2.3 Measuring period PSV

Sedation was titrated to achieve a level on the Richmond Agitation and Sedation Scale (RASS) [16] of − 2 to − 3. Pressure rise time (Tramp) was set to 0.2 s and the pressure support termination criterion to 25% of peak inspiratory flow. The pressure support level was adapted to achieve a target VT of 6–8 ml/kg predicted body weight. The 100 ms occlusion pressure (P0.1) was measured as an indicator of respiratory drive.

For our experimental method, the pressure support level was manually increased or decreased for one single breath by 2 cmH2O after every 5th to 7th breath. It was immediately switched back to the previous value for the next breath (Fig. 1). This was repeated 10 to 15 times. Subsequently, pressure support level was manually decreased by 2 cmH2O after every 5th–7th breath and immediately returned to baseline for the next breath. This was also repeated 10–15 times.

Fig. 1
figure 1

An example of a patient examination with an increase in pressure support level by 2 cmH2O during the second breath (a). The corresponding volume curve is displayed in b. The increase in pressure support level lead to an increase in tidal volume of 69 ml. P aw airway pressure, t time, V T tidal volume

2.4 Measuring period VCV

During measuring period VCV, the patients were sedated to obtain a value on the Richmond Agitation and Sedation Scale of − 4 to − 5. The absence of spontaneous breathing activity was confirmed clinically and by visual analysis of the Paw and V’ curves. If spontaneous breathing activity was detected despite deep sedation, a non-depolarizing neuromuscular blocking agent was administered (Rocuronium, MSD Sharp & Dohme GmbH, Haar, Germany) at a dose of 0.6 mg per kg of predicted body weight. VT was adjusted to 6–8 ml/kg predicted body weight and respiratory rate was set to achieve clinically acceptable minute ventilation while avoiding air-trapping caused by incomplete expiration. Crs during VCV (Crs,VCV) was then determined during VCV with constant inspiratory flow and an end-inspiratory pause of at least 0.25 s. These ventilator settings were also maintained for at least five consecutive breaths.

2.5 Calculation of time constant during PSV

For the calculation of the expiratory time constant (τ) during PSV, all expirations were divided into ten slices of equal volume (please see Fig. 2 for a schematic graphical illustration). The time constant τ was calculated separately for all volume slices as the slope of the flow-volume curve of each slice. Equally, the coefficient of determination (r2) of the flow-volume curve was determined for each slice by using a linear regression fit. To determine τPSV for an individual patient, the mean τ was calculated from all expiratory slices with an r2 of > 0.95 from ten consecutive breaths. To avoid disturbances from residual muscle activity or other interferences, the first and the last slice of every expiration and all slices with r2 < 0.95 were excluded from the analysis.

Fig. 2
figure 2

Schematic representation of the division of the expiratory flow-volume loop into ten slices of equal volume. The expiratory time constant was determined as the mean slope of the regression lines from all slices with an almost linear flow-volume relationship, defined by a coefficient of determination (r2) of more than 0.95. The first and the last slice of every breath were ignored

2.6 Calculation of compliance during PSV

The compliance Crs during PSV (Crs,PSV) was calculated from the change in tidal volume ΔVT divided by the change in mean inspiratory Paw caused by the variation of pressure support (ΔPinsp), considering Tramp, inspiration time (Tinsp) and τ. The solution of the linear equation of motion (Eq. 2) following an initial pressure ramp can be computed in closed form for 0 ≤ t ≤ TRamp:

$${\text{V(t)~=~}}{{\text{y}}_{{\text{ramp}}}}{\text{(t)~=~}}{\text{P}_{{\text{insp}}}} \cdot {{\text{C}}_{{\text{rs}}}} \cdot ({\text{t}} - {{{\uptau}}}+{{~{\uptau}}} \cdot {{\text{e}}^{ - \frac{{\text{t}}}{{{{\uptau}}}}}})$$

The solution after changing to constant pressure at t1 = Tramp can be computed by superposition. A ramp with positive slope starting at t0 = 0 and continuing until t2 = Tinsp (for which the equation of motion can be solved according to Eq. 3) is superimposed by a ramp with negative slope starting at t1 = Tramp (Fig. 3). The solution during this phase of inspiration (TRamp ≤ t ≤ Tinsp) can thus be derived as as follows:

Fig. 3
figure 3

Illustration of the linear superposition for determining the temporal behavior of the inspiratory volume. The superposition of the initial ramp by a negative ramp starting at Tramp yields the desired constant pressure until Tinsp

$${\text{V}}({\text{t}}) = {\text{y}}_{\text{ramp}} ({\text{t}}) - {\text{y}}_{\text{ramp}} ({\text{t}} - {\text{T}}_{\text{Ramp}}) = {\text{P}}_{\text{insp}} \cdot {\text{C}}_{\text{rs}} \cdot {\text{e}}^{{-\frac{\text{t}}\uptau}} \left( {\uptau - \uptau \cdot {\text{e}}^{{ - \frac{{\text{T}}_{\text{ramp}}}{\uptau }}} } \right)$$

For our method, a change in VT was induced by performing a manual variation in pressure support level. When subtracting the breath after the change in Pinsp from the preceding breath, we obtain:

$${C_{{\text{rs,PSV}}}}=\frac{{{{{\Delta}}}{{\text{V}}_T}}}{{\Delta {P_{{\text{insp}}}}}} \cdot \frac{{{T_{ramp}}}}{{\tau \cdot {e^{\frac{{ - {T_{insp}}}}{\tau }}} \cdot (1 - {e^{\frac{{{T_{ramp}}}}{\tau }}})}}$$

To compensate for natural variations in Pmus, the median Crs,PSV was calculated from all variations of pressure support level.

2.7 Determination of reference values during VCV

The reference value Crs,VCV was calculated from the mean of five volume-controlled inspirations as follows:

$${C_{{\text{rs,VCV}}}}{\text{=~}}\frac{{{V_T}}}{{{P_{{\text{plat}}}} - {\text{PEEP}}}}$$

2.8 Post-hoc analyses

In a post-hoc analysis, intratidal Crs of the last slice of inspired volume (Crs,VCVfin) was calculated using the SLICE method [4]. For this purpose, the inspiration during VCV was divided into six slices of equal volume, omitting the first and the last 5% of inspired volume. Assuming a constant Rrs during the constant-flow phase of inspiration, Crs,VCVfin was calculated from the last slice before the end of inspiration using a linear least-squares approximation.

Furthermore, we separately assessed the agreement between Crs,PSV and Crs,VCV as well as Crs,VCVfin, respectively, for the subgroups of patients who did or did not require neuromuscular blockade during VCV. We also separately assessed the agreement between the values of Crs,PSV that had been obtained from increases and decreases in PS (Crs,PSV+2, Crs,PSV−2, respectively) and the reference value Crs,VCV.

Finally, we determined Crs with the method published by Al-Rawas and Co-Workers (Crs, τe) in [12] according to the equation

$${{\text{C}}_{{\text{rs}},{{{\uptau}e}}}}=\frac{{{{\text{V}}_{\text{t}}}+{{\mathbf{\tau }}_{\text{e}}}{\text{*inhaled~flow~rate}}}}{{{{\text{P}}_{{\text{aw}}}} - {\text{PEEP}}}}$$

where τ e was determined from the slope of the expiratory flow-volume curve between 0.1 and 0.5 s after the start of exhalation. Inhaled flow rate, Vt and Paw were determined according to [13, 14] at a time point close to the end of inhalation, 50 ms before the beginning of exhalation.

2.9 Blood gas analysis

Arterial partial pressure of oxygen (PaO2) with the corresponding inspired fraction of oxygen (FiO2) were obtained from the last blood gas sample taken before the beginning of the study procedure.

2.10 Statistical analyses

The basic calculations were performed with Excel Version 2011 for Mac (Microsoft, Redmond, USA). For the statistical analyses, Prism Version 6 (GraphPad, La Jolla, USA) was used. The measured data were tested for normal distribution using the D’Agostino Pearson omnibus normality test. Data were compared to the reference measurement by a two-sided paired t test (if normally distributed) or by a Wilcoxon matched-pairs signed rank test (if not normally distributed). Correlation between values was assessed by linear regression. Bias and 95% limits of agreement (LoA) were calculated by Bland–Altman analysis. All values are presented as means ± standard deviations unless otherwise specified. Numerical values are presented as mean ± standard deviation for normally distributed data or as median, 25th–75th percentile for non-normally distributed data.

3 Results

The study protocol was successfully applied to all patients included in the study. Baseline characteristics of the studied patients are given in Table 1. All values were normally distributed with the exception of P0.1. During VCV, the patients were ventilated with an average VT of 7.5 ± 1.6 ml/kg predicted body weight and a respiratory rate of 17.2 ± 6.5 breaths/min, resulting in a total minute ventilation of 7.9 ± 1.5 L/min. During PSV, patients were ventilated with a VT of 8.9 ± 2.1 ml/kg predicted body weight at a respiratory rate of 17.7 ± 5.8 breaths/min, resulting in a total minute ventilation of 9.7 ± 2.4 L/min. The applied PEEP level was 10.3 ± 3.2 cmH2O. The set PEEP level remained unchanged throughout the study period. The average PaO2/FiO2 ratio was 224 ± 91 mmHg. The median P0.1 during PSV was 3.1, 1.9–4.1 cmH2O/100 ms. Neuromuscular blockade was required in 9 out of 20 patients.

Table 1 Baseline characteristics of the studied patients

3.1 Determination of time constant during PSV

Overall, 32% of all analyzed slices of the expiratory flow-volume curves during PSV had an r2 of higher than 0.95. After excluding all remaining sections with r2 smaller than 0.95, we found an average value of 0.69 ± 0.20 s for τPSV. A detailed summary of the percentage of excluded slices for all sections analyzed can be found in Table 2.

Table 2 Percentage of slices of expiratory flow-volume curves with r2 < 0.95

3.2 Comparison of Crs,PSV to Crs,VCV

The average value of Crs,PSV was 32 ± 15 ml/cmH2O and differed significantly from the reference value Crs,VCV (39 ± 16 ml/cmH2O, p < 0.0001). Both values were highly correlated (r2 = 0.90; p < 0.0001). Bland–Altman analysis showed 95% limits of agreement ranging from − 16.8 to + 2.7 ml/cmH2O (bias − 7 ml/cmH2O) (Fig. 4).

Fig. 4
figure 4

Scatter plot and Bland–Altman plot of the calculated values for respiratory system compliance (Crs) measured during volume-controlled ventilation (Crs,VCV) and during pressure support ventilation (PSV) with the new proposed method (Crs,PSV). In the scatter plot, the dotted line represents the best fit between the shown values. In the Bland–Altman plot, the dashed line represents the bias whereas the dotted lines represent the 95% limits of agreement. R 2 coefficient of determination

3.3 Comparison of Crs,PSV to Crs,VCVfin

Analyzing the compliance of the last slice of inspiratory volume using the SLICE-method, we found an average value of Crs,VCVfin of 34 ± 14 ml/cmH2O. This did not differ significantly from Crs,PSV (32 ± 15 ml/cmH2O; p = 0.06). Linear regression revealed a good correlation between Crs,PSV and Crs,VCVfin (r2 = 0.87) and Bland–Altman methods comparison showed a small and statistically insignificant bias of − 2.4 ml/cmH2O and 95% limits of agreement ranging from − 12.8 to + 7.9 ml/cmH2O (Fig. 5).

Fig. 5
figure 5

Scatter plot and Bland–Altman plot of the calculated values for respiratory system compliance (Crs) measured during the last slice of volume-controlled inspiration (Crs,VCVfin) and during pressure support ventilation (PSV) with the new proposed method (Crs,PSV). In the scatter plot, the dotted line represents the best fit between the shown values. In the Bland–Altman plot, the dashed line represents the bias whereas the dotted lines represent the 95% limits of agreement. R 2 coefficient of determination

3.4 Effect of neuromuscular blockade

For the subgroup of 9 patients that required neuromuscular blockade to suppress spontaneous breathing activity during VCV, we found an average value of Crs,PSV of 30 ± 21 ml/cmH2O and an average value of Crs,VCV of 38 ± 22 ml/cmH2O. This difference was statistically significant (p < 0.0001). The correlation of Crs,PSV and Crs,VCV was excellent for this subgroup (r2 = 0.98; p < 0.0001).

In the subgroup of 11 patients that did not require neuromuscular blockade to suppress spontaneous breathing activity during VCV, we found an average value of Crs,PSV of 34 ± 8.2 ml/cmH2O and an average value of Crs,VCV of 39 ± 9.4 ml/cmH2O. This difference was also statistically significant (p = 0.008). The correlation of Crs,PSV and Crs,VCV was acceptable for this subgroup (r2 = 0.61, p = 0.005). Figure 6 summarizes the subgroup analyses for patients with and without the need for neuromuscular blockade during VCV.

Fig. 6
figure 6

Scatter plots and Bland–Altman plots of the calculated values for respiratory system compliance (Crs) measured during volume-controlled ventilation (Crs,VCV) and during pressure support ventilation (PSV) with the new proposed method (Crs,PSV), separated into the subgroups of patients who required neuromuscular blockade to suppress spontaneous breathing activity during VCV (above) and who did not require neuromuscular blockade during VCV (below). In the scatter plots, the dotted lines represent the best fit between the shown values. In the Bland–Altman plots, the dashed lines represent the bias whereas the dotted lines represent the 95% limits of agreement. R 2 coefficient of determination

3.5 Separate comparison of Crs,PSV from increases and decreases to Crs,VCV

For Crs,PSV+2, which was calculated only from stepwise increases in pressure support, we found an average value of 30.3 ± 20.3 ml/cmH2O, which was positively correlated to Crs,VCV (r2 = 0.80; p < 0.0001; bias = − 8.7 ml/cmH2O, 95% limits of agreement − 27.2 to + 9.9 ml/cmH2O) (Fig. 7).

Fig. 7
figure 7

Scatter plots and Bland–Altman plots of the calculated values for respiratory system compliance (Crs) measured during volume-controlled ventilation (Crs,VCV) and with the new proposed method during pressure support ventilation just from increases in pressure support level (Crs,PSV+2, above) and just from decreases in pressure support level (Crs,PSV−2, below) In the scatter plots, the dotted lines represent the best fit between the shown values. In the Bland–Altman plots, the dashed lines represent the bias whereas the dotted lines represent the 95% limits of agreement. R 2 coefficient of determination

For Crs,PSV−2, which was calculated only from stepwise decreases in pressure support, we found an average value of 33.4 ± 17.0 ml/cmH2O, also with a positive correlation to Crs,VCV (r2 = 0.72; p < 0.0001; bias = − 5.5 ml/cmH2O, 95% limits of agreement − 23.3 to + 12.2 ml/cmH2O) (Fig. 7).

There was no statistically significant difference between Crs,PSV+2 and Crs,PSV−2.

3.6 Comparison of Crs,τe to Crs,VCV

Applying the method proposed by Al-Rawas et al. we found an average value of Crs,τe of 53 ± 23 ml/cmH2O. This was significantly higher than the reference value Crs,VCV (38 ± 22 ml/cmH2O; p < 0.0001). Bland Altman methods comparison revealed a bias of + 14.5 ml/cmH2O and 95% limits of agreement of − 9.6 to + 38.6 ml/cmH2O. There was an excellent correlation between Crs,τe and Crs,VCV (r2 = 0.74; p < 0.0001) (Fig. 8).

Fig. 8
figure 8

Scatter plot and Bland–Altman plot of the calculated values for respiratory system compliance (Crs) measured during volume-controlled ventilation (Crs,VCV) and during pressure support ventilation with the method proposed by Al-Rawas and coworkers (Crs,τe). In the scatter plot, the dotted line represents the best fit between the shown values. In the Bland–Altman plot, the dashed line represents the bias whereas the dotted lines represent the 95% limits of agreement. R 2 coefficient of determination

4 Discussion

In this pilot study, the non-invasive assessment of Crs during PSV showed a good correlation with the reference values measured during VCV. However, we found a significant underestimation of Crs with the new method. Comparing Crs,PSV to the end-inspiratory value Crs,VCV20, we still found a good correlation but no statistically significant bias. The 95% limits of agreement for Crs were relatively broad which could limit the new method’s clinical applicability.

Assessment of Crs during any assisted mode of mechanical ventilation is challenging for several reasons. Not only is the patient’s average Pmus generally unknown, but it can also exhibit a considerable breath-by-breath variability [17]. In our method, this breath-by-breath variability of Pmus was taken into account by performing repeated variations in pressure support level and by calculating the median Crs,PSV from all variations that had been performed in an individual patient. Another challenge in the determination of Crs during PSV is the fact that there is no inspiratory plateau phase during PSV. Instead, there is generally a flow-dependent criterion for the termination of pressure support that can be adjusted according to the patient’s individual needs and that, in our study, remained set to 25% of peak inspiratory flow, the default setting on our ventilators. Together with Tramp, which, depending on the patient’s true Tinsp accounts for a variable decrease in mean inspiratory Paw, this pressure support termination criterion could lead to an underestimation of Crs,PSV due to the absence of an end-inspiratory pause. In our study, we attempted to correct this underestimation by compensating for the actual Tramp and Tinsp, assuming a constant inspiratory and expiratory time constant (Eq. 5).

For this study, we decided to determine the time constant only from those slices of expiration that exhibited an almost linear flow-volume relationship. With this approach, we tried to avoid any phases of expiration with residual inspiratory muscle activity as well as phases of expiration with forced expiratory muscle activity. A linear flow-volume relationship is typical for passive emptying in a first-order model with one resistance and one compliance. However, a constant residual Pmus during slices of exhalation would also result in a linear flow-volume relationship and cannot be detected by our method. Whether the proposed “slice” method is ideal for determining τe during PSV and which is the ideal number of slices as well as the ideal cut-off value for r2 remains to be investigated.

Despite the good correlation between Crs,PSV and Crs,VCV, the mean Crs,PSV was significantly smaller than the mean Crs,VCV. This may be caused by several reasons. First, a small difference in Pmus caused by the variations in pressure support level cannot be entirely excluded. If the patient’s Pmus becomes smaller with higher pressure support level and vice versa, this would result in an underestimation of Crs with our method. Second, our model for correction of the pressure support termination criterion and Tramp (Eq. 4) assumes the inspiratory pressure delivered by the ventilator to be constant after the end of the set ramp. This may not be the case during PSV, especially in patients with strong inspiratory effort (Fig. 1). Third, our approach is based on a simple one-compartment model of RSM that assumes Crs to be constant throughout the inspiratory period. In patients with heterogenous lung disease, Crs may show a volume-dependent intratidal variability [4, 18]. In cases of overdistension, where Crs becomes smaller during the “upper” part of the inspiratory pressure–volume loop, our method would underestimate the true value of Crs. Therefore, the observed bias may have been caused by a certain degree of intratidal overdistension induced by the tidal volume of 8.9 ± 2.1 ml/kg predicted body weight during PSV at the clinically set PEEP of 10.3 ± 3.2 cmH2O. This overdistension could have decreased respiratory system compliance in the course of inspiration. To test this hypothesis, we conducted a post-hoc analysis, comparing Crs,PSV to the end-inspiratory Crs during VCV, measured using the Slice method for the final part of inspired VT. Remarkably, the bias between Crs,PSV and Crs,VCVfin was negligible and not statistically significant. Therefore, it seems likely that Crs,PSV reflects Crs at the end of inspiration and is smaller than the average Crs in patients with overdistension. An assessment of Crs,PSV at different levels of PEEP could further elucidate this relationship and is planned for future work. In combination with other methods for determination of Crs during PSV, our method might therefore be used as a diagnostic tool for determining overdistension.

4.1 Alternative methods for determination of respiratory system mechanics during PSV

Approximately 20 years ago, Iotti et al. demonstrated that it is possible to determine RSM during PSV [9]. In their study, the authors used high levels of pressure support aiming at decreasing Pmus to a minimum. This would then allow a proper calculation of the patients’ respiratory system mechanics using a least-square fit method. However, applying high levels of pressure support may disturb the patients’ breathing pattern and may influence the weaning course. Furthermore, this method is not able to provide continuous data of the breathing mechanics during weaning.

In 2001, Younes et al. introduced a method for the determination of Crs [11] and another method for the determination of Rrs [19] during proportional assist ventilation (PAV). Both methods need a specially modified respirator which can automatically apply an end-inspiratory hold maneuver for determination of Crs and a short decrease of Paw (“pulse”) during the early inspiratory phase for determination of Rrs. The authors found a good correlation for both methods when compared to reference values measured during controlled mechanical ventilation. These estimates of Crs and Rrs can be used for automated control of PAV with load-adjustable gain factors [20] (PAV+). However, in a prospective observational study on post-cardiac surgery patients conducted by Patel and coworkers, evaluating the accuracy of Crs and Rrs determined by the aforementioned method, unacceptably large bias of − 17 cmH2O and 95% LoA ranging − 55 to + 22 cmH2O were found for Crs when compared to the reference method [21]. Patel et al. concluded that the estimates of respiratory mechanics by PAV + are too inaccurate to be clinically useful. In view of these contradictory results of Younes et al. and Patel et al. regarding the accuracy of the measured RSM during PAV, it remains unclear whether this method provides valid values for Crs and Rrs that can be used as a monitoring tool.

Recently, Al-Rawas and coworkers published a method for determination of plateau pressure, respiratory system compliance and total resistance during different ventilator modes using the expiratory time constant [12]. Similar to the method proposed in our manuscript, it is based on the assumption of similar inspiratory and expiratory time constants. However, since the equations proposed by Al-Rawas et al. do not incorporate a term for the Pmus generated by the patient, they require finding sections of the inspiratory cycle where Pmus is equal to or close to zero [13, 14]. When applying this method to the data from the present study, we found a significant bias of + 14.5 ml/cmH2O, leading to an overestimation of Crs with this method. This could be explained by residual inspiratory muscle activity, despite the fact that we chose time points very close (50 ms) to the end of inspiration for this analysis.

Our method differs from the one proposed by AL-Rawas and coworkers in that it does not assume Pmus to be zero. Instead, it applies a change in airway pressure for single breaths, assuming the induced change in Pmus to be close to zero. The advantages of the method proposed by Al-Rawas are that it does not require any specific maneuver and can be used on a breath-by-breath basis. Furthermore, it allows calculation of resistance and plateau pressure, giving a full picture of a patient’s respiratory mechanics regardless of ventilatory mode. Nevertheless, it could be inaccurate in patients with high respiratory drive, which is where our method may be advantageous for minimizing the confounding effect of the patient’s inspiratory Pmus.

4.2 Limitations

Our study has several limitations, which shall be addressed hereafter.

First, we cannot exclude a change in respiratory system mechanics caused by the switch from PSV to VCV and vice versa, which was accompanied by a deepening of sedation and, in some patients where this was not sufficient to suppress spontaneous breathing activity, neuromuscular paralysis. The loss of spontaneous breathing activity might have induced atelectases in some patients, leading to a smaller overall lung compliance. Confounding effects that could have been introduced by fluid shifts and viscous tissue effects in between the measurement periods can also not be entirely excluded.

Second and possibly related, the 95% limits of agreement between our method and the reference measurements for Crs were still relatively broad for clinical application. Nevertheless, they provide an estimate that is closer to the actual values than the LSF method ignoring the patient’s Pmus, which is currently employed by most ventilators and leads to gross overestimations in case of strong spontaneous efforts [9].

Third, our study was not designed to answer the important question whether the proposed method is able to accurately track changes in Crs. This needs to be done in future work before applying this method in clinical practice.

Fourth, our method is based on the assumption of relatively similar respiratory time constants during inspiration and expiration. This may not be the case in patients with chronic obstructive lung diseases (COPD) or asthma. In fact, the only patient in our study who was diagnosed with (mild) COPD had an expiratory time constant of 0.47 s, indicating there was no relevant expiratory air flow limitation in this patient. Therefore, we recommend that our method should presently not be applied in patients with expiratory air flow limitation caused by obstructive lung diseases.

Fifth, our method requires repeated changes in pressure support level and subsequent mathematical calculations that, when performed manually, are relatively time consuming. Due to the necessity of performing multiple repeated changes in PS level, obtaining a single value of Crs currently takes about 5–15 min, depending on the patient’s respiratory rate, not taking into account any necessary computation time.

Nevertheless, the changes in pressure support level and the required calculations could easily be performed automatically by the ventilator in the future without disturbing the patient. This would allow a higher number of pressure support level changes to be performed and analyzed, which might enhance the accuracy of the calculated values for Crs,PSV, improving the method’s clinical applicability. It may also improve the accuracy of our proposed method for determination of Crs. An automatic application of the method is therefore highly desirable.

5 Conclusions

This pilot study shows that it is possible to determine values for Crs during PSV with the help of small changes of pressure support level. The derived values have a strong correlation but relatively broad limits of agreement when compared to reference values obtained during VCV and appear to provide an estimate of end-inspiratory Crs. This simple measurement maneuver might improve the monitoring of patients undergoing assisted mechanical ventilation. For this purpose, it could be implemented as an automated maneuver in a respirator.