
Recent years have seen an increase in the volume of artificial intelligence (AI) research in the field of cancer imaging, prompting calls for appropriately rigorous design and appraisal standards [1,2,3,4,5,6]. Evaluation of AI research requires a skillset which is distinct from those of classical medical statistics and epidemiology. The problems of high dimensionality, overfitting and model generalisation are central challenges in AI modelling [7,8,9,10]. These phenomena potentially compromise the generalisation of AI models to the reality of clinical practice [11]. However, the reliability of these models may be estimated and maximised through rigorous experimental design and reporting [1, 12].

EQUATOR was founded to improve the quality of scientific research through standardisation of reporting guidelines [13, 14]. Established EQUATOR guidelines such as STARD [15], STROBE [16] and CONSORT [17] were not designed specifically to address the challenges of AI research. AI-focused guidelines have recently been developed including CLAIM [18], SPIRIT-AI [19], MI-CLAIM [20] and, prospectively, STARD-AI [21]. These are welcome measures as AI remains at an early phase of clinical implementation for diagnostic tasks. Although each set of reporting standards addresses a specific task, a high degree of overlap exists between these guidelines, reflecting the fundamental importance of many of the criteria.

CLAIM aims to promote clear, transparent and reproducible scientific communication about the application of AI to medical imaging and provides a framework to assure high-quality scientific reporting. Current conformity to these standards has not been formally quantified to date. Consequently, a need exists for a contemporary evaluation of design and reporting standards in the domain of cancer imaging AI research.

Following ImageNet 2012 [22], convolutional neural network (CNN) models have been adapted to various biomedical tasks. The approach is now the industry standard in AI applications for diagnostic radiology [23, 24]. In this study, we aim to quantify explicit satisfaction of the CLAIM criteria in recent studies applying CNNs to cancer imaging. We examine the adequacy of data and ground truth collection, model evaluation, result reporting, model interpretation, benchmarking and transparency in the field. We identify key areas for improvement in the design and reporting of CNN research in the field of diagnostic cancer imaging.

Materials and methods

Inclusion criteria

  1. 1.

    The article evaluates a CNN model for radiological cancer diagnosis in humans.

  2. 2.

    The model receives a radiological image as its sole input.

  3. 3.

    The article was published in a peer-reviewed journal between January 1, 2016, and August 1, 2020.

  4. 4.

    The article is published in the English language.

Exclusion criteria

  1. 1.

    The model addresses a non-diagnostic task such as pre-processing, segmentation or genotyping.

  2. 2.

    The model receives non-radiological images such as histopathology, dermoscopy, endoscopy or retinoscopy.

  3. 3.

    The article presents experiments on animal or synthetic data.

  4. 4.

    The article primarily addresses economic aspects of model implementation.

  5. 5.

    The article is published in a low-impact journal.

  6. 6.

    The article is unavailable in full-text format.


PubMed, EMBASE, MEDLINE and SCOPUS databases were searched systematically for original articles from January 1, 2016, to August 14, 2020, for articles meeting our inclusion and exclusion criteria. Search queries for each database are included in the supplementary material. The search was performed on August 14, 2020. No other sources were used to identify articles. Screening and decisions regarding inclusion based on the full text were performed independently by 2 reviewers (R.O.S., A.S., clinical fellows with 3 years and 1 year of experience of AI research, respectively) and disagreements resolved by consensus. A senior reviewer (V.G.) was available to provide a final decision on unresolved disagreements. Duplicated articles were removed. Articles were not screened with the QUADAS tool [25], as it shares several items with the CLAIM guideline. Exclusion of QUADAS-incompliant articles would have biased subsequent estimations of CLAIM compliance.

Data extraction

Data items were defined to measure compliance with CLAIM proposal and previously published proposals [1, 18]. Complex items with multiple conditions were subdivided as appropriate. Data items are listed in Table 1. First author, journal, publication year, modality and body system were also extracted. Studies which served to validate existing models were exempt from all items pertaining to model development. Studies not employing model ensembling were exempt from item 27.

Table 1 List of the data items evaluated. Items are derived from the CLAIM guidance. CLAIM items with multiple conditions are divided into sub-items, denoted as alphabetical suffixes. Compliant values are all values considered satisfactory for that item. Exemptions indicate types of study which are not required to satisfy an item

Articles were read and annotated by R.O.S. and A.S., and disagreements were resolved by consensus. Articles were read in random order, using a fixed sequence generated in R [26]. Journal H-index was extracted from the Scimago journal rankings database [27]. Journals were categorised as either “clinical” or “technical” according to the journal name—names containing any term related to computer science, artificial intelligence or machine learning were assigned the “technical” category. The remaining journals were assigned the “clinical” category.

Data analysis

Statistical analysis was conducted using R version 3.5.3 [26] and RStudio version 1.1.463 [28]. For each item, the proportion of compliant studies was measured, excluding those with applicable exemptions. For items with ≥ 3 response categories, proportions were also measured for each category. Ninety-five percent confidence intervals (95% CI) were estimated around binary proportions using the method of Clopper and Pearson [29] and around multinomial proportions using the method of Sison and Glaz [30, 31]. Following adherence assessment recommendations [32], an overall CLAIM compliance score was defined per article by the proportion of applicable items satisfied. Items and subitems were weighted equally.

$$ \mathrm{CLAIM}\ \mathrm{compliance}=\frac{\mathrm{number}\ \mathrm{of}\ \mathrm{items}\ \mathrm{satisfied}}{\mathrm{number}\ \mathrm{of}\ \mathrm{items}\ \mathrm{applicable}} $$

Temporal change in CLAIM compliance was evaluated by two-sided test of Spearman rank correlation between CLAIM score and year of publication. Association between journal impact factor and compliance was evaluated with a two-sided test of Spearman rank correlation between journal H-index and CLAIM score. The difference in mean CLAIM compliance between clinical and technical journals was evaluated with a two-sided t test. All code and data required to support the findings of this research are available from the corresponding author upon request. As a methodological review assessing study reporting, this study was not eligible for registration with the PROSPERO database.



Six hundred fifty-five articles were identified in the primary database search, of which 267 were duplicates. One hundred twenty articles were excluded during title screen, and 82 articles were excluded during abstract screening. One hundred eighty-six articles were included in the final analysis. A flow diagram for the literature search process is provided in Fig. 1. The dataset included articles from 106 journals. Fifty-four clinical journals and 44 technical journals were included. Assigned journal categories are provided in Supplementary Table 1. The distributions of article publication year, body system and modality for are provided in Fig. 2.

Fig. 1
figure 1

Flow diagram of literature search process

Fig. 2
figure 2

Distribution of included articles. Left: study publication year. Middle: body system imaged. Right: imaging modality employed

Title, abstract and introduction

Compliance for items 1–13 is shown in Fig. 3. Ninety-one percent of studies identified their model as a convolutional neural network (170/186, 95% CI 86–95%) and 70% presented a structured abstract (131/186, 95% CI 63–77%). Ninety-eight percent included scientific and clinical background (183/186, 95% CI 95–100%). Although 92% of studies stated objectives (171/186, 95% CI 87–95%), only 4% included explicit hypotheses (8/186, 95% CI 2–8%).

Fig. 3
figure 3

Compliance with CLAIM items 1–13. Compliance rate is defined as the proportion of articles subject to that item which satisfy it. Exemptions are provided in Table 1. Point estimates and 95% confidence intervals are reported

Study design

Thirty-three percent of studies documented a retrospective or prospective timeframe (62/186, 95% CI 27–41%). Of these, 87% were retrospective (54/62, 95% CI 81–95%), 10% were prospective (6/62, 95% CI 3–18%) and 3% used both retrospective and prospective data (2/62, 95% CI 0–11%). Twenty-five percent of studies specified a goal (47/186, 95% CI 19–32%).


Ninety-four percent of studies documented their data sources (174/186, 95% CI 89–97%). Of these, 45% used publicly available datasets only (79/174, 95% CI 38–53%), 49% used local data only (85/174, 95% CI 41–57%) and 6% combined public datasets with locally collected data (10/174, 95% CI 0–14%). Seventy-two percent of studies documented the centres from which the data was sourced (134/185, 95% CI 65–79%). Of these, 50% used data from multiple centres (67/135, 95% CI 41–58%). Fifty-one percent of studies detailed the imaging equipment used (94/186, 95% CI 43–58%). Of these, 53% employed equipment from multiple vendors (50/94, 95% CI 43–64%). Image acquisition parameters were documented in 37% of studies (69/186, 95% CI 30–44%). Amongst studies which collected local data, 83% documented institutional review board approval (79/95, 95% CI 74–90%) and 26% documented participant consent (25/95, 95% CI 18–36%). In studies of publicly available data, 9% documented institutional review board approval (7/79, 95% CI 4–17%) and 8% documented participant consent (6/79, 95% CI 3–16%). Twenty-seven percent of studies documented eligibility criteria for their data (50/186, 95% CI 21–34%).

Pre-processing was documented in 69% of studies (128/186, 95% CI 62–75%), though only 53% provided a reproducible methodology (98/186, 95% CI 46–60%). Data subsetting was applied in 42% of studies (78/186, 95% CI 35–49%), of which 95% included methods (74/78, 95% CI 87–99%). As per our inclusion criteria, all studies employed convolutional neural network models, which define predictor features autonomously. We also required an outcome in the domain of radiological cancer diagnosis. Therefore, relevant data elements were defined in 100% of included studies (186/186, 95% CI 98–100%). Nineteen percent of studies performing local data collection documented data anonymisation (18/95, 95% CI 12–28%), though only 3% detailed the methodology (3/95, 95% CI 0–11%). Eighty-four percent of studies performing local data collection documented data anonymisation, institutional review board approval or both (80/95, 95% CI 75–91%). Three percent of studies of publicly available data documented data anonymisation (3/91, 95% CI 1–9%), and none detailed the methodology. Missing data procedures were documented in 17% of studies (31/186, 95% CI 12–23%). Case exclusion was the only strategy employed to manage missing data in these studies (31/31, 95% CI 89–100%).

Ground truth

Compliance for items 14–27 is shown in Fig. 4. Twenty-five percent of studies defined the reference standard or used a Common Data Element such as the American College of Radiology Reporting and Data Systems (46/186, 95% CI 19–32%). Three percent of studies provided rationale for the reference standard (5/186, 95% CI 1–6%). However, 50% employed definitive clinical standards such as histopathology, case follow-up or definitive imaging modalities (93/186, 95% CI 43–57%). Of these, 77% used histopathology (72/93, 95% CI 70–86%), 15% used histopathology in combination with follow-up imaging (14/93, 95% CI 8–23%) and 2% used histopathology in combination with definitive imaging (2/93, 95% CI 0–10%). Four percent used follow-up only (14/93, 95% CI 8–23%), and 1% used definitive imaging only (1/93, 95% CI 0–9%).

Fig. 4
figure 4

Compliance with CLAIM items 14–27. Compliance rate is defined as the proportion of articles subject to that item which satisfy it. Exemptions are provided in Table 1. Point estimates and 95% confidence intervals are reported

Forty percent of studies documented image annotation by a radiologist with relevant subspecialist expertise (75/186, 95% CI 33–48%). A further 32% documented annotation by a radiologist with unspecified expertise (60/186, 95% CI 25–40%) and 4% used other clinicians (8/186, 95% CI 0–12%). Of the studies which utilised histopathological ground truth, 8% specified annotation by a pathologist with relevant subspecialist experience (7/88, 95% CI 3–16%). Twelve percent of studies documented the software tools used for image annotation (22/186, 95% CI 8–17%). Eighteen percent of studies provided inter-rater or intra-rater variability statistics (34/186, 95% CI 13–25%), and 27% provided their aggregation strategy (50/186, 95% CI 21–34%), though only 16% provided both (30/186, 95% CI 11–22%).

Data partitions

Eighty-seven percent of studies reported the number of images modelled (161/186, 95% CI 81–91%), though only 1% provided a power calculation (1/186, 95% CI 0–3%). Seventy-two percent specified the number of study participants in their dataset (133/186, 95% CI 64–78%). Of these, a median of 367 participants were included (IQR 172–1000). Seven studies served only to validate existing models and were exempted from criteria pertaining to model development and data partitioning. Seventy-six percent of modelling studies defined data partitions and their proportions (136/179, 95% CI 69–82%), though 32% specified the level of partition disjunction (58/179, 95% CI 26–40%).


Sixty-six percent of modelling studies provided a detailed model description (119/179, 95% CI 59–73%) and 20% of modelling studies provided access to source code (35/179, 95% CI 14–26%). Sixty-eight percent documented the development software (122/179, 95% CI 61–75%), though only 41% included the software version (74/179, 95% CI 34–49%). Sixty-eight percent of modelling studies reported model initialisation parameters (122/179, 95% CI 61–75%). Of these, 52% employed transfer learning (93/179, 95% CI 44–59%) and 3% compared transfer learning with random initialisation (4/124, 95% CI 1–8%).


Sixty-five percent of modelling studies reported data augmentation (117/179, 95% CI 58–72%), though only 54% documented reproducible methodology (96/179, 95% CI 46–61%). Sixty-one percent of modelling studies documented the optimisation algorithm (109/179, 95% CI 53–68%), 61% documented learning rate (110/179, 95% CI 54–69%), 44% documented loss function (78/179, 95% CI 36–51%) and 52% documented batch size (93/179, 95% CI 44–59%). Model selection strategies were documented in 69% of modelling studies (123/179, 95% CI 61–75%). Of 30 studies which employed model ensembling, 93% reported their aggregation methodology (28/30, 95% CI 78–99%).


Compliance with CLAIM items 28–42 is shown in Fig. 5. Fifty-five percent of studies defined performance metrics (103/186, 95% CI 48–63%) and 36% provided some rationale for these (67/186, 95% CI 29–43%). Statistical significance of results was reported with methodology in 61% of studies (114/186, 95% CI 54–68%) and without methodology in 97% (181/186, 95% CI 94–99%). Twelve percent of studies evaluated model robustness (22/186, 95% CI 8–17%). Although 25% of studies attempted some interpretation of the model (47/186, 95% CI 19–32%), only 9% provided validated methodology for their procedure (17/186, 95% CI 5–14%).

Fig. 5
figure 5

Compliance with CLAIM items 28–42. Compliance rate is defined as the proportion of articles subject to that item which satisfy it. Exemptions are provided in Table 1. Point estimates and 95% confidence intervals are reported

Forty-nine percent of studies assessed model performance on test data which was explicitly disjunct from training and validation data (91/186, 95% CI 42–57%). Forty-five percent of studies mentioned only two data partitions (83/186, 95% CI 38–53%); their reported results may have represented validation rather than test performance. A further 6% failed to document any data partitions (12/186, 95% CI 0–14%); their reported results may have represented training performance. Forty-one percent of studies benchmarked models against other computational methods (77/186, 95% CI 34–49%). Seventeen percent of studies benchmarked their model against radiologists with relevant subspecialist expertise (31/186, 95% CI 11–23%). Five percent of studies benchmarked their model against radiologists without specifying expertise (9/186, 95% CI 0–11%) and 1% employed other clinicians (1/186, 95% CI 0–7%).


Case flow diagrams were provided in 8% of studies (14/186, 95% CI 4–12%). Thirty-one percent of studies reported demographic and clinical characteristics of their population (58/186, 95% CI 25–38%). However, only 10% described separate distributions for each data partition (18/186, 95% CI 6–15%). Fifteen percent of studies reported performance metrics on test data from another institution (28/186, 95% CI 8–23%). Thirty-four percent used test data from the same institution (63/186, 95% CI 27–41%). Diagnostic accuracy was reported with confidence intervals in 40% of studies (75/186, 95% CI 33–48%). Twenty-four percent of studies discussed misclassified examples (44/186, 95% CI 18–30%).


Forty-six percent of studies discussed limitations (85/186, 95% CI 38–53%) and 37% clinical implications of their findings (69/186, 95% CI 30–44%).

Other information

Study registration numbers were provided in 7% of studies (13/186, 95% CI 3.8–11.7%), and study protocols in 1% (2/186, 95% CI 0.1–3.8%). Funding was documented in 65% of studies (121/186, 95% CI 57.7–71.9%) though only 3% included the role of the funding institution (6/186, 95% CI 0.0–10.9%). A further 6% of studies stated that they did not receive funding (12/186, 95% CI 0.0–14.1%). Compliance for items 1–42 is provided in Supplementary Table 3.

Overall CLAIM compliance

Median CLAIM compliance was 0.40 (IQR 0.33–0.49). Compliance correlated positively with publication year (ρ = 0.15, p = .04) and journal H-index (ρ = 0.27, p < .001). Clinical journals demonstrated higher mean compliance than technical journals (0.44 vs. 0.37, p < .001). Compliance distribution is visualised with respect to publication year, journal H-index and journal category in Fig. 6.

Fig. 6
figure 6

Left: CLAIM compliance over time. Compliance was defined per article by the proportion of applicable items satisfied. Boxplot centrelines indicate median annual compliance. Hinges indicate first and third quartiles. Whiskers indicate maxima and minima. Middle: CLAIM compliance and journal H-index for each article. Right: CLAIM compliance in clinical journals and technical journals. Journals were categorised as either “clinical” or “technical” according to the journal name—names containing any term related to computer science, artificial intelligence or machine learning were assigned the “technical” category. The remaining journals were assigned the “clinical” category


Radiological AI is undergoing a development phase, reflected in growing annual publication volume and recognition by clinical researchers [33,34,35,36,37]. To safely harness the potential of new methodologies, clinicians have called for realistic, reproducible and ethical research practices [1, 38,39,40,41,42,43,44]. The CLAIM guidance sets stringent standards for research in this domain, amalgamating the technical requirements of the statistical learning field [9, 45] with the practicalities of clinical research [1, 2, 15, 46]. We observed improvements in documentation standards improved over time, a finding concurrent with previous reviews of AI research [43, 45]. Compliance was highest in impactful clinical journals, demonstrating the value of design and reporting practices at peer review.

A key opportunity for improvement is model testing, addressed by items 20, 21, 32 and 35. Documentation should specify three disjoint data partitions for CNN modelling (which may be resampled with cross-validation or bootstrapping). Training data is used for model learning, validation data for model selection and test data to assess performance of a finalised model [47, 48]. Half of studies documented two or less partitions—in these cases, results may have represented validation or even training performance. Where data partitions were not disjoint on per-patient basis, data leakage may have occurred despite partitioned model testing. These scenarios bias generalisability metrics optimistically. Some multi-centre studies partitioned data at the patient level rather than the institutional level, missing an opportunity to evaluate inter-institution generalisability.

Evidently, CLAIM has also introduced requirements which depart from current norms. Few studies satisfied item 12, which requires the documentation of data anonymisation methods, an issue which has developed with image recognition capabilities [41, 49, 50]. This requirement may have previously been relaxed for studies of publicly available data or those which documented institutional review board approval, as either case suggests previous certification of data governance procedures. The spirit of the CLAIM guidance is obviation of such assumptions with clear documentation, promoting a culture of research transparency. In many such cases, the burden of improved compliance is minimal, mandating only the documentation of additional information.

Our findings concur with previous reviews of design and reporting standards in both clinical and general-purpose AI research. A review of studies benchmarking AI against radiologists identified deficient documentation of data availability, source code, eligibility and study setting [38]. Reviews of TRIPOD adherence in multivariate diagnostic modelling found deficient model assessment and data description [12, 51, 52]. Reviews of reproducibility in AI research have reported insufficient documentation of data availability, source code, protocols and study registration [43, 45, 53]. Many commentators have advocated for transparency in clinical AI research [19, 38, 40, 42, 43, 53, 54].

We note several limitations to this systematic review. First, as scope was limited to studies published in English, findings were susceptible to language bias. Second, although reporting standards were directly measurable, items relating to study design were only measurable if reported. Consequently, design compliance may have been underestimated in poorly reported studies. This is a general limitation of reviews in this field. Third, articles were read sequentially and therefore readers were potentially susceptible to anchoring bias. The effect of anchoring on the trend and subgroup analyses was minimised by randomisation of the reading order.


Design and reporting standards have improved in CNN research for radiological cancer diagnosis, though many opportunities remain for further progress. The CLAIM guidance sets a high standard for this developing field, consolidating clinical and technical research requirements to enhance the quality of evidence. Our data supports the need for integration of CLAIM guidance into the design and reporting of CNN studies for radiological cancer diagnosis.