
1 Introduction

Many computing applications require processing of data that are directly collected from the Internet. In this context, the use of the Resource Description Framework (RDF [3]) has became common. RDF documents define a set of triples (subject, predicate, object). The components of these triples are text or URIs used to identify resources over the Internet. These sets of triples may be seen as a graph database, where the predicate of each triple corresponds to an edge linking the subject and object. This format is well suited to represent data related to applications such as social networks or IoT [12].

The current standard to query graph databases is SPARQL [1]. The expressiveness of SPARQL is limited by the use of regular expressions to define query paths (called Property Paths in SPARQL). There are interesting queries that cannot be expressed by property paths. Examples of these are the same-generation queries [4], where the predicates linking nodes in the query to nodes in the answer is a string belonging to a context-free language. Some ongoing research initiatives define context-free path queries [7,8,9, 13].

In this work, we contribute to the area by investigating how LR(1) parsing techniques [5] can be adapted to perform this class of queries. The main contributions of this paper are: (i) the design of an algorithm based on LR(1) parsing to recognize context-free paths in graphs; and (ii) the performance evaluation of our algorithm by means of experiments over ontologies and synthetic graphs.

This paper is organized as follows: Sect. 2 presents the concepts and definitions used in this work, a well as introduces our query evaluation algorithm; Sect. 3 is devoted to our experiments; and Sect. 4 gives some final remarks.

2 LR Queries over Graph Databases

A database is a collection of organized, related data which is used as a source to answer user queries or to facilitate other data processing activities. The basic database management problem is how to store and organize data efficiently to meet the data processing needs of the applications which use the data [4].

Graph databases are usually represented by using RDF (Resource Description Framework) [2], a W3C standard. Querying a graph database consists on looking for nodes of the graph under some search criteria. The standard query language for RDF databases is SPARQL [1], an SQL-inspired declarative query language. SPARQL allows the user to define paths inside the graph by using property paths. Evaluating a given property path R consists in finding all the pairs of nodes linked by paths belonging to the regular language generated by R.

Formally, a Graph Database is a set of triples in \(V \times E \times V\), where V is a set of nodes and E is a set of edge labels. Given an initial node, the query processor looks for paths in the graph database. A path linking the nodes n and m of a graph database is defined as strings of edges linking n to m. In our context, these strings belong to the language generated by a context-free grammar [5]. Given a graph database D and a grammar G, a query \(Q_G\) is defined as a set of nodes of D. The nodes in \(Q_G\) will be used as starting points of G-generated paths in the graph database D. For any node n in \(Q_G\), the evaluation of the query will look for those nodes m in the graph that are (i) linked to n by a path in D and (ii) the sequence of edges of the path forms a string generated by the grammar G. The answer to \(Q_G\) will be all the nodes of the graph D reachable by such paths.

LR parsing [5] is a well-known technique capable of parsing most current programming languages. Given a context-free grammar, LR parsers perform a reverse derivation for the input string. Intuitively, the parser shifts states (terminal symbols) onto a stack until forming the right-hand side of a production rule. Once a right-hand side is found, it is replaced (on the stack) by a state corresponding to the non-terminal symbol of the left-hand side of the rule. This operation is called reduce.

Tomita-Style Generalised LR Parsers. In [10, 11], a bottom-up parsing algorithm is presented for general context-free grammars. The LR parsing process uses a data structure called Graph Structured Stack (GSS) to represent several stacks. A GSS is a compact data structure that keeps track of multiple derivations without processing any part of the input twice. A GSS is formed by state nodes (states of the LR automaton) and symbol nodes (containing terminals and nonterminals of the grammar). State nodes are grouped into levels and the parser processes one level at each iteration. An initial level \(U_0\) contains just the initial state of the automaton. Each subsequent level will be constructed by processing shift actions. Given a state node \(s_i\) at level \(U_k\), the action “shift \(s_j\)” for a given input symbol a will create a new state node \(s_j\) at the GSS level \(U_{k+1}\) (Fig. 1).

Fig. 1.
figure 1

Representation of a shift action in a GSS.

For any state node \(s_j\) at level \(U_k\), a reduction by the rule \(A \rightarrow \alpha \) at state \(s_j\) adds a new state node \(s_h\) at the same \(U_k\) level. This new node is connected to the ancestor \(s_i\) of \(s_j\), such that, the distance between \(s_i\) and \(s_j\) in the GSS is \(|\alpha |\) (the size of the right-hand side of the production rule). In this way, the state node \(s_j\) is located at level \(U_{k-|\alpha |}\) (Fig. 2).

Fig. 2.
figure 2

Representation of a reduce action in a GSS.

The Proposed Method: GSSLR. Our method receives a data graph DG, a Context-Free Grammar G, a query Q of nodes of DG and calculates the set \(Answers_G(Q)\). \(Answers_G(Q)\) contains those nodes of DG that can be reached from nodes in Q through a path which is a word of the language generated by G. Our method is described by Algorithm 1 and uses a variant of GSS to encompass several derivations at a time: Our GSS contains sd-nodes, which associate states of LR automata with nodes of data graphs. First, the algorithm creates a parsing table for G (line 2) and initializes the GSS (line 3). The state \(s_0\) is the start state of the LR automaton for G. The level \(U_0\) of the GSS includes all the sd-nodes in \(\{ (a, s_0)\ |\ a \in Q \} \). The algorithm iterates over three main sets, namely VisitedPairs, ReductionEdges and Answers (defined at lines 4, 5 and 6 respectively):

  • VisitedPairs contains the nodes of the GSS during the parsing.

  • ReductionEdges is a set of triples (aAb), where a and b are vertices of the graph and A is a non-terminal symbol. These triples represent the existence of an A-generated path from vertex a to vertex b in the data graph. This set is produced by the algorithm during the parsing.

  • Answers is the result of the query evaluation.

The main loop of Algorithm 1 (lines 8 to 43) iterates over (new) levels of the GSS. The loop exits when no new data is included in any of the sets VisitedPairs or ReductionEdges. Notice that the body of this main loop has three main parts, corresponding to the possible actions of the LR parser.

Lines 10 to 25 process all the possible reduce actions over the sd-nodes at the current GSS level. For each sd-node \((a, s_i)\), and triple (atb) in DG, the algorithm looks for reductions by t at state \(s_i\). For each possible reduction, a new sd-node is created at the current level of the GSS. The new sd-node is linked to ancestor sd-nodes of the GSS, depending on the length of the right-hand side of the production rule used in the reduction. Each reduction may add a new triple to ReductionEdges. Intuitively, changes on ReductionEdges mean that the parser may discover new paths originated from derivations depending on the new reduction. This indicates that a new iteration needs to be performed.

Lines 26 to 32 produce new answers. Processing a query for a given origin vertex a, is to find all the paths \(a\pi b\) generated by the grammar G. Any vertex of DG reachable at an accepting state of the parser is an answer to the query.

Lines 33 to 41 create the next level of the GSS. For each sd-node \((a, s_i)\) at the current GSS level, the algorithm looks for shift actions at state \(s_i\) and outgoing edges of a in DG, creating new nodes at the next level of the GSS.

figure a

3 Experimental Results

In order to validate our proposal, we produced a prototype in Python. Our prototype was executed on an AMD Phenom II X4 B97 processor, with 7.3 GB of RAM, running Ubuntu 16.04 (x64) and Python 2.7. We also benefit of the speed gains provided by the PyPy Python compiler [6], which uses Just-in-Time (JIT) compiling techniques. The times reported are the average of five runs. Two experiments were performed. The first one evaluates the feasibility and efficacy of our method by comparing our results to those obtained in the related work [7, 9, 13]. The second experiment evaluates the scalability of our approach and used synthetic data to compare our results with those of [9].

Fig. 3.
figure 3

Grammars for Queries \(Q_1\) (a) and \(Q_2\) (b).

Experiment 1: In the first experiment, two queries over a number of popular RDF ontologies are considered. Query \(Q_1\) looks for all pairs of nodes at the same sub-class level of each ontology. Query \(Q_2\) returns all pairs of nodes on adjacent sub-class levels. The grammar rules for queries \(Q_1\) and \(Q_2\) are given in Fig. 3. As it is usual in RDF, the superscript “\(-1\)” indicates the inversed transversal of an edge of the graph. The RDF ontologies used in the experiments are Skos, Generations, Travel, Univ-bench, Foaf, People-pets, Funding, Atom-primitive, Biomedical, Pizza and Wine. These databases are used by [7, 9, 13] to perform the same experiment as ours. These ontologies can be found on the Web.

In Fig. 4 we compare our results to those in [7, 9, 13] for query \(Q_1\). All the data correspond to average running times in milliseconds, as presented on those papers. GSSLR refers to our implementation.

Fig. 4.
figure 4

Performance evaluation for Query \(Q_1\) on RDF databases.

Due to to the differences in running environments, the comparison between these four implementations is not a fair one. However, it is useful as a general performance indication. The experiments of [13] were executed under Windows 7 on a Intel Core i5-760 2.80 GHz with 6 GB of RAM. Their implementation was written in Java 7. The results of [9] were obtained in a similar architecture as ours, but without the use of the JIT Python compiler. The running environment of [7] was an Intel Core i7-4790, 3.60 GHz CPU machine with 32 GB RAM running Windows 10 Pro. Their implementation was written in F#.

Fig. 5.
figure 5

Performance evaluation for Query \(Q_2\) on RDF databases.

Figure 5 presents the results for query \(Q_2\), under the same considerations as before. The comparison with the results obtained in [13] shows the expressive gain of our implementation when compared to theirs. The comparison of our implementation with that of [9] shows that our algorithm outperforms their implementation for the given ontologies and queries.

The results presented in [7] are close to ours. It is worth to notice that for both queries, our implementation is faster than [7] in all but three ontologies, even with a noticeable disadvantage in processing power (due to the hardware used in both experiments). This is an indication of the feasibility of our approach.

Experiment 2: This experiment consists on querying a number of synthetic graphs. The queries \(Q_3\) and \(Q_4\) are defined over the grammars presented in [7], which are reproduced in Fig. 6. Both grammars generate the same language, being grammar (a) ambiguous, while grammar (b) is unambiguous and LR(1).

Fig. 6.
figure 6

Grammars for queries \(Q_3\) and \(Q_4\).

This experiment uses graphs with the topology of complete binary trees. There are two terminals, a and b, linking data nodes. Query \(Q_3\) consists on finding all the nodes linked to other nodes of the graph by paths generated by derivations of the symbol S of the grammar in Fig. 6(a). Query \(Q_4\) is the same as \(Q_3\), but considering the grammar in Fig. 6(b). As expected, both queries produce the same results.

In order to evaluate the scalability of our algorithm, both queries are evaluated on datasets of increasing size (in terms of the height of the binary trees). In Fig. 7 we compare our results with those of [9]. Notice that for the ambiguous grammar our results are close to those of [9]. For the unambiguous grammar, our algorithm presents a significant gain in performance. We can explain this gain by the fact that the number of derivations to be represented in the GSS directly impacts on the performance of our algorithm.

Fig. 7.
figure 7

Visualization of the binary tree experiment results.

The overall results of the experiments suggest that it is viable to use our proposed algorithm to perform context-free queries on graphs on most of the real world scenarios. Due to the differences in the hardware used to execute the experiments, we cannot directly compare our results with the other proposals.

4 Conclusion

We presented a new algorithm for the implementation of context-free path queries for graph databases. The proposed algorithm is inspired by the LR parsing technique [5] and uses a variant of the GSS introduced in [11] to encompass several derivations at a time. A Python prototype was implemented and experiments were conducted to validate and compare the results of our algorithm with those obtained by similar approaches. Two experiments and four queries were considered to evaluate our algorithm. In the first experiment, the ontologies used in [7, 9, 13] were used as databases. The main goal of this experiment was to investigate the feasibility of our method and compare our results with those reported in these works. In the second experiment, synthetic data of different sizes were used to investigate the scalability of our approach and compare it to [9]. Both experiments indicate that our algorithm performs as well as or better than similar approaches.