1928 ST. Discovered 1928 Sept. 21 by G. N. Neujmin at Simeis.

Named by the discoverer (RI 509) in honor of the American astronomer and director of Harvard Observatory Harlow Shapley (1885–1972). (H 105)

Obituaries published in Nature, Vol. 240, p. 429–430 (1972); Orion, 30. Jahrg., p. 186 (1972); Sky Telesc., Vol. 44, p. 354–357 (1972); Sterne Weltraum, Vol. 11, p. 296 (1972); Astrophys. Space Sci., Vol. 18, p. 258–266 (1972); Coelum, Vol. 41, p. 13–15 (1973); J.R. Astron. Soc. Can., Vol. 67, p. 31–33 (1973); Irish Astron. J., Vol. 10, p. 302–303 (1972); C.R. Acad. Sci., Vie Acad., Vol. 277, p. 119–120 (1973); Vesmír, Vol. 52, p. 254 (1973); Alm. Österr. Akad Wiss., 123. Jahrg., p. 315-321 (1973).